View Full Version : hahaha

01-06-2004, 09:22 AM
Now this is funny

01-06-2004, 02:08 PM
And people think we have too much free time on our hands

No Motiv
01-08-2004, 11:12 AM
holy shit that was stupid....funny.....STUPID.

the destruction vid was funny.. i guess. When the mom or whatever goes...DONT HIT THE GAS TANK, and the car starts smoking. the end was pretty crazy when it was in tow...

so stupid

01-08-2004, 11:58 AM
hahaha :)

01-08-2004, 02:22 PM
hahahhaa...that was great!!

remids me of the antics my friends and i had with our 73 240z and a 73 datsun 510...

we actually drifted the Z with no interior, no seats (just a lawn chair), no hood, no fenders....no front end really...lol..

i need to digitize that shit...