View Full Version : Pink Godzira across the globe

01-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Let's see who can name the city in which this photo was taken!
:D :cool: :bow:

edit: Just to make sure there's no doubt...
http://bridgejumpers.org/wtf/pg.jpg :D

01-06-2004, 10:12 PM


01-06-2004, 10:22 PM
xD Did you cheat and look at the file name? hahahaha... yes though, it's HK! To be sure, though, you know what HK stands for, yes? (Don't laugh! I bet 1/2 of the guys on zilvia wouldn't!)
w00t w00t!

01-06-2004, 10:27 PM
Hong Kong! I was about to answer but he got it...

I was there a few years ago:D Get any parts over there? I remember I got an Option mag for $5(decent) and a HyperRev for $5 bucks new...BEAT THAT!

01-06-2004, 10:28 PM

is it Hutchinson, Kansas?????

01-06-2004, 10:44 PM
LOL @ burmonster... even if it wasn't a joke, it's funny! :) As ootranceformeroo said, no, it's Hong Kong.
As for parts, no, I didn't get anything here... believe it or not, it's quite easy to get parts in the US cheaper than here these days!! Also, it helps that I have more contacts in the US. :d

01-06-2004, 10:53 PM
Thats true, at least when I was there parts seemed a little cheaper then before. But you have contacts so it wouldnt even matter for you..

01-06-2004, 11:16 PM
find any cute girls? :p

01-06-2004, 11:35 PM
:) That depends on your definition of "cute"!
Heh heh.
Ask Dousan if I've found any cute girls here... he'd say I have, but I'd say I haven't... I'd say I have some FU*KING HOT friends here! har har! :D

01-06-2004, 11:40 PM
My friend studied in HK for a semester and he said that the people there are weird and in general, he didn't like the locals. He also said that the way they play basketball is weak as well.

As for the chicks, he did mention that there are some good-looking ladies out there.

01-06-2004, 11:50 PM
My friend went to HK like 3 weeks ago, and he should be coming back with options vcds and some others too. He should be back today or tomorrow.

ps is that your car on your avatar? if so got anymore pics?:)

01-06-2004, 11:50 PM
Did you cheat and look at the file name?
Nope :D I guessed fair and square.
So, where's my cookie? lol.


01-07-2004, 01:54 AM
I saw like....ONE cute girl there...she spoke english pretty well. Maybe she wasnt from HK but she had HK boyfriend...

oh yeah......I saw 2 hookers run behind a dumpster when we walked by:D I should have picked them up!

Cars I saw there: a bunch of evo's...skylines....Nismo s14 zenki....2 s15's....altezzas.....and some.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........ricey civics!!!

Got any pics of those hot friends!?:p

01-07-2004, 07:52 AM
Yeesh, the locals here ARE kinda weird, but the more western/international kids are more fun. They're the ones you'll meet at the clubs and bars, and those are the generally hotter ones. :) You have to go to the right places to see the right people!

Re: avatar, yes, that is my car, but no, I don't really have any photos, at least nothing else with those wheels, and nothing recent! I'll get some in the relatively near future though, and I won't be afraid to show them off! My car is bee-U-tiful! It's not low enough (still at same height as in the avatar photo) so I'll be lowering it a little more...

My friends? I wouldn't feel right posting pics... suffice to say some of them are hattah! -- of course, depending on taste. :p Sorry!

01-07-2004, 08:03 AM
personally i can't stand the way the young people dress in taiwan, hk and the more 'developed' regions of china. been there many times, hated it everytime. the way the guys dress in hk and taiwan looks REALLY gay. i mean like... homosexual. taiwan is just totally mismatched. wtf are they thinking? at least japan style (though weird) is kind of grungy and happy go lucky. in taiwan they just wear mismatched colors, ill-fitting clothes and bizarre hairstyles. i know i should respect all cultures and blah blah blah but it just looks fuggin ugly. sorry if i offended anyone. girls can be cute ... depends on your tastes. personally i'll stick with the american born asian girls~ ^^

btw, i'm half chinese half taiwanese; born and raised in the USA.

01-07-2004, 08:43 AM
adey knows some of the HOTTEST GIRLS OUT THERE!

when we were both there at the same time, met up one night..hummina-hummina-how-wow!

hong kong has LOTS of hot girls
1) go out at night time
2) go to popular youth areas/shopping areas


sooo many its out of control
if you go out at 10 am you wont see much (just old folks and working class). life really starts up at 3 and 4 pm hahaha..weird. but its great, i think. up late, out late! :p

adey its going on the website haha...:)

01-07-2004, 09:18 AM
haha, yes! hong kong!. i used to live there. it's such an awesome place to visit, but living there isn't the greatest. used to go back there every year or so, just to buy stuff. hong kong definitely has some hot chicks, but then they're all kinda weird... but they DO like to dress pretty well, hehe :D hope you're enjoying hk man, hehe.

01-07-2004, 10:10 AM
That is the most gheyest hat EVAR.

01-07-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE
That is the most gheyest hat EVAR.

POOFLE! It takes a real man to sport pink in public!

01-07-2004, 12:35 PM
It looks like hes in a building so I wouldnt consider that "public". Or maybe that was just for the photo with the nice backround. hehe:D

01-07-2004, 12:49 PM
wheeeee!! It's Adriel! *cartwheel*

Everyone should hitch a ride with Adriel whenever he goes anywhere, he seems to know gaggles and gaggles of good looking girls even if I say so myself.

Truenocoupe: Is that so? (; Then you're going to love it when all the West Coast PG (adriel, aaron, danny, lindsay, brian, and me) bust it out and all wear them at the next event.. in a group.. doing a jig in a circle around you.

01-07-2004, 01:30 PM
it is obvious hk becos of that turtle looking building ;) :boink:

01-07-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by itsybitsy240sxEy
wheeeee!! It's Adriel! *cartwheel*

Everyone should hitch a ride with Adriel whenever he goes anywhere, he seems to know gaggles and gaggles of good looking girls even if I say so myself.

Truenocoupe: Is that so? (; Then you're going to love it when all the West Coast PG (adriel, aaron, danny, lindsay, brian, and me) bust it out and all wear them at the next event.. in a group.. doing a jig in a circle around you.

Aarons ghey. We all know that.

Who are those other people again?

I swear. That is the gheyest hat evar (for a dude).

01-07-2004, 02:45 PM
i dont fake it i just take it..oh wait..shit did i say that out loud?


01-07-2004, 03:31 PM
heheh aaron.

Danny is driftingpanda, Lindsay is doriftoslut, and Brian is yeswepromise here on zilvia. I'm not sure if you know them.

01-08-2004, 08:26 AM
Ho Ho Ho and all you can drink Carlsberg (beer)!
Just got in from dinner, which was all you can eat "hot pot" (sort of like fondue, but with meat, veggies, tofu, and anything else you can think of) and all you can drink beer/soft drinks. :D Gosh I love this place. This meal, alllllllll you can eat/drink (SOOOO much food and beer) cost me a mere $13! Talk about a bloody good deal.

Anyway. Yes. HK, Pink hats... fashion here is a little gay from an American point of view (where retaining unambiguous and gross masculinity is ever so key, for what reason I don't know) ... but I'll say this now, the clubbing scene, not-as-'local' and fashion-aware "class" here are three trillion billion gazillion times more stylish than that in the US... Here we're classy whereas in the US it's just a bunch of little aZn punks trying to be gangstaz. I admit to being small and asian, but at least I don't spike my hair up like that (or slick it back like I'm some sort of pimp... literally, that is) and make a fool of myself. (Where's that eye-rolling, cock-jerking pic when you need it?)

Anyway, I'll be back soon enough (Friday! D'oh!) so Dousan, keep those hands away from your pockets... I, being one of those gay HK guys, have a special present for you......... ;) ;) :coolugh:

01-08-2004, 09:03 AM
gasp. you kind of described me. american born asian, 5'10'' with spikey hair (now not so spikey - got long) and a sporty import (teh integra... j/k! the 240sx). typically (out of work) i'll wear jnco or kikwear jeans, a hoody or wrinkly dress shirt, etc etc. i dunno about american style being about 'retaining gross masculinity' lol. however i do believe that our baggy non styling clothes are 10x more comfortable. i spend 50 hours out of the week crammed up in slacks, dress shirts, ties and sport jackets. my spikey hair takes about 30 seconds to fix in the morning and that's why i do it that way. (plus it can be toned down to be conservative for work)

you wanna talk about azn 'gangstas,' well lets flash backwards 4 years to my druggy clubby days. UFO pants, hoodies, dress shirts, visors. i had 2 big dyed reddish orange bangs in the front that came down to my mouth almost and short spikey hair everywhere else. so yes, i was one of those kids lol... however i was nice and never thought of myself as 'hardcore' or 'gangsta' or 'thug.' i played pool, went to parties, hung out with ricers, tekken tournaments, went clubbing, stop drop and roll, had friends who dealed drugs, etc. but i never thought of myself as 'cool'... i was always like a 'to each their own' kind of person. alot of my friends were the not-so-'cool' kids... i liked anyone who was nice and low-key. bottom line, some of us are very nice ppl despite the bad image we get from other azn kids. :T

as for clubbing... i got really tired of clubbing and partying in general 2 years ago so no more of that for me. in NYC, supposedly a great place for clubbing, the clubs are gay unless you're high; which shows just how bad the scene is. i often wonder how it is in other countries (esp in europe O_O). btw the hat is not gay... it takes guts and self confidence to wear a hat like that in public. plus it means something. however, if you're wearing it for fashion... then i dunno :X

01-08-2004, 09:30 AM
i think it's just a cultural thing. i know that when i used to walk around mongkok with my baggy pants, ppl used to look at me funny cuz noone really dressed like that. so i was the weird one in the crowd. people are more used to the "stylish" clothes there and guys are more into the extra tight shirts, hehe. altho there are some people in hk now that start to dress with more baggy clothes due to bands like lmf bringing the hip-hop culture to hk.

as far as baggy jeans being more comfortable, it's all a matter of preference. some ppl feel more comfortable in slacks. if you feel baggy jeans are more comfortable, that's your preference. i myself like baggy jeans as well, so don't think i'm trying to say baggy jeans suck, hehe.

the whoe aZn gangsta thing is just something that developed i guess. like you said, aznpoopy, you used to LOOK like one, hehe. i kno that there are a lot of asian people that look like that, but are really cool. it doesn't matter whether you think you were "gangsta" or "cool" or whatever. it's just the impression you get. just like when you look at those guys in hk, you'd think "damn that looks so gay." it's all good. remember, "you can't judge a book by its cover" :)

01-08-2004, 12:39 PM
nice photograph.

if i brought my hat to san francisco this week, i could have taken a picture also. but i didnt bring my hat, so no pic for you.
and i didnt make it to Dousan's Mecca, Castro district.

01-08-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by yeswepromise
nice photograph.

if i brought my hat to san francisco this week, i could have taken a picture also. but i didnt bring my hat, so no pic for you.
and i didnt make it to Dousan's Mecca, Castro district.

If you brought your pink hat to SF, you would have men chasing you everywhere! jk:p No offense to anyone.

01-08-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
POOFLE! It takes a real man to sport pink in public!

no it doesnt. pink is in the prime of its style right now, i see atleast 3 dudes a day wearing either a pink burberry polo, pink hat, or some other pink Tshirt.... if you're gonna wear pink, now is the time

01-08-2004, 05:49 PM

01-10-2004, 07:25 PM
Heh, no offence meant, aznpoopy! I don't think you're the only person here that I described, though. :)
I think it's the "cold and distant" look combined with the cliques and more or less "private/exclusive" circles that asian americans tend to fall into that just don't do it for me...

Don't hate; ...masturbate!! Or, (people should) just be friendlier.

(I guess I'm not doing a very good job of hiding the fact that I never did fit in with these cool people and have no friends, eh? har har!!)

01-10-2004, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by adey
Heh, no offence meant, aznpoopy! I don't think you're the only person here that I described, though. :)
I think it's the "cold and distant" look combined with the cliques and more or less "private/exclusive" circles that asian americans tend to fall into that just don't do it for me...

Don't hate; ...masturbate!! Or, (people should) just be friendlier.

(I guess I'm not doing a very good job of hiding the fact that I never did fit in with these cool people and have no friends, eh? har har!!)

lol... u sound low key, comfortable with yourself, and non-cliquey.... exactly the kind of person the asian community needs more of. ever notice how old asian people are obsessed with 'face' (literal translation from mandarin); or like status and respect? its washed over to the younger generation in a very bad way (rice is one). us asians need to relax and just have fun. :p

01-10-2004, 11:07 PM
its ok to be bisexual fudge packers :bow:

01-12-2004, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by aznpoopy
lol... u sound low key, comfortable with yourself, and non-cliquey.... exactly the kind of person the asian community needs more of. ever notice how old asian people are obsessed with 'face' (literal translation from mandarin); or like status and respect? its washed over to the younger generation in a very bad way (rice is one). us asians need to relax and just have fun. :p Ha ha! This must be the compliment of the century for me! :D :p I have to say you sound like a convert yourself... good deal. :)
On Face... yeah, I definitely think it's rubbed off on today's youth in the wrong way... but if I may add, I don't think it should be altogether gotten rid of; it's not a bad thing to have in the right/more acceptable circumstances.

In any case, we've digressed quite far... good thing it's in O/T. :D

01-12-2004, 12:10 PM
I Hate Asian People.

01-12-2004, 05:16 PM
Pink is sorta getting trendy nowadays. Oh well. I have a bunch of pink clothes and we started PG almost 2 years ago. I think pink is a cool and unusual color. Mostly metrosexuals rock the pink gear. If you dont know the term 'metrosexual' then you dont have a gay boss who performs 'Queer eye for the straight guy' antics in the middle of the day. (admittingly though, the chicks really dig a guy who sports good style. Thats why Adriel always has like 12 girlfriends).

01-13-2004, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE
I Hate Asian People. we hate you too :cool:

01-13-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut
Pink is sorta getting trendy nowadays. Oh well. I have a bunch of pink clothes and we started PG almost 2 years ago. I think pink is a cool and unusual color. Mostly metrosexuals rock the pink gear. If you dont know the term 'metrosexual' then you dont have a gay boss who performs 'Queer eye for the straight guy' antics in the middle of the day. (admittingly though, the chicks really dig a guy who sports good style. Thats why Adriel always has like 12 girlfriends).

haha...don't sell yourself short...you are SO a metro yourself...please, ashton kutcher look-a-like..:p

01-13-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut
Mostly metrosexuals rock the pink gear. If you dont know the term 'metrosexual' then you dont have a gay boss who performs 'Queer eye for the straight guy' antics in the middle of the day. (admittingly though, the chicks really dig a guy who sports good style.

Duude, I gotta start watching that show again. It's been too long. As for chicks digging dudes who dress well, it doesn't mean shit to someone who's strapped down so it's better to save your money for better things if you fall under that category.

01-13-2004, 03:57 PM
^^ yeah i'm usually strapped..i don't really like to go anywhere these days without packin heat..too many haters tryin to be up in my shit...

especially when i'm in the LBC visiting "Ashton's" punk ass...

01-13-2004, 04:02 PM
Ashton Koosher?


Dressing deck and paying a lot dont have to go hand in hand. LBC has tons of good thrift stores.;)

Bald Eagle Beagle: I never said I wasn't metro.

01-13-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut
Ashton Koosher?


Dressing deck and paying a lot dont have to go hand in hand. LBC has tons of good thrift stores.;)

Bald Eagle Beagle: I never said I wasn't metro.

hahah...ROFLMAO...if that catches on i'll KEEEL you!..

kooosher: wanna go shopping this weekend?..love thrift stores..

01-13-2004, 04:35 PM
it is defined as (met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. basically a straight guy with ghey habits.

But he's stil ghey.

01-13-2004, 06:10 PM
I own a salmon colored Polo short-sleeve shirt. Its not quite pink, its not quite white but I do know that it is fratastic (or so I am told)

And for those of you who dont know, Fratastic can be defined as such : Fratastic- the ability to look and act like a member of a fraternity(ie. polo shirts, crookies, trucker hats, preferably with a beer manufacturer on them and/or Reef sandals)

I pretty much fall in to this catagory perfectly (wereing the Pabst Blue Ribbon hat as we speak!!!!)

01-13-2004, 06:14 PM
haha...woot woot...FRATASTIC!!..i like that..funny

+'s of frat life...

readily accessable alcohol..girls..parties..


damnit!! i miss college girls..i'm goin back to school...:D

01-13-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by nokeone
haha...woot woot...FRATASTIC!!..i like that..funny

+'s of frat life...

readily accessable alcohol..girls..parties..


damnit!! i miss college girls..i'm goin back to school...:D

oh and dont forget the test banks....the sweet sweet test banks

but the girls and parties are major plus's....there are many many rich, hot (i mean borderline gorgious if not well beyond) who come to my school and like to have a good time. It helps that I am in the biggest frat on campus and the best(well, so everyone tells me and so I feel)

01-13-2004, 06:29 PM
hehe "fratastic" knida like hollister, abercrombie, and american eagle huh?

"pink is punk"

definitely seen alotta guys rockin the pink lately
nike put out some pink and black dunks that weren't
too bad looking

01-13-2004, 07:34 PM
sooooo when spring semester starts in a couple weeks, i shall wear pink godzira hat to school. our beutiful females will like pink because its "in". then i will have numerous hot girls.

01-13-2004, 08:01 PM
ROFL!! Hahaha. Brian... DO IT!! DO IT!! Oh yeah... since im not going to Art Center till May, wanna take me along with you.. kinda like... show and tell. Your girls are HOTTAH. Maybe I will break your car so i can give you rides to school. Then pick up all the hot chicks. Exxxxxcelent.

01-14-2004, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut
ROFL!! Hahaha. Brian... DO IT!! DO IT!! Oh yeah... since im not going to Art Center till May, wanna take me along with you.. kinda like... show and tell. Your girls are HOTTAH. Maybe I will break your car so i can give you rides to school. Then pick up all the hot chicks. Exxxxxcelent.

they'll be running around waving their hands....:aw: ...PICK ME!! PICK ME!!

and you will have your choice for :boink: ...

01-14-2004, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by RoNiN240sx
hehe "fratastic" knida like hollister, abercrombie, and american eagle huh?

"pink is punk"

definitely seen alotta guys rockin the pink lately
nike put out some pink and black dunks that weren't
too bad looking

No,no,no....you got it all wrong, those kind of cloths make you anit-fratastic. The only kind of clothes you can wear are Polo shirts (both short sleeve and long), anyshort of shirt that advertises anysort of alcohol, any shirt advertising a party and/or mixer (if said party is with a sorority, you can only wear that shirt if it is the most popular sorority with the hottest girls), plaid shorts or pants, kakhi pants and shorts, or destressed jeans.Oh and anything bought from the thrift store is an added bonus since you have spent all your money on dues and "that kick ass triple kegger where Tommy made out with that chick and then pucked on her friend"

This is on the east coast by the way, it might be completely different out west.

P.S. So you dont get the wrong impression, this is just my take on the sterotypical frat life, it acutally a very good experience and I recommend all those who attend a college to join one. Oh, and I myself like thrift stores, you can find some really cool shit there.

01-15-2004, 05:40 AM
i wanna be part of Pink Godzira >.<...i already talked to Dousan tho at Nadine180.com ... can't :(

01-15-2004, 11:36 AM
i heard you need to gte jumped in.

01-15-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by yeswepromise
i heard you need to gte jumped in.

yeah that's what i heard too!..

it's kinda like the bloods or crips...cept more hard core...:eek:

i was scared so i just started my own club...we're much nicer..no jumping in, no scare tactics...give a little bit of head and you're in...:coolugh:

01-15-2004, 01:04 PM
Homos. All of you.

01-15-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut
Thats why Adriel always has like 12 girlfriends). "WTF, mate!?" What on earth are you talking about??... I WISH!! I always have, like, 12 girl friends, but not 12 GIRLFRIENDS... you know, the kind you fuck. That would be... great. ::dreamy eyed:: ... but anyway. I think you guys should come out to 'SC; the view here... *tugs at collar and tips head to side* ... tsssssssszzzt ... hattah!!!!!!!