View Full Version : CA JDM 180sx quarter windows

11-10-2011, 11:41 PM
I got a pair of 180sx quarter windows that id like to sell. price is $300 obo. if you have anything to trade, im open to trades. dont call me because ill be in class or working most of the time. so only text me at (951)514-5609



11-11-2011, 12:20 AM
pics dont work

11-11-2011, 12:23 AM
http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s720x720/293668_244882105558964_100001115280799_617603_4675 63112_n.jpg

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/299978_244882138892294_100001115280799_617604_6326 31002_n.jpg
does this work?

11-11-2011, 12:40 AM
Wow.. $300 for 180sx glasses.. I sold an extra set for $175 last year and mine came with the seals and were tinted.. You might want to adjust your price if you want to sell them

11-11-2011, 01:09 AM
Wow.. $300 for 180sx glasses.. I sold an extra set for $175 last year and mine came with the seals and were tinted.. You might want to adjust your price if you want to sell them

Had a buddy who couldn't even sell his for a bill without the seals
Pretty sure they can't be ordered separately through Nissan which means investing a lot of time replacing used ones or buying whole new quarters just for the seals

11-11-2011, 01:55 AM
Do they even make the quarter pamel window is my question? And if you can't sell them I'll take them off ur hands for a 100?

11-11-2011, 11:53 PM
im expecting to be low balled. so i set the price higher than what i realistically would like to get...

11-12-2011, 05:13 AM
Yea I hate to be the bearer of bad news... But you can't get the seals seperate... So they pretty much can't be used on a car unless they are rigged up.

11-12-2011, 10:35 AM
im expecting to be low balled. so i set the price higher than what i realistically would like to get...
50 bucks :hsdance: