View Full Version : 95 S14 Problem Help?

01-23-2012, 10:29 AM
This is my first post here! Yay! I had a Z32 TT but I traded for a Zenki S14.

Anyways, I have a couple problems with my s14. My engine has a ticking noise that sounds like its coming from around the second cylinder. When idling it is pretty loud. When driving around it comes and go depending on how much throttle there is. Second is smog.. My car fails... really bad. The tech said the EGR-BPT hose was unplugged so thats easy. But it failed all of the gas tests. By a lot. I don't have the paper on me but for example, if the max is 50, my car was measured at around 350. I was going to replace the o2 sensor and the cpt because my dash gauge mostly stays below cold but sometimes rises up to C. also the MAF sensor plug doesn't have a spot to go into the piping so I just put it into the air filter which I think is Spectre?

Any advice? Thanks everyone!

EDIT: I forgot to add, I've looked into the timing guide issue and I didn't think it was the problem because the sound is coming from the rest of the engine. everything except for the front of the engine. the last owner took it to a mechanic who said that it was a tensioner problem. I just used the screwdriver to listen for where the sound is coming from and I could hear it equally on both sides of the engine, into the headers, the back of the engine and front are where the sound got quieter though. I'll upload a video soon so maybe that can help. I also pulled all the spark plug wires just to see if it's misfiring and each one made the engine bog down a bit so that's all good! :D

01-23-2012, 12:43 PM
The ticking is the notorious KA timing chain guide's. The KA motor is notorious for this tick tick from the valve cover. Mine does it as well. It's not gonna harm the motor and if you really want to get rid of it, you can remove the upper guides with no ill effect and it will get rid of the tick.

01-23-2012, 12:53 PM
I was thinking it wasn't because its coming from the back of the engine. Would that still be a timing chain guide? Does it sound like its for sure a timing issue?

01-24-2012, 12:07 PM
Hmm. not sure. If it's the timing chain guides it's really not a issue other than the annoying tick. Now if it's something in the head, like a valve or cam. Then that could be a issue. Anyway you can take a video of the motor running and post it here??

01-24-2012, 12:23 PM
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid634.photobucket.com%2Falbums% 2Fuu68%2FXeRiuMm%2FDSC_0340.mp4">

Totally forgot to get one with me revving the engine. Also I wanted to know what the white smoke from the tailpipe might be? The engine is warm and I think the thermostat is stuck open.

01-26-2012, 09:59 AM
Buuummp! Help anyone? Here's the video because I guess the other code didn't work. This one should work. http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid634.photobucket.co m%2Falbums%2Fuu68%2FXeRiuMm%2FDSC_0340.mp4

01-31-2012, 11:29 AM
Anyone? So I replaced my thermostat, and it didn't have one. I found out my charcoal canister vacuum was unplugged and too short. Plugged in the egr valve. Replaced the o2 sensor. I'm going to buy a new vacuum hose and hook the charcoal canister up today and hopefully it will pass smog. Help on the ticking though?

02-02-2012, 05:09 AM
If the ticking is in the head then I think of a bent push rod, if it bend a little, the rocker will ting loud cause of the slack. I hope thats all it is for you, cause if so its a cheap fix!

02-02-2012, 08:39 AM
If it helps, sometimes when I'm on the freeway or something the ticking will be there sounding almost like a rattle from the cabin. Then ill let off the gas a little bit or give it more and the sound gets a lot quieter. Almost like its not there anymore. Another thing, I plugged in the vacuum from my bpt to egr but toook the bpt off the bracket, and took the vacuum line off of my charcoal canister, now I have a chdck engjne. Could it be a dirty egr?

02-03-2012, 11:57 PM
Since the video doesn't seem to be working, here: http://s634.photobucket.com/albums/uu68/XeRiuMm/?action=view&current=DSC_0340.mp4