View Full Version : ka24de 2k bog on stock timing? plus 5k rev limit? WTF
When I set my ka24de to stock timing here a bog around 2k and doesnt pull very well at all.
its pretty much at any position of the throttle.
when I advance the shit out it, it pulls pretty decent then starts to bog overtime. I clean the MAF every so often and it pulls great again at advance timing. but really shitty at the stock 20* BTDC.
BUT, I also have a 5k rev limit. in ALL gears and in Neutral.
also when doing abit of hard driving and reving my tach goes retarded and doesnt read correctly at all. Could my CAS be crap?
01-15-2012, 07:39 PM
Check TPS?
Update: Well I got a new maf from a friend and it cleaned up very nicely. and makes good power until it hits 3k. then its just like a loss of power.
I still hit a 5k rev limit and sometimes my tach will act funny.
01-18-2012, 02:52 PM
Safe mode? Reset the ecu
01-18-2012, 03:03 PM
Try and resetting the Ecu... You can also try a Auto Ecu will get rid of the Rev limit
I wish I had a auto ecu to try. but I will reset it and see what happens.
01-22-2012, 06:32 PM
Did you ever get the Ecu?
01-22-2012, 07:47 PM
Not sure if this is the problem but check the 5th gear sensor in your transmission.. If the car thinks it's in 5th gear all the time it'll turn the speed limiter on in every gear. Which happens to be around 5k. Unplug your speed sensor go for a drive and see if the problem is still there.
well the 4th and 5th gear sensor is unplugged. so I should unplug the VSS?
01-25-2012, 11:55 PM
wiring perhaps.
at night, when it bogs, do you see any electrical woes, like dimming of headlights, or interior lights?
The bogging is gone.
the 5k rev limit is will there.
01-28-2012, 09:45 PM
Does it feel like you hit a fuel cut-off at 5k rpm? Like this:
If it does, it's your TPS. Get a new one, read up on how to set the proper voltage, and try your car out again.
eh...not exactly. I will take a vid tomorrow.
01-29-2012, 10:16 AM
thats the problem i have and i got a new fuel pump and mafs tps and filter plugs and wires too but my car does that now all the time but just wont go past 2500 rpm and it sucks.....
2.5k limit is MAFS. Get that checked out.
Heres it in Neutral.
Heres while i'm driving.
01-29-2012, 04:28 PM
but i put a new mafs and i do need a air cleaner temp sensor if that does anythin?
01-29-2012, 09:40 PM
Is the car turbo? if so check the spark plug gaps, my ka-t was blowing out the spark at stock gapping
but i put a new mafs and i do need a air cleaner temp sensor if that does anythin?
Check the wiring to the MAF itself.
And no, the car isnt turboed.
Alright, I got a chance to pulled codes.
I think I got 11 and 12.
CAS and MAF. I know the MAF is good cuz its runs good until it hits 5k.
It might have been 11 and 13. 13 is CTS which idk if it would cause this sort of thing.
check your 5th gear pos sensor for the 5k redline issue
The 4th and 5th gear sensor is un plugged. I also cleaned all the grounds and sanded them down to make sure they gor good connection
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