View Full Version : Funny/Ghetto Ways You've Worked On Your Car

01-02-2004, 11:35 AM
Anyone have pics of funny or ghetto things you have done to work on your car? i have one picture of me and my fathers ghetto way, it was pouring down rain this morning but we are puting my intercooler on now and we wanted to work on it so we made of a little rain blocker/car cover...lol check it out:)
held up by a ladder and the top of a door:)

01-02-2004, 11:49 AM
I've had to stab my oil filter a few times with a screw driver and turn with said screwdriver in order to be able to twist it off.

01-02-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by thelinja
I've had to stab my oil filter a few times with a screw driver and turn with said screwdriver in order to be able to twist it off.

WEAAAAK!!! Just use the strong hand unless for some reason you can't get a grip on it.

01-02-2004, 03:09 PM
i patch exhaust leaks with fiber glass :)

01-02-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu
i patch exhaust leaks with fiber glass :)

I patched a huge muffler hole with window screen material and some muffler cement stuff. Held for awile till I bottomed out one day :hs:

01-02-2004, 04:24 PM
I was trying to release fuel pressure from my maxima today, which is recieving a new engine, but the current engine doesnt work, so I couldnt do what haynes manual says (disconnect fuel pump fuse, run engine till it dies naturally), but I didnt know that simply removing the fuel pump cap effectively released pressure, and I got so frustrated tring to remove that little tube on the fuel filter that eventually I just decided that carnage was the best option, because I wanted to move on and get as much done today (warm weather) as possible. so I went into the kitchen, got a knife, and just cut the hose. then I realized that to replace it I'd have to remove the hose anyways.

god Im stupid.

01-02-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy
I patched a huge muffler hole with window screen material and some muffler cement stuff. Held for awile till I bottomed out one day :hs: bottem out...LIKE UR SISTER! :boink:

01-02-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Flybert
WEAAAAK!!! Just use the strong hand unless for some reason you can't get a grip on it.
I use pureones and there's really nothing to grip on to. Pretty slippery especially when I already got oil residue on my hands. Bah, I'm still pretty weak though.:o

01-02-2004, 10:52 PM
i have a pair of needle nose vice-grips holding shut the open hole behind the MAFS on my S14 SR...at the spot that you are supposed to re-circulate the BOV...


i will try to get a picture

01-02-2004, 11:30 PM
in order to securely prevent people from stealing my lip, i got two peices of metal ( i dont even know what theyre from) cut it in two, and used the halfs as brackets and conected to my front bumper...cause i had no c clips...i would post pics...but they stole the lip anyway

01-03-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu
bottem out...LIKE UR SISTER! :boink:

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn!!! ! ;)

01-03-2004, 04:53 AM
i'm sure everyone has done this at one point:
no spring compressor so you either
a) be smart and open your strut in a pillowcase.
b) aim at your nieghbor's cat and let that sucker fly!

i have done so much ghetto stuff i have forgotten it all by now. all started in 1996 installing stereo equipment in my 65 el camino... ghetto ever since.
cutting springs with a dremmel... (LONG time...)
wood blocks instead of jackstands...
forklift instead of a jack (dont ask)
bicycle handlebars for cheater bars...
and many many more!

my friends and i used to call my garage "Ghetto Engineering"
"hey man lets go to GE i gotta change my oil!"

01-03-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Shinchu180sx
i'm sure everyone has done this at one point:
no spring compressor so you either

b) aim at your nieghbor's cat and let that sucker fly!

lol hell yea, fuck spring compressors

01-03-2004, 03:39 PM
Ok, The funniest thing i've done is,

One day, me and my buddy were driving home from the nearby mall, which really isn't nearby if your car is a Ford Focus (lol). We start racing a Eclipse RS with and exhaust. We are winning by a long shot, don't know how. We come down this hill and we slow down. The Eclipse gets in front of us and puts on his 4ways, don't know why if we already beat it. We drift up the hill and back down the otherside. Hit the brakes and we hear a loud pop. The break line blew out. We come atleast a 1/2 inch from hitting the Eclipse in front of us. The Ebrake is used more than usual at this point ;) :D . We finally park in an empty lot and take off the wheel. We find that the line had a bubble in it and was gonna blow. We try to figure out what to plug the line. I open the trunk and i find a pair of vice grips. I put those things on the highest setting and lock up the line. We also put more fluid in the Master Cylinder.

Me and my buddy rode like that for about a week straight.

How about that for GE (Ghetto Engineering)

01-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by thelinja
I use pureones and there's really nothing to grip on to. Pretty slippery especially when I already got oil residue on my hands. Bah, I'm still pretty weak though.:o

If you've got access to some, just grab the filter with a piece of sandpaper. Plenty of grip, should come right off.

01-03-2004, 06:30 PM
i have a 1 liter diet pepsi bottle as my antifreeze container junx

01-03-2004, 10:12 PM
I've used my tool box for a jack stand. Realizing that I haven't pulled out all the tools I'll need for a job is quite frustrating.

Tie wraps are your friend! My splash shield is mostly held in place with them. I also once used them to hold together the hanger on my muffler. I even used tie wraps to hold the silencer in my exhaust, which was a very bad idea in hidsight. It looked pretty dangerous in my rearview mirror, bouncing down the freeway.

Just recently, my friend gave me his old intake, less the filter. Being completely broke, I cut the filter element out of my old box filter, rolled it into a cone, and duct taped it to the pipe. This fell apart fairly quickly, so I am currently using a sock.

01-06-2004, 04:45 AM
because i never have leverage removing bolts i wanna move, i use my scissor jack to move my wratchets. I can put up to 800-900 lbs of pressure on that ratchet in this manner.

01-06-2004, 08:53 AM
I've done the screwdriver in the oil filter trick a few times. I once had a roomate with an extremely ghetto Dodge Colt. He cut the back out to make it a truck. He spraypainted black zebra stripes on it. He changed his oil in the woods. He would dig a hole in the ground, drain the oil, bury it and drive off.

01-06-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by kalieaire
because i never have leverage removing bolts i wanna move, i use my scissor jack to move my wratchets. I can put up to 800-900 lbs of pressure on that ratchet in this manner.

lol... i have a similar situation. i was trying to get the valve cover off but i only had a small emergency ratchet thingy. the damn thing is about 6 inches long... no leverage watsoever. so i hearken back to my taekwondo days and use my leg in a flamingo stance to pry the damn screws open. not a very exact science ...lucky i didn't strip any.

01-06-2004, 11:46 AM
i used a TD05 as wheel stop

01-06-2004, 03:00 PM
Tied front license plate on with kite string. Did the same thing with wheel well splashguards.

01-06-2004, 03:41 PM
Drove my car on a phone book to jack my car up.

Kid Zelda
01-06-2004, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Flybert
Just use the strong hand .

You don't know how to use the STRONG HAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-06-2004, 06:16 PM
720_datsun and I almost killed something/someone doing the compressor-less spring removal trick on his civic, haha. The strut shot right under his car and hit a box of brand new S-techs on the other side of the garage. Needless to say, we assigned a friend of mine to compress the next 2 springs. :D

My dad was changing the rear diff oil in his Z32 and didn't feel like using an oil pump, so he took out the interior panels and drilled a hole right above the diff and stuck a tube down that way. Waaay easier to fill the diff this way, haha!

On my old 240z, I broke a bolt on one of the rear lower suspension arms, so I drilled a giant hole from the inside of the car to get to the side that still had threads (it was bolted into the frame rails) to get the rest of the bolt out.

I love how I write in run-on sentances....

AND, to the guy who's friend dumps his oil in the woods, shame on you! I'm calling greenpeace, that's fucked up!

01-07-2004, 10:48 PM
put 2 yellowpages under a jackstand to get it higher

use non craftsman tools