12-19-2003, 11:06 AM
OK,not the way i wanted to introduce myself, or have my first post, but i'm at my wits end trying to uncover a problem with the 240. So here its goes: just last weekend i got 4 new snows on her(good thing) but now it has started to kinda side step the rear end( the rear feels like it shifts from side to side) whenever you accelerate, or let off the gas, it is something you can only feel, it doesn't make any clunking sounds, etc, but i know its doing this, and i have had other friends that know what they are doing agree with me on the feeling that the back end shifts side to side.. now this all started at the same time that i got my snowtires put on, and the weather got pretty cold out(6 degrees), i dont think that either of these two things should be of cause, but i figure i will give you the history of everything that has happened since this problem arised. Now i do know that i hace a couple of control arm bushings to replace in the front( i can hear a slight clunk when appplying the brakes) but this needed to be done back in the summer(bad me for not doing it yet) so i dont believe it is contributing to the sensation of the rear end side stepping over. Also, i am replacing the front struts this weekend b/c the cold weather over last weekend did effect them, as, theyt lost all dampening, but since it has warmed up a little, they are working in full again(odd i know but its what happened), I have checked lugnuts on all 4 tires atleast twice now, and have jacked up the back end to try and find play in wheel barrings, bushing, or anything for that matter, but nothing seems to show signs of play. so, please, if any one has any ideas, let me know, and if not, just tell me i will make it 3 hours back to home were i can investigate it better.
Sincerely Eric
Sincerely Eric