View Full Version : s15 turbo with out clocking plates

10-28-2011, 09:54 AM
anyone run there s15 turbo on s13 motor with out clocking plates

was told its possible and you need a 45 degree coupler and cut the hot pipe?

anyone done this

anyone know where to get a t28 hks actuator bracket ,

just the bracket?

10-28-2011, 03:36 PM
I use an S15 turbo on an S13 SR. I had to use a 45* coupler just off the compressor outlet and shorten the hot pipe, just like they say.

And the inlet elbow on the turbo is a bit smaller where the intake tubing clamps on, so I had to tighten the clamp a little further, but I still use the S13 rubber inlet tubing on the S15 inlet elbow.

On my KA with SR turbo placement, I'm using an S14 turbo with an S13 inlet elbow and S13 rubber intake tubing. It fits the MAF/Filter a little funny, but it all fits together.

10-28-2011, 04:24 PM
Yes, shorter hotpipe, just cut in half, and 45 deg elbow.
an s14 sr20 hotpipe will bolt on with a 45 deg coupler as well.