View Full Version : Getting into trouble at School

11-17-2011, 01:21 PM
so I searched and didn't find anything so;

What was the worst trouble/ punishment you got at school whether it be elementary high school or college?

I'll start, Today i had a principle come get my out of class and i had NO idea what was going on (Ive only got a detention once from 8th-junior year, perfect attendence etc) she was like is there anything on your phone I should know about? I was going through my phone in my head and couldnt think of anything so I said no, well i go to her office and there is an officer standing there and Im thinking wtf is going on, well apparently when i was in class this girl thought i had a picture of a fellow classmate on my phone and to show it to the freshmen in our class so i found a picture of some naked woman on my phone and showed it to them (I sat it on there desk without looking at them and said look if you want) then i took it and continued my work. well apparently some people got offended and told, so my punishments are:
-suspended 10 days
-possible expulsion from a semester to a year
-a file with emc and possible felony/ become a registered sex offender (the officer said this was unlikely)
-and waiting for my parents to get home to see what my father will break over my head

so everyone, Share your stories!

11-17-2011, 01:30 PM
i skipped alot of classes in high school

when my class principal caught up on all my absences and totaled up all the detentions and Saturday schools i owed, it was something like 2 months of saturday school, which blows

so i came up with the idea of telling my principal that i had IBS (Irritable bowl syndrome) and the reason i was missing classes was because of this syndrome and i wasn't comfortable having to go in public restrooms, so i went home (reason for missing classes). So i made a doctors apt, lied to the doctor (because i researched early stages are hard to diagnose), got the doctors note and gave it to my principal and cleared me of all my Saturday schools. From then on, if i needed "to go take care of my personal problem" i just called his phone directly and told him i had to go home... so skipping classes pretty much became legal for me.. thought i might as well share this story

11-17-2011, 01:41 PM
My school has a no leave policy for lunch. I never ate the school provided food. I would always opt for the subway or similar lunch. All within 2 miles from school. Always got cought. Parents didnt care when they tried to tell them i had broken the "rules". It got to a point where this happened daily. They didnt want to suspend me becuase i wasnt missing class or causing a disruption. I eventually came up with the excuse that the school didnt provide gluten free food that i was allergic too. They let me go no problems after that. I even made a few bucks charging ppl to bring them food :P.

Middle school, I would always get in trouble for talking. regularly recieved in school suspension, clean up duties and physical punishment(laps n the gym, etc)

Never got in any fights or was suspended in high school, though my buddy mooned me in PE and he did.

11-17-2011, 01:44 PM
so I searched and didn't find anything so;

What was the worst trouble/ punishment you got at school whether it be elementary high school or college?

I'll start, Today i had a principle come get my out of class and i had NO idea what was going on (Ive only got a detention once from 8th-junior year, perfect attendence etc) she was like is there anything on your phone I should know about? I was going through my phone in my head and couldnt think of anything so I said no, well i go to her office and there is an officer standing there and Im thinking wtf is going on, well apparently when i was in class this girl thought i had a picture of a fellow classmate on my phone and to show it to the freshmen in our class so i found a picture of some naked woman on my phone and showed it to them (I sat it on there desk without looking at them and said look if you want) then i took it and continued my work. well apparently some people got offended and told, so my punishments are:
-suspended 10 days
-possible expulsion from a semester to a year
-a file with emc and possible felony/ become a registered sex offender (the officer said this was unlikely)
-and waiting for my parents to get home to see what my father will break over my head

so everyone, Share your stories!

That is way too extreme.. always the ugly bitches who get offended of even couples kissing on campus lol.. This must be highschool i presume, lucky you even have a cell phone at that age lol.

Think Ive gotten into a few fights before in highschool.. usually its the real stupid/low IQ students that always want to pick fights. But back than no one would bring weapons like todays kids.

I had to take a summer class once because I messed around in english class. Ive had numerous detentions . but other then that, i was a decent student.
I was on the football team, but because I did not officially have it on my class registration, I had to make up a semester or 2 of PE to graduate, so I joined the soccer team as a manager lol

The mexican kids with the hondas wanted to race me for gas money , I never did that sort of thing but my 240 could have easily took em lol

6th grade I was throwing little rocks randomly at one of the other lines of students (this was when recess ended and you have to line up with your class before returning back to the classroom).. We where in the library when the principle walked in and called me out screaming.. freaked me out. got suspended for 1 day.

11-17-2011, 02:03 PM
I got suspended in middle school all the time for random shit. The administrator and my mom were on a first name basis.

Off the top of my head...

Threw a textbook at another student.
Verbally threatening other students lives

Got expelled in 8th grade for possession. Went to alternative school for 2 months until they realized it wasn't mine and I was allowed to go back to my school.

Had to go to summer school every year because I fucked around too much and got shitty grades. 6th, 7th, 8th grade.

I loved high school. Never got in trouble because there were so many students.

I photoshopped my name and student number onto a friends schedule so I could leave school two periods early for OJT.

Skipped soooo many classes.

And I still graduated with my class with a 2.05GPA.

Finishing up a B.S. in information technology now :-P

11-17-2011, 02:38 PM
wow you guys are repeat offenders haha.
the only other time i got introuble was one time in ceramics we had a sub and everyone was fucking around and throwing clay, I threw one on the ceiling lke everyone else and the teacher was giving a lecture about it the next day and i saw a friend cracking up, so naturally i did too, so the teacher starts yelling directly at us and refers us to the office, my administrator was a dick and i got 2hr of detention and detention was actually pretty fun so its a win win

Forte EXE
11-17-2011, 02:42 PM
I barely ever attended class when I was in highschool, especially after I got my first car.

I have a bunch of stories, but this one sticks out the most.

At my high school, we had a study hall period and our teacher was this older southern lady with a heavy southern accent. So we were on the computer's looking at shoes and what not. I found some clay, made it into the shape of a penis and balls. This was right after Superbad came out.

By the time class ended I left the clay model hanging on the printer. Next day my friend and i come back to class, we get pulled to the principal's office. Starts giving us a lecture about being productive citizens blah blah blah.

Long story short we got suspended for 2 days and could be facing sexual harassment charges. Never happened, but the look on the principal's face when he read what the teacher wrote us up for was priceless.

11-17-2011, 05:33 PM
Drove my truck through school... up and down the halls... front to back.. they didn't like that..

11-17-2011, 05:53 PM
I got expelled in middle school for smoking in the bathroom. Kinda a long story but the school somehow pressed charges against me for arson and I had to go to court and get a lawyer and shit. The charges got dropped but that was some bullshit. After then I went to the badass kids school and I got the fuck back into the normal highschool and finished it off from there. I got caught smoking a couple times in highschool but nobody gave a shit.

EDIT: The strange part about all this, is that nobody wanted to fuck me in school, being the first kid in middle school in our area to get arrested and taken out in cuffs and all.

Grocery Cart
11-17-2011, 06:10 PM
I like where this is going..

Umm.. Top of my head.

One time in 8th grade during homecoming week I collected some wet toilet paper in some ladies yard while I waited for the bus and it turned out around the size of a soccer ball. I made two and shoved them in my backpack. On the way home I was on the bus with them waiting for people to pass. First one went out the window and hit this guy in a red convertible. Second one went out and hit the windshield of a truck. Turned around and awaited his reaction. Pulled into a parking lot, and came after us.
It was a mother fucking Sheriff. So I got arrested off the bus onside the highway. That pleased my mom..

Another time in 7th grade this kid came behind me and tried to t-bag me. I didn't know who it was so I grabbed their crotch and threw them down and started hitting him. Teachers got me off, turns out it was one of my friends. Whoops.

A few months later me and that same kid got into an argument and he threw a pair of scissors at me in art. I got pissed off and stabbed him in the eye with a marker. The fat ones, not the skinny ones.

I've always done this thing where in class I would stick my head in my backpack during a test or something where everyone's quiet, and yell at the top of my lungs a random curse word for about 3-4 seconds. I do it in the lunch room too. Never got in trouble for that.

Told one of my friends in the middle of a standardized test "Take your fruit boots and shove them up your gaping asshole you SNIP"

That's the only times I've gotten into a lot of trouble really.

11-17-2011, 06:37 PM
well unfortunately ive been in my fair share of trouble when i was in high school

one quick story was back in 2010 when i was a 5th year senior in a community day school in ontario CA (California) and school was from 8:00-11:00 am with a 7 min break during that 7min break me n my friend went to the liquor store down the street and blazed it on the way (in my car)...we were about 5 mins late as we were walking back onto school campus from the parking lot my friends team advisor sees us and stops us and gives us a warning telling him if he catches us late he will take us to the office. So we thought that was a close one we are about to turn the corner then the school security walks around the corner and catches us...then my friends team advisor comes back because he sees the security with us and tells him we were off campus this and that so we go to the office to get some after school community service and by then my eye are blood shot red, so they ask me if we've been smoking we denied it the ended up searching my car and found about an 1/8, scale, baggys, and a blade. Before i know it the cops are already there arresting both of us tried to convict me of 3 felonies...hired an attorney and got away with a misdemeanor and 1 1/2 formal probation and bunch of community service and suspended liscense for 2 years and needed to do a bunch of classes...

Grocery Cart
11-17-2011, 07:02 PM
well unfortunately ive been in my fair share of trouble when i was in high school

one quick story was back in 2010 when i was a 5th year senior in a community day school in ontario CA (California) and school was from 8:00-11:00 am with a 7 min break during that 7min break me n my friend went to the liquor store down the street and blazed it on the way (in my car)...we were about 5 mins late as we were walking back onto school campus from the parking lot my friends team advisor sees us and stops us and gives us a warning telling him if he catches us late he will take us to the office. So we thought that was a close one we are about to turn the corner then the school security walks around the corner and catches us...then my friends team advisor comes back because he sees the security with us and tells him we were off campus this and that so we go to the office to get some after school community service and by then my eye are blood shot red, so they ask me if we've been smoking we denied it the ended up searching my car and found about an 1/8, scale, baggys, and a blade. Before i know it the cops are already there arresting both of us tried to convict me of 3 felonies...hired an attorney and got away with a misdemeanor and 1 1/2 formal probation and bunch of community service and suspended liscense for 2 years and needed to do a bunch of classes...

So your license is still suspended?

11-17-2011, 07:06 PM
So your license is still suspended?

Nope got it back a few months ago, it happened in 09 not 2010...was a typo

11-17-2011, 07:28 PM

but really, my language arts teacher got cancer 2 weeks into the year so we had multiple long term subs throught the remainder of the year. we had this little bald asshole Mr.Clean look-a-like named Mr.Villa. well, needless to say, me and a buddy were constantly causing disruptions be it throwing things, making noises in the middle of reading time etc. one day, Mr.Villa had his back turned to us while writting on the white board and i got the brilliant idea to flick a bottle cap and try and hit the clock 3 feet above his head. because i was very practiced at flicking caps and could shoot them like fuckin bullets, i thought it would be a piece o cake.. i failed hard. the cap dove and hit the back of his head with an audible smack. he turned around beet red and demanded to know who did it. of course, i was the only one blue in the face trying not to laugh so i fessed up and he didnt press charges because i manned up.

11-17-2011, 07:49 PM
"come at me bro"


11-17-2011, 08:00 PM
I graduated 11 years ago. We had fights back then, back before everyone started involving friends and other people.

Back in my day, if you had a problem with someone, you fought them, and usually ended up a friend afterward. None of this pseudo gang BS.

11-17-2011, 08:34 PM
High school is a joke, I didn't learn anything. Only college matters.

11-17-2011, 09:18 PM
suspended...fights...stole a car or 2 (friend's parents car...after they went to sleep)...smoked it, sold it, grew it....best story was when we burned I big "fuck you" into the school football feild with fertilizer...got caught then suspended...then fucked the principle's daughter out of spite. oh the memories...

Its the best when you were one of those students that seemed like you were heading right to prision, then you return 10yrs later with a degree from a private university and a management position in a fortune 500 company...making more money than teachers that have been there 20+ years

11-17-2011, 09:43 PM
i did a lot of fucking off in high school, smoking in bathrooms, skipping, etc. only got caught a few times. detention was always for stupid shit like being late to class.

11-17-2011, 11:54 PM
well this was the old me when i was a dumbass
1) first day of class in 8th grade me and some friends were messing with instruments in music class my teacher was a real douche..Long story short he cussed us all out we got back at him by going inside his office and calling all the other teachers through his class phone and talking shit and ended up prank calling the principal. Music teacher had enough permanently kiked us out of his class for the rest of the year he told us not to go to the principal just never ever show up again and you will recieve an A for the course....we had a whole year off and he gave us our A....that was our punishment

Will post more at a later date i have too many stories

11-18-2011, 02:09 AM
I didn't do too much fighting in high school, mostly in middle school.

7th grade: This kid was talking shit about my little sister, so I grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed it into the stucco wall (he had a shaved head mind you). After he whined about it for a little bit, he was picking at it and caused it to bleed. I got suspended for making a student bleed.

8th grade: This other kid decided to try and fuck me up in tag football by constantly pushing me into the fence for the tennis courts. Found out that the girl he liked ended up becoming my gf, and he wasn't too happy about that. I got in his face asking what his problem was (didn't know the gf part yet), then he clocks me in the side of the head punching through my ear. I hit him in the same place and knocked him out. Found out 2 weeks later he had a broken hand from it lol.

11th grade: Ditched alot, sparred with friends, drank alot, smoking at my car in the parking lot, and coming to school at 10am roughly. This filipino tried picking at fight with me, through my friend (idiot). My friend closed his locker and said "Look at my face right now, he fucked me up in a sparring match. I can beat your ass, imagine what he will do." After that I had too many people trying to fight with me just to prove themselves.

There's plenty more, those are just the ones that stand out at the moment lol.

11-18-2011, 02:22 AM
The main two were:
5th grade- Keyed my teachers car. Got expelled.
8th grade- Stole 6 PS2's from the school fitness lab. Got expelled along with probation.

11-18-2011, 03:06 AM
we were allowed to leave campus for lunch junior and senior year. one day it was raining out and the school had this giant gravel "overflow" parking lot that always had a giant puddle in the middle of it. so when i was coming back from lunch with a couple of friends in my truck i decided to try to scare them by going through the puddle really fast. hit it going about 30mph and i couldn't see shit. instantly slammed on the brakes and started sliding towards a randomly parked car. managed to regain control and nearly missed the car.

parked the truck in the normal lot and headed to class. i was in class for a half an hour when one of my buddies and a "yard patrol" guy came in and grabbed me. apparently the yard patrol guy was the one in the car that i nearly hit, but he though my friend was driving the truck until my friend ratted me out.

went to the principal and the yard patrol told him what i did and the principal asked the patrol guy wtf he was doing in the parking lot when he should have been in the halls. he laughed it off and made me park off campus for a month.

doesn't sound that bad, but parking off campus for that month caused me to get into an on and off relationship for 3 years, which was a much more sever punishment than i could have ever imagined.

11-18-2011, 03:43 AM
So what I got from this thread is that Zilvians did drugs and stole shit in high school. Jesus

The worst thing I did was skip 50+ days.

11-18-2011, 03:49 AM
"come at me bro"

\end thread.

i drove a CA18 hatch with s15 sr turbo at 16psi. i left at lunch which was authorized for us because some juniors and seniors drove to Tech high for, in my case, welding class. got certified my junior year so i skipped most of my senior year tech, half day. i found it fun to do donuts and burnout in the parking lot. they took my parking pass away 12 times and attempted to call the cops. dont think they wouldve heard me but i was rockin open downpipe. other than that i skated through without trouble. got afternoon detention for skipping a couple classes but that ended up with us eating cake because our principle got an award or something.

good thread. good readin.

11-18-2011, 05:11 AM
only thing i ever did in school bad was punch a kid.
Some asshat tripped me during lunch in middle school and it pissed me off. got up, and as i was getting up gave him a nice right hook. broke my pinky in 3 places, and his jaw in two. Other than that, never missed a day, late, etc etc etc. Im a relatively obedient person

11-18-2011, 06:27 AM
Once I got into trouble for hiding a cat in the teacher’s closet. Clichéd but the look on her face when it sprang on her was priceless.

11-18-2011, 07:37 AM
The only time i skipped HS, i made a fake note about having an eye exam. They called my mom to confirm and she did not. I got detention.



11-18-2011, 08:01 AM
i feel like a *SNIP*. never skipped class, never got detention, 4.3 gpa(ap classes out of 4.5... still based on a 4.0 scale tho). drove a 240(volvo station wagon version).

got head from a frosh from art class when I was a junior. never got caught tho. and she swallowed :D

11-18-2011, 10:33 AM
elementary school was really when i got in the most trouble. got sent home from fighting alot. middle school i was pretty obedient, my dad was a teacher at the same school's high school and all the teachers knew who i was through him lol, so i really wasnt compelled to be that much of a badass.

lets see high school....i didnt get in much trouble either come to think of it, mostly for stupid annoying shit like being loud or disruptive. my friend did get banned from the library for a while for calling the librarian a cunt to her face though lol (she really was). i may think of an actual incident or two later

11-18-2011, 11:05 AM
elementary, got sent to the principals office for sticking paper clips in the light socket... only got a verbal warning (i was an "obedient student" and it was my first and only offense lol)

middle school, had problems with another kid...lunch time we called each other names, "security" said, "you got 5mins to sort it out"...fist fought....another "security" came up, and sent us to detention...first "security" was like, "i didnt see them fight"...but we got detention, month of writing "i will not fight on school grounds"...dad was like, "did you win?"

high school, told my teacher i was going to the restroom....and walked off campus....next day got called in to the principals office....told them i had a younger sister that was in the hospital and wanted to see her....principal reminded me that she knew me since middle school and that im an only child...so i was like, "ok, shes not my SISTER sister, but ive known her forever :(" it was a lie lol, but got me a verbal warning only... :)

and now im a teacher.... ^_^

11-18-2011, 11:39 AM
I tended to stay out of trouble for the most part but lets see..

In 3rd grade I got suspended when I told my principal I was gonna kick HER in the balls after she took my gameboy. Got home, got my whooping, got to sit in a cardboard box in front of my house all day and do homework...

High school junior year got suspended for two days for PDA (public display of affection). We were coming back from a football game (our school is so small we have an 8 man football team and share the bus with the cheerleaders) and all three of the football coaches fell asleep as well as the cheer coach. Well the cheerleaders came back to the players. Pretty much did everything besides have sex with three girls. Other people got expelled/suspended longer because they were drinking too.

Senior year high school got in trouble from my basketball coach after he saw/heard me slide the corner into my school (the red line) before practice. I had to run extra sprints at the end of practice but then he accepted the fact that its just what I did..

11-18-2011, 01:03 PM
Hmmm... I had to miss my 8th grade feild trip because I kissed this girl on the cheek. A teacher saw it and said, "Next time i see that im reporting you" She didnt give me a next time.

I got 3 days suspension for using the restroom in the 6th grade hallway when I was in 7th.

And in 10th grade, I got called to office and suspended for jumping out of the back of a school bus, even though I rode to school everyday with my neighbor.
(Fortunately, i got out of that one)

Plus many other stupid incidents

11-18-2011, 03:13 PM
Drove my truck through school... up and down the halls... front to back.. they didn't like that..

elaborate please

11-18-2011, 03:15 PM
lol this thread makes me laught because of all the bad shit i ever did in high scool starting with having lunch for 3 hours everyday to socialize and lift weights lol

11-18-2011, 03:31 PM
I was a problem child...haha

I could give you lists of things.

but my most accomplished....missing 108 period in a quarter...best part...all approved! lol
My mother flipped her lid....called the school to find out they were all approved by multiple teachers (I was the most recongnized Pencil Artist in school) so it got me out of a lot of class, doing any thing and all thing art related from murals to flowers for the flag pole. lol

11-18-2011, 08:07 PM
one week we had a sub in weight training. he was an older asian gentleman who spoke rough english so, needless to say, he didnt get much respect in a Norwalk High School. anyway, a student ran outside the weight room and the sub went after him so i shut the door and locked it ,hit the lights (room had no windows= pitch black) and grabbed the rubber door wedge and threw it as hard as i could. the wedge ended up hitting my girlfriend's cousin in the inner thigh so we got into a high school fight that actually ended with him bleeding. that guy was a fuckin prick.

P.S. when the lights were turned on, there was a 10lb weight stuck in the wall. still dont know who done it

11-18-2011, 08:32 PM
Drove my truck through school... up and down the halls... front to back.. they didn't like that..

Did you go to jail for doing that? Or is it BS

11-18-2011, 08:35 PM
I was a problem child...haha

I could give you lists of things.

but my most accomplished....missing 108 period in a quarter...best part...all approved! lol
My mother flipped her lid....called the school to find out they were all approved by multiple teachers (I was the most recongnized Pencil Artist in school) so it got me out of a lot of class, doing any thing and all thing art related from murals to flowers for the flag pole. lol

Did you atleast graduate?

11-18-2011, 08:35 PM
mostly fighting in middle school, but the last fight was with a black kid and after all the bulls*&t we were cool then like a week later he brings a gun to school b/c of some kid haha...

11-18-2011, 10:42 PM
you guys are assholes

11-19-2011, 12:41 AM
you guys are assholes

:werd: but still LOL you ghotta have some chaos in life or else you aren't living :smash: but your right some of these dudes are real douches hahaha :nono:

11-19-2011, 10:15 PM
Early in middle school, we used to tie action figures on a long pieces of string then hang them like 30 or fourty feet out the back of the window on the bus. They would bounce around on the ground the width of the road and above the bus, it was like asphalt wakeboarding; we did plastic bags too stuff was kewl as Sh** until the bus driver noticed one day that G.I Joe had been hot on our trail for fifteen minutes or so. We weren't in heavy traffic or big intersections and the other cars could see it so they kept their distance, most with smiles on their faces.

..the lecture commenced in the school office and left with a stern warning I believe.

11-19-2011, 10:24 PM
hang on...
They took your phone and went through it OP?
isn't that illegal search procedure?
Id flip my lid if some shithead went through my phone over some bs......then I would promptly hire an attorney. Maybe im out of date on the law on this one?

11-19-2011, 10:32 PM
hang on...
They took your phone and went through it OP?
isn't that illegal search procedure?
Id flip my lid if some shithead went through my phone over some bs......then I would promptly hire an attorney. Maybe im out of date on the law on this one?

Well there are 2 ways I could've went in there, Honest and tell them everything be fully cooperative look like a good innocent kid
or say no its mine be silent get arrested and booked and pay out the ass for an attorney

11-19-2011, 11:39 PM
Well I was a trouble maker..

9th grade I had a teacher that was deathly scared of ducks so me and a couple friends cought 4 and locked them in het class room. Fucking teacher went crazy and didn' come to school for days. I got suspended for a week.

I also had a math teacher that pissed me off so I put a spark plug through his driver side window on his pos mustang. But for some reason I didn't get in trouble probably because everone hated him.

I glued a pink dildo to out school mascot. Big blue bronk hours with a pink cock.. I got suspended for 3 days ..

Computer class i use to get into my.teachers computer and play orb on the projector. Shit was funny when he would teach then porn would be up on the board. Never got fought for it ..

Got a lot more... Will post up when I'm not on my phone ..

11-20-2011, 12:32 AM
4th grade me and 2 other kids jumped this fat kid and pantsed him during reese. got suspended for 2 days (thinking back on it I feel fucked up now)

5th grade got suspended 3 days for bringing condoms to school wtf? lol

senior year in auto class all we did was horse around because the teacher didnt care what we did, just as long as we stayed away from his personal things. one day he pulled in his wifes honda accord for an oil change and left it unattended lol. so myself and like 5 other guys started messing with it, a few of them tried lifting the rear by hand and me and another guy tried doing the "dukes of hazard" slide and i left a football size dent on his fender from hitting it with my foot... got away with it for the first 2 days but after they pulled everyone into the deans office, someone gave in and snitched. Me and the other guy got expeled from the class, suspended 5 days and I had to repair the damages.

Ahhh the memories....

11-20-2011, 12:54 AM
Left airsoft guns in the door of my car once in high school, security guard looking through cars found them thinking they were real guns.

School calls the cops and they show up to my class, immediately handcuff me with everyone including myself wondering wtf was going on. They bring me into the office and demand the I give them the key to my car without explaining anything.... I give it to them and they come back with my airsoft guns. I just laughed and told them to put them back in my car so I could go back to class......

They seemed to think it was a serious issue..... fucking airsoft guns....

I was suspended 10 days and had to see the school psych during lunch for a week when I got back. They also kept the airsoft guns.

Most overblown retarded thing EVER

11-20-2011, 01:22 AM
moved to VA Beach because dad was military, parents divorced when I was 6. 6-7th grade. New School, New BS nothing new for a military brad... somehow I was stuck in Special Ed for a semester... to this day don't know why. Always had a skateboard growing up (I am 35 now) old boards. VA Beach was great surf and skate... learned to surf by skipping school (why not I am in easy shit retard classes) and going to the boardwalk. One day I found my dads bank stash... took a few hundred and went shopping. Well that very same day just so happens my older sister was waiting for me at the bus stop. She runs home to dad, who was pissed but not to bad. The next day he realized $$ was missing... now I am in deep shit... and the only way out was to give him what I bought before he asks. Brand new stainless steel paintball gun... this is 1989-90.
He responded trying not to laugh "don't do it again"

(NOT SCHOOL RELATED) Later my dad decides we need to go out in the woods and shoot shit... he brings a huge military duffle bag. we hike out for about an hour to the middle of a huge swamp like flat area right on the edge of the woods. have a great day with big guns. We hike back and just as we break the tree line to the new apartment complex being built their is a line of 4 cop cars and about 10-15 people standing outside looking our way. we walk right up to the cops... they didn't seem threatened yet and ask if we heard the gun fire. Dad replies "yeah that was us" Cop ask him to drop the bag and step away. Instead my dad says "I can't do that, but I can show you my ID" the cop didn't expect that response but takes his wallet and searches it. Hands it back to him and says "have a nice day, sir!" and off we went back home. My dad was a navy seal.

Few years later moved to Jacksonville, FL and PR for a short time... surfed and skated always... Had to move in with my Mom while my dad was out of country... Mom lived in Hurley, MS... the country, cows, dirt roads, not a fucking thing for me to do... no waves... no concrete. Walked into school the first day and some fuck head yells out "poser!" ... needless to say I got in a lot of fights till 10th grade when I moved back with dad.

I have done some really dumb shit... could write a freaking book... not a lot involved school other than skipping/ fighting.

Edit - 3am drunk post... hahaha

11-20-2011, 02:44 AM
i only graduated 2 years ago :D
9th grade dint do anything. (now that i remember i threw a desk chair out the window from the 3rd floor for kicks it was 6th period and i was a rowdy freshmen)
never got in trouble for that.
10th grade nothing really
11th grade just hopped the fence and would go skate with buddy's.
12th grade i got suspended for 3 days for climbing the bungalows druning lunch and kickfliping the gap that was about 3 ft, probably less almost dint graduate on stage:bite:
skipped alot but they dint really care.

i dint learn anything either, high school sucks. that public school here in LA for you.

11-20-2011, 03:06 AM
you guys are freaking crazy, you guys all graduate? I think this thread is more entertaining thinking that you all graduated.. saying you guys dropped out would take away the entertainment lol

reminds me, id come in for zero period class at like 7am, no one in teh parking lot so when it was raining, id slide my car in lol. Junior year my friend has a old 80s dodge ram pick up truck, we are leaving school, but still in the parking lot, he pulls up right in front of some other students car and just does a burn out, a really good smoking burn out in front of everyone.. haha shit was funny but back than we thought it was cool. Rice wasnt too big of a term as it is now so no one freaked out but it was loud as hell and smoked up lol

11-20-2011, 04:42 AM
high school sophomore year 3 weeks after school bathroom cleaning for graffiti ahahahahahahah LOL

"i was only doodling while i poo cause i get lonely..."

11-20-2011, 09:35 AM
jr high was awesome. I heard about social promotion (you goto high school regardless of GPA) so i made sure i knew the information but never did one homework assignment. i left 8th grade with a .006 gpa and I'm almost done with my MBA :)

one awesome part was that my teachers didnt understand the referral rule, being that they had to keep part of it and submit it to the office later on. So i would take the entire referral and go chill in shop class or something.

some kid socked me in the back of the head, he came at me again so i start beating the crap out of him. suspended for the rest of the day because he was one of the kids in the slightly slow classes. not fully retarded, just slow. kinda felt bad lol

high school i made the stickers that allowed students to get out of school at lunch for the day. i got 1 day detention and no detention if i gave up the names of everyone who bought one from me. snitches get stitches.

Grocery Cart
11-20-2011, 09:40 AM
This entire thread just makes me want to get in a fight when we get back from the Thanksgiving break..

11-20-2011, 11:15 AM
uhh Walnut highschool.
my feminist english teacher would always say jokes about men
so i said" wanna hear a joke.
women have no rights."
she stood there with some look on her face and told me to leave
got suspended for a week
came back a week later and she said some bullshit
i replied with "stfu this is a nice kitchen you have"
got kicked out for another 3 days and had to take english with another class for a couple days

11-20-2011, 11:24 AM
One day in the commons, 10th grade, just chilling. When my GFs older bro walks up and clocks me in the jaw twice. Just out of fucking no where. I was like "WTF dude you serious, that shit didnt even hurt.."

He was mad I was tapping his sisters ass.

Anyways, I didn't hit him back, but I pulled out a butterfly knife and told him he should just leave. He did.

Well during first period like 20 minutes later everyone heard about it, and my friend asked to see the knife, so I let him see it.

LITERALLY 5 fucking seconds after I handed him that knife the school cop and principle walk in and yanked me out of the class and searched me for weapons.

Close call.

EDIT-Also I got kicked off the bus in 6th grade for sneezing. Yea, sneezing. Thats why ex marines shouldnt be bus drivers. But when I punched a kid in the nose for taking my seat 3 weeks later, nothing happend.

11-20-2011, 11:37 AM
Had a bmx bike jam at our high school. over 50+ riders. Security tried to stop us some guy got knocked him out. Cops came we got chased. and someone got hit by a car.

ohhh threw a rock at my instructor while he was on a moving tractor 50 yds away.lol

11-20-2011, 12:28 PM
I would have taken the long route, and then had THEM pay MY attorney fees.
Fuck letting someone go through my personal shit for a rumor/hatters.
Constitution for the win!! plus the fact that you are school-age helps...

Oh, and since the statue is up:
Look up MacArthur Middle school/Mead high-school fights circa the 90's it was a pretty hardcore for about three days.
just don't believe all that it says about what started it......

11-20-2011, 07:38 PM
I got expelled from high school.

Probably the best thing that ever happened to me, honestly. Got thrown out of a tiny private school and went to a big public one, and that's probably the only reason I ever socialized properly.

11-20-2011, 08:27 PM
ohhh threw a rock at my instructor while he was on a moving tractor 50 yds away.lol

this happen to me when i was like 9. police arrested the 16 yr old for assault. pressed charges and got a few grand out of it after hospital fees. but at 9 a few grand was amazing :D

11-20-2011, 11:56 PM
I got expelled from high school.

Probably the best thing that ever happened to me, honestly. Got thrown out of a tiny private school and went to a big public one, and that's probably the only reason I ever socialized properly.

Same, is was told fo leave for the itching powder inccident. Did not get expelled, was told to leave lol.

11-21-2011, 02:18 AM
I got expelled from high school.

Probably the best thing that ever happened to me, honestly. Got thrown out of a tiny private school and went to a big public one, and that's probably the only reason I ever socialized properly.

I'd like to see what you consider 'proper'. School is for education first. If I was your parents...oh my.

11-21-2011, 11:31 AM
I'd like to see what you consider 'proper'. School is for education first. If I was your parents...oh my.

Not sure what to make of this comment, but the public high school was (and remains) one of the top 100 in the country and ended up being both academically and socially superior to the private school in every way.

The private school was 300 kids from Pre-K to 12th grade. My class was 15 people. It was a *very* limiting, closed environment and most of my friends that graduated from there couldn't hack it in the big scary world that came after.

11-21-2011, 11:50 AM
lets not make this a debate guys,
So today was my expulsion hearing and I was expelled until the 2013 school year for sexual harassment.

11-21-2011, 11:56 AM
this one time in 11th grade i didn't do so hot on a physics AP final, which resulted in a A- for my final transcript. My parents grounded me for 2 weeks.

11-21-2011, 12:59 PM
lol...oh the stories

11-21-2011, 01:34 PM
My math/science teacher made me shit/piss myself.

She didn't let me leave class for over an hour.

The next day she gave me m&ms and a donut, chocolate..ironically enough.

She hated me, and after that the feeling was mutual. All i did was talk in class and shoot staples into girls hair.


11-21-2011, 01:54 PM
Not sure what to make of this comment, but the public high school was (and remains) one of the top 100 in the country and ended up being both academically and socially superior to the private school in every way.

The private school was 300 kids from Pre-K to 12th grade. My class was 15 people. It was a *very* limiting, closed environment and most of my friends that graduated from there couldn't hack it in the big scary world that came after.

i left private school to public school, culture shock at first, but then loved it. x2 on being around the same small group.. id be socially akward if i had to do that for my whole schooling career.

11-21-2011, 03:58 PM
Elementary: Teacher turned around to write something on the board. Kid in the front turns around and flicks me off. Picked up my pencil and chucked it at his finger. His middle finger started bleeding so he yelled while everyone laughed, I got detention for that one.

Highschool: It was Friday and I was hyped for the weekend. Decided to show off and drift in the parking lot in front of my friends. Next Monday I got called into the office with the security guard ratting me out. Punishment was 4days of detention. Next day there was an announcement about speeding in the parking lots haha.

Another time, I biked to school instead of driving. So I thought it'd be funny to park my bike in my parking spot. Even my friends parked their bikes in my spot. During class I saw office aid students pass by walking all of our bikes through the halls towards the office. Finally we all get called into the office, keep in mind its a small office. All four of our bikes crowded the little room with and upset dean in the middle of it all. Next day there was an announcement saying that all students must use the bikes racks haha. Good times, didn't get into too much trouble overall though.

11-21-2011, 09:21 PM
3rd grade this kid named Regginald T. kept talkin shit and sayin i was in love with this chick named Muktiben. i had a bad morning so instead of telling on him, i choked him and slammed his head against the door. because he happened to be black, i was nearly expelled for a "hate crime" i didnt even know what racism was.

7th grade we played a game called Silent Speedball where we would sit on our desks and throw a dodge ball at each other and if you failed to catch it, you were out. well, i had a pretty good arm and me and a friend liked to cheap shot each other so i aimed for his face and threw the ball as hard as i could. he ducked and i knocked the student who was sitting behind him off the desk. that student happened to be Regginald T. i got a talking to and after i explained that it was an accident and that i wasnt racist, i had to apologize. Reggi moved a few weeks later.

11-22-2011, 12:06 AM
i got kicked out of my philosophy class for laughing in my teachers face wile in a discussion and he wanted me to say what was so funny and i couldnt do it , he yelled at me saying " get the fuck out of my class you stoner "
this is what i was thinking of
Pablo Francisco - Please remove your hat! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6B4pIg61Qs&feature=related)

11-22-2011, 01:02 AM
deleted my post

11-22-2011, 01:17 AM
got suspended during homecoming dance senior year for being in a hotel room (same hotel in which the dance was at. big mistake) with a shit load of alcohol almost didn't walk the stage for that one! haha

should hear all the rumors the teachers had

11-22-2011, 02:51 AM
^next time, make it a shit load of women and alcohol lol

11-22-2011, 05:59 AM
Back in 8th grade, I brought a smoke bomb to school. I lit it in the stair well and went to lunch. I eventually go caught and was suspended for 2 weeks. I got the beating of my life. Never got into trouble since then. lol

11-22-2011, 10:30 AM
^next time, make it a shit load of women and alcohol lol

it was all the homies and our dates don't worry :]

a teacher found a condom and said we were having an orgy lol!

11-22-2011, 10:43 AM
Sophmore year we had alternating day classes. Took certain classes one day and others the next. Well one of my days for my last period class was a computer typing and basics class. I was awesome at this class so I showed up 1 day every 2 weeks. Did the work and got ahead of everyone else and then skipped for another 2 weeks. My father wrote me notes because he knew I was doing well. Well the second to last day of school the guy at the front office that writes my passes to leave finally realized that i came in every other day with a note from my father and he sent me to the dean who told me I had missed 85 days of this class and was in disbelief that I could still have a 96% grade in the class. So she called my dad and he went off on her for questioning him and why i was leaving every other day. So the next year they required that all notes have a parents phone number written on it so they can call on the spot. Junior year I had a "class" where I sat in the front desk and ran notes for the front desk people. I became friends with the lady at the front desk and memorized and became good at tracing her signature. So when she wasnt looking I would take a handful of passes to leave school, and sign her name and leave whenever I didnt feel like being there anymore. Never got caught... It was all about covering your ass.

11-22-2011, 10:50 AM
Grabbed this girls tit in Bio 2 one day.... it was a regular occurance, we kinda had a thing going, but the coach saw and was like if I see that again I'll have to write you up. But he was a perv so I doubt he woulda done anything.

Got into a little trouble for riding backseat on my buddies moped when we drove through the crowd during lunch break flipping everybody off.

And I got my iPod taken from me and had to give the principal some sob story about my parents getting divorced to avoid suspension. Worked though.

11-22-2011, 06:54 PM
EDIT-Also I got kicked off the bus in 6th grade for sneezing. Yea, sneezing. Thats why ex marines shouldnt be bus drivers. But when I punched a kid in the nose for taking my seat 3 weeks later, nothing happend.
There are some great stories on here, but this just made me literally laugh out loud.

3rd grade this kid named Regginald T. kept talkin shit and sayin i was in love with this chick named Muktiben. i had a bad morning so instead of telling on him, i choked him and slammed his head against the door. because he happened to be black, i was nearly expelled for a "hate crime" i didnt even know what racism was.

11-22-2011, 11:26 PM
Got in trouble all the time in high school. Missed school and was late on the reg. I received prolly 50 detentions throughout high school and only went to one because i decided to become good pals with the teacher who handled all detentions. Freshman year i got kicked out of a class cuz our teacher wrote something on the board and i busted out laughing, so he asked me if i thought it was funny and replied yes. He then said "I think your face is funny" and i instantly replied, "Thats not what your mom said last night." considering this was our religion teacher at a private school it didnt go over very well.

Grocery Cart
11-24-2011, 12:03 AM
moved to VA Beach because dad was military, parents divorced when I was 6. 6-7th grade. New School, New BS nothing new for a military brad... somehow I was stuck in Special Ed for a semester... to this day don't know why. Always had a skateboard growing up (I am 35 now) old boards. VA Beach was great surf and skate... learned to surf by skipping school (why not I am in easy shit retard classes) and going to the boardwalk. One day I found my dads bank stash... took a few hundred and went shopping. Well that very same day just so happens my older sister was waiting for me at the bus stop. She runs home to dad, who was pissed but not to bad. The next day he realized $$ was missing... now I am in deep shit... and the only way out was to give him what I bought before he asks. Brand new stainless steel paintball gun... this is 1989-90.
He responded trying not to laugh "don't do it again"

(NOT SCHOOL RELATED) Later my dad decides we need to go out in the woods and shoot shit... he brings a huge military duffle bag. we hike out for about an hour to the middle of a huge swamp like flat area right on the edge of the woods. have a great day with big guns. We hike back and just as we break the tree line to the new apartment complex being built their is a line of 4 cop cars and about 10-15 people standing outside looking our way. we walk right up to the cops... they didn't seem threatened yet and ask if we heard the gun fire. Dad replies "yeah that was us" Cop ask him to drop the bag and step away. Instead my dad says "I can't do that, but I can show you my ID" the cop didn't expect that response but takes his wallet and searches it. Hands it back to him and says "have a nice day, sir!" and off we went back home. My dad was a navy seal.

Few years later moved to Jacksonville, FL and PR for a short time... surfed and skated always... Had to move in with my Mom while my dad was out of country... Mom lived in Hurley, MS... the country, cows, dirt roads, not a fucking thing for me to do... no waves... no concrete. Walked into school the first day and some fuck head yells out "poser!" ... needless to say I got in a lot of fights till 10th grade when I moved back with dad.

I have done some really dumb shit... could write a freaking book... not a lot involved school other than skipping/ fighting.

Edit - 3am drunk post... hahaha

Just noticed you're from Nola!
What's up man?! Nice to see another guy from Louisiana.

11-24-2011, 08:38 AM
I graduated 11 years ago. We had fights back then, back before everyone started involving friends and other people.

Back in my day, if you had a problem with someone, you fought them, and usually ended up a friend afterward. None of this pseudo gang BS.


In elementary I was suspended for a week for mooning the entire school from the window of a bus. I was in 1st grade.

Worst I ever did/got was a 2 week suspension in high school for getting into a fight with another student. Two weeks may seem harsh... But I slammed his head into a locker... After I hit him with a badminton racket across the face...

I was in 10th grade and he was in 12th. I was at home basically nailed to a chair where my mother could keep an eye on me 24/7 to make sure I didn't do anything fun etc. But I felt like a king that entire suspension. haha

When I got back I found out I gave him a minor concussion.

We're still friends. haha

11-25-2011, 09:06 AM
no respect for theives

11-27-2011, 11:52 AM
Ds562, you win this thread!
Ill be laughing about this all day.