View Full Version : adopt or buy

Shift n Drift
01-07-2012, 07:21 PM
Would you rather get a pet from the pound/rescue, or BUY the pet you want?

01-07-2012, 07:23 PM
rescue from the pound

01-07-2012, 07:32 PM
I was looking for a dog at the local shelters but never found the dog I wanted. Ended up buying a 6 week golden retriever

S-Nation S13
01-07-2012, 07:35 PM
Save .. What's the rush.. All good things must come to an end ..

01-07-2012, 07:38 PM
depends on breed, and age of the dog! Younger the better, i prefer big dogs. Old dogs are usually house broken, that would be a great move if u dont have time to train the dog!

01-07-2012, 07:51 PM
I would say check out some of the online pet placement sites, they may be able to cover more area than you care to venture out on your own.

Try petfinder.com

01-07-2012, 08:19 PM

I rescued my dog from the pound. He's a Husky/Border Collie mix.

He took a shot gun blast to the right side of his face. They took out all the pellets that they could. They missed a few. He has a big one thats really noticeable in his ear, a few in his cheek, and a few on the top of his head.

It's really weird, I can push them around and it doesn't bother him haha. He was very very well trained also. He knew every command, he sat by the door and barked when he had to go out, and he learns very quickly.


01-07-2012, 08:21 PM
ha straight chillin

01-07-2012, 08:30 PM
Personal preference. It all comes down to how much time do you have? Adopting an older dog is always hit or miss unless you've seen the dog in a house setting right off the bat. You get to see how the dog would be in your house, see if its house broken, is it neurotic, etc. If you get a puppy, you'd have to invest alot of time potty training it and keeping it from eating your house. But in the long run, you'd have a dog that you'll know what makes it tick.

I got a pitt that I've had since she was about 3 months old. I've invested a lot of time training and making sure she doesnt turn into a media hyped monster. Almost 5 yrs later, she's changed my outlook of how pittbulls are. She's a fucking sweetheart, if she's gonna kill a kid, she'd probably lick them to death...literally. She loves kids, specially toddlers. She used to play hide and seek with my friends 1 yr old.

01-07-2012, 08:39 PM
We rescued a kitten after both of my dogs passed away at the beginning of the year. I can say that it is the best thing we have ever done. We love our little kitty. Couldnt imagine life with out her

01-07-2012, 08:42 PM
I say you adopt....lots of dogs out there that can use a good home

01-07-2012, 08:55 PM
Adopt if you're looking for a good dog, buy if you're looking to breed.

I adopted/rescued my Husky/Wolf mix in Arizona for under $100 when she was a pup.

This is Sakura, or Saki. Her good looks are saving grace, total pain in the ass to raise and the smartest dog I've owned, which is bad lol. Wouldn't trade her for the world though.




Out here in Japan, we rescued another Husky mix for free. Some people are just impatient and don't want to deal with training young dogs.

This is Kyokusei, or Kyo Pyo, he was about 8 months when we got him and total terror. Now he's a bit over a year old and calming down pretty good. A lot better than our wolfy.


And honestly, to hell with paying thousands of dollars for a full bred dog.

01-07-2012, 09:04 PM
^ serioulsy, its always the mutts that troll the hardest. they're the kind of dog that will pick your wallet and go to vegas.

01-07-2012, 10:35 PM
If you decide to buy, atleast get the dog from a legit breeder. Last thing you want is buying a pup from a mill.

01-07-2012, 11:45 PM
Adopt if you can. Definitely research dog personalities to see which ones fit your personality and lifestyle before you commit.

Every dog I've ever owned I've adopted and couldn't be happier. As a matter of fact, I'm about to adopt a new pit puppy.

I have to agree with Flip on his comment. American Pitbulls have a bad rep because of ignorance. I've owned two others before and they were the sweetest, most intelligent dogs I've ever seen. Don't shy away from that breed if you have even a slight interest in adopting one.

anthonyr sil8ty
01-08-2012, 12:16 AM
adopted both my dogs, couldn't imagine life w/o them.

01-08-2012, 12:17 AM
Call it whatever you like, but last I checked when you pay money for something you're "buying" it. I got my cat from a shelter, so I guess I "adopted" her, but I still had to "buy" her. And my girlfriend saved our other cat from an abusive family, so she kind of just took him, lol.

01-08-2012, 12:19 AM
I got a pitt that I've had since she was about 3 months old. I've invested a lot of time training and making sure she doesnt turn into a media hyped monster. Almost 5 yrs later, she's changed my outlook of how pittbulls are. She's a fucking sweetheart, if she's gonna kill a kid, she'd probably lick them to death...literally. She loves kids, specially toddlers. She used to play hide and seek with my friends 1 yr old.

Shame the same cant be said about all pitts.... I tried taking a younger one in once and all was fine for about a month until one day out of the blue it attacked my Australian Shepard and left me with over $400 in vet bills. My neighbor said she saw the whole thing happen.... the pitt without warning just locked onto my Aussies neck and went to work. It's hard to own other animals or have small children with pitts around unless you are there constantly training it as I found out.

Took the guy back to the pound where I'm happy to say he did get a new owner but I will never even think about trying to own one again.
Also had a friend get his stomach ripped to shreds by one out of nowhere. Ended up having to put that one to sleep because they simply couldn't train it.

As far as adopt vs. purchase it's hard to say. Obviously adopting is the noble choice but sometimes it's slim pickins and they don't have the dog you want/will meet your needs....But the shelters would be my first place to look.

01-08-2012, 12:21 AM
Adopt if you can. Definitely research dog personalities to see which ones fit your personality and lifestyle before you commit.

Every dog I've ever owned I've adopted and couldn't be happier. As a matter of fact, I'm about to adopt a new pit puppy.

I have to agree with Flip on his comment. American Pitbulls have a bad rep because of ignorance. I've owned two others before and they were the sweetest, most intelligent dogs I've ever seen. Don't shy away from that breed if you have even a slight interest in adopting one.

Well, as much as I love my pit...I wouldnt recommend them to folks unless you do some research. Too many breed restrictions now, research your area before you think about it. Last thing you want is get a pit and find out you cant have it in your apartment or even the city. I'm reading too much shit about people getting into bad situations like that, including myself. State of VA is pretty much anti-pit. Alot of places out here wont let me have my pit because of insurance issues.

01-08-2012, 10:04 AM
This is prime meme material right here.

01-08-2012, 10:42 AM
Adopt, my past 3 animals have come from an animal shelter (CAP). It's just a really good feeling knowing your're saving a life.

01-08-2012, 11:44 AM
This is prime meme material right here.

I don't always bite the mailman. But when I do, I go straight for the balls.

01-08-2012, 12:22 PM
I have 3 yorkshire terriers.2 were purchased and 1 was rescued from a puppy mill.they are all awesome dogs but the rescue one is extremely territorial.she's very well behaved by herself but if you try. to ply with her around my one dog she goes batshit insane and trys to hurt her.she broke her god damned leg once..mind you these dogs all way around 10lbs so its kindof nuts

01-08-2012, 04:03 PM
I will always adopt.

01-08-2012, 04:07 PM
Adopt/Rescue is really the only way to go for me. Considering how many animals there are in shelters I find it very hard to understand why folks still breed in such large quantities.

If you're looking for a specific breed, you'll be surprised how many dedicated rescues there might be for that one breed.

01-08-2012, 04:28 PM
Adopt/Rescue is really the only way to go for me. Considering how many animals there are in shelters I find it very hard to understand why folks still breed in such large quantities.

If you're looking for a specific breed, you'll be surprised how many dedicated rescues there might be for that one breed.

Because all those people care about is the money that comes with it.

01-09-2012, 11:28 AM
They taste the same no matter where you get them from.

01-09-2012, 11:46 AM
ive always adopted or found my animals. to me its the only way to go.

got Autumn at the pound a few years ago.


01-09-2012, 12:07 PM
The way I see it, with the surplus of animals you can adopt for little or nothing, they only reason to buy an animal from a breeder is for some kind of competition or special purpose (like hunting or dog shows).

01-09-2012, 12:39 PM
nice dog vroom, Akita mix?

01-09-2012, 12:56 PM
not really sure. the pound said she was a Chow mix. the vet thought she was a Shiba Inu(but they only weigh like 25 pounds and she is over 40). couple of my Korean friends say she is a Jindo. from doing research i think she is either full bred Jindo or a Jindo mix.

01-09-2012, 01:08 PM
I have two dogs, 1 dachshund that my wife and I paid way too much for at the time from one of those mall pet stores, and my other dog which I'd like to believe is some sort of dachshund mix that we rescued from the streets.

I will never buy from one of those mall places or breeders again because 1. They're overpriced as fuck, and 2. There are thousands of dogs put down everyday that would make a great lifelong companion to anyone if given the chance.

01-09-2012, 10:40 PM
adopt.....................and if you can get a rescue animal like a greyhound. Give it a good rest of its life due to all the fucksticks racing them for money.

01-10-2012, 11:07 AM
adopted my dog pooch of the streets best thing i ever did..he is a chocolate Lab full breed he was a pup when i found him he was also never trained he simply does whatever he wants lol he's stupid and careless but damn he really is mans best friend...saving a dogs life by adopting him created a bigger bond with him oppose to a bunny i bought that i had no love for....i think i gave it away the first day i brought it home

01-10-2012, 11:22 AM
Again like most of the people here, definitely adopt. There are so many adoption agencies that can get you any breed of dog that you want. Even if the dog is far away and you make an effort to show yourself as a good owner, the adoption agency will find a way to get the dog to you. We have adopted dogs from up north and are currently getting set up as a foster. Especially with the specific breeds, these organizations go out of their way to provide good homes and will travel across states to get the dog to a good owner.

01-10-2012, 11:51 AM
You guys are awesome, its a great thing to adopt a pet.

adoption is definitely the way to go, alot of these dogs/cats have had a really hard life and you can really turn it around for them.
the bitch crack fiend of a woman who had one of my cats before us put her in a cardboard box and left her there for god knows how long. how can you do that to a little kitten?

my one dog, she had a tiny fur discoloration about the size of a dime as a puppy and the people thought it was mange. so they were about to kill her before we got to her and took her in.

guess what, it wasn't mange and those people are fucking assholes. she's having a good heathy life now.

01-10-2012, 12:36 PM
Shame the same cant be said about all pitts.... I tried taking a younger one in once and all was fine for about a month until one day out of the blue it attacked my Australian Shepard and left me with over $400 in vet bills. My neighbor said she saw the whole thing happen.... the pitt without warning just locked onto my Aussies neck and went to work. It's hard to own other animals or have small children with pitts around unless you are there constantly training it as I found out.

Took the guy back to the pound where I'm happy to say he did get a new owner but I will never even think about trying to own one again.
Also had a friend get his stomach ripped to shreds by one out of nowhere. Ended up having to put that one to sleep because they simply couldn't train it.

As far as adopt vs. purchase it's hard to say. Obviously adopting is the noble choice but sometimes it's slim pickins and they don't have the dog you want/will meet your needs....But the shelters would be my first place to look.

Yah, I know what your talking about. Thats the problem with the breed, they're naturally dog aggressive. Breed was made to fight other dogs, nothing you can do about that. But human aggression, that was bred out from the get-go. If a pitt turned on its owner, it was automatically put down. But thats not the case nowadays... the stupid fucks breeding them left and right for a quick buck, some are tainted with human aggressive traits.

Once you figure out what makes them tick, you'll be okay. Rule #1 with my dog is never leave her with another female dog. Bitches are bitches...she fucking hates them when they try to dominate her. Male dogs, shes BFF with any male dogs within 5 mins. My dogs about 50 pounds and she was getting dominated by my friends 4 pound Chihuahua. This dog would walk up to her, tail up, shoulders haunched up...and my dog would go to her kennel like a punk. Best thing about her is she's straight up a people dog. She likes people more than other dogs, specially toddlers.

01-10-2012, 08:42 PM
I bought my first dog a month or two ago when he was 9 weeks old. I've been happy so far and it was probably the only way to get exactly what I want. That being said the more I look into it if I had to do it again I would adopt in a heartbeat. There are to many animals without a home.

01-13-2012, 05:54 PM
Adopt hands down, there are some really good pets that are being put down for no reason.