View Full Version : Juan manuel marquez. King of stepping foot technique

11-14-2011, 10:03 PM
well i watched the fight between manny and juan. honestly i thought pacquaio should lose that fight because he barely making any hits, in my view but after seeing all these stuff made me realize that no wonder pacman wasnt moving that much inside the ring. i know manny been training on his legs since the last time he fought and he was complaining about he wasnt able to use his leg. but anyways here are some pics i saw lol.


stepping on foot. is this even legal? i know this shit happens but not too often. what you guys think?

**mayweather fans F*** off, this is not about mayweather so any negative opinions keep it to yourself**

11-14-2011, 10:23 PM
This kinda thing happens when you have people of opposite stances fighting and trying to move to the same space, but not as often as it did in this fight(6 times I think). Leads me to believe it was intentional.



11-14-2011, 10:48 PM
it looks pretty intentional
i mean, yeah its bound to happen with what iStay said, opposing stances will always have leading foots touch, but the way he just follows his feet is too close

11-14-2011, 11:06 PM
it looks pretty intentional
i mean, yeah its bound to happen with what iStay said, opposing stances will always have leading foots touch, but the way he just follows his feet is too close

I agree also, I myself saw the fight and thought it was an equal fight. Overall, Manny was a little more hungry for the title and was the aggressor in this fight. It paid off too! Marquez did well too, but he was being too conservative imo.

11-15-2011, 12:43 AM
Its Southpaw Vs Orthodox! Its because they are each trying to get their lead foot on the outside when they throw punches. Its all about having the ideal positioning with your feet when you throw (it makes it a lot easier to counter and defend)

Anyways, We all know it was a robbery (Im a Pacquiao fan). Pacquiao may have won the fight, but that might have been the only positive thing going for Pac-man that night. He looked flustered and out of sorts. The fact that the judges gifted him the victory was somewhat to be expected. If anything, His chances vs Mayweather just plummeted. I just pray Pacquiao retires and doesnt fight Mayweather. He has nothing to prove. Mayweather NEEDS Pacquiao for his Legacy. Pacquiao doesnt need anyone. He's an All Time Great and easily one of the top 10 greatest fighters.

11-15-2011, 12:59 AM
Pac man won the fight because of the fight in the future with Mayweather. a "undefeated vs undefeated" fight would generate millions of dollars especially since its those two people. Marquez won the fight but the judges for sure got paid to have pacman win so he can fight that future fight.

saw it on yahoo somwhere.

but yea the foot stepping thing is because of the south paw vs orthodox stances....happens alot actually, if you box you know what i mean.

11-15-2011, 01:08 AM
Its Southpaw Vs Orthodox! Its because they are each trying to get their lead foot on the outside when they throw punches. Its all about having the ideal positioning with your feet when you throw (it makes it a lot easier to counter and defend)

Anyways, We all know it was a robbery (Im a Pacquiao fan). Pacquiao may have won the fight, but that might have been the only positive thing going for Pac-man that night. He looked flustered and out of sorts. The fact that the judges gifted him the victory was somewhat to be expected. If anything, His chances vs Mayweather just plummeted. I just pray Pacquiao retires and doesnt fight Mayweather. He has nothing to prove. Mayweather NEEDS Pacquiao for his Legacy. Pacquiao doesnt need anyone. He's an All Time Great and easily one of the top 10 greatest fighters.

Honestly, in order to win a championship you would have to demolish the champion. You can win due to points but in my eyes, Marquez didn't do enough. Sure, he may have won to technicality but this is the big times, Pacqiuoa isn't losing a win streak and the championship over points.

Marquez didn't devastate Manny to the point where Manny was all bloodied up, or his face was all messed up. You can't leave it in the hands of the judges especially in a hugh Champion ship fight. If Manny had won 5 rounds out of 12, and Marquez won 7. That's not good enough in a Championship fight. Marquez needed to win 9-10 rounds so there isn't a doubt.

Out of 3 fights, Manny knocked Marquez down 4 times, Marquez hasn't knocked down Manny once. Though he may won with points, a knock down of Manny Pacquiao would have solidified it, otherwise, so what, "You come, saw and conquer, rape and pillage, NOT, "You come, saw, and kinda came out on top, and leaving with a coconut or two."

Marquez won, but lost, not because of skills, but he fought with a CONGRESSMAN. Politics. :zombie:

If you want a championship, go see what Junior Dos Santos did.

Not to mention Marquez is a foot stomping pee drinker. Fact. Marquez drinks his urine to "detoxify" his body. Some ancient Japanese technique used by Lyoto Machita as well.

Juan Marquez drinks pee:

I really like Marquez, he's an awesome boxer! Manny is hyped up, Manny has no techniques, just a bit of speed. Manny is wild and leaves himself open every time he lunges in. Marquez is a much more skilled and technical fighter, Marquez should have won the fight, no doubt about it. But as we all know, judges and opinions are never correct, so Marquez need to blow Manny out of the water and rocked him good, I don't think Marquez really hurt or brutally rocked Manny, that's why he didn't win.

11-15-2011, 09:03 AM
In the history of boxing one rule remains constant in a close fight, “You must beat the champ , to be the champ”. Counter punching challengers only really win close contests if they overwhelm their opponent, they do not win contests if they lay back and wait for the action to greet them at the front door.
-Keith Terceira

Roach even tweeted that the foot stepping is normal when a southpaw goes up against a right-handed boxer. Nothing dirty there.

11-15-2011, 10:02 AM
Do we know if pac man stepped on marquez at all since its so common?

11-15-2011, 10:09 AM
Pac man won the fight because of the fight in the future with Mayweather. a "undefeated vs undefeated" fight would generate millions of dollars especially since its those two people. Marquez won the fight but the judges for sure got paid to have pacman win so he can fight that future fight.

saw it on yahoo somwhere.

but yea the foot stepping thing is because of the south paw vs orthodox stances....happens alot actually, if you box you know what i mean.

Pac man isn't undefeated...he has lost 3 I think.

11-15-2011, 11:03 AM
Pac man won the fight because of the fight in the future with Mayweather. a "undefeated vs undefeated" fight would generate millions of dollars especially since its those two people. Marquez won the fight but the judges for sure got paid to have pacman win so he can fight that future fight.

saw it on yahoo somwhere.

but yea the foot stepping thing is because of the south paw vs orthodox stances....happens alot actually, if you box you know what i mean.

What rock have you been living under, Pacquiao is not undefeated buddy.

11-15-2011, 12:30 PM
What rock have you been living under, Pacquiao is not undefeated buddy.

bro go easy on him, he read it on yahoo somewhere so it must be true :facepalm:

11-15-2011, 02:10 PM
What rock have you been living under, Pacquiao is not undefeated buddy.

bro go easy on him, he read it on yahoo somewhere so it must be true :facepalm:

must have read it wrong, point is the big money making fight would be pacman and mayweather. So thats why the judges favored pacman.

11-15-2011, 04:04 PM
im not into boxing but here are the fight coutouts on the decision
why manny won.

I ♥ PAPA JACK (90.7 Love Radio) (https://www.facebook.com/ilovepapajack)

Pacquiao = 578 punches connecting 176
Marquez= 436 punches connecting 138

Pacquiao = 304 jabs connecting 59
Marquez = 182 jabs connecting 38.

Pacquiao = 274 power punches connecting 117
Marquez = 254 power punches connecting 100

11-15-2011, 04:22 PM
JMM wasnt robbed. He didnt show up. He didnt want it bad enough. Just because he gave Pac man a few solid shot doesnt mean he wins. Pac man after all is the defending champ, JMM have to destroy Pacman to get the belt, but with all the counter punches, JMM is doing all the defending. He has to be the aggressor/ the attacker. I dont know if you guys notice Pacman dropped his hands from chasing JMM around.

'In the history of boxing one rule remains constant in a close fight, “You must beat the champ , to be the champ”. Counter punching challengers only really win close contests if they overwhelm their opponent, they do not win contests if they lay back and wait for the action to greet them at the front door.If you are a champion and counterpunch, you are defending your title in a judges eyes and more consideration is giving in that event.The scorecards, punches landed , and power punch numbers do not lie. This was not a case of Lara-Williams where a challenger overwhelmed the favorite with more punches, harder punchers, and was the effective aggressor throughout the fight. This was a case where the welterweight champion went forward attacking his challenger, throwing punches that landed at a greater rate throughout the majority of the fight and the challenger failed to bring a deciding factor into play to make a judge feel that he was taking a champion’s title, instead feeling safe by just countering and defending his spot in the ring.Marquez did just that, defended his spot (the challenger) extremely well, what he did not do is challenge Pacquiao for his title, instead being content to exchange with Pacquiao only after Manny went seeking an exchange.Pacquiao did as Champions do , he went looking to retain his title, not only defending it with aggressiveness but firing back after he was countered, keeping intact his role as the titlist.Fans of Marquez can be upset that their fighter did not win, and fans of Pacquiao can be disappointed as to the outcome not being as many predicted, with an early stoppage. What is wrong, is to assert that a champion was beaten inside the ring last night.Writers can now write about controversy so their newspapers, websites, and blogs get more readers and more money, because that is what they do for a living.One fact is clear in warfare, you cannot win the war by shelling up in your castle throwing bombs at the invading forces; you can only prevent the capture, and defend the turf. Marquez had no turf to defend as he was the invading force. He had a limited time to capture the flag and did not. Period! The only mystery will be what article about controversy will get written, well enough, to get the most hits.' - via TOP RANK.

If all you guys really think JMM was robbed, can i ask you why?

11-15-2011, 04:27 PM
And on more thing.

I dont understand..

*Fight 1 - 2004. MP dropped JMM 3 times and the fight was a draw. But crowd thinks JMM was robbed

*Fight 2 - 2008. MP again dropped JMM and won, yet the mexican crowd thought JMM was robbed.

*Fight 3 - 2011. MP and JMM test each others will power. And the said crowd stated that JMM is robbed yet again.

How do you guys want Manny to win so you can swallow the defeat??

JMM didnt want it bad enough for the judges to see.

11-15-2011, 04:34 PM
foot trapping it happened a lot, when i sparred. but, when my footwork got better and also i started to get aware of it unconsciously.

oh the fight was 2:1 mp for every exchange. jmm didn't do anything to take a lead. this fight really showed mp's footwork to get angles and how its been refined...it showed. ive never been a mp style fan because of his brawling style. just shows he still refining his skills.

11-15-2011, 06:17 PM
Mayweather will beat Pacquiao.

Just posting this so when it happens I can quote myself.

Carry on.

11-16-2011, 05:38 AM
Yes Pacquiao also did the foot stomp many times...

Video: Manny Pacquiao Also Using The "Foot Stopper Trick" On Juan Manuel Marquez? (Response) (http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhQcsx3O65S5OT8ZnY)

11-16-2011, 06:56 AM
Honestly, in order to win a championship you would have to demolish the champion. You can win due to points but in my eyes, Marquez didn't do enough. Sure, he may have won to technicality but this is the big times, Pacquiao isn't losing a win streak and the championship over points.

THIS. I have to reference Ric Flair as he said it best. "You gotta BEAT the man to be the man." No shit Judges are going to favor the champion, that's like saying how in re-elections we favor the incumbent. Pending Mayweather fight or not, JMM did not do enough to win the belt, simple as that. At most the fight could have been a draw.

11-16-2011, 11:11 AM
yes pacquiao also did the foot stomp many times...

video: Manny pacquiao also using the "foot stopper trick" on juan manuel marquez? (response) (http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhqcsx3o65s5ot8zny)


Mayweather will destroy pac.

Thats all that matters really.

11-16-2011, 11:26 AM
Mayweather will beat Pacquiao.

Just posting this so when it happens I can quote myself.

Carry on.

I'm not going to lie...This got me... :rofl:

but yea the foot stepping thing is because of the south paw vs orthodox stances....happens alot actually, if you box you know what i mean.

Yeah I agree (south paw right here). My foot work is a LOT better then when I first started, but it still happens once in a while when I spar...

11-16-2011, 11:36 AM
**mayweather fans F*** off, this is not about mayweather so any negative opinions keep it to yourself**

Mayweather will beat Pacquiao.

Just posting this so when it happens I can quote myself.

Carry on.

we will never know until it happens. carry on and get back on topic

msgs lngth