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12-16-2011, 04:43 PM
Interested in what Zilvia thinks of this video...

It's time. - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TBd-UCwVAY)

word sux
12-16-2011, 06:13 PM
I thought I was a vacation comercial at first

12-16-2011, 06:58 PM
Haha wow that's awkward

12-16-2011, 11:16 PM
I still say gay marriage is the "new" interracial marriage....

12-19-2011, 05:21 PM
I had a conversation with someone about the video and gay marriage in general, his take was just let them call it civil unions. In that case, we should only allow civil unions if its interracial, or if one person was an illegal alien. There's more important things to worry about then whether two people love each other enough to make a lasting commitment, regardless of gender or sexual preference.

Most adherents to one man/one woman marriage fail to provide any argument for how it directly harms them personally

12-19-2011, 06:51 PM
I feel the opposite.

Marriage as a whole should be banned. Its nothing but a Government jobs program to keep divorce lawyers employed.

Obama and the Democrats are now pushing Gay Marriage to help further manipulate the unemployment numbers. Not only do you now get more "stay at home spouses" you'll now have more judges, lawyers and court workers getting these unfortunate people divorced and screwing them left-to-right.

I honestly feel bad for the gay community. Not only are they being used like pawns in all this, but they are also losing out on one of their most important rights - having an excuse why they can't get married and being financially fucked.

Just look at Massachusetts

In July 2006, the first same-sex couple to legally marry announced they were separating. Last week the couple filed for divorce in Suffolk Probate and Family Court, according to The Associated Press. The women share custody of their 12-year-old daughter.

12-19-2011, 08:34 PM
That was a pretty neat commercial. Seems like a fairly effective way to get a point across to some narrow-minded folks.

12-19-2011, 09:32 PM
Cool vid, totally agree..

12-20-2011, 10:55 AM
Corbic, I agree with you completely. If we are to be stuck with marriage, it should be for everyone. But the entire system is rife with corruption, and the limited tax benefits don't supplant the horrors of divorce court and prenuptial agreements. I'm don't mean any insult to the happy couples out there making it, I know several. It's just one of those things that works until it doesn't.

I for one am taking a pass at marriage, figure I'll make my own path, and odds are I'll find someone open minded enough to agree to that.

I'm glad the response to the video was overall positive, I'm impressed that some of my car people have ascended to a higher mental state.

12-20-2011, 11:38 AM
I feel the opposite.

Marriage as a whole should be banned. Its nothing but a Government jobs program to keep divorce lawyers employed.

Obama and the Democrats are now pushing Gay Marriage to help further manipulate the unemployment numbers. Not only do you now get more "stay at home spouses" you'll now have more judges, lawyers and court workers getting these unfortunate people divorced and screwing them left-to-right.

I honestly feel bad for the gay community. Not only are they being used like pawns in all this, but they are also losing out on one of their most important rights - having an excuse why they can't get married and being financially fucked.

Just look at Massachusetts

First Same-Sex Couple to Marry in the U.S. Files for Divorce (http://www.totaldivorce.com/news/articles/society/first-gay-couple-married-file-for-divorce.aspx)

Have you polished your tin-foil hat lately? Do you really think Obama is pushing for gay marriage to manipulate unemployment numbers? As if that would even make any significant difference in the unemployment rate? Besides, if a couple are living together, and one of them is unemployed and looking for a job, the marital status has no effect, they are still counted as unemployed either way.

And, for the record, Obama has stated that he is against 'gay marriage', but for civil unions.

12-20-2011, 11:59 AM
Have you polished your tin-foil hat lately? Do you really think Obama is pushing for gay marriage to manipulate unemployment numbers? As if that would even make any significant difference in the unemployment rate? Besides, if a couple are living together, and one of them is unemployed and looking for a job, the marital status has no effect, they are still counted as unemployed either way.

And, for the record, Obama has stated that he is against 'gay marriage', but for civil unions.

Have check your satire/humor-fluid levels recently? You are apparently low.

12-20-2011, 12:07 PM
Corbic, I agree with you completely. If we are to be stuck with marriage, it should be for everyone.

I for one am taking a pass at marriage, figure I'll make my own path, and odds are I'll find someone open minded enough to agree to that.

It's natural evolution. People no longer marry for survival. It's no longer economically important to have children, in fact it's now an economic burden. And with the changes of societal needs women can now make a living and survive on their own - so staying married for money is no longer a requirement.

Let's face it, the only reason to get married is for sentimental and emotional fulfillment. This is also why divorce is so high - when the love is gone, why stick around?

Last time I checked, no one is arguing gays lack feelings, I think
many would argue they are drama queens.

As a side note, historically marriages rarely lasted more than 20 years. Between a husbands hazardous working conditions, death while giving birth and diesease.. few couples ever got to the point of being married "long" historically. Now we live to 76-82 and have no "physical" reason to stay married.

12-20-2011, 12:49 PM
who cares, they can do whatever they want...

If you don't think so... then you're part of the problem.

12-20-2011, 01:11 PM
I dont mind gay marriage. It really doesnt affect anybody other than the couple. Let them do as they please.

But I do have a problem with gay couples having/adopting children. I am pretty open minded in general, but I have always had a protective/parental instinct and always put the protection of children above almost everything else. In my opinion, and Im sure many do not agree, a child deserves to grow up in a stable household with a loving mother and father. I do not believe that having two fathers or two mothers is a correct way to raise a child. Looking at all of the statistics on the behavior and development of single-parent children, I feel that a child is at a severe disadvantage if they do not grow up with a mother and a father.

Just my opinion, take it as that.

12-20-2011, 01:22 PM
I dont mind gay marriage. It really doesnt affect anybody other than the couple. Let them do as they please.

But I do have a problem with gay couples having/adopting children. I am pretty open minded in general, but I have always had a protective/parental instinct and always put the protection of children above almost everything else. In my opinion, and Im sure many do not agree, a child deserves to grow up in a stable household with a loving mother and father. I do not believe that having two fathers or two mothers is a correct way to raise a child. Looking at all of the statistics on the behavior and development of single-parent children, I feel that a child is at a severe disadvantage if they do not grow up with a mother and a father.

Just my opinion, take it as that.


I've never understood why this is still an issue. I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you're not hurting anybody or being a dick. If you're a good person it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, you should be afforded the opportunity to be happy. Homosexuality is exhibited in HUNDREDS of species, but homophobia is exhibited in only one. Yeah, being gay is really unnatural. Suuure.

12-20-2011, 01:24 PM
Being gay does not make you a bad parent.

That is all

drift freaq
12-20-2011, 01:30 PM
It's natural evolution. People no longer marry for survival. It's no longer economically important to have children, in fact it's now an economic burden. And with the changes of societal needs women can now make a living and survive on their own - so staying married for money is no longer a requirement.

Let's face it, the only reason to get married is for sentimental and emotional fulfillment. This is also why divorce is so high - when the love is gone, why stick around?

Last time I checked, no one is arguing gays lack feelings, I think
many would argue they are drama queens.

As a side note, historically marriages rarely lasted more than 20 years. Between a husbands hazardous working conditions, death while giving birth and diesease.. few couples ever got to the point of being married "long" historically. Now we live to 76-82 and have no "physical" reason to stay married.

Divorce is high because people do not marry for the right reasons. There is more to having a life partner ( most unbiased way to say it) than just sentimental and emotional. Its about friendship and trust as well. The partner be it male or female is your best friend and your closest confidant.
People often forget after the initial lust and stars head over heels period there is the friendship and compatibility part. Without those things things it tries the trust factor hard. Without the trust it completely destroys the union. Distrust really can affect Love if love is not true.

True Love is unconditional something a lot of people fail to get or realize. Most people put conditions on Love again that is the wrong way to go about Love.

I have unconditional Love in my life and I am quite fortunate for it. I have learned to give unconditional love because of situations beyond my control its not something that did not come easily I had to learn it.

Oh and lumping all gays into the drama queen category is actually a rather uninformed statement. Its pretty much like saying all blacks eat fried chicken.

12-20-2011, 02:46 PM
Oh and lumping all gays into the drama queen category is actually a rather uninformed statement. Its pretty much like saying all blacks eat fried chicken.

It was only met as some humor since my argument is that most relationships today are based purely on emotion (even if that emotion is finding a true "Best-friend/soulmate).

Lets face it, not everyone is that good at relationships or determining what the key values are within that relationship (Gay or Straight). After the words "I Do" a lot of inner-emotional/psychological changes occur in your expectation of married life.

Just like the link I posted above - the first gay couple to be married in Mass. is also the first to get divorced. IIRC they had dated for 20 years - no doubt the new "roles" and "role expectations" caused great friction.

12-20-2011, 02:50 PM
Being gay does not make you a bad parent.

That is all

I'll be honest. I have reservations about gay-adoption. I believe a lot more clinical and social research needs to be done before it becomes a "non-issue".

Currently two big news stories are two separate gay couples want to let their child decide its "gender", the one lesbian couple in Cali even wants to give their son hormone pills to stop puberty as he (8 years old) wants to be a girl and have a sex change.

I personally feel a child should be raised as their gender and if later in life they choose homosexuality or transgender then that is choice and they can pursue those options accordingly.

drift freaq
12-20-2011, 02:54 PM
It was only met as some humor since my argument is that most relationships today are based purely on emotion (even if that emotion is finding a true "Best-friend/soulmate).

Lets face it, not everyone is that good at relationships or determining what the key values are within that relationship (Gay or Straight). After the words "I Do" a lot of inner-emotional/psychological changes occur in your expectation of married life.

Just like the link I posted above - the first gay couple to be married in Mass. is also the first to get divorced. IIRC they had dated for 20 years - no doubt the new "roles" and "role expectations" caused great friction.

Unfortunately you are right.

This why I am all for living together before marriage.

12-20-2011, 02:55 PM
I've never understood why this is still an issue. I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you're not hurting anybody or being a dick. If you're a good person it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, you should be afforded the opportunity to be happy. Homosexuality is exhibited in HUNDREDS of species, but homophobia is exhibited in only one. Yeah, being gay is really unnatural. Suuure.

Homosexuality in other species (like dogs) is a sign of showing dominance, much like homosexual acts in prison. Most people would also argue few animals form any sort of emotional bond with one another or have a sense of self-awareness.

12-20-2011, 03:24 PM

*clicks the back button*


12-20-2011, 06:49 PM
But I do have a problem with gay couples having/adopting children.

I think 2 committed parents who are fully supportive of their kid is better than indifferent parents or single parents.

Take my cousin for example. She had two kids, the first when she was 18, the second when she was 20. But she was completely immature and took off after a couple of years, leaving them to be raised by their dad. My aunt and uncle (the kids' grandparents) are helping out as much as they can, but I know it's rough on the kids. I remember one Thanksgiving we were all getting together, and the kids were wondering if their mom was going to show up. Nearly broke my heart, because they are such sweet kids. When my cousin did show up (hours late), she was either drunk or high, but the kids were ecstatic to see her.

To me, 2 (gay) parents who are there for their kids, who love them, and give them a stable, supportive environment, are doing a way better job than millions of other so-called parents.

12-20-2011, 07:40 PM
To me, 2 (gay) parents who are there for their kids, who love them, and give them a stable, supportive environment, are doing a way better job than millions of other so-called parents.

Believe it or not Adoption of American kids is a very competitive and drawn out process. This is why most families adopt foreign kids.

Any adopting family (ie one that really really really wants kids) is going to be "better than an uncaring parent). Adoption is a nearly $30,000 process - yes you better REALLY want a kid to shell out $30,000 for them.

I think there is a major social-psychological element that needs to be understood first.

While I would say I'm indifferent at worst to gay-marriage, I feel its inevitable, I am an adamant supporter of "gender identity" and I am entirely apposed to the feminization of the male condition.

12-20-2011, 07:43 PM
They should have made it so at the end of the video the viewer finds out it was from the point of view of a turkey ham sandwich, and then it turns out to be a Chrysler commercial.

12-26-2011, 11:59 AM
I've seen the parents that willingly screw up the system for the sake of being different. My sister really wanted a daughter, but had a boy. If she had a girl, she would have named it Stella. Guess what name she gave her boy? I told her she is preparing the child for a school career of torment, if she even enrolls him in one, and she responded by saying he can pick his own name.

Gender is a 50/50 shot. If you really want to experience the other side, try playing dress-up, but mandated mental health counseling should be required before you can get a sex change.

I've had gay and straight friends from happy male/female married families, from single moms, divorced families. Their personal ability to navigate life successfully has been equally random. I'm assuming having same sex parents might not affect much, but then again, its not been under any scrutiny.

I suppose the issue should be less focused on gay marriage since stopping that is akin to asking black people not to eat fried chicken, or gay guys not to be fabulous. Maybe more focused on whether parents are taking good care of their children.

Really awful story a few months ago about a Christian family that adopted an African girl, only allowed her to eat at the table with their white children on holidays, locked her in a closet, beat her, forced her to stand in a 12" square, then finally locked her outside in 40 degree weather. She was found face down in the mud, naked and starved. Maybe let's ignore gays and start focusing on inhumane treatment of innocent people. Matthew Shepard comes to mind.