View Full Version : Lend a Helping Hand, Zilvia

11-29-2011, 12:13 PM
Hey guys,

So i know this is a long shot, but i'm really hoping people will find the good in their hearts to help out with this.

The story:
Basically, a dear old friend of my family (for the sake of easiness, we'll call her laura) and myself is going through a rougher time than she has ever been in. I honestly don't know anyone who's been through as much as her. Her brother died recently, and multiple other family members have died in the past few years way before it was their time.

On top of that, her son (who is like a brother to me) got into some bad things a couple years ago, and he has finally been getting clean and acting like a real adult by getting a job and getting his act together. Before this, Laura was constantly fighting her son. He got arrested a few times, and she has always been there for him. She was there when he was using, but she didn't kick him out because she believed he would change, and her love for her son was too great. Because of the fact that she wouldn't kick him out, her mother along with her two daughters stopped talking to Laura because they didn't agree with how she was handling the situation with her son.

Now on to the real problem:
Laura has had a hard time finding a job so she could pay her rent on her house. On top of that, her only car broke down. In the past 5 months, she has suffered from 5 grand mal seizures. One of them being when she was walking home from a 7-11 down the street from her house. Because of this, the state not only took away her driver's license, but they also told her she was not allowed to walk anywhere. Period.

So if the search for a job wasn't hard enough, she now had this restricting her. She finally found a job very recently, managing a calendar store in the local mall that comes every christmas season. However, because she has no way to get to work, she's been relying on other people and whatnot to get her to work. After trying for a few weeks, she was forced to quit her job, because her work would not work around her disability.

So i'm sure by now you're thinking, "why doesn't she just file for health care?" Well, she has. After struggling to get the correct paperwork and whatnot for months, she finally got it sent it. Later, she receives a letter from the government, DENYING her HEALTHCARE. Someone who isn't allowed to go ANYWHERE because she has had FIVE grand mal seizures in the past FIVE MONTHS!

Now the holidays are coming around, and as it's a hard time for everyone, it was especially hard for her. I found out last night that a few days ago, she attempted to take herself away from us.

She is really a great person. She was always there for me when I was younger. Now it's my time to be there for her.

I would SINCERELY appreciate it if anyone would be willing to donate any bit of money (or food if you are a local in SD and you so wish to), and help this woman get back on her feet.

Like I said, I know it's a long shot, but I can't stand idly by and watch her suffer without being able to say I at least tried.

If you want to help out, just send me a PM. If you wish, once I get enough money pooled together, I would be willing to take a picture of her holding the money. I'm sure she would be more than willing to have her picture taken for the people who are helping her get back on her feet.

All of the donations will go straight to her.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I really hope you can find it in your hearts to help out someone in need.