View Full Version : CA 1JZ-GTE part out (2 engines) *Okinawa

01-08-2012, 01:05 PM
All parts located in Okinawa
Will ship at buyers expenses
Cylinder block(s) and transmission will not be shipped
Cylinder head(s) will only be shipped in small gorilla case (case included in price)
All Prices OBO

Payment- unless local, PayPal only
Shipping note- Although the parts are located in Okinawa, USPS is how I will be shipping the items, so don't freak out, it's similar to shipping from CA.

I was going to do a 1j swap in my Corona but I've decided to stick with the original plan. I'm also PCSing soon so I need to get rid of these.

Both engines are twin turbo, non-VVTI
One engine is out of a JZX81, the other is from a JZX90
Both were running when pulled
Both have been sitting for almost a year.
Both engines have some surface rust from not being in a climate controlled area, so they could use some cleaning.

JZX81 Engine Info-
Running when pulled ~Feb 2011
Bottom end rebuild late 2010
Can't remember the mileage on the head...
Was connected to a W58 (5spd)

JZX90 Engine Info-
Running when pulled (same time)
Had an issue, after idling for a few minutes it would sputter and shut off then after a few minutes, start it up and it would run fine.
Never got to trouble shoot it before it was pulled, it was intended to be spare parts.
Was connected to automatic trans.
Had ~110k km iirc

If you happen to be in Okinawa, you can pick up everything I have for $1000 OBO.
(both engines, W58 trans, downpipe, jzx81diff + axles...all of it)

Valve covers (2 sets, one set painted) $60/ea
Intake Manifold (2) $100/ea
Light weight pulleys (1 set-4 pulleys) $100
Turbo set with piping (1 with new seals/gaskets) $150/ea
Alternator $40
PS pump $40
Water Pump (clutch fan type, installed when bottom end was rebuilt) $90
Clutch fan $30
Clutch disk, Flywheel, new pressure plate (push type, disk used but plenty of life) $100
Cylinder Head +Case (with cams, no manifolds/covers) $200/ea
Front sump oil pan set $100/ea
JZX81 FMIC $100
JZX81 clutch pedal, cmc, slave, ss line $100
7m Injectors $50

Sold Items-
JZX81 Harness $150
JZX81 5spd ECU $200
Coil pack cover + Timing cover (1 sold)

Any other items, just ask/offer.
I'd like to get some offers on everything before I start pulling them apart

Pics... I'll get more up later, and possibly more parts.

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/246935_224144924280414_100000547240727_828533_4035 155_n.jpg

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/252901_224144890947084_100000547240727_828530_2440 438_n.jpg

01-14-2012, 11:03 AM
more pics... night pics, but it's all I have.

sandwich adapter

water pump with 1 of 3 light weight pulleys and clutch fan.

other pulleys

older pics

5speed stuff (except trans)




If you want specific pictures, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I'm in a hurry and somewhat generous, so don't be shy to make an offer, low, high, whatever, we can work something out.

01-14-2012, 01:55 PM
Interested in the waterpump.

Im assuming its a 2jz replacement pump? Im looking to get rid of the hydro fan setup on my jzx81. was going to buy new.

How many kms are it, do you know?

Would be interested in the clutch fan as well.

Don't got a whole lot of money though.

can you do better on the price?

I'll need it shipped to canada as well.

t1k-6x6 is my postal code

01-14-2012, 02:17 PM
Is that a stock clutch set up?

01-15-2012, 01:35 AM
Interested in the waterpump.
Im assuming its a 2jz replacement pump? Im looking to get rid of the hydro fan setup on my jzx81. was going to buy new.
How many kms are it, do you know?
Would be interested in the clutch fan as well.
Don't got a whole lot of money though.
can you do better on the price?
I'll need it shipped to canada as well.
t1k-6x6 is my postal code

Yes, it is a 2J replacement pump.
It has ~1000km (if that)

Is that a stock clutch set up?
Yes it is.

01-15-2012, 12:14 PM
OMFG I Love You lol

How Much For All The Bolts Thats Are On The Intake Manni !
And The Harness
Shipped To 11419

01-15-2012, 12:40 PM
Wish you were local as I would purchase everything. Good luck with the sale.

01-15-2012, 04:49 PM
Just wondering... How much for jzx81 engine brackets, shipped to 95133 zip code?

01-16-2012, 01:03 PM
Just wondering... How much for jzx81 engine brackets, shipped to 95133 zip code?

$40 shipped and you'll get the mounts with them.

OMFG I Love You lol

How Much For All The Bolts Thats Are On The Intake Manni !
And The Harness
Shipped To 11419

Replied to your pm

Updated sold items

Prove It
01-17-2012, 07:49 AM
Bump for some great parts at great prices

01-17-2012, 08:51 PM
What would be the shipped price for the clutch/flywheel and the turbo piping (I just need the hot/cold pipes) be to 32578?

02-14-2012, 06:34 AM
Everything has been sold.

02-14-2012, 03:18 PM
Looking for a 1JZ MAP sensor...shipped to 33157....pm me plz!