02-06-2012, 12:24 AM
i was wondering if anyone has devised a method to protect frp bumpers from complete destruction
i was thinking a 1/4" thick aluminum plate riveted to the bottom of the bumper and some expanding foam, it would be a skidplate and the foam would act as stiffener
ideas on how to? i'd heard of wood and those abs plastic pads that they have. the plastic, i don't want to buy, and the wood seems too heavy and would weigh down the bumper causing sag
i was wondering if anyone has devised a method to protect frp bumpers from complete destruction
i was thinking a 1/4" thick aluminum plate riveted to the bottom of the bumper and some expanding foam, it would be a skidplate and the foam would act as stiffener
ideas on how to? i'd heard of wood and those abs plastic pads that they have. the plastic, i don't want to buy, and the wood seems too heavy and would weigh down the bumper causing sag