View Full Version : Childhood games and etc

12-13-2003, 01:59 PM
I was talking with the other guys at work about grammer school games and whatnot. Just want to see what you can add to it and if you remember/ had these games in your neck of the hoods.

remember when you would play freeze tag/it and no one wanted to be "it", so you would put your feet in and someone would tap eat foot going "eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by its toe if it hollars let him go eenie meenie miney moe" the foot that twas touched on the last "moe" was out and you would continue until there was 1 person left and they were it.

remember?:( :confused:

I hope someone does.

Then you had other ones like "bubble gum bubble gum in the dish how many pieces do you wish? " the foot that got touched picked a number i.e. 4 "1,2,3,4 and now you are out not cause your naughty not cause your mean just because you kissed a girl behind a dirty magazine"

There were diff endings as far as what you did behind the magazine.

We called the person who did the song calling or whatever you want to call it "inker all time" The person who called that first would do it until the person was picked.

Ok now to games. Remember 7up? You would say heads down thumbs up lets play 7 up. and there would be so many people who would walk around and put thumbs down and after each of the people standing up picked 1 person the people who got thiers thumbs pushed would get a chance to guess who picked them.

I know I may sound sideko (psycho) for these posts but ohh well.

Anyone ever play "off the wall" the object was to throw a tennis ball off the wall by throwing it toward the ground with a one bounce technique and then it ricochett'ed off the wall and whoever caught it got to throw. If you tryed to catch it and dropped it you had to run to the wall and tag it before you got pelted with the tennis ball.

Hide n go seek etc etc

Remember the Diarhea (sp?) songs?

when your driving in a chevy and you feel something heavy, Diarhea diarhea

when your sliding into first and you feel something burst diarhea diarhea

there where more if you remember post so i dont look insanely insane.

I know midwest people know these cuase majority of the guys were from there and even Maryland. So east coast has a chance.

Post other gmes of yesteryears and whatnot. People always talk about cartoons I remebe the games too! Imagine playing these games now a days with the people you work with etc. Would be pretty funny seeing adults play together and probably get along huh?

12-13-2003, 02:29 PM
the 1st-4th grade thing i remeber most is when someone called you a name the ultimate comeback was "I KNOW YOUR ARE BUT WHAT AM I" that put aside as far as a game goes hide and seek was the bomb, then it evolved into flashlight tag(spotlight) and then to paintball, which i still do by the way:)

12-13-2003, 02:31 PM
Oh yeah i forgot one game, DUCK DUCK GOOSE, i played that all the time at school

12-13-2003, 07:37 PM
HAHA, this thread rocks!

A few I remember were...

Red Rover... where you all hold hands and make a chain. Then you would say Red Rover Red Rover, Send (the weak) person right over. Im surprised kids didnt get hurt doing this. hehe

I sorta remember a few paper games you would do during class. One I dont really remember the details.. you would write some names down and other stuff like a circle and you would find out who likes you or who was best suited for you.

Recess games, like Tetherball, Kickball, 4 Squares?

Also... In Between Two Fires, an alternate of Dodge Ball :D

These are all pretty common, ill try to think of some other ones I remember... Ill know em all in a few years when Elaina gets older :D

12-13-2003, 09:12 PM
yeah i remember red rover, we had a game i guess similar to 4 square, 2 square. Object was to make the person miss the ball when bounced in thier square. I remember duck duck goose and the Pee Wee Herman comeback.

"I'm rubber and your glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you"

"sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me"

I remeber a paper game, i guess it was some oragami kinda thing where you would right colors,the name of girl/boy you like, and some other stuff and depending on each one the person with the paper would flap it and spell the color or girls name for each letter/ number, and somehow this was your future.

Kickball was the poo!

12-13-2003, 09:31 PM
hell yeah, 4square, freeze tag was gradewide at my school, crazy games, we played handball and kickball a lot.

hmm, other odd games...MASH-O..., around the world, capture the flag owns...

12-13-2003, 10:11 PM
This is awesome!

I remember playing all those games!

You guys remember steal the bacon, red light - green light, and pickle? Oh and that one game, smear the queer. The name of this game was really offensive now that i think about. I'm surprised the teachers never said anything when we asked to play it. For those of you who never played the game, just to let you know, it wasnt a hate game geared toward homosexuals.

As for paper games, i rememer that oragami one and M.A.S.H.

good times....lol


Capture the flag was THE BEST game!

12-14-2003, 12:59 AM

Red light green light! I remember when I was in bootcamp the drill instructer was playing that with a kid who was about to piss his pants! LOL good times!

smear the queer?

12-14-2003, 01:55 PM
Here's a foreigner's input.

We played "phones". You all sit in a line and the person on one end whispers something into the next person's ear and that person has to repeat it and so on and so forth. Then the person who is last in line has to say it out loud. If what they said was different from what the fdirst person initially whispered, you gotta find the broken phone (who messed up), and they get kicked out of the game. You kinda work your way down the line.

We also played "ladies and gentlemen" - a grade school version of flirting. Boys stand on one side of the street, girls on the other. Then the boys have to ask girls to be their partners. The girls can refuse. Girls have to ask boys too, that was so f'n embarassing. You wanna have a partner, but you can refuse people (because what happens is you gotta hold hands). So when everyone has a partner they want and the people that are left are alone, what happens is you and your partner form a high arc with your hands and all the other "couples" line up like that too, and the people who didn't have partners have to run under your arcs and you get to hit them. :) Fun shit, huh?

Then we played "snake". A bunch of kids hold hands and then we run and swerve and try to kick the last person in the snake line off. Work your way down the line. That hurt.

We played cops and thieves a lot, we called ghosts at night, then hide and seek, and that game where you're blindfolded, then the kids around you spin you around so you get a little vertigo and then they form a circle around you. You get to catch them and try to guess who they are.

We played Mommy and Daddy. The dude humped me. That fucker. If he was in this country I'd sue sexual harrassment.

Did you all steal stuff? We went around the neighborhood and stole stuff and then we'd have to bring it back to the appraiser. Whoever had the most value got to be the appraiser.

I can go on forever. Our generations didn't have that many toys, did we?

12-15-2003, 01:26 AM
I remember playing pretty much everything camppain (and others, except for the crazy furrinner hehe) mentioned. Oh, and POGS. OMG that was a lame ass game! Wall-ball (off the wall?) was the shit in middle school though. Then hacky sack in high school.

12-15-2003, 01:41 AM
man you guys were weak little boys...I used to play ball tag. that had all the fun and excitement in it. Its the same thing as tag bu to tag someone you gotta throw a tennis ball @ him. yes,very dangerous. You had to have guts to play. But the worst part was getting hit in the balls, man :bash:

o yea and there was capture the flag! that was a pretty fun game too

12-15-2003, 01:58 AM
weak boys? haha, smeer the queer was not a weak game..fun times there....

redlight..greenlight...also quality...

12-15-2003, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by 240Driver39
weak boys? haha, smeer the queer was not a weak game..fun times there....

redlight..greenlight...also quality...

smeer the queer was the shit!!! I actually broke my thumb playing it. we played alot of football and basketball, especially in 4th and 5th.

played red rover alot, and hide and go seek in the dark (i forgot what it was called). alot of tetherball. i sucked at it cuz im so short, lol. wall ball...red ass, we used to call it ball tag...you know, where u throw a tennis ball against the wall, and try to catch it...if someone drops it, u throw the ball at the wall before they touch the wall. if you do, they stand on the wall and you get to try and bean em with the tennis ball. that was fun...

great thread!!!

12-15-2003, 10:51 AM
and hide and go seek in the dark (i forgot what it was called).

do u mean manhunt? neighborhood wide games...very good times...

12-16-2003, 11:32 AM
I remeber when you dropped the ball and had to stand there too. Sometimes you'd try to dodge it and had to stay there again. We still called it off the wall.

What was smeer the queer?

Funny how games where the same except at times for slight variations and names. Except in the four-in-hers perspective.

Shes weird. :p J/p "KA" Hows the baby?

12-16-2003, 04:54 PM
Red Rover was insane. I was doing community service a while back at my old private school to fulfill my government class requirements in high school, and the kids at the daycare were playing red rover. I saw litte 6-year-old girls straight up gettin the Clothesline from hell from these boys, it was crazy.

and don't forget mother may i, probably one of the stupidest gamse i played as a child.

12-16-2003, 05:03 PM
hah i played tag til i was in 8th grade. i had a k-8 school thats why, so we'd get recess and lunch recess:D

12-17-2003, 03:37 AM
Same here no junior high bullcrap! It was k-8. HAH ha i remember mother may I!

Remember hop scotch?