View Full Version : Smog Help!

02-06-2012, 09:09 AM
So i've taken my smog test in my 95 S14 with the stock KA24DE. The first time I failed really bad. For 15mph The HC max is 61. I measured 306. The CO max is 0.52, I measured 4.5. The NO max is 493, and I got 616. For 25mph the HC max is 37, I got 240. For CO the max is 0.50, I got 3.84. For NO the max is 516, I got 974.

Before I took it again, I replaced the o2 sensor, I plugged in the bpt-egr hose. Put a thermostat in and found out there wasn't one before. Right before the test I just sprayed the EGR valve with carb cleaner. Then I took it on the freeway and drove it for a bit to warm it up. Drove it kind of hard.

In the test, the maxes are the same so i'll just say what I measured. @ 15mph: HC 88. CO 0.37. NO 730. @25mph HC 57. CO 0.36. NO 775.

I'm thinking I need to take out the EGR valve and fully clean as well as check the vacuum because that's what came up when I searched. I passed the CO.. but any ideas about the HC? And do you think cleaning the EGR valve will make my NO under the limit?


02-06-2012, 09:19 AM
try sea foam.... also whats the mileage on your car??

02-06-2012, 09:31 AM
I have 230k on the chassis but the last owner said the engine was rebuild at 90k. Wouldn't the seafoam blow a seal or something and cause a leak?

02-08-2012, 11:30 PM
Bump! 10char

02-09-2012, 12:03 PM
Bump! Anyone? Pleaaasee!

02-09-2012, 12:22 PM
sea foam, set ignition timing to the minimum spec. 91 octane, check ignition system, change oil and use an oil additive called Restore, drive for at least 200 miles to coat cylinder walls with restore, and make sure it`s at operating temp when it gets tested. i did this to a customers car and it reduced his emissions around 80%. it still did not pass until he got a new cat converter. i rec. restore because of the mileage you have.

02-10-2012, 01:03 AM
Okay i'll do all of those plus clean the EGR and take it back for smog. Hope it passes.