View Full Version : "Japs" acceptable slur?

12-08-2011, 02:06 PM
Why is it still socially acceptable to call the Japanese "Japs"? We don't call Germans krauts or Mexicans spiks. I live in an area with a higher than normal concentration of both Vietnam vets and south east Asians and I never here some old timer utter the word gook.

What gives?

12-08-2011, 02:27 PM
I hear all of that and a lot more at work, at home, and everywhere else.

12-08-2011, 02:35 PM
I'd like to know is why people still feel it's necessary to be offended by words.

12-08-2011, 02:47 PM
Gook,spik, and kraut are KNOWN derogatory terms (to most people) whereas "jap" is just Japanese without the "anese". It's a product of the ever growing laziness of us whitefolk lol.

12-08-2011, 02:49 PM
I'd like to know is why people still feel it's necessary to be offended by words.

zooooooooooooom on da yamaha

12-08-2011, 03:03 PM
I think in Australia, they use Jap all the time.. like jap spec skyline etc

it is kinda ugly though when i see asian-americans slang the n word all the time to each other

12-08-2011, 03:04 PM
Im not sure. To be completely honest it bugs me a little when i hear it, similar probably to how it may bug somebody when called a nigger. The word nigger was originally used in neutral context, and was simply based on the latin word for black, niger. Over the years it adopted a negative or condescending association. Same with Jap, it was just shortened for convenience but it may bother some people. Personally i won't use it unless one day my laziness outweighs my decency or respect for another person.

12-08-2011, 03:10 PM
I don't really think it's socially acceptable, whenever I've heard anyone use the term most people recoil the same way they would for any other racial slur.

12-08-2011, 03:22 PM
its weird how "jew" almost seems like a dirty word now since it gets used as an insult so often. i do think people are too sensitive though. i don't give a shit if you call me a cracker but i know most people that did would make a big deal if i called them a "whatever the case may be" in return

12-08-2011, 03:24 PM
zooooooooooooom on da yamaha

no hablar what you speakin

12-08-2011, 04:22 PM
I'd like to know is why people still feel it's necessary to be offended by words.

exactly, racial slurs used to bother me when I was younger
but stereotypes exist for a reason
I'm very glad I don't hang out with sensitive/pc people

actions matter

many of my friends say the most insensitive shit ever but they're also the
first to come help me when I need a hand and vice versa

12-08-2011, 04:31 PM
being desensitized is totally different from being a narrow minded bigot...

12-08-2011, 06:29 PM
no hablar what you speakin

Translation: I full heartedly agree with your sentiments mentioned in your former post.

12-08-2011, 07:18 PM
Just wondering if any white people actually get offended by any names...

I know I don't. Don't know anybody that does, actually.

12-08-2011, 09:42 PM
From experience, you're right Brian

12-11-2011, 03:43 PM
I think it all depends on its used and context. I lived in japan for 4 yrs and like stated already, most foreigner say jap as a shortened way of saying japanese.

Now, I've also sat thru a briefing of a WWII vet who served in Phillipines. When he said the word Jap, you knew he meant it with disdain and prejudice.

12-11-2011, 04:02 PM

12-11-2011, 04:20 PM


word sux
12-11-2011, 04:26 PM
if someone called me a kraut I might just die of laughter

12-11-2011, 04:34 PM
Gook,spik, and kraut are KNOWN derogatory terms (to most people) whereas "jap" is just Japanese without the "anese".

I agree.

I just asked my Japanese Wife if the Word "Jap" Offended her. She said it didnt bother her or care. She gets more offended if ppl call her Chinese or any other Asian ethnicity.

12-11-2011, 05:37 PM
Just wondering if any white people actually get offended by any names...

I know I don't. Don't know anybody that does, actually.

Yeah, doesnt bother me at all. Someone calls me a honkey, cracker or whater, I dont give a shit.

Jap is just short for Japanese, like Rob is short for ROBERT

12-11-2011, 05:38 PM
I agree.

I just asked my Japanese Wife if the Word "Jap" Offended her. She said it didnt bother her or care. She gets more offended if ppl call her Chinese or any other Asian ethnicity.

She gets more affended by being called Chinese, well now we cant say Chinese anymore. Damn.

12-11-2011, 05:45 PM
Just wondering if any white people actually get offended by any names...

I know I don't. Don't know anybody that does, actually.

We are to busy apologizing too and being offended for all the colored people of the world.

12-11-2011, 05:48 PM
hahha yeah right.

"I don't take too kindly to people that don't take too kindly"

12-11-2011, 05:48 PM
Im not sure. To be completely honest it bugs me a little when i hear it, similar probably to how it may bug somebody when called a nigger. The word nigger was originally used in neutral context, and was simply based on the latin word for black, niger. Over the years it adopted a negative or condescending association. Same with Jap, it was just shortened for convenience but it may bother some people. Personally i won't use it unless one day my laziness outweighs my decency or respect for another person.

If it's so offense, they why do they use it all the time? Personally, I think its just an excuse.

"OMFG You offended me!!!" And this applies to the vast majority of people whom get offended at the drop of the hat.

12-11-2011, 06:20 PM
I get offended when I get called gook or chink...I aint chinese muffo!!!

12-11-2011, 06:56 PM
If it's so offense, they why do they use it all the time? Personally, I think its just an excuse.

"OMFG You offended me!!!" And this applies to the vast majority of people whom get offended at the drop of the hat.

That is a part of black culture that outsiders just can't see. After 200 years of being beaten down with a word they took it as their own and by owning it so completely you are scared to say it in the wrong company.

It's theirs and you can't have it.

12-11-2011, 07:16 PM
That is a part of black culture that outsiders just can't see. After 200 years of being beaten down with a word they took it as their own and by owning it so completely you are scared to say it in the wrong company.

It's theirs and you can't have it.

That or they just love to throw temper tantrums and call people "Racists" at the drop of the hat.

As for slavery, really? That ended 150 years ago in America and the whole "civil" rights movement happend almost 50 years ago. Black Americans are not the only "peoples" to have even been slaves - and in fact slavery still exists today.


12-11-2011, 07:21 PM
It's not about slavery at all and to repeat myself for the gagilianth time you* just don't get it.

*not you in particular, you as in america at large

12-11-2011, 07:27 PM
im white*

I had a black woman call me a cracker in a negative manner. I pulled her aside and let her know that the slaves had used this term "cracker" to refer to the owner who cracked the whip.

so by calling me cracker, she is referring to me as the master. she got pissed and left.

if i hear someone use jap i would get offended because i only hear it to offend a japanese person.

12-11-2011, 07:54 PM
She gets more affended by being called Chinese, well now we cant say Chinese anymore. Damn.

Yeah cuz she's not Chinese..... she's Japanese

12-11-2011, 07:58 PM
<----Black Guy

I dont get offended by the term 'N Word ending with ER' because i know what it means, but apparently not alot of white people or any other races know. The term N Word ending with ER IS a bad word BUT it also means to be ignorant...meaning that yes, white people can be Plural Form N word ending with ER too *gasp*. As far as the term Jap, i wouldnt use it but thats just me.

It kills me how young people use N Word ending with GA to sound cool....and it kills me even more how the same people talk about being oppressed for 400 years...ABSOLUTELY HATE THAT SHIT! If you werent there firsthand, then honestly stfu because you have no idea what you're talking about.

12-11-2011, 08:51 PM
Legit question:

Now I've heard the term "oriental" is offensive, much in the way "colored" is now offensive.

12-11-2011, 08:52 PM
Yeah cuz she's not Chinese..... she's Japanese

Try being Korean, most people either have never heard of it or think your Communist. :duh:

12-11-2011, 09:09 PM
This should sum it up..

Dave Chappelle - Chinese/Korean Skit - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc_-l5zpTWE)

12-11-2011, 10:11 PM
Colored was always an offensive term white people just didn't care that it offended the coloreds.

12-11-2011, 10:30 PM
Fellows remember Zilvia rules still apply. Discuss this all you want. No need to include the slurs in your posts.

On Topic: Slurs have existed and will always exist. IMO people shouldn't use them in general. If I am going to insult a person, I can do it without insulting their race as well. A dumbass is a dumbass not matter what race/creed/religion etc.

I choose not to be offended by someone using such words towards me. I've seen someone drop the N bomb towards me. I shrugged it off and kept on with my business. Getting mad and acting an ass towards an ignorant person will only solidify what they believe.

I choose instead to fuck with people mentally. If I see someone watching me in a store, going to a different side of the street when I walk down it (no bullshit this happened today lol) I wave at the person, or smile. It's especially fun with the really old ones.

I love the look on a person's face when I can see they are judging me and I have just blown all of their pre-judgements out of the water.

12-11-2011, 11:11 PM
Lol my fault droppin all those n bombs haha! I love fuckin with old white ladies when they clutch their purses like barry sanders clutches footballs...really? I also love the music stereotype...black people only listen to rap...i did a show last week and had some guy ask me what are my musical influences. I told him: Outkast, Common, Rage against the machine, Linkin Park, with the energy of Slipknot...dude looked at me like O_O haha!

Dont stereotype me is the moral of the story

T chop
12-12-2011, 12:22 AM
Yes, Jap is fine. So is Jew,black (some people are uncomfortable saying black),brown for East Indian people and white all are fine.

12-12-2011, 02:49 AM
I think it all depends on its used and context. I lived in japan for 4 yrs and like stated already, most foreigner say jap as a shortened way of saying japanese.

Now, I've also sat thru a briefing of a WWII vet who served in Phillipines. When he said the word Jap, you knew he meant it with disdain and prejudice.

that term jap usually is said from folks thru that WW2 era. my grandpa served and was in the pacific fighting the japanese and my dad said he called them Japs with hatred lol my coworker was like heyy:/ when i said japs, she said "u can call us japs on dec. 7th lol

12-12-2011, 03:16 AM
fuck being politically correct these days! you cant make everyone happy, thats why there are different countrys

12-12-2011, 04:49 AM
Colored was always an offensive term white people just didn't care that it offended the coloreds.

Why don't white people start saying "white" is offensive and demand to be called Caucasian or "European Americans".

The term "African American" is also idiotic, considering there are a good number of "white" Africans and many more Arab, Egyptian and "other" Mediterranean based ethnic groups in Africa.

12-12-2011, 04:56 AM
This should sum it up..

Dave Chappelle - Chinese/Korean Skit - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc_-l5zpTWE)

I think Chappelle did more to reinforce negative racial stereotypes than he did to "make light of and show how idiotic" they are.

12-12-2011, 05:43 AM
In the UK "jap" is used quite extensively, but only as an abbreviation. 99% of the people who use it don't realise it could be considered a derogatory term (hence Japspeed, etc), and there is no malice or prejudice behind it. I don't use it myself.

To the users saying people shouldn't be offended by words, that's easier said then done. Its not the words that are offensive; but the meaning behind them. If a friend calls me "n****r" in a jovial way, I'm not going to be offended. If a random skinhead comes up to me, calls me a n****r, and spits in my direction, it's hard not to react in a negative way...

I have no idea why some people are uncomfortable saying "black". I've never heard any black person be offended by being referred to as "black". If they are, they're probably the oversensitive type that you find in any and all ethnic groups. Black isn't a derogatory term. This differs from "Yellow", which is. Like I said before, it's not the words that are offensive, but the intent.

Edit - Cleaned up the post; missed Future240's post beforehand.

12-12-2011, 06:37 AM
Yeah cuz she's not Chinese..... she's Japanese
People always mistake me for Russian or German, even though I am from a different country.
Should I be offended? Or does it not matter because I am white?

12-12-2011, 12:53 PM
'Jap' has a somewhat negative connotation in the US. However, it's negative connotation has always been somewhat ambiguous, because it could also just be an abbreviation. In other english-speaking countries, such as England, Ireland, Australia, it doesn't have a negative connotation.

12-12-2011, 01:28 PM
....People always mistake me for Russian or German, even though I am from a different country.
Should I be offended? Or does it not matter because I am white?

I constantly correct people who call me white, to let them know i am Czech.

you wouldn't call a Japanese person Chinese.

nor a Brazilian a Mexican or Puertorican.

12-12-2011, 01:36 PM
If you know what the word "jap" refer's to its the reference to when Japanese Americans were confined in concentration camps and this is why it's offensive. It's not the particular word that is offensive the the meaning behind it.

12-12-2011, 02:51 PM
I love fuckin with old white ladies when they clutch their purses like barry sanders clutches footballs...really?

Do you blame her?

12-12-2011, 03:19 PM
I constantly correct people who call me white, to let them know i am Czech.

you wouldn't call a Japanese person Chinese.

nor a Brazilian a Mexican or Puertorican.

thats the stupidest thing i've heard ahaha

you're white

12-12-2011, 04:01 PM
thats the stupidest thing i've heard ahaha

you're white

Racist! He's Checklo-American!!


12-12-2011, 08:28 PM
nor a Brazilian a Mexican or Puertorican.

if you're brown in LA your automatically Mexican. Fact.

I see racial stereotypes reinforced on a daily basis here in good ol' Crenshaw
funniest thing is seeing the fat Mexican chunte across the street
that drives a dunked out old Camaro in neon green sparkle paint blasting an eclectic mix of rancheras and gangster rap while referring to everybody as his N***a!

12-12-2011, 08:34 PM
if you're brown in LA your automatically Mexican. Fact.

I see racial stereotypes reinforced on a daily basis here in good ol' Crenshaw
funniest thing is seeing the fat Mexican chunte across the street
that drives a dunked out old Camaro in neon green sparkle paint blasting an eclectic mix of rancheras and gangster rap while referring to everybody as his N***a!

I just read that out loud in a mexican accent. Thank you, I can now sleep well.


12-12-2011, 08:37 PM

12-12-2011, 08:54 PM
White is what the western European people called themselves when they struck out into the world. It's funny to me that they considered Irish and Italians to be other than white.

I can see any eastern European person being offended by being called Russian. The country did try to dominate the region for centuries.

If you speak any derivation of Latin, Germanic, Slavic, or Greek, you are white. Get over it.

12-12-2011, 09:28 PM
I'd like to know is why people still feel it's necessary to be offended by words.

If you know somebody is going to be offended by something, and you have other words (because we're intelligent), why wouldn't you use them?

EIther you're lazy, or trying to insult people, but you want to hide behind the fact that "they're just words."

12-12-2011, 11:39 PM
Words are just words whether their intent be negative or positive. Saying they shouldn't affect you is a cop out.

12-13-2011, 01:24 AM
in hypersensitive politically correct america, calling someone a jap is offensive. to the rest of the world it's not a big deal. people take more offense when you call them the wrong nationality. for instance, people from south american countries HATE being being mistaken for mexicans. i know this because someone mistook my wife as mexican (she's peruvian) and she was bitching about it all day lol.

No need to include the slurs in your posts.

judging from the the redacting, you're referring to the "n-words" from demonspeed's posts...that's the kind of politically correct stuff that irks the hell out of me. he wasn't calling anyone specifically those words yet his post was edited as if he was. he has a point though. as long as i hear black guys call each other that name, it doesn't matter if it ends with a "gger" or "gga"-they've lost the right to bitch about that slur still being in existence as far as i'm concerned since they're just perpetuating it.


12-13-2011, 02:39 AM
for everyone bitchin' about being too PC and too soft (which i agree with, but not in this case), would you call an unknown black male on the street "boy" and not see the connotation?

12-13-2011, 08:40 AM
in hypersensitive politically correct america, calling someone a jap is offensive. to the rest of the world it's not a big deal. people take more offense when you call them the wrong nationality. for instance, people from south american countries HATE being being mistaken for mexicans. i know this because someone mistook my wife as mexican (she's peruvian) and she was bitching about it all day lol.

Actually any Latin person not Mexican hates being called a Mexican.

Touge Noob S13
12-13-2011, 07:21 PM
Actually any Latin person not Mexican hates being called a Mexican.
More like any Latin person hates being called anything they are not.

To get back on topic. I hear "Jap" used by people that usually don't know any better. All Asians are the same to them.

drift freaq
12-13-2011, 07:25 PM
White is what the western European people called themselves when they struck out into the world. It's funny to me that they considered Irish and Italians to be other than white.

I can see any eastern European person being offended by being called Russian. The country did try to dominate the region for centuries.

If you speak any derivation of Latin, Germanic, Slavic, or Greek, you are white. Get over it.

Well I can say on the Italian's part that we really are not Whites. Our skin is Olive colored and it turns brown in the sun. That is why they did not consider Italians White back in the day. Unless you are from the far North part of Italy and at that point you are most likely mixed with German and Swiss because of border along the Alps.

As for Irish they were considered White it was just a case of Anglo Saxons aka British descendent protestants looking down on the Irish. Because a lot of them were Catholic and the rift between the Church of England and Catholics ran pretty deep and still does in some parts of UK.
Which sentiments were transferred here in the later part of the 19th century.

12-13-2011, 08:23 PM
More like any Latin person hates being called anything they are not.

Perfect response.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk

12-13-2011, 08:38 PM
I've been asked if I was South American, Filipino and Indian at one point or another
didn't really mind
the Indian one was amusing

12-13-2011, 10:15 PM
How about the term Js (pronounced "jays") ?

I've been using that the last few years and it's been going well.

12-13-2011, 10:15 PM
I've been asked if I was South American, Filipino and Indian at one point or another
didn't really mind
the Indian one was amusing

I don't mean to be facetious, but the first time I met you last year, I thought you were Filipino, or at least lived there. Has more to do with your accent than the way you look.

Looks wise, I feel there a lot of overlap between different cultures, or at least that's how I see it through my lack of exposure.

12-13-2011, 10:21 PM
judging from the the redacting, you're referring to the "n-words" from demonspeed's posts...that's the kind of politically correct stuff that irks the hell out of me. he wasn't calling anyone specifically those words yet his post was edited as if he was. he has a point though. as long as i hear black guys call each other that name, it doesn't matter if it ends with a "gger" or "gga"-they've lost the right to bitch about that slur still being in existence as far as i'm concerned since they're just perpetuating it.

Personally I don't care what it ends with. I am just keeping it off Zilvia. As for me, I don't use either.

12-15-2011, 02:08 AM
I totally understand why people get so mad. Just like when people call me Nick when my name is Nicholas. How could they possibly offend me like that with no disregard???

12-15-2011, 09:05 AM
I have no idea why some people are uncomfortable saying "black". I've never heard any black person be offended by being referred to as "black". If they are, they're probably the oversensitive type that you find in any and all ethnic groups. Black isn't a derogatory term. This differs from "Yellow", which is. Like I said before, it's not the words that are offensive, but the intent.

Some people are just stupid.

I've had someone get mad over me trying to physically describe someone and said he was a dark black person.

12-15-2011, 05:01 PM
MOO, people need to grow some fucking intestinal fortitude.

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right not to be offended?

I mean, shit, I was born and raised in Germany and the only thing I heard when I moved to the States was, "Nazi this" and "Nazi that".

Did I care?

Not really.

I knew when people were trying to offend me and when they were joking around.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, scrape the sand out of your pussy and quit worrying about stupid shit.

Your feel-bads got hurt. So what?!

Fuck those people and move on.

If I gave two shits for every ignorant person that opened their mouth without thinking I'd never have to go to the bathroom.

redline racer510
12-15-2011, 08:14 PM
MOO, people need to grow some fucking intestinal fortitude.

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right not to be offended?

I mean, shit, I was born and raised in Germany and the only thing I heard when I moved to the States was, "Nazi this" and "Nazi that".

Did I care?

Not really.

I knew when people were trying to offend me and when they were joking around.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, scrape the sand out of your pussy and quit worrying about stupid shit.

Your feel-bads got hurt. So what?!

Fuck those people and move on.

If I gave two shits for every ignorant person that opened their mouth without thinking I'd never have to go to the bathroom.

You sir hit the nail right on the head. Who gives a $hit, I'm arab and people mistaken if I am roman,italian,turkish,german,russian etc and when I tell them I am arab they ask if I am from Pakistan,Afghanistan,Iraq etc. I'm thinking did those people ever pass the 6th grade?Ignorance=FAIL.

12-16-2011, 05:21 AM
You sir hit the nail right on the head. Who gives a $hit, I'm arab and people mistaken if I am roman,italian,turkish,german,russian etc and when I tell them I am arab they ask if I am from Pakistan,Afghanistan,Iraq etc. I'm thinking did those people ever pass the 6th grade?Ignorance=FAIL.


At least they care and are being inquisitive. Most people lack extensive experiences with other ethnic groups and therefore really don't know the subtle difference.

If one is Asian, it's just assumed they are Chinese. After all the largest group of Asians in America are Cantonese Chinese. If you only met a few Asians how can one be expect to spot the difference in Korean, Japanese, or know that Chinese is very broad and includes Cantonese, Mandarin, Mongolian as well as 70 other ethnic groups?

Just like most people don't realize the "Middle East" is not all "Arabs". Turks, Pakistanis, Iranians, and Egyptians are all non-Arabs.

In America, white is white, in Europe people still spot and care about the differences. Latvians and Lithuanians are both "Baltic", same as German "Prussians". They are not "Slavic" like Poles or Russians. It's mortally offensive to confuse the two.

12-16-2011, 05:42 AM
Halveblue, I get it. I used to get all the ignorant lines (do you know kung fu/bruce lee/etc...)all the time and I ignore it. But sensitive or not, it's about respect and principle. Jap is short for japanese but it was used back then in a derogatory manner. Maybe you(not you, generally speaking) aren't sensitive at all? where's the line? I think there is a lot of ignorance in people who use words like that.

12-16-2011, 06:32 AM
Most people I know would not get offended by it, even if used negatively my wife wouldn't even bat an eye at it!

12-16-2011, 09:54 AM
MOO, people need to grow some fucking intestinal fortitude.

Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right not to be offended?

I mean, shit, I was born and raised in Germany and the only thing I heard when I moved to the States was, "Nazi this" and "Nazi that".

Did I care?

Not really.

I knew when people were trying to offend me and when they were joking around.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, scrape the sand out of your pussy and quit worrying about stupid shit.

Your feel-bads got hurt. So what?!

Fuck those people and move on.

If I gave two shits for every ignorant person that opened their mouth without thinking I'd never have to go to the bathroom.

I don't know, but is your name a play on "Have Blue" ... ?

12-18-2011, 04:00 PM
JAP = short form of saying Japanese
NIP = short form of saying Nippon

The thought of this being a racist term was created by white people. The Japanese generally don't care.

There is no such thing as Racist words, only racist actions.

12-18-2011, 04:17 PM
If Jap is acceptable as a shortened form of Japanese, Spic should be acceptable as a shortened form of hispanic...I know it isn't socially acceptable, but isn't it logical?

12-19-2011, 12:11 AM
There is no such thing as Racist words, only racist actions.

Words associated with certain actions begin to take on the same properties as those actions and at some point no action is necessary beyond uttering the correct words.

12-19-2011, 07:52 AM
People, quit trying to be literal. You know what you shouldn't say. If you're not sure, then don't say. I mean, that's if you have the decency to care in the first place.

12-19-2011, 03:45 PM
If Jap is acceptable as a shortened form of Japanese, Spic should be acceptable as a shortened form of hispanic...I know it isn't socially acceptable, but isn't it logical?

Imagine how bad it is when we call Australian people aussies or british people brits

O . M . G. :faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint:

12-19-2011, 03:53 PM
How about less worry about the words/names and start with those who do not contribute to this great society whether jdm, usdm, edm, yellow, white, black, brown, green.

12-20-2011, 11:15 AM
Imagine how bad it is when we call Australian people aussies or british people brits

O . M . G. :faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint:

I think you missed my point...if one shortened version is ok, why is another, not ok?

12-20-2011, 11:51 AM
Because on is simply an abbreviation with no negative connotations while the other was used as a term of bigotry and discrimination for generations.

12-20-2011, 05:17 PM
I think you missed my point...if one shortened version is ok, why is another, not ok?

I think that you missed he was agreeing with you.

01-03-2012, 04:28 PM
Md. Soldier Among 8 Charged In Death Of Bullied Comrade « CBS Baltimore (http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2011/12/21/md-soldier-among-8-charged-in-comrades-death/)

havent logged on in a while so im late to the party, but:

weak, sensitive individual that needed to be "weeded" out (according to some of you gung ho; steak, eggs, and cigarette breakfasters) or people that usually have entitlement in america (much like some in this thread) really dont know how it feels?

im not a libtard nor a nancy, but there really are unilateral phenomenons that most whites never have and never will experience.

01-11-2012, 08:16 AM
It may not seem as offensive as other racial words, but I'd never call someone a jap.

- this isn't the 1940's

- it's just not the same as calling a british person a "brit"

- if my 96 year old grandpa who fought in the pacific theater has enough class not to say it, you can't either. whether people want to pretend it doesn't have negative connotations or not, it's still wrong.

01-12-2012, 09:38 AM
I'd like to know is why people still feel it's necessary to be offended by words.

so many people complain these days its annoying. Racism is dragging someone behind the back of your pickup, or not offering services to someone based on skin color etc, not name calling.

when I was a kid we use to have a saying about sticks and stones. Apparently everyone pussied out sense then.

01-12-2012, 09:39 AM
ps, i have a Japanese student I'm hosting. he's from Osaka, and he isn't offended by names. Most mature kid I know.

01-12-2012, 01:30 PM
Name calling is the tip of the iceberg. If you'd ever experienced real racism in your life you'd know that.

01-12-2012, 02:08 PM
Used to hate when Asian food places would give me a fork instead of chopsticks.
100% racist.

01-12-2012, 04:24 PM
Name calling is the tip of the iceberg. If you'd ever experienced real racism in your life you'd know that.

But I don't think you really have experienced racism unless you have not been hired at a job, or denied services due to color, or background. I'm sure some dude that didn't hire you didn't say "I didn't hire you because you are a ngga/honkey/spic/jew/kiwi".. REAL racism hides.

Name calling is just name calling. Some choose to be pussies and cry about it, some live life to the fullest and ignore others.

Can't take everything to heart man. ...I mean really, look at youtube comments on every type of video. I go around assuming everyone is stupid and un-educated, and I ignore them unless they really have something smart to say.

Maybe because I grew up in Canada, we never really had this. Born in 81, I kinda just assumed everyone had a fair chance legally. Which they do.

- if my 96 year old grandpa who fought in the pacific theater has enough class not to say it, you can't either. whether people want to pretend it doesn't have negative connotations or not, it's still wrong.

I had a grade 9 teacher back in 1996 try to tell me "they" was a racist term. I gave her a dirty look and after class she told me I have to be careful what I say being we had a two students who's parents were from India. I never told her, but one of them I considered a friend already at this point. But she was the type of teacher that would get pregnant every year to take maternity leave. Basically we rarely saw her. One of those rape the system types.

01-12-2012, 08:51 PM
You have no idea of the racism I've seen and experienced and you sound like the type to rationalize it away if I were to tell you.

Have you had a guy follow you home threatening to beat your ass for almost a year? I bet you haven't. It's fun being the only black kid in a red neck area.

Have you been jumped in a locker room for being a white guy who dared not to be intimidated by the black alpha males? I'm going to hazard a guess that that is a no as well.

Racism comes in many forms and bullshit name calling and underhanded double entendres are one of the last places that people are allowed to get away with it.

01-13-2012, 11:36 AM
^those are racist actions. Look back to one of my first posts in this thread, where I said there is no such thing as racist words, only racist actions.

Actions of violence, or actions of neglect/control

words are meaningless, actions are everything, and both of your examples are actions. not words.

I don't mean to label your way thinking, but its your same thinking that is why the Occupy Protests failed miserably. Its only words, no actions.

01-13-2012, 02:52 PM
Those actions were partnered with powerful words. Smoke and fire tend to be found together. Words are never meaningless.

01-22-2012, 03:26 PM
^words are only as meaningful to the person that absorbs them. Thus, racist words, or any 'bad words' should be put on the fault of the persons in-ability to find the positive in every situation.

People offended, want to be offended. That's all I'm saying.

01-22-2012, 11:08 PM
Shut the fuck up already. You WILL NOT trivialize my experiences with racism and pass it off as my fault for being offended and mistreated.

01-22-2012, 11:35 PM
I've been beaten up, had my things stolen and destroyed, my family was threatened, I even had teachers in school give me shit.

I'm not offended because I want to be. I'm offended because in the realm of racism words are just as violent as action and I'll be damned if someone ever gets the better of me again.

01-23-2012, 01:22 AM
Have you had a guy follow you home threatening to beat your ass for almost a year? I bet you haven't. It's fun being the only black kid in a red neck area.
My friend was the only white kid in an all-black school, and he got beat up on a monthly basis. He did mention it was fun as well. Although I think he was being sarcastic.

As foreigners with weird accents, I think you gentlemen will be happy to hear that my family has been discriminated against by Americans of all races equally. :)

01-23-2012, 02:08 AM
It's ingrained into the culture but it won't go away if we all sit here and act like it doesn't happen. It must be condemned at every level, from dirty looks and stupid comments to hate crimes.

01-23-2012, 02:50 AM
It doesn't matter if your black white brown yellow or any other race or creed. If u trace it back we have all been oppressed by someone. Albeit to different degrees. The Japanese had the concentration camps as well as the Jews. The blacks had slavery. The whites are a bit more broad but those of us who have any Irish were oppressed greatly when they first began immigrating here. The Germans were hated for what they did to the Jews. And more recently those of middle eastern decent were targeted do to the events surrounding 911. It all boils down to ignorance from the oppressive culture. I've been called a cracker, redneck,and Nazi by blacks, a f***ing "mic" by my gfs Italian family, it all boils down to ignorance and if we all keep riding this crutch of actually getting offended by words then all we do empower said words, and prolong the ignorance associated with them. IMO if your living in America, which is the "great melting pot" then YOUR AMERICAN point blank period. Yes be proud and mindful of your heritage but just remember we are all decendents of someone who migrated here, and therefore we have all had some sort of oppression in our heritage, so unless someone is actually physically oppressing you... GTF OVER IT

01-23-2012, 12:36 PM
Shut the fuck up already. You WILL NOT trivialize my experiences with racism and pass it off as my fault for being offended and mistreated.

Hate breeds hate, Cheer up, because you are further proving my point.

You will all likely-hood die of Cancer, Heart Disease, or a Car accident... they threaten you more then any of these 'words' from racists. You have the ability to be something great. If you live in fear, or allow words to affect you, then its your problem not society's problem.

Forgive and forget, the more people that do this, the sooner you and these other people can mature.

Seriously though, you are still confusing actions with words. Words are meaningless, actions are everything. If someone threatens my family, i'm not going to worry about it. If they show up at the front door, they are going to get a 12 gauge to the face. Its simple. I don't discriminate. I know the laws, I know my rights. ...come, threaten me. I'm prepared for everything, meanwhile, I'm going to blow your comments off like every other retard on youtube that thinks they know something.

I live at 120 crawford street, Red Deer Alberta. I'm 30, and don't give 2 F's about words. Lets see some action. (i'd much rather invite you in for a few beers and work in my garage though)

it all boils down to ignorance and if we all keep riding this crutch of actually getting offended by words then all we do empower said words, and prolong the ignorance associated with them. IMO if your living in America, which is the "great melting pot" then YOUR AMERICAN point blank period. Yes be proud and mindful of your heritage but just remember we are all decendents of someone who migrated here, and therefore we have all had some sort of oppression in our heritage, so unless someone is actually physically oppressing you... GTF OVER IT


...because getting back on topic, the 17 year old exchange student that I had living with me for a year, thinks this is hilarious. He, in all politeness, doesn't give two F's what you call him. Way more mature then myself, and anyone.

01-23-2012, 01:56 PM

very naive...

01-23-2012, 01:59 PM
Hey do I need to invite your family to come to my house to learn what 'winning at life' actually is?

01-23-2012, 02:22 PM
Hey do I need to invite your family to come to my house to learn what 'winning at life' actually is?

^Illusory superiority

01-23-2012, 02:37 PM
^agreed. ..

01-23-2012, 02:59 PM
More like any Latin person hates being called anything they are not.
Apparently Arabs don't like being called Mexican either
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_etLMdyMA10nLLIueAKtI3P15PcRss fVi-gsghfb-7Zm06t1HGtFQ1g

01-23-2012, 06:05 PM
Shutting the fuck up was not a suggestion. You have no idea what you are talking about.

01-24-2012, 01:31 PM
Shutting the fuck up was not a suggestion. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Testy testy. Relax

01-24-2012, 02:01 PM
You can shut the fuck up too.

01-24-2012, 03:15 PM
What, do you want to have a sit-down and I can tell you about 20 years ago how a group of Indians that thought they were black use to harass me? Doesn't matter to me, or to you, or the situation.

so, sure, keep being offended by words. You are being very negative about this.

edit: I use to live in a Trailor. Like ghetto as can be, but I turned my life around to where I have a 5 bedroom house. I didn't do it by listning to racists, or being in fear of groups of people, or things that are not going to happen. And I especially didn't care about other peoples opinions.

Listen, 95% of what you fear, never happens. the 5% that does, is beyond your control, so why would you fear about it. Make the most of life. Looking at your posts on this site, you obviously are not. You spend too much time worrying. (about racists, government control, other peoples opinions) All beyond your control.


01-29-2012, 02:30 PM
You can shut the fuck up too.

You sound like a real cry baby... Get over it. Or be butthurt about every little thing every fuckin person has done/ said to u and live a miserable life... your choice

BC S14
01-29-2012, 02:50 PM
I'd like to know is why people still feel it's necessary to be offended by words.

THIS! Shits really gay.

01-29-2012, 03:22 PM
It feels so great having white people tell me how to feel about racism.

01-29-2012, 07:47 PM

01-29-2012, 07:58 PM
Or did they?


No. No they didn't.

01-31-2012, 12:58 AM
It feels so great having white people tell me how to feel about racism.

who's white? and does it matter? Didn't know I was being profiled. I didn't know what color you were, nor cared. Because it didn't matter. Guess it does to you man.

I'm going to leave now (yeah, finally eh?).

Sorry if I offended you, you obviously don't want to welcome change. Hope you don't bring down others around you. dream big.

01-31-2012, 11:51 AM
Ignoring racism doesn't make it go away and being brown matters a lot in America.

01-31-2012, 02:46 PM
People offended, want to be offended. That's all I'm saying.

The truth.

01-31-2012, 02:54 PM
i'm japanese, i'm white..call me a gook, jap, cracker, chink I DGAF cuz i'll just call you whatever race you came from..it starts getting offensive when you take it up the butt

01-31-2012, 04:03 PM
why can't you guys realize using derogatory words IS an action. it is an implicit exertion of superiority or dominance. that in itself is the action when using racist lingo. so let me get this straight, you guys see no discernible difference between:

"fetch me some flied lice, you chinaman"


"i'll have an order of fried rice, thanks"

so the waiter/waitress is to blame because of their insecurities or the "desire" to be offended, and not because someone has just antagonized and demoralized them based on ethnic ancestry? because after all, words are words right? nothing more?

01-31-2012, 05:40 PM
Thank you for being a reasonable human being.

01-31-2012, 08:42 PM
i'm japanese, i'm white..call me a gook, jap, cracker, chink I DGAF cuz i'll just call you whatever race you came from..
This is the proper attitude.
That is how I remember it being in Europe when I was a kid. Two people of different races could get into a scuffle and call each other every racial slur they knew, but at the end of the day neither of them took it to heart. They were just words to get each other riled up. It is almost laughable how huge of a taboo race is to Americans.

I am willing to place a monetary bet that any random person on the street in Japan would take less offense at being called a 'Jap,' given they are familiar with the term, as opposed to many third generation 'Japanese' Americans who have never even been to Japan, yet speak as if they are the voice of the country or something.

It is only America that tries to turn everyone into a whiny overly sensitive Nancy-boy. The rest of the world is much less pretentious.

01-31-2012, 08:54 PM
You can tell who has and hasn't undergone real racist actions just based off the replies in this thread.

01-31-2012, 09:05 PM
why can't you guys realize using derogatory words IS an action. it is an implicit exertion of superiority or dominance. that in itself is the action when using racist lingo. so let me get this straight, you guys see no discernible difference between:

"fetch me some flied lice, you chinaman"


"i'll have an order of fried rice, thanks"

so the waiter/waitress is to blame because of their insecurities or the "desire" to be offended, and not because someone has just antagonized and demoralized them based on ethnic ancestry? because after all, words are words right? nothing more?

well if the guy's intention is to make me bitch-made by saying something like that then there's a problem and i'd wanna knock his teeth in

but if he's just calling me that cuz i look asian well i don't care, i'll reply with something similar

i'll admit it: i'm asian, i'm yellow, i eat rice, I drink soy sauce, my mom speaks broken english at times, i drive a rice rocket, and my eyes are slanted...if ppl have a problem with it they can get fucked cuz i'm proud where i came from

01-31-2012, 10:17 PM
Its obviously rally hard for some people to understand that our country was founded on the fundamentals of racism and sexism.

2012 blah blah blah
The fact is when a word is used to demean an entire race for decades, it has a tendency to sting for a while. People not of that race have no way of understanding. therefore to them its "just a word".

01-31-2012, 11:19 PM
This is the proper attitude.
That is how I remember it being in Europe when I was a kid. Two people of different races could get into a scuffle and call each other every racial slur they knew, but at the end of the day neither of them took it to heart. They were just words to get each other riled up. It is almost laughable how huge of a taboo race is to Americans.

I am willing to place a monetary bet that any random person on the street in Japan would take less offense at being called a 'Jap,' given they are familiar with the term, as opposed to many third generation 'Japanese' Americans who have never even been to Japan, yet speak as if they are the voice of the country or something.

It is only America that tries to turn everyone into a whiny overly sensitive Nancy-boy. The rest of the world is much less pretentious.

ever heard of executive order 9066 and internment camps? pick a book up every now and then, son.

well if the guy's intention is to make me bitch-made by saying something like that then there's a problem and i'd wanna knock his teeth in

but if he's just calling me that cuz i look asian well i don't care, i'll reply with something similar

i'll admit it: i'm asian, i'm yellow, i eat rice, I drink soy sauce, my mom speaks broken english at times, i drive a rice rocket, and my eyes are slanted...if ppl have a problem with it they can get fucked cuz i'm proud where i came from

you do realize there's no difference between both scenarios, right? you are being made a "bitch-made" and disenfranchised in both.

02-01-2012, 12:00 AM
ever heard of executive order 9066 and internment camps? pick a book up every now and then, son.
The nation of people I come from was oppressed for over a millennium. They were enslaved under various monarchies, then the Muslims came along and murdered almost everyone. More recently, under Hungarian rule, they were punished for speaking their own language for a century or so, until WWI. Then Hitler took over. After that, the Soviets showed up and stayed until 1989.

That makes my 'wounds' a lot more recent, if in fact we agree that such wounds are hereditary and it is perfectly alright to take credit for what happened to our ancestors generations before we were even born.
Yet I do not dwell on any of it.

02-01-2012, 12:30 AM
Why is it still socially acceptable to call the Japanese "Japs"? We don't call Germans krauts or Mexicans spiks. I live in an area with a higher than normal concentration of both Vietnam vets and south east Asians and I never here some old timer utter the word gook.

What gives?

What is so disrespectful about saying jap? It just takes away the anese part. Spik and Krauts are disrespectful words like the N word.

02-01-2012, 12:42 AM
Ignoring racism doesn't make it go away and being brown matters a lot in America.

Cryin about it all the time doesn't either. FYI my family consists of blacks mexicans native Americans and whites. My BLOOD relatives not just married in. Stop crying about the "big bad white man" and realize that due to the fact that America was built and still thrives on the mixing of numerous different cultures and races that a vast majority of us aren't "pure" white or black or brown or any color. Yes people still profile, judge, hate, and abuse people of other races, and yes those people are ignorant fucks who need to be dealt with accordingly. But guess what, u are just as much of an ignorant fuck for using past experiences, yours or your ancestors, as a crutch to cry on. Deal with those people and move on. Fuck em. Haters gon hate lol

02-01-2012, 01:08 AM

02-01-2012, 01:57 AM
I'm not crying about the mythical "man". The only people in here acting like racism doesn't happen or is my fault for being offended are ignorant white people. And I don't mean ignorant in a derogatory fashion, most of them simply do not understand.

02-01-2012, 02:57 AM
The nation of people I come from was oppressed for over a millennium. They were enslaved under various monarchies, then the Muslims came along and murdered almost everyone. More recently, under Hungarian rule, they were punished for speaking their own language for a century or so, until WWI. Then Hitler took over. After that, the Soviets showed up and stayed until 1989.

That makes my 'wounds' a lot more recent, if in fact we agree that such wounds are hereditary and it is perfectly alright to take credit for what happened to our ancestors generations before we were even born.
Yet I do not dwell on any of it.

thanks for the history lesson (no sarcasm), but my reply was in response to you putting down third generation japanese for being offended by the word jap and claiming they speak for the greater of the country, etc.

the sansei were heavily affected by WWII and executive order 9066. if anything, they have the most right to be offended because they were dealing with the brute of discrimination and racism on behalf of their counterparts in japan. even with the vast majority claiming their allegiance to america. (read: 442nd infantry)

so to nissei (typically the adults interned) and sansei (typically the children interned) japanese, yes, the word is incredibly offensive. the abbreviation has no malice connotation, but what do you think it represents? probably being stripped of your civil liberties, the betrayal of your own country/government, the loss of solidarity with both america and japan natives/people, being ostracized by your own country, losing everything you knew and had, being labeled the enemy in your own country, etc.

ive met a few japanese now in their late 80s that have been interned or fought in the 442nd, trust me, they would be offended. would you really call them outrageous and take their right to be after what they have endured?

02-01-2012, 11:33 AM
I'm offended because in the realm of racism words are just as violent as action...

Your reasoning is that derogatory racial words are just as bad as actual physical violence because racial words are a precursor to violence or other discriminating acts. Which is understandable. However, after reading this entire thread, it seems that you are just as angry and discriminating as the people who you are mad at.

That is a part of black culture that outsiders just can't see. After 200 years of being beaten down with a word they took it as their own and by owning it so completely you are scared to say it in the wrong company.

It's theirs and you can't have it.

It's not about slavery at all and to repeat myself for the gagilianth time you* just don't get it.

*not you in particular, you as in america at large

Colored was always an offensive term white people just didn't care that it offended the coloreds.

It feels so great having white people tell me how to feel about racism.

So, here we have you segregating "black culture" from the "outsiders"
Saying that "everyone in America" doesn't get it.
And speaking of the people group "white people" in quite the derogatory fashion.

Your spiteful comments have done nothing thus far but show your own ignorance and disdain for people who are different from you in skin color and racial background.

This goes for everyone: Until you can go around every day, and treat everyone whom you interact with (and I mean literally everyone, no matter what color they are, what language they speak, or what continent they are from) with the same respect as you would your own family, then you have no room to talk. It doesn't matter who you deal with on a day to day basis, if you want to get all up on your high horse and talk down to people, and make wide generalizations about any race, including your own, then you have got problems.

And yes, I have been discriminated against and I have been a victim of physical violence due to my race.

And guess what?

I'm a white guy.

But do I allow that to govern my life and allow it to consume me with hate for other people? Of course not! How could I be mad at an entire people group for what a couple of them did to me? I treat everyone let me say that again for you, EVERYONE with the respect that every person deserves. Not because they have earned it from me, but because every individual has the chance to be their own person and not lumped together with other people of the same skin color or racial background. Only when someone who has proven to me their ignorance do I even start to question their integrity, but at that time I try to guide them in the right direction, not stir up anger and hate.

In response to the actual thread. No, I don't refer to Japanese people as "Japs". I feel that if it could be misconstrued, or if anyone uses it in a derogatory sense, then I don't want to have anything to do with it.

02-01-2012, 11:53 AM
And guess what?

I'm a white guy.

This is the problem is that for years "white people" segregated us, forced us to have our own schools, bathrooms, and places to sit/congregate. But now everyone wants to act like we are out of line for saying a word is offensive (whole point in this thread), and since the n word isnt such common usage today (except by ignorant black people) that we should just "get over it"

Tell jews to get over the holocaust
Tell the japanese to get over internment camps.
Tell the native americans to get over losing their entire country and race.
Unfortunately there is just no way for you to understand. Except having some movie makeup done and being a black person for a week.
damn i wish i could find that episode of dr phil.

I mean come on your telling me the washington redskins isnt offensive? chief wahoo? chief hitahomer?
seriously people realize what our country was founded on, its not hard to see.

In response to the actual thread. No, I don't refer to Japanese people as "Japs". I feel that if it could be misconstrued, or if anyone uses it in a derogatory sense, then I don't want to have anything to do with it.

So then you DO understand how a word can be offensive?
what was the point in your post? that racism breeds racism? That prejudice breeds prejudice. if that was your point then i agree. Nothing you wrote really makes sense other than that.

02-01-2012, 12:22 PM
So then you DO understand how a word can be offensive?
what was the point in your post? that racism breeds racism? That prejudice breeds prejudice. if that was your point then i agree. Nothing you wrote really makes sense other than that.

Yes, I understand how a word can be offensive. Yes, the point of my post is that racism breeds racism. The simple fact that I personally have done nothing bad to any specific other group of people, yet they discriminate against me for things that my ancestors did rather than treat me like an individual drives me nuts. I just feel that hatred breeds more hatred. How can you be mad at me specifically for things that happened 150 years ago?

02-01-2012, 12:30 PM
Who EVER said they were mad at you specifically?

Saying white people will never understand is not a dig at you. Its a fact. sorry.

02-01-2012, 12:33 PM
Sure it is!!
It absolutely is!!
It's a dig at all white people, and its RACIST!

02-01-2012, 12:37 PM
wow your tripping.

There is no way for a white person to understand how a black person feels.

Just like a man can never know what is like to be pregnant. its just something you have to experience to understand.
Sorry but we arent chameleons, we are stuck with the skin tone we were given. and cant speak for any other race as to how they sh9uld feel when approached with a derogatory slur. IMO telling people to "get over it" is the most ignorant shit you can say.

If you think thats racist then you have waaaay bigger issues.

I knew I shouldnt have come in this thread. It always ends with me (or kingkilburn) screaming at a brick wall.

02-01-2012, 12:45 PM
Alright, I got a little excited there, sorry.

I'm not saying that it's ok to call people by a derogatory slur. I never said that.

All I'm saying is that suppose for instance, we all went about our lives not worrying about what color we or anybody else was, and just treated everyone the same no matter what color they are or where they are from. Would that be a bad thing, or am I losing my mind?

02-01-2012, 02:02 PM
WakeBHR even if today is not a good day to die it's still better to have a brother in arms.

02-01-2012, 02:08 PM
nobody said it would be abad thing, and most people I know tend to be that way.

I judge people on their character, and yes I do submit to stereotypes on occasion.

But I guarantee that I am way harder in my judgement and prejudice of my fellow blacks than I ever was of whites. Its not that we want you to feel guilt for what your ancestors did, but recognize it and stop trying to sweep it under the rug and pretend it didnt happen. To us, thats what "get over it" insinuates, is it not?

Right there with ya kingkilburn, as usual.

02-01-2012, 02:14 PM
All I'm saying is that suppose for instance, we all went about our lives not worrying about what color we or anybody else was, and just treated everyone the same no matter what color they are or where they are from. Would that be a bad thing, or am I losing my mind?

That would be a GREAT thing. It's not going to happen in this generation.

After 20 or 30 years it's ok to make antisemitic jokes again. 10 years later America still can't tell the difference between Sikh and Arab and shit's on both as if either was personally responsible for 9/11. Despite the fact that illegal immigration is way the fuck down people still hate on anyone from south of the border and call them Mexican. The USSR has been gone for years now and will still throw the word commy around like some random Slavic guy someone happens to not like LOVED communist rule over their homeland. After 150+ years of struggle for equality black America is as ignorant of the world around them as ever.

At best racial equality has stagnated. At worst it's moving backwards again. It doesn't help that most of America, White America, is in a backlash against years of being overly politically correct.

02-01-2012, 04:02 PM
Literally could not have said it any better.

02-01-2012, 10:09 PM
Yes, I understand how a word can be offensive. Yes, the point of my post is that racism breeds racism. The simple fact that I personally have done nothing bad to any specific other group of people, yet they discriminate against me for things that my ancestors did rather than treat me like an individual drives me nuts. I just feel that hatred breeds more hatred. How can you be mad at me specifically for things that happened 150 years ago?

Uhh what? Jim Crow laws ended in 1965. Some of the members on here and their parents experienced socially excepted racism first hand; shit, my best friend at the time showed support and eventually joined the Aryan Brotherhood.

Just because Jim Crow laws ended does not mean the personal morals in regards to how they felt ended.

I could talk all day and night about physical and psychological things that have been done to me over my race but it won't do much for someone that can not truly understand it.

So in terms of is, 'x-word' a derogatory term. The answer is yes. If the people of the social group want to use the derogatory term, good for them. But if you are outside of that social group, or use that word in a malicious matter, then something is definitely wrong.

I am not mad at a whole race for anything. I'm not mad at

02-03-2012, 03:52 AM
Not all 'whites' families owned a plantation. Very few actually did. It would be nice for once for you guys to stop assuming white people are any different then you. Don't dwell on your past, or grandparents past, build your future. You would be hard-pressed to find any racism in my family.

You think I'm going to bother teaching my kids to watch out for the Indians, because a gang of them jumped me like 15+ years ago? no. My best friend is an Indian. Damn good military soldier. I will teach my kids about my friend....

what will you teach your kids?

don't let your family to repeat history, If its a geographical thing, move up here to Canada, I'll give you a free place to stay until we can get you a job making $70-$100k year. Everyone is hiring, and we don't give a fuck about your history. Unless you are afraid of Whites, Asians, Indians, indo's, or Filipinos . Then don't come here, because you are a racist.

lol The fact that anyone other then another black man can't talk to you as an equal means there is something wrong. If we were in the military, I wouldn't think twice about taking a grenade for you guys. I still don't care what race you are, or your story. Even if you keep trying to talk about how special you are. Everyone is human. You are my brothers.


02-03-2012, 04:48 AM
need to stop asuming every white person in this world had a black slave at one point.

My Great Grandparents were farmers in Czechoslovakia/Germany, came to Canada with Nothing, and built a farm out of Grass while they made food to survive. No slaves, no discrimination, no judging of a man anymore then the actions they did. They met hard working Indians along the way, and I work with hard working Indians now. We judge by a mans actions and character.

And you need to stop assuming your story is special, or 'proof' that people are bad. Grow up, move on with your life. You think someone like Morgan Freeman would give the time of day to anyone that called him a nigger? ..probably not, because he's grown up and a little more mature. Successful people don't waste time with low-lifes.

holy fuck. Rwanda? remember that, or were you even born yet. Giant Massacre that didn't involve white people at all, what about Somolia. Warlords killing children. At least the plantation owners in the Southern US offered food and shelter to hard working black men. As wrong as it was, people survived, and worked hard. I'm a 'white' dude, but like fuck you will associate me with other whites.

India, do you even know the split class they have there, or have you only seen 10 minutes of 'slumdog' and figure you know everything about india? note: I have actually been there.

have you even tried to make a white friend, or asian, or is that un-cool with your friends? No really, answer this honestly. I'm trying to figure out how you can't do something as simple as make friends.

The messed up thing about all of this is when you have kids, you are going to whisper the bullshit life you lived into their ears, and keep this fear of racism going.'never trust the white man kids'. Grow up, move on. Because my kids are going to be so fucking confused when they meet your kids on some car forum talking about racism and how stupid they are and 'oh its typical' for a them to say certain things.

you totally have the power to be something good in your life as soon as you get past your family's history, and your history. The past is nothing, the future is everything.

I'd invite you in my home anytime, spite the media perspective of black Californian men seen as criminal thugs. Maybe you can see past the stereotype of white people being plantation owners :p

GTFO with this shit. Don't try to PM me because you lost the debate, especially after your crap attempt at bowing out gracefully.

I'm not even going to give you a response for this shit.

02-03-2012, 05:22 AM
would you shake my hand in person? treat me as your equal?

02-03-2012, 05:26 AM
This is hands down the most subversively racist bullshit I have ever seen on Zilvia.

02-03-2012, 05:32 AM
I'm his white friend....... :)

02-03-2012, 05:37 AM
call me man, I'm totally not a racist guy. call collect if you have to.

I'm not responsible for people that jumped you man, and you have been generalizing white people like crazy. I don't want you or I to get banned over something this stupid.

seriously call me, tell me I suck whatever. Call that hide your number thing too whatever makes you happy.

02-03-2012, 05:38 AM
This just in posting a phone number online is bad news. Who would have guessed. And so 4chan welcomes me with open arms.

02-03-2012, 05:42 AM
How about no.

02-03-2012, 05:45 AM
I'm not worried about who gets my phone number. It can be changed. Sorry you find a person that isn't racist offensive, but you have my phone number. I think I even posted my address on this forum.

Generalize people all you want man, I always will treat you as my equal. Regardless of your past and what you think of white people.

02-03-2012, 05:52 AM
I'm half fucking white! I haven't said a thing about white people save for the fact that they don't get what it means to be brown.

You have some serious hate built up in there that you need to figure out.

02-03-2012, 05:58 AM
not at all man, not at all. I know a few brown people, but most of them are from Uganda, the other is a French Canadian.... I can't compare them with you, much like you can't compare white people with me. You getting jumped by lets say a gang, or me getting jumped by a gang doesn't mean we are no different. See what I'm saying? We all have similar situations in life.

Generalizing is the racism that hides. Like I said before. Real racism hides.

I pm'd That guy, asked him what he thinks I should do before a bunch of banning happens, because really, I'd hate to see any of that happen over something as trivial as words.

edit: I just hate you being angry at trying to figure out where you are coming from without passing it off as a generalization thats all man

02-03-2012, 11:18 AM
What you should do is leave well enough alone and stop posting in this thread. As I have said and someone with a similar background to myself has also said, you don't get it. All you are doing by pushing this is pissing people off and proving further that you don't get it.

02-03-2012, 11:52 AM
I know white people. I date white chicks exclusively, but your still trying to call me racist?

By your logic i should be applying to the aryan brotherhood.

Just because your white in canada and you know africans, doesnt mean theres no racism here. When i can go visit my family in indiana and NOT see adopt a highways sponsored by the fucking KKK i will believe there is no racism. When i can turn on fox news and not hear them talking about how to "break" our president, I will believe there is less racism.
But the day I listen to some white canadian about how hes not racist because he knows some dark people. HAHA I will win the lotto that day, cant wait..

did you not understand my pregnant anoalogy? Until you paint your skin brown, change your facial features, and live live as a African AMERICAN (not african canadian or some other bullshit variation) YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE BLACK IN AMERICA. period.
thats not racist ITS A FUCKING FACT. get OVER IT!!!


oh and stop bringing gangs into it. I hate scraps because they fuck with me, not because they are latino. Thats a horrible excuse for an analogy. Most gangs have nothing to do with race.

I didnt even read half that long ass, stupid ass PM you sent me. I dont know why you would think you blurting a bunch of shit about your unrelated Canadian experiences and friends would have any bearing on this conversation. Ill say the same thing here i said in response to your PM
"You are a fucking idiot, dont EVER try and contact me again.

02-03-2012, 12:04 PM
lol the state actually lets the KKK adopt highways?

02-03-2012, 12:07 PM
KKK is a organazation just like the NRA or police department.

for some reason being up in all that cold air has given you some sor of sensory depravation. OUR country, not canada, WAS FOUNDED ON RACISM.

Sorry to break it to you but when our constitution was written me and your buddy kingkilburn over there were considered chattle (go look it up). So im pretty sure when they said all men are created equal they werent talking about the PROPERTY the imported from africa.

god you get quiet when your proven wrong.

02-03-2012, 12:07 PM
stick to oriental

02-03-2012, 12:09 PM
There ya go, lol back on topic.

Damn black people always stealing peoples shit.

02-03-2012, 12:24 PM
funny how people are getting so emotional, when they haven't even lived in "that" era. When people say you don't understand what's it like to be black, yellow, or brown im sure they don't either...

02-03-2012, 12:26 PM
Point is we were talking about AMURRICA.

SO canadians kinda cant say shit regardless.

02-03-2012, 12:51 PM
My point is people shouldn't be telling other people they "don't get it" when themself don't get it.

Blacks are cool and people wanna be like them, thats why everybody and their moma uses the "N" word.

02-03-2012, 01:10 PM
That era continues. It is loads better than it was for our grandparents but still not the world King dreamed of and we all deserve.

02-03-2012, 03:17 PM
I guess my post fell on deaf ears.

Not surprised.

02-03-2012, 03:23 PM
I got it Zar.

02-03-2012, 03:26 PM
...we all deserve.

You make your future, it doesn't get handed to you. Too many people living with the past skeletons of history.

You guys brought out the fact I was white, and a Canadian, and that you guys were black... in a thread having nothing to do with America or Canada specific. Hilarious.

But thats right, I'm suppose to be wrong about everything. The guy that can get you so mad by saying nothing racist at all. Can keep throwing negative history, I'll keep throwing positive history and live by example.

02-03-2012, 03:33 PM
Because you and other like minded individuals pushed the thread in this direction.

02-03-2012, 03:36 PM
Go back, read over it. Tell me where I became a negative nancy.

Too many people living with the past skeletons of history.

Its nothing against you guys at all. Love or hate me, I treat you the same as any man, regardless of how loud you want to be. Maybe that bothers you that I don't fit your profile. or subject my way of life to categorize people as you do.

final edit: Just remember next time what country helped with the underground railroad to free slaves while your govenrment was still trying to figure out how to grow up. Yeah, us stupid Canadians that 'dont understand' or don't know anything.

I'm not lying when I say you are welcome in my home.

02-03-2012, 03:36 PM
and boom goes the dynamite.

02-04-2012, 10:20 AM
Thank you for generalizing an entire race!

02-04-2012, 12:33 PM
lol, watashi to anata wa Nihon ikubeke desu...

02-04-2012, 03:06 PM
You are so ignorant.

02-09-2012, 12:57 AM
My point is people shouldn't be telling other people they "don't get it" when themself don't get it.

Blacks are cool and people wanna be like them, thats why everybody and their moma uses the "N" word.

I dont use the n word and I dont want to be black, All I'm reading here is comments aimed at white people. Every white family isn't rich and every white family Isnt treated like royalty.

I'm half white and half mexican and i get treated and looked at the same way as any black person around me. some of my cousins are full white and get treated just as I do. Cops dont see me and not stop me and ask me what I'm doing. People at stores don't treat me any better than they do the black guy standing next to me. They don't look at me any different than the black guy standing next to me.

If you guys wanna compare the slavery days to what happen to the native americans then you are on crack. The native americans were being killed all over and they took they're home land with force and killed any who oppsed them.

The jews were being selected and killed in a horrible way, Armenians almost had they're entire race wiped out.

You guys didn't have your land taken from you, you weren't selected and taken to be killed waiting in camps, your whole entire race wasn't being killed off.

So don't ever compare being a slave to what happen to those other races cause It doesn't compare what so ever.

02-09-2012, 12:59 AM
There is just as many racist black people as there is white people or any other race, white people arent the only racist people in the world.

02-09-2012, 01:01 AM
The term jap Isn't racist period end of story

02-09-2012, 01:52 AM
Let this shit die. Most people looking at this refuse to even attempt to get what WakeBHR and I are saying so just shut the fuck and let the thread die. I refuse to go over the same shit again and again.

02-09-2012, 02:01 AM
That era continues. It is loads better than it was for our grandparents but still not the world King dreamed of and we all deserve.

Quick question, quick question. Why do you say it still isn't the world King dreamed of?

02-09-2012, 02:59 AM
When was the last time you were pulled over for being the wrong color?

I was pulled over a week ago. For nothing. All the cop had to say was what are you doing here.

If you think that is the world King dreamed of then this conversation was over before it started.

02-09-2012, 04:32 AM
When was the last time you were pulled over for being the wrong color?

I was pulled over a week ago. For nothing. All the cop had to say was what are you doing here.

If you think that is the world King dreamed of then this conversation was over before it started.

All the damn time, You guys really only think it happens to you. I got pulled over,car impounded and taken to jail on valentines day. I was breaking no laws what so ever and I was on the same street my house was on just a couple block away. I broke no law at all the only thing he got me for was a suspended license, Hmm funny He wouldn't have known that if he didnt stop me. Who was the car registered to? my mom who has the whitest name ever. They stopped me cause my skin is brown and just so happened that I had a suspended license.

I've been stopped plenty of times because Of how I look and followed. They just gave my girlfriend a ticket for "speeding" in a trail blazer and the distance she was stopped at from when she was at the stop sign, Her 68 mph speed would be Impossible unless she has the worlds fastest trail blazer. She is brown

02-09-2012, 04:40 AM
I see plenty of black people doing what white people do without a problem, They have just as many jobs, There is a TON of high ranking military people. There is black police officers, Black fire fighters, Black bankers, Black race car drivers. Pretty much everything a white person does a black person can do just as equaly.

The teacher and dean who helped me the most through out high school trying to always keep me in class and the dean always taking me when i got into trouble and let me chill in his office, were black and just because there was always constant black vs mexcian fights and mini riots at my school. I didn't hate the teacher or the dean just because Of what I had going on with other students.

Yea I didn't get along with 90% of the black people at my school cause of racial tension but I still was cool with the other 10% that was cool with me, my best friend in school was black. With all that being said you can't say that most white people are racist towards black people and that white people don't understand what it means to struggle and have hard times. Trust me I know what it means to struggle and have hard times. I'm half white and half mexican but I don't talk to the white side of my family so I've always been around the mexican side but from what I know the white side has struggled just as hard to get to where we are now.

02-09-2012, 04:41 AM
It's not a cake walk for all white people, you generalize white people as if they all have the same thoughts.

02-09-2012, 02:56 PM
As I said before, I was pushed into the black versus white thing by others in this thread. I have no problem with white people and clearly stated that I have experienced just as much hate from black people as I have from white people.

My point with where this thread was shifted to is that racism still exists in this country and ignoring it or downplaying it will not make it go away. We must address it each and every time it creeps in, unwelcome. No matter who does it, or what the situation. Let it be known that it is not ok.

The fact that most white people don't understand what it means to be black and further deny that they don't understand is just one small facet of the problem. Black culture needs to move on from past grievances into a better future, but it is exceedingly hard to move forward when the other side refuses to acknowledge the wrong doing(think Turkey and Armenia).
Both sides need to come together. We should be seeking deeper understanding of each other, not denying the differences.

02-09-2012, 03:28 PM
As I said before, I was pushed into the black versus white thing by others in this thread. I have no problem with white people and clearly stated that I have experienced just as much hate from black people as I have from white people.

My point with where this thread was shifted to is that racism still exists in this country and ignoring it or downplaying it will not make it go away. We must address it each and every time it creeps in, unwelcome. No matter who does it, or what the situation. Let it be known that it is not ok.

The fact that most white people don't understand what it means to be black and further deny that they don't understand is just one small facet of the problem. Black culture needs to move on from past grievances into a better future, but it is exceedingly hard to move forward when the other side refuses to acknowledge the wrong doing(think Turkey and Armenia).
Both sides need to come together. We should be seeking deeper understanding of each other, not denying the differences.

U were pushed into the black vs white thing? Oooook. So it's the blame game? Shocking... Nobody's trying to downplay or ignore. But stop hyping it up. I dunno who it was that said it a page or two back "people who get offended want to be offended." yes racism is wrong, being discriminated against for something you have no control over is wrong. But you (meaning you kingkilburn) keep saying "wah wah whites don't know what it's like to be black wah" shut the fuck up with that already. No shit we don't know what it's to be black because were not black. But it goes both ways. You have no Idea what it's like to be white, or Hispanic or Asian or middle eastern or any fuckin color. You act like blacks are the only ones. Everyone has specific problems and or hardships with his/her race, it's not you against the world. Everyone discriminates against everyone it just seems to be that your crying the loudest.

02-09-2012, 05:09 PM
Guess what? I white too. I am in the position of seeing it from both sides.

I was pushed into that debate by having to justify my statement to people not at all open to the idea. The ownership of their struggle and by extension that word is a very key part to black culture. I'm not saying this is a perfect situation but it is important to acknowledge it to be able to move forward.

02-09-2012, 06:35 PM
What is this thread arguing about right now?

I'm lost.

02-09-2012, 06:46 PM
dont see why jap would be considered bad?? its just japanese shortened , do australians get offended when they are called aussie's? or people from new zealand being called kiwi's? or the british being called "brits" ...... nope.

do americans get offended when people call them "yanks"?? (genuine question)

people are getting waaaaaaaay to fucking PC

02-09-2012, 07:41 PM
Those words were never used with malicious intent.

02-09-2012, 09:14 PM
do americans get offended when people call them "yanks"?? (genuine question)

I don't think most would but I wouldn't call someone from the south that. Still a tender spot for backwards rednecks everywhere.

I think a lot of Americans in the know get mildly annoyed when Brits call us the Colonies. It's only been a few hundred years.

Those words were never used with malicious intent.


02-11-2012, 03:37 PM
I'm not saying this is a perfect situation but it is important to acknowledge it to be able to move forward.

Interesting how now you are saying what I said to begin with.

Those words were never used with malicious intent.

so again, the words that do, are linked to actions by a very few, or 'past historical reference'. Thus, the words are meaningless to those not effected by the same historical reference or personal experience.

...and I'm pretty sure Ausie, Kiwi and Yanks have been in wartime situations. Many 'brits' have colonized and oppressed a lot of people, such as India for example.

People still, need to let go of the past, and stop teaching kids to bring up the old skeletons. Its not healthy for any society.

02-11-2012, 07:30 PM
And here comes the nonsense.

Seriously do you read peoples posts before you respond to threads?

I mean do your posts make sense to you? because if they do, there is something seriously faulty in your wiring.

02-12-2012, 02:03 AM
Again, there is nothing I can say because your head is planted so firmly up your ass.

02-12-2012, 02:46 AM
dont see why jap would be considered bad?? its just japanese shortened , do australians get offended when they are called aussie's? or people from new zealand being called kiwi's? or the british being called "brits" ...... nope.

do americans get offended when people call them "yanks"?? (genuine question)

people are getting waaaaaaaay to fucking PC

When I lived in AZ (in the Army) and had to Work at Ft. Sam in Texas, I'd occasionally mingle with the locals and Yank was used in many ways (I am actually a NY Yankees fan and wore their hat frequently...so I guess if my accent didn't "out" me, my hat was a billboard). Usually the people were kind and jovial about it "This is one cool Yankee" or "Get the Yank a beer, he's alright." But...one night, I was chatting up a cute little blonde Texan and the convo was interrupted by "My sister doesn't talk to Yankees." After I won the ensuing argument and altercation, from his knees he said "What, ya gonna try and fuck me now ya Yankee queer." So no, we don't always get offended by it...it's based on the intent behind the word, because that's how words work. I have been called "my nigga", I didn't think he thought I was black, I was his friend and being his "nigga" meant that we were good, we were tight...people just get too bent over words.

02-12-2012, 02:54 AM
thats the stupidest thing i've heard ahaha

you're white

Agreed. You call them oranges right, you don't call them Florida citrus fruit.

02-12-2012, 03:56 AM
Again, there is nothing I can say because your head is planted so firmly up your ass.

Go ahead, get all angry for no reason. Ye who offered us info he was half white, then full white, regardless that it mattered not at all. :)

Remember when I said, 'People that want to be offended get offended'. I've counted three here so far, but at least you came around and repeated what I said before, its all about how we move on with our lives :) But hey, you are never wrong, right?

but staying on topic, if Jap is a racist term, someone better tell the Ausies; in several publications and movies, many say 'that's very Jap' as much as people on this forum say 'jdm'. Anyone watch mightycarmods on youtube?

4.05 in this video is one example.

Like Carlin said, 'its all about context'. If a bunch of people of a different nationality were dragging you behind a truck yelling 'pizza pizza pizza', I'm sure every time you see a pizza, you will be offended.

I'm offering the idea to forgive and move on, and simply do not be offended. Color of skin matters not when someone is doing an abusive action.

02-12-2012, 02:42 PM
I'm not saying this is a perfect situation but it is important to acknowledge it to be able to move forward.

Your argument has been that no one has done anything, it has been my fault for being offended. Until you actually acknowledge that people do horrible things to others based solely on their race AND that that is inherently a violent attack whether it is physical or not, you can fuck off.

I am not mad or even annoyed but I am dead fucking serious.

02-12-2012, 05:41 PM
You need to again, read over everything I wrote. I never claimed racism doesn't exist.

You are just one of those types of people that needs to get the last word in, even if it involves slowly changing your stance on what you said from the beginning.

What is even more hilarious is you still hide behind anonymity while doing it. What is troubling though, is that you generally seem upset by someone that still would accept you as an equal, regardless of what you say you are, or what your history is. Regardless of hinting you were black early on, then saying you were half white, then fully white. It doesn't matter.

Not mad or annoyed?
you can fuck off.

I am not mad or even annoyed but I am dead fucking serious.

You could, simply not be offended?

Stop being so negative man. Stop being offended, and stop living in the past. You will live a better life.

02-12-2012, 11:26 PM
Stop telling people how to feel.

Why dont you go council rape victims or something?

Se how they feel about your logic.

02-13-2012, 02:43 AM
I can and will continue to calmly and rationally tell you to fuck off.

02-13-2012, 12:59 PM

02-13-2012, 02:13 PM
Nice last word bro. Clever.

02-13-2012, 02:17 PM
Hes a fucking troll. Thats my hypothesis anyway.

Pro ViZIon
02-19-2012, 02:34 PM
Bishop Lamont - American Dreams - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgGqW1-_GNQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player)

Black in America!