View Full Version : CA18 oil pump removal with engine in car

10-24-2011, 09:26 AM
Anyone ever take the oil pump off of a CA18 while the motor was still in the car? It seems that if you could move the alternator out of the way and remove the front two oil pan bolts you could knock it loose and slide it forward. I would be willing to deal with the headache of dropping the pan (not all the way out of the car, just dropped completely loose to remove the oil pump). My oil pump gasket is leaking and I don't really want to remove the motor (seeing that I just got done putting it all back in the car and all hooked up). Anyone ever do this...successfully? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

10-24-2011, 09:41 AM
if the oil pump is leaking it might be from the front mail seal.

to pull the pump you gotta drop the pan so you can remove the oil pick up from the pump.

Ive done it on a KA. so you might be able to on a CA

10-24-2011, 10:28 AM
When I opened it up it looked as if the front main seal was the source of the leak so I replaced it. Started up the motor...and the leak was still there. Opened it back up and noticed oil above the main seal where the pump meets the block. It only leaks once the engine is warmed up...and is only a drop every 15-20 sec. I've got it all installed together, minus the lower timing cover, and after work today I'll fire it up and look for the source.

Di you have to completely pull the oil pan out of the car or just drop it off of the engine?

10-24-2011, 11:54 AM
i just dropped it till it hit the crossmember

10-24-2011, 03:16 PM
I guess you can


doesn't say to remove piping....does stock intake/IC piping have that much give?