View Full Version : Suspension question - S13 front

12-17-2003, 08:42 PM
I'm getting ready to do the suspension install on my S13 after Christmas (AGXs and KG/MM springs), and I've got a dilemma. I've been looking at the FSM drawings for the front suspension and I'm wondering how you can turn the wheels. My Sentra also has struts in the front, but it's got a piece in the front suspension assembly (I've had it off the car so many times I've lost count) called a thrust bearing; it enables the strut assembly to rotate when the wheels are turned.

How is this accomplished in the S13? Does the upper strut mount just rotate against the upper spring seat? If so should I lubricate the bearing surface, and with what?

Thanks in advance.

12-18-2003, 02:28 PM
The upper shock mount has a bearing in it. It is what rotates. Greasing may help if you are switching to coilovers. Are KG/MM regular springs or sleeve type coilover?

12-18-2003, 03:38 PM
Regular springs. Rates are front 4.6 rear 3.8, which is like 260 lb/in front and 200 rear. Not the stiffest thing in the world, but better than just about any other standard-style coil spring. We'll see how they go; eventually I plan to go to full coilovers.

12-18-2003, 04:04 PM
Get the RSR Race springs instead. They are 5k/4.5K .Better than those rates

12-18-2003, 06:25 PM
Thanks for your OPINION. I got a great deal on these, and they'll go on the car and stay there until I opt for coilovers.

BTW, my springs are the KG/MM S21 SuperSport setup. By your reasoning I should get the S21 Racing, which are 6.6/5.2, which are higher still.

12-19-2003, 02:17 AM