01-02-2004, 12:23 PM
Okay, so my friend got married and he moved from the barracks off the main base, to a house onto the main base. So new years eve I'm meeting him there at his house. I have to go throuh the main gate. So I get up, turn off my lights, had my license out and everything, ready for a swift check through. Cause the gate at his old barracks, they'd just do the same, f*ck w/you a little bit, saying "you don't know the person you're seeing" and all. I'm ready for that. BUT NO!!!!
I get up there, and one guy is like "is it legal for you to have those stickers on your windshield?" I tell him yes, and I work for Nissan and all so I know what's legal and what's not (:D) he accepts it. So I'm like "cool". Then the little one walks around my car and comes up to me and goes "why don't you have a license plate on the front?" and dogs me about all this sh*t on my car. My car outside is pretty much totally stock. And he's still talking sh*t about my car how this & that isn't legal. He goes "YOU EXPECT ME TO LET YOU THROUGH ZULU 1 WITH ALL THIS? If you get a ticket tonight, it's gonna be my ass and I'm comming to you"
Ha! Give me a f'ing ticket. He thinks I don't know how it works. You think it scares me if I get a point on me on this base. I'll just come back in another car if I get too many points.
So anyways, the whole night driving around base to get to and from my friends house, I was afraid of getting my ass kicked by some MP's.

01-02-2004, 02:01 PM
be currful mrmeph was a mash potato or rather pmo pickeled mash potato.

I don't like to many of them either but blah I have to listen.

01-02-2004, 05:09 PM
haha...they jes aint got nothing else to do. If you were in their shoes, standing in the freakin cold 12 hr shifts lookin at gawdamn IDs all day and saluting like morons to every freakin officers that go tru dat base, youd find ways to keep yourself entertained too.

01-02-2004, 05:16 PM

01-02-2004, 06:23 PM
just remember, YOU are the civilian going onto a military installation. You could have gotten it a lot worse (full vehicle search). Especially with the threat levels on new years eve. he didn't even have to let you on. My base, if the car isnt reg to you...you DON'T GET ON...period. And there is no letting any "guests on" unless you are in the military members car, you cant just drive up and say "hey I am here to see so and so" and expect them to wave you on. Bases have tighter security now...wich means more harassing non military people trying to get on base...and if you do get certain tickets on base...they do go to civilian courts, and can go on your record....

01-02-2004, 06:51 PM
heh.. I think it's funny how nobody EVER appreciates MPs.

Granted, there are dickhead MPs out there who get off by making everyone's life hell, and there are road nazis who pull over and cite every little discrepancy they can find... There are regular slobs who are just fulfilling their contract, and there are MPs that tried to buck the stereotype and not be a dickhead... let people off with warnings, etc.. Give guys a stern talking-to instead of slapping cuffs on them. I tried to be that kind of MP.
Fliprayzin's kinda right.. yeah, we do find ways to entertain ourselves.. usually it's by being stupid on the radio, making the FNGs do stupid shit, playing quick-draw (<---joke. doing that is VERY stupid. I never did it.), or doing different funny 'waves' (the motion a sentry makes when he waves you through the gate... my favorite was the 'Top Gun'.. i can't really describe it.. heh.)
Regardless, it's typically only the stupid or asshole MPs that like to mess with people.
My most favorite thing was making someone senior to me (which was alot of people) feel stupid by making them realize their mistake and tell them that THEY should be setting the example for me. Obviously, this only ever happened when they were fucking up, but it happened.

Fastback: Sorry you got stuck with a dick. It happens. Just be patient with them and don't present an attitude. If you don't give them a reason to mess with you, they won't. If you have a problem with what happened, address it with their Watch Commander (higher position) or Patrol Supervisor (lower position).

I've been at most all angles when it concerns MPs. I've been a sentry, a patrol unit, a dispatcher, a patrol supervisor, and a watch commander. Each job has it's own difficulties, and none is very easy. I've also been on the other side of the coin. I've driven onto bases where it's not my friends and coworkers standing post, and had to deal with assholes. I've come through the gate as a civilian, and even been cited by new people at my old base (because all my buddies were in Iraq). Sometimes it sucks, but that's a small price to pay for security.


01-02-2004, 06:58 PM
i used to think mps in japan were dicks. but this one time, i was pretty wasted and had puked and the only thing i had to cover it was a stick of gum. as i was approaching the base, behold the mp holding breathalizer tests (im reading LOTR trilogy right now and their lingo is rubbing off a bit). I should of just waited it out but it was f-in cold outside and my friends were willing to chance it. so we just walked up, he does the test, (prob. smelt something foul of my breath too) and then he just let us go.

01-02-2004, 07:26 PM
He was just doing his job, even though it seemed like he was hassling you (which he probably was a little)....but I would rather feel safe and know that the MP's are doing their job then to be like able to drive in without being stopped or to cruise in illegally or something.....but thats just my 2 cents.

01-03-2004, 05:46 AM
yeah san diego base gates are nuts. s13silviagirl you know you like those long waits to get in the front gate! i tried taking the side gate this morning (as i usually do) BEHOLD (LOTR lingo rocks) it was not open! had to bust the u-turn and wedge back into the pack and sit there... embarassing when i have a bad TPS. idle doing the *wwaaaaaabuuhhhhwaaaaaaaabuuhhhhh* and my stickers are 4 years old and from new jersey. you should see the looks on some of the guys faces when they see my dod stickers. "where the heck did you get those?!" "how old are those?!" "replace those ASAP" but they let me on every time! hahaha even funnier that i drive on in utilities with e-5 crow in plain sight and my ID says PO3 haha hey as long as these guys can stop a ryder truck full of manure from ramming the gates and blowing up my beloved bowling alley, i support them! heheh.

as for fastback's experience, i got the same thing on pendalton before i joined. trying to get on that base in 97 with a lowered honda with exhaust, no front plates and double limo tint on the back three windows was something i never understoood how i pulled off... especially since i was "going to meet a friend for a party". so yeah fastback you got kinda lucky considering times have changed, plus the fact we went to "orange" for the holidays. orange... wtf is that anyways? why cant civilians and dod have the same alert stages? we have "Force Protection CONdition" they have... crayola colors?! wierd.

01-03-2004, 09:42 AM
YAY!!!! For waits at the gate!!!!! NOT. :squint: haha thats why I roll onto base at like 0455. or if I am late, I have my secret bat tunnels I use to sneak to the front of the line! HAHAHAHA I will teach you. OH btw, I should be to work at like...5 on monday, but I have pt from 6-7. I will bring that thingy if you want it....soo you would have to be ther before 530...haha I will pm you the directions and my building # sun night...

01-04-2004, 12:11 PM
Whats this "PT" you speak of?

lol only time anyone gave a crap about pt'ing where I'm at is when the PFT is coming up. Is that how your units/squadrons are?

01-04-2004, 09:22 PM

Our Division has a bunch of BUDS Duds....haha our buds drop outs. But I put myself on the mando program cuzz I just had a baby not tooo long ago. grrrrr baby fat is a pain in the ass to loose!

But yeah, it all depends on what command you are at.