View Full Version : CA SOCAL: Passenger side rails! Stock [email protected]! [email protected][email protected]! open [email protected][email protected][email protected]!

01-15-2012, 07:45 PM
Have a couple of different stuff that someone out there might need and would like to grace me with money for the track :] (Don't have pictures of the items right now but I will put them up tomorrow or the next day)

First on the list is an s14 open diff. For those who can't live with daily driving their welded diffs! or better yet.. the Bosses who want to get a welded! Weld this one! $40

*New:: Stock S13 downpipe. No exhaust leaks. $25

Next I have a clutch fan with the shroud! Give me $20 and it's yours!

S14 Passenger door glass!! For when those bastards tried to break into your car! Replace that ish! But... if they didn't... then you wouldn't need it but buy it anyway so I can get some money!!! $20

mmm... up next are all the rear stock arms for an s14. You know those days when shit breaks... and you're stuck wherever the hell you are??? Those days are over! If you keep these stock arms in the car... have peace of mind! They are there to save the motherfreakin day! $20 for all! or 10 bucks a pair. Toe, Camber, Traction arms!

Got 2 sets of passenger side bottom mount seat rails for 89-98 s-chassis. One is from Megan and one's from Sparco. So think about it... if you want to save some monies... buy the Megan for $PENDING!! But if you want to BALL SO HARD PEOPLE TRY TO FINE YOU then pick up the Sparco rail for $85!!!
(Sparco one looks nearly identical to this one! The one pictured is the Megan! What a good copy they have made!)

Now if you want your car to be ballin.. get yourself a Navan grill for the Zenki you cherish! Going to let it go for $50!

Finally, I have a pair for 225/45/17 Achilles tires. have like 20-30% on them. Letting them go for $30 bucks for both of them.

*New: Selling my pretty beat Origin Aggressive kit. Only the Rear bumper and side skirts. Skirts are still on the car but I'll get pictures up asap. Pretty dark outside. $40 bucks each or $70 for both.

Remember to bump even if you're just taking a look :D I appreciate it!

01-15-2012, 09:25 PM
Pics of Megan seat rail?

01-16-2012, 06:23 PM
bump before I head off into the night.

01-18-2012, 01:06 PM
afternoon bump for monies.

01-19-2012, 08:55 PM
:'( not one sale made bump

01-21-2012, 11:53 PM
bump prices obo

01-22-2012, 12:47 AM
Hey playa ill take that sparco seat rail off your hands, pm sent..

01-24-2012, 12:56 PM
bump with new prices