View Full Version : What does the "f" word mean?
always been a big question for me...never found it in the dictionary. People call each other F'ers, F this, You mother F'er, F get the whole point. I never use this word really unless i am really really pissed. so what does it mean?:confused:
12-23-2003, 01:09 AM
12-23-2003, 01:15 AM
your F'ing retarded i said what does it mean not what does it stand for.
haah jk
good definition though:)
12-23-2003, 01:28 AM
haha thanks :drool:
12-23-2003, 01:47 AM
i'm pretty sure it means frank. what else could it mean? it only makes sense: frank you! go frank yourself! i franked your mom last night.
12-23-2003, 08:14 AM
fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck (
12-23-2003, 12:29 PM
the origin of the FUCK:
12-23-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Heartwork
the origin of the FUCK: ROTFLMAO Real nice! :D
I always liked etymologies.
12-23-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by DRFT
always been a big question for me...never found it in the dictionary. People call each other F'ers, F this, You mother F'er, F get the whole point. I never use this word really unless i am really really pissed. so what does it mean?:confused: I remember hearing something about the origin of the word..I believe it stood for multiple things F.U.C.K. (each letter stood for something)..Then throughout the years F.U.C.K just became it's own word.A word that can be used for virtually anything. I don't think the word actually has a meaning (In the dictionary)..It's just slang i guess *Shrugs*
Stee Flo
12-23-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by PHLIP
fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck (
didnt work, but this one ( might
12-23-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Stee Flo
didnt work, but this one ( might
ex-fuckin-zact same one dude, good lookin out
12-23-2003, 05:54 PM
This is according to my history teacher in high school...
A long time ago, the British were at war with the French. When the French took a soldier prisoner, they cut off their middle finger so that they couldn't use their bow in battle again. So when the British won battles, they showed their middle fingers to the enemy and would yell "Flick you!". And as time passed, the phrase got slurred into "fuck you". Hence the origin of both the word fuck and the significance of the middle finger.
This may all be booshit though....:confused:
12-23-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Chernobyl
This is according to my history teacher in high school...
A long time ago, the British were at war with the French. When the French took a soldier prisoner, they cut off their middle finger so that they couldn't use their bow in battle again. So when the British won battles, they showed their middle fingers to the enemy and would yell "Flick you!". And as time passed, the phrase got slurred into "fuck you". Hence the origin of both the word fuck and the significance of the middle finger.
This may all be booshit though....:confused:
Yes that would be BS. The british version of a "middle finger" is showing a person your middle AND ring finger to show that they still had both of their bow drawing fingers. The flick you part just sounds made up.
Did any one even read the link I put up :confused:
[Fuck] is a very old word, recorded in English since the 15th century (few acronyms predate the 20th century), with cognates in other Germanic languages. The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang (Random House, 1994, ISBN 0-394-54427-7) cites Middle Dutch fokken = "to thrust, copulate with"; Norwegian dialect fukka = "to copulate"; and Swedish dialect focka = "to strike, push, copulate" and fock = "penis". Although German ficken may enter the picture somehow, it is problematic in having e-grade, or umlaut, where all the others have o-grade or zero-grade of the vowel.
AHD1, following Pokorny, derived "feud", "fey", "fickle", "foe", and "fuck" from an Indo-European root peig2 = "hostile"; but AHD2 and AHD3 have dropped this connection for "fuck" and give no pre-Germanic etymon for it. Eric Partridge, in the 7th edition of Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (Macmillan, 1970), said that "fuck" "almost certainly" comes from the Indo-European root *peuk- = "to prick" (which is the source of the English words "compunction", "expunge", "impugn", "poignant", "point", "pounce", "pugilist", "punctuate", "puncture", "pungent", and "pygmy"). Robert Claiborne, in The Roots of English: A Reader's Handbook of Word Origin (Times, 1989) agrees that this is "probably" the etymon. Problems with such theories include a distribution that suggests a North-Sea Germanic areal form rather than an inherited one; the murkiness of the phonetic relations; and the fact that no alleged cognate outside Germanic has sexual connotations.
In plain English, this means the term's origin is likely Germanic, even though no one can as yet point to the precise word it came down to us from out of all the possible candidates. Further, a few scholars hold differing pet theories outside of the Germanic origin one, theories which appear to have some holes in them.
12-23-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy
Yes that would be BS.
Please learn to speak (type) in a less degrading voice... I never said I was positively sure that my story checks out, and you can not be positively sure that what I said has no historical significance.:rolleyes:
12-23-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Chernobyl
Please learn to speak (type) in a less degrading voice... I never said I was positively sure that my story checks out, and you can not be positively sure that what I said has no historical significance.:rolleyes:
Please learn to not take what I type so seriously, I was just trying to correct your history teachers slight mistake
12-23-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Chernobyl
Please learn to speak (type) in a less degrading voice... I never said I was positively sure that my story checks out, and you can not be positively sure that what I said has no historical significance.:rolleyes:
12-23-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by 95KoukiS14
Hey, there's that fuckin word again!!!
Anyone ever pondered the orgin of OTHER "dirty" words? We all saw the episode of southpark where they said shit 160-something times, and the explanation of that one came in that, but let's talk about some of the others.
12-24-2003, 12:06 AM
hey fuck this fucking thread.
12-24-2003, 01:15 PM
I learned this in one of my history classes in University. I was told that it means and this is a quote from one of my profs but who knows maybe he was bullshitting us.
Fornication Under Consent of thr King
Knights in medieval England used to hang a sign on the door of the room they were in when the were having sex with a chick out of wed lock. But to do this without defacing the code of chivalry they had to get permission from the king to do it. The sign was abreviated to F.U.C.K.
no word of a lie that is supposedly the origin of the word.
12-24-2003, 01:19 PM
i was told a long time ago it was put above cells of rapists in the old days. it's meaning was "for unlawful carnal knowledge"... carnal knowledge=sex, and unlawful sex=rape.
but that sounds kinda made up too.
krazy skwerel
12-31-2003, 12:36 AM
Click on the link in the 3rd post. It gives a good explanation. :D
12-31-2003, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by ca18guy
Yes that would be BS. The british version of a "middle finger" is showing a person your middle AND ring finger to show that they still had both of their bow drawing fingers. The flick you part just sounds made up.
That is not the way the british give the finger. They do it with the index and middle finger.
12-31-2003, 03:32 AM
Originally posted by Flybert
That is not the way the british give the finger. They do it with the index and middle finger.
Thats what I said :confused:
EDIT: nevermind, reread what I wrote, I wrote down the wrong finger :P
12-31-2003, 01:38 PM
It's my favorite word. Team it up with one of my favorite actors and it's fun for the whole family.
12-31-2003, 01:56 PM
the word is all connotative. the meaning is in how it makes you feel.
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