View Full Version : tranny/speed sensor question

12-24-2003, 11:47 AM
i was at the junkyard and took off a speed sensor from a 91 ka...and i was wondering if the sr tranny has the speed sensor on the other side of the tranny, or if nissan changed the side for the ka tranny's speed snesor for the s13 and s14 transmissions?

i dunno, i was just wondering...something that i noticed and thought it was weird...


12-24-2003, 01:02 PM
i believe all of the sensors on the SR tranny are on the passenger side of the car:)

12-24-2003, 05:45 PM
All the speed sensors are on the US passenger side of the transmission. Both SR and KA.


12-24-2003, 08:00 PM
lol, maybe im going crazy...or i was just tired when i was at the junkyard...

anyway, alan i was going to get started with my tranny swap on thursday and friday...if my last part comes in (still waiting on the SS clutch line from k2rd.com)

are you going to be in town then? ill need a little help with the wiring, im pretty sure my friend and i will be able to do everything else...

you ever get your car running yet? i want a ride in this beast sometime man


12-24-2003, 08:28 PM
I'll be around but I am working until Sunday. I started the car yesterday! Still got some work to do, plan on doing most of it Sunday. Then I have to wait for some parts to come in.

When you were junkyard hopping did you see any 5 lug S14's? I need S14 5 lug rear rotors.

Give me a call when yolu are ready for the wiring and I'll give you a hand.


12-24-2003, 09:42 PM
i only went to the u-wrench-it downtown by the river, i didnt notice any s14's but i wasnt really looking for them...ill be going back down there in a few days with a friend, do you want anything off of the s13? and ill let ya know if i find a 5 lug s14 there

dam, i just realized that i still need that dust boot on the end of the tranny, looks like ill just buy that new from the dealer or whatever...

oh and btw, my stepmom decided not to look behind her tuesday, when she was backing up and hit my door and rear quarter pannel...the average estimate ive gotten is $1,700...what a christmas gift (and more crap i got to deal with...) too bad she didnt hit the front end so i can get an aero silvia front end
