chuki monsta s13
10-30-2011, 03:22 PM
FS a set of p45r 17x9.5 +12 4x114.3 215/40/17 & 215/45/17
hello everybody i have a set of p45r's in 17x9.5+12 4x114.3 all around for sale starting next weeek, wheels are rattle canned white, tires ( up front 215/40/17 lots of thread rears 215/45/17, rears are drivable but reccomend to change soon or i can change em for a lil extra. i am also feeling generouse and including 10mm ichiba spacers all four corners with hub adapters meaning you will have an +2 offset to sit nice and flush. i have had these for a whole year and loved them now to move on to something else, two rims have some rash no dents, cracks bends or anything, tyres were properly stretched with a cheetah compressor by a shop. i daily on these and had no problems what so ever. i am not looking for trades cash is king.. located in downtown L.A. so moving on to price i am looking to get 700 that is including all 4 spacers and hub rings, if you want me to change rear tires out we will discuss the price. Local pick up no shipping:wiggle:
<A href=" net%2Ff%2Fchat%2F348903-_-anti-aero-thread-_-22.html%23post4304096&v=1&libid=1318919094145&out= %2FDaGoblin13%2Ftumblr_lm9fcvFwQR1qhsj2do1_400.png & archid%3D9481411&title=*_*The%20Anti-aero%20thread*_* ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=&j sonp=vglnk_jsonp_13189191187271" rel=nofollow target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="272"><A onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '', '/albums/x400/DaGoblin13/tumblr_lm9fcvFwQR1qhsj2do1_400.png']);" href="" target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="269"> (</A itxtNodeId="267" itxtHarvested="0"></A itxtNodeId="270" itxtHarvested="0"><A onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '', '/albums/x400/DaGoblin13/2011-10-14120934.jpg']);" href="" target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="269"><A href=" x400%2FDaGoblin13%2F2011-10-14120934.jpg& rchid%3D9554019&title=CA%20s13%20vertex%20replica%20side%20skirts% ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13199540626131" rel=nofollow target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="266"> ( x400%2FDaGoblin13%2F2011-10-14120934.jpg& o%3Dnewreply%26p%3D4329678&title=CA%20FS%20a%20set%20of%20p45r%2017x9.5%20%2B 12%204x114.3%20215%2F40%2F17%20%26%20215%2F45%2F17 ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13200096625231)</A itxtNodeId="264" itxtHarvested="0">
hello everybody i have a set of p45r's in 17x9.5+12 4x114.3 all around for sale starting next weeek, wheels are rattle canned white, tires ( up front 215/40/17 lots of thread rears 215/45/17, rears are drivable but reccomend to change soon or i can change em for a lil extra. i am also feeling generouse and including 10mm ichiba spacers all four corners with hub adapters meaning you will have an +2 offset to sit nice and flush. i have had these for a whole year and loved them now to move on to something else, two rims have some rash no dents, cracks bends or anything, tyres were properly stretched with a cheetah compressor by a shop. i daily on these and had no problems what so ever. i am not looking for trades cash is king.. located in downtown L.A. so moving on to price i am looking to get 700 that is including all 4 spacers and hub rings, if you want me to change rear tires out we will discuss the price. Local pick up no shipping:wiggle:
<A href=" net%2Ff%2Fchat%2F348903-_-anti-aero-thread-_-22.html%23post4304096&v=1&libid=1318919094145&out= %2FDaGoblin13%2Ftumblr_lm9fcvFwQR1qhsj2do1_400.png & archid%3D9481411&title=*_*The%20Anti-aero%20thread*_* ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=&j sonp=vglnk_jsonp_13189191187271" rel=nofollow target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="272"><A onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '', '/albums/x400/DaGoblin13/tumblr_lm9fcvFwQR1qhsj2do1_400.png']);" href="" target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="269"> (</A itxtNodeId="267" itxtHarvested="0"></A itxtNodeId="270" itxtHarvested="0"><A onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '', '/albums/x400/DaGoblin13/2011-10-14120934.jpg']);" href="" target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="269"><A href=" x400%2FDaGoblin13%2F2011-10-14120934.jpg& rchid%3D9554019&title=CA%20s13%20vertex%20replica%20side%20skirts% ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13199540626131" rel=nofollow target=_blank itxtBad="1" itxtNodeId="266"> ( x400%2FDaGoblin13%2F2011-10-14120934.jpg& o%3Dnewreply%26p%3D4329678&title=CA%20FS%20a%20set%20of%20p45r%2017x9.5%20%2B 12%204x114.3%20215%2F40%2F17%20%26%20215%2F45%2F17 ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13200096625231)</A itxtNodeId="264" itxtHarvested="0">