View Full Version : UserID links to another members profile

12-10-2011, 11:38 AM
Talked to West about this 1 year ago, he said he would change my UserID for free, since the issue was on their end.

drift/this links to drift_this

Sent West multiple PMs - received no reply.

I've lost 2 positive trader ratings, almost 3, but buyer noticed the different UserID. I have had issues with other members sending the other user PMs and leaving messages in their profile.

I can't directly check my FS threads since I can't view my User CP. I have to actually search for my user thread to view it.

If I enable an avatar for my UserID, I would automatically inherit the other members avatar.

If another ADMIN reads this, please help me resolve this issue.

12-16-2011, 07:28 AM
I'm going to bump this. No one has replied to my PM's.

Drift N Dragg
12-16-2011, 01:18 PM
Get with ThatGuy or PHLIP

They will correct your problem.

12-16-2011, 03:33 PM
Waiting on response to that PM I sent before making the change.