View Full Version : Fuel gauge Fail!!!

Vicious Beaner!
12-21-2011, 09:50 PM
My gas gauge on my cluster just happened to go out about a week ago and just started staying towards the "E" or quart mark. and not go above that! so i just opened the cluster and tried putting in another gas gauge mechanism from another cluster and its off same deal!
Now i want to see if its the actual gauge before i have to open up the fuel tank and check the floater on the fuel pump. which i highly doubt because its a newish walbro. Also the gas gauge i replaced on the cluster was givin to me from a friend and i think he might of touched the needle on it and might of threw it off! So my question is anyone have an after market fuel gauge thats acurate. ? Any input would be greatly apprciated!
Im just tired of guessing how much gas i have in my car and just run out of gas like before :picardfp:.


12-21-2011, 09:55 PM
Fuel pump and Float are two different things.

Check the Float

12-21-2011, 10:45 PM
keep in mind your car is like 20 years old...im pretty sure you bolloxed your sending units floating meter...most people dont know how to put them back in when theyve removed the unit from the tank to install a new pump...its a very careful process...all in all, most 240s get around 230-240 miles per tank...just reset your trip each time you fill up

also, with your walbro DO NOT RUN IT BELOW QUARTER OF A TANK OF GAS OR YOU WILL BURN IT OUT (only takes about 3-4 months worth of doing this to burn up your walbro)

save monies, go to nissan, buy new sending unit, install CAREFULLY into tank (also install brand new O ring while doing so as well).

Vicious Beaner!
12-22-2011, 10:46 AM
ill be sure to do that thanks guys!!!!