View Full Version : A driving game...

01-25-2002, 12:18 PM
I had mentioned the Strip Driving game I saw posted here to some friends last night, and one of them said, "You should totally post 'Driving Bingo'.".

Well, if he was right or not, here goes. My friend Jimmy 'Naz' and I came up with this one. The overall concept was his, but the two of us refined the rules to the point where it could actually be played as an actual game. At least in theory. In practice, I'm not sure this is such a good idea.

Okay, you start with an even number of players, half that many cars, and one set of bingo balls per car. Pair off and put two people in each car. If you've got phones or whatnot, use them to keep in touch with other cars. Now, each pair is not a team. Every player is out to win first.

Play proceeds as follows...

Decide amoung each pair who will be the driver first. Use a coin toss or any other agreed upon method. The passenger gets the bag of bingo balls. Head out to a highway. Once on the highway, the passenger will pull out a bingo ball. Ignoring the letter completely, the driver must maintain the speed equal to the number on the ball for 20 full seconds - regardless of what that number is. A 1-2mph deviation should be considered acceptable. It is the passenger's role to make sure this speed is maintained as required.

At the end of 20 seconds, another ball should be pulled. The driver has 10 seconds to adjust to that new speed, and then must maintain it for another full 20 seconds. Play continues in this fashion for as long as possible before the passenger calls the driver on not maintaing the speed required. If this happens, pull over and switch. It is only in the driver's seat that you can truly ever win this game.

So, with everyone driving and switching and whatnot, one thing is nearly inevtible. At some point, a cop will notice the car going from 52 to 14 to 37 to 6 and so on. It shouldn't take him long to pull you over for this. As long as you stayed in the right lane, you weren't impeeding traffic though, so you should be alright. But, fake drunk anyway. Say things like, "There's no blood in my alcohol, occifer" as need be. If he doesn't insist upon it, flat out request a breathalizer test.

Yes, this is all nesseccary. See, the whole eratic speed maintance thing was just to get you this far. You are about to win. When the breathalizer comes back with a big ol' zero on it, announce "BINGO!" as loud as you feel comfortable. You have just won.

01-25-2002, 01:23 PM
oh man that sounds like fun...im not gonna do it though for fear of getting points on my lisence.