View Full Version : p0705 inhibitor switch diagnosis advanced for AT folks

01-01-2012, 04:03 PM
So I rubbed through my fender harness as many have in their s14's and I have lost the lock up or d4 gear of trans when its wet outside, obviously a short in the before mention harness... long story short I have been tracing the offending wire in my case is the 12v+ from inhibitor to the TCM which is LG/R in the manual,, what I cannot find is any reference to where that wire goes, I found it at a relay near the fusebox in the engine bay but cannot see where it goes from there... I would assume it starts at the inhibitor switch, goes to relay then forward harness to super plug to tcm... anyone have this answer. I am keeping it automatic so dont start with swap talk.

01-02-2012, 08:43 AM
just bypass the inhibitor relay
to trace the wire is alot of time and effort
stay auto it doesnt matter