View Full Version : Clicking noise when ignition is turned on?

12-26-2011, 11:01 PM
Ok guys, I have been searching on here, google, every where for some kind of explination to this clicking. I took a short video of it earlier, but I can not tell where it is coming from. Yesterday, I was taking out the bolts on the ECU to check the CEL on it, but didnt have enough time, so I put it back together. Then, after a while, I went out to the car to start it up and leave, it clicked like this. It will do it everytime I turn the ignition. An ideas on what his is and how to make it stop?
Here is the video I took. Clicking noise starting 1996 Nissan 240sx - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T4BP5LEnzA&feature=plcp&context=C3530cdeUDOEgsToPDskJ41vZsvesbPlFXCihiwLKK )
Just picked up this car this weekend so I am still learning the littler things to the S14, so sorry if this is a simple fix/ easily identifiable.

12-26-2011, 11:07 PM
sounds like it is coming from where the fuse panel is correct? check the relays down there.

12-26-2011, 11:24 PM
Fuel pump relay tends to make similar noise...hope i can explain...

If you take off the blue cover from the fuel relay, you can see the "coil."

On the side, where the "pillar" attaches to the plastic, the "pillar" is not attached to the base...

So, when you hit the key, it sends an electrical current to the relay, therefore it makes it "click"

That "click" is the metal being pulled together....

Make sense??

I might have to share some of my XX beer so youd understand what i mean :)

12-27-2011, 12:53 PM
I looked and it wasnt coming from there. I traced the sound to the radio.... Not sure why it is clicking like that, but I guess its nothing major if it is just the radio. Thanks for the suggestions though!

Dorifto Machine
12-27-2011, 01:34 PM
Sounds way louder than a relay. Did you try unplugging the harness to the radio and then try to see if sound no longer exists? Really the only way to be 100% sure if its the radio. If you still get that sound with the radio disconnected then its something else.

12-27-2011, 01:36 PM
I took the radio out of the dash and held it up to my ear, definitally the radio. When it has a CD in it, it will click, but when I take the CD out and do it, then you can just hear it spinning the thing that spins the CD. I don't feel like messing with it right now, especially since it's raining, and cold lol
Oh and by the way, it isnt the OEM radio, it is a JVC one.

Dorifto Machine
12-27-2011, 01:48 PM
lol, weird but atleast its something minimal right? :P

I just finally installed a full system, feels good to have music back.
Last owner created a mess/hackjob with the audio wiring, so I just ran new stereo wiring and external amp.

12-27-2011, 02:05 PM
Yea that's what I'm glad for lol. I got this car for Christmas, and it is my first car. I got like $300 for christmas, and I need that money for insurance, but I want to buy stuff sooooo bad! I want to either drop it on some lowering springs, or by a stereo since the one in it now isn't all that great. It's a hard choice lol. I will probably get stereo first, and then drop it later.

Dorifto Machine
12-27-2011, 02:14 PM
Yea, prepare for weird things to unveil and youll come to find out its the mild quirks of the 240sx, never the less you will enjoy it. Just buy what you need first to make sure the car is operational/safe mechanical and suspension wise so that you can avoid the fall into a money pit.

But if your looking for performance and handling I would go with the lowering springs, they could be had between $150 - $300 in decent used/new condition. Some teins or eibach springs on KYB struts. You could always deal with the streo situation down the road .

12-27-2011, 02:46 PM
The guy I bought it from rebuilt the top end, and it runs perfectly right now. Need lower wiring harness and the rear O2 sensor on it, but other than that it is great. Interior is one of the cleanest i've seen, and all. I just don't like the wheel gap and do not have tons of money to spend on coilovers. I will always keep a bit just in case something goes wrong, but now that I have my car, I just want to spend spend spend lol