View Full Version : ketsup

02-01-2012, 01:47 AM
This guy posted in the wanted to buy yesterday
so i hit him up via text,
i have all the parts he wanted and i sent prompt pictures.
told him to give me an offer.
so he said 70, i said sure why not.
then we set up a time for him to come down, which was after he gets out of work at 11 pm. i usually wouldn't have people come that late but to accommodate i was generous.
i text him at 10pm
then again at 11:11pm
to see if he was still coming.
i don't get a text until 12:56 am. saying he just got out.
then he asks if he can come in the morning. i have school in the morning but if he shows up in time fine.
so i woke up early and texted him, got nothing.
then at 3:45 he texts me saying he woke up late.
and if he can come down tonight after he gets off work.
fine. i waited for him, blew off a buddy that needed help
then he texted me saying hes on his way.
so a little later i get a text asking if ill take 60. i said no. if you need change i have it.
i don't believe if you offer someone a certain amount you should further attempt at low balling. the low balling should be done before an agreement is made.
then he said forget it.
I am tired and have to wake up early for school.
i don't appreciate this one bit. its disrespectful and I was reasonable enough already.
that is all
if you do business with him good luck.