View Full Version : Drift Day 12

01-01-2004, 02:07 AM
I'm probably gunna piss off some people by posting this, but I don't care.

For the record, I'm not a male chauvinist and I believe that men and women are equals. Ok, now that I've said that, here goes:

A friend of mine just notified me half an hour ago that registration for DD12 has just opened up on MyAutoEvents.com. So I log on to that site and take a look at the entry list. The entry list is a list of people who have already registered for the event. When I looked at it, there were already a couple people who registered before it was opened. I looked at the bottom, and there's a section called "Ladies/Drifting Pretty [LADY]"

What's up with that? I see that they're trying to classify people depending on skill level, like "Novice", "intermediate" and "PRO". But is it really neccessary to have a section dedicated to just for females. I understand they they are a minority in the drifting scene, but it's totally unfair that they have their own section. I'm not sure whether or not they get special privileges from Drift Association LLC.

I also feel that drifters are drifters. There's no gender in it. It's only driver and car. Women and men are equals.

My $0.02

***Let the flaming begin***

01-01-2004, 02:16 AM
drifting pretty, read here

go to the BBS

even in japan there are different classes and the US needs it too
sucks for people hwo been drifting a few years to be on the same course as a total newb.
its hard too because you lose A LOT of track time
if it was real track i would be stuck driving slow around someone due to them spinning.

we all knew a classing of some sort was due, just a matter of time

as far as special treatment ,that is between 4ag and the drifting pretty group organizers .read nadine's board for more information.

go look at japan..girls run separate. many times, girls compete separately. but then again japan is not 'equal' to all..soooo

girls in the USA for drifting are super newb. most never done it with the exception of very very very very few (i can think of 3 off my head who been to trakc more then 3 times drifting!)

01-01-2004, 02:29 AM
I understand your point Aaron. A classing system is long overdue. However, it shouldn't be classified under gender but by skill level. End post.

01-01-2004, 04:18 PM
...agreed as above... :angel:

01-01-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by holisticbeatz
I understand your point Aaron. A classing system is long overdue. However, it shouldn't be classified under gender but by skill level. End post.
I concur, as well as the fact that this is a different country with different mannerisms, attitudes, and beliefs.

01-01-2004, 07:25 PM
The whole reason for the girl class is to get more girls out on the track. Not to be gender biased. Most girls are intimidated by men, especially on a track. The whole point is to get girls comfortable on a track so that way as they progress they can feel more at ease going into higher classes with men and be more confident in their driving skills. Nothing more, nothing less.

01-01-2004, 11:50 PM
While I agree that there divisions should be made based on skill level and not gender type, I believe the reasons for creating a separate section for girls can be justified.

Like s13silviagirl said, a lot of girls are intimidated by this boy dominated sport. While the guys might just tell us to not care and just get out on the track, it's kind of hard to do. I think having some special deals for girls (initially) to get them out there until there are lots of them isn't such a bad thing.

Also, while you and your group of friends might believe in more equality and rights for girls, many do not. Just at the past DriftDay (DD11), I heard a spectating boy (after observing a female on the track) telling his friend that girls are just incompetent and should get their "stupid asses" off the track. He also added a couple more "colorful" comments that I will not post up.

My group of friends are wonderful. They completely support me, but they also don't baby me. Many girls don't get that kind of help. Many of the girls I met at the all girl meet told me that when they expressed interest in drifting, their boyfriends and friends would discourage them, saying that they probably couldn't do it.

When it comes to competitions though, I think there shouldn't be classifications in gender. Girls might have a hard time getting started in this sport, but after they're in, they're on the same exact level as a boy who just started. They're not physically or mentally at a disadvantage, so competing with boys shouldn't be a problem.

And please, if you're going to complain about preferential treatment at the DriftDays, there are LOTS of other things to complain about than just a handful of girls getting in earlier.

01-01-2004, 11:59 PM
werd! itsybitsy240sxEy
i can complain A LOT about 'special' treatment at 4ag events. you dont even want to know some things i know hahaha

politics and such..dont get me started! but that's how life is. if you dont like it, DONT GO. simple as that

itsybitsy240sxEy has been one of the few girls at the track for quite a few events. various drift days, streets of willow and buttonwillow among other activities. one of the few who has been doing it since early? (right?) 2003 and such. maybe late 02..i forget...she's Pink GodziRa, so we go to a lot of stuff and parttake in varoius ways (spectating and participating) in events. maybe next year hosting a few too with friends companies and all. either way, keeping busy! and going having fun often!

anyways, yeah ive heard such comments at the track, its pretty sad. but some people are just dumbasses by birth so go figure. the ones who say it are usually the ones who are new as well (and suck) hahaha..but we all start somewhere

01-02-2004, 02:29 PM
In all of the track days I have driven in, there have been no other girls on the track at the same time! This is something that needs to change...

It can be very difficult to have the courage to drive on the track as a female driver. Since there are so few of us, we are watched closely... and every mistake we make is noticed!

I am really excited to see that more girls are finally getting the encouragement they need to get out on the track. In a hobby dominated by testosterone, it is about time a little estrogen was thrown into the mix :D

01-02-2004, 07:43 PM
hehee chika...you tell em!

edit: Lisa REALLY needs to sign out of my username.

01-03-2004, 04:20 AM
you ladies just watch out for nomuken at D1... *StaLkeRu!* haha sorry i just get a funny mental image of him shaking his bottle...

yeah i have known itsybitsy for a while. most hardcore girl i know that really DOES want to get out there not to just impress people but for herself. she isnt just doing it to be "the cool drifter chick." she actually likes it. and for that, i say ITSYBITSY ROCKS MY SOCKS!! hahaha and so does the rest of pink GodZira! im pretty sure you have all of Team Duck Sniper's support on this too. now if we can all just get to one event together... lol

bottom line: Drifting Pretty is a GREAT idea and i wish it was around sooner.

(oh yeah dousan, i know what you mean about slowing down for spin outs... i was behind the yellow 350z at DD10 on the big course and my god... i never got a clean shot at the 3rd gear left hander...)

01-03-2004, 04:58 AM
The fact that girls feel unwelcome or intimidated at a laid back event such as a track day or drift day is no ones fault but the people attending. Drifting is fine and all, but the amount of attitude that I see at some of the events is stupid. ITS FOR FUN ALREADY! Leave the opinions at home for once. Just drive and focus on your own skills- once the helmet goes on you can't tell whos driving anyway.