02-06-2012, 08:16 PM
I removed my Intake Silencer today. Pointless little box that was made for people who wanted quite cars I guess. But that obviously doesnt apply to us. :) Instead of them just going into a box, now it can somewhat pick up some cooler air. I havent seen a write up on this, so I figured I would make one. I have seen a few people say to jack the car up and take the right front wheel off, but I did it without doing that, which I think was way easier. Ok so the only things you will need:
Philips screwdriver
Socket wrench with a 10mm. An extension would be very helpful with this also.
Took me about 20-30 minutes to do this little job, and I was just winging it. Wasnt fully sure how to get to it, but I figured it out pretty easily.
Step 1:
Unclip the sides of the airbox, and then unscrew this screw with the 10mm.
Step 2:
After unscrewing it, take the top of the box and filter and set it aside on top of the engine, or somewhere out of the way. There are two nuts inside the box. Unscrew the nuts and set them aside.
Step 3:
After you remove the nuts, pull the box and intake piping out of the engine bay. In this picture, I already had the silencer out because I forgot to take a picture before I pulled it out. I circled where it would be.
Step 4:
First off, don't mind all of the mud under my car lol. It has been raining all week and havent had the time to do a full clean. But under the bumper holding the rain guard/wheel well, there are 3 screws. Mine had 3, but yours may have more. But I circled where they were on mine. The second picture shows the far back one closest to the wheel.
Step 5:
After removing the screws and moving the cover off of the car, turn the wheels to the right so you can see the screws holding the box. There are 3 screws in total. Two are right there when you look forward into the wheel well, and then there is a third one if you look towards the engine bay.
Step 6:
After you take those bolts out, you should be able to wiggle it out of there. Voila! Now you just have to put everything back together!
After I took a drive with it off, I could hear and feel a little difference, but that may just be me lol. Not sure if this ACTUALLY has a power gain to it, but it seems better than having tubes go to a random box where nothing happens.
Philips screwdriver
Socket wrench with a 10mm. An extension would be very helpful with this also.
Took me about 20-30 minutes to do this little job, and I was just winging it. Wasnt fully sure how to get to it, but I figured it out pretty easily.
Step 1:
Unclip the sides of the airbox, and then unscrew this screw with the 10mm.
Step 2:
After unscrewing it, take the top of the box and filter and set it aside on top of the engine, or somewhere out of the way. There are two nuts inside the box. Unscrew the nuts and set them aside.
Step 3:
After you remove the nuts, pull the box and intake piping out of the engine bay. In this picture, I already had the silencer out because I forgot to take a picture before I pulled it out. I circled where it would be.
Step 4:
First off, don't mind all of the mud under my car lol. It has been raining all week and havent had the time to do a full clean. But under the bumper holding the rain guard/wheel well, there are 3 screws. Mine had 3, but yours may have more. But I circled where they were on mine. The second picture shows the far back one closest to the wheel.
Step 5:
After removing the screws and moving the cover off of the car, turn the wheels to the right so you can see the screws holding the box. There are 3 screws in total. Two are right there when you look forward into the wheel well, and then there is a third one if you look towards the engine bay.
Step 6:
After you take those bolts out, you should be able to wiggle it out of there. Voila! Now you just have to put everything back together!
After I took a drive with it off, I could hear and feel a little difference, but that may just be me lol. Not sure if this ACTUALLY has a power gain to it, but it seems better than having tubes go to a random box where nothing happens.