View Full Version : How Good is "Faulty Equip." in Agrueing a Ticket??

black s13
01-01-2004, 01:20 AM
I got a ticket tonight, the cop said he paced me at 85, but I know I wasnt going that fast. The thing is my speedo doesn't work, so I really dont know how fast I was going. Also, the entire time he said he was pacing me he was catching up... so how accurate can that be?? Oh and some background, this is my second ticket, last one was improper driving, this one is 85 in a 45, im 18 years old. should I admit I was speeding, but not agree to 85mph?? thats a lot over the speed limit. ha, any help you guys can give me would be great, I really dont want to lose my licence.

edit: I'm in Virginia, and it was on a back road.

! had my camera sitting on the seat next to me, and I was in an odd modd, so I took this short video while sitting there:. http://home.earthlink.net/~leprechaun117/pic0004.JPG

*mods, feel free to move this to off topic if you see it fit*

01-01-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by black s13
*mods, feel free to move this to off topic if you see it fit.*


Why didn't you just post in off topic anyways like where it belongs. Where's that nazi mod mrmeph anyways? :D

black s13.. agree to speeding but not doing 85? you were still speeding nevertheless. just plead guilty and take it like a man. you got caught, ahahahah! sucks to be you..

01-01-2004, 01:44 AM
Pay a lawyer, sit back and don't worry about it.

That is my guide to speeding tickets :o

black s13
01-01-2004, 01:50 AM
why do you have to be such an ass?? damn, just asking for some help. and i didnt get caught doing 85, cause i know i wasnt going that fast.

thanks ca18guy, im thinking about doing that, hopefully help me out a little.

01-01-2004, 03:31 AM
rpm no work either?

Either way, 85 in a 45? godamn.

01-01-2004, 04:04 AM
take it to court, say you dont know how fast you were going and neither did the cop. and ask to make a charitable donation rather than pay the ticket if it can be left off your record to save insurance

01-01-2004, 04:40 AM
did you tell him your speedo not work if u did ur pooped, all cops write notes on teh backside of their ticket. i know in california, if u challenge the ticket before a judge you can subpoena his copy as evidence : ).. lots of things you can do, DO RESEARCH, for your state laws ! and read
"Fight your ticket and Win"

good stuff

see what you can do to postpone it to give urself more tiem to decide maybe you can ask for extension... maybe 2 extensions ! california you can do up to two i believe.

01-01-2004, 08:24 AM
also, if you take it to court, and the cop no -shows you should be free of the ticket. At least in CA that is how it goes. (had a cop no show on me & got the ticket waived due to lack of proof from the cop....errr something like that)

black s13
01-01-2004, 11:39 AM
yeah, if he doesnt show itll go away, but i dont see that happening as he said "see you in court" as he walked away.

i knew i was speeding, i admit that, but im positive i wasnt going 85. i have no speedo ans no tach either. just swapped to DE, and the speedo never worked. i didnt tell the cop anything about the car, wasnt trying to be with him any longer than i needed to.

im going to try and get an extension, seeing as how my coust date is feb. 3.

01-01-2004, 12:16 PM
take good notes too....if you take it to court try asking the cop which direction you were travelling or something hard to remember like that.

see what happens

black s13
01-01-2004, 02:48 PM
all that stuff is written on the summons. hes seeming to be a damn good cop, thorough at least. hopefully a lawyer can help me use the broken equipment to my advantage, maybe just get "speeding" and not "reckless"

01-01-2004, 04:44 PM
i wouldn't mention your faulty speedo gauge, you can't say in court " i know i wasn't gooing that fast..." thats not an arguement at all, if it was his faulty equipment (e.g. radar gun not serviced, cop not trained to use it... ) stuff like that is good.

look at the vehicle code violation. and look it up.
i beat a cop at this ticket VC22350 unsafe speed
22350. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.

basically i was going over the speed limit by a lot. yes i was speeding, but was written for unsafe speed. and i asked the cop was traffic light, how was weather, how wide the street was, was tehre construction, he replies no, so i ask him in front of his honor, under his best opinion was i driving at an unreasonable speed / unsafe speed "greater than is reasonable for the conditions" he says no. i say thank you and its dismissed ( said more than that to the judge ), but the judge wsan't to happy with me, and he says i will decide since you did say you were speeding and charged for the wrong violation.(when i asked for dismissal)

i actually followed this pattern through someone else's experience ... let me find the link more info that i wrote...

understand what you're being charged with... what violation and such. all tickets can be fought, its how you make him look like dummy( i don't remember jack ) in front of judge

01-01-2004, 04:50 PM
here it is... long : (

Fight your ticket Win Win Win ! (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39779&highlight=fight+your+ticket)

:aw: :aw: :aw: :aw: :aw: :aw: :aw:

black s13
01-03-2004, 12:12 AM
Thanks a lot everyone. I don't see any technicalities getting me off this one, other than the fact that we cant figure out when he paced me... oh well, I'm contacting the officer tomorrow, in order to get his side of the story.

One thing though, last time I got a ticket I got a piece of paper that requested all of my insurance info. It said if I didnt send it in I would lose my licence and the car would be un-registered(??) This time I didn't get that paper, and neither did my friend (who got the same ticket, at the same time.) Is this an optional thing for the officer to give?? If not, can I get off because of it??

Hopefully some VA people are reading this and have insight into this exact matter.