View Full Version : Synapse bov
10-23-2011, 06:48 PM
Is anyone using this brand bov or has used it before on there sr20. Is a good bov or should I look at some other brand. Couldn't find any videos online on sr running this. Asked around and was told that it's a really quiet bov compare to like a hks or greddy. Any help will be good thanks
10-23-2011, 07:17 PM
Do you want a loud bov?
What do you use your car for?
It is usually person choice of what you want to use.
10-23-2011, 07:19 PM
Is anyone using this brand bov or has used it before on there sr20. Is a good bov or should I look at some other brand. Couldn't find any videos online on sr running this. Asked around and was told that it's a really quiet bov compare to like a hks or greddy. Any help will be good thanks
i just googled " synapse bov sr20 " and the first few results showed a video from youtube.
take your laziness elsewhere
10-23-2011, 07:33 PM
I already saw that one on YouTube so not trying to be lazy I just want to know from personal experience if it's a pretty good bov. I'm using a greddy knockoff one right now that sounds pretty good for loudness but I was told that the synapse is even quieter and that one video it doesnt give a good example if it did I won't be asking on here
Matthew Murphy
10-23-2011, 07:59 PM
get a qr tail bov. they are awesome, recirculating and its so quit
10-23-2011, 08:14 PM
I'm not looking for a quiet bov I want something like how loud my knockoff greddy is but heard the synapse is very quiet compare to a greddy or hks
10-23-2011, 08:44 PM
oi...another case of form over function...
if you want loud, just buy an HKS SSQV4 and turn your boost up...stop buying knock off shit
10-23-2011, 08:48 PM
Lol it came with the fmic kit figure I'd use it and save up for a good one so it's that time because knockoff one is leaking
10-23-2011, 10:00 PM
well if youre looking for really good perfoming BOV, the synapse unit is awesome from everything ive ready..the HKS isnt too far behind it, though id recommend you run more than 7psi on it as its meant for higher boost applications (hence why so many stock SR guys have problems with chatter, myself included)
10-23-2011, 10:21 PM
well if youre looking for really good perfoming BOV, the synapse unit is awesome from everything ive ready..the HKS isnt too far behind it, though id recommend you run more than 7psi on it as its meant for higher boost applications (hence why so many stock SR guys have problems with chatter, myself included)
REALLY???? I dont know where you are reading that from, probably from an employee of the company. Synapse is cheap china crap. Get a Tial, you will never have a problem and it will last forever.
10-23-2011, 10:27 PM
well im only running stock boost so i guess synapse wont work for me then
10-23-2011, 10:30 PM
who cares what boost level your at, DONT GET SYNAPSE! haha Seriously its crap.
10-23-2011, 10:47 PM
@jvas91talon are you telling from experience because you have used it before or just because its made in china
10-23-2011, 11:49 PM
I would never buy They also make me laugh at the garbage videos they post trying to "prove" their product on youtube. Here is one for example. I also get an even bigger laugh at people who fall for their gimmicks. All this is, is a great showing of how marketing can sometimes be more important than the product. This "Dr." comes up with some biased tests, promotes them all over the place, and then gets people to feed into buying another china/taiwanese knock off part.
Wastegates don't seal that are made today - YouTube (
10-24-2011, 01:00 AM
well talon, thanks for your input given you avoided the original question addressed to you...have you ever actually used one?
i cant stand when people jump in and say something is shit when theyve never actually used it
S14lee, just get an HKS and youll be fine. ive used quite a few different BOVs including greddy typeS, DSM crushed, HKS SSQV and an old apexi something or other...the HKS is the most responsive out of them all, though it kinda sucks with lower boost pressures, i wouldnt worry too much about that (and talon, i dont want to hear you jump all over me about compressor surge, i could care less)
10-24-2011, 01:29 AM
HAHA Well if you read my first 5 words i posted you would see that not only did i not avoid the question but that was the FIRST thing i addressed. I understand what you mean about people ragging on stuff they havent tried, but then again i wouldnt need to put an SS Autochrome manifold on my car to tell people that it is crap. Synapse is crap. In your first post, you told the OP not to buy knock off shit(synapse is knock off) and in your 2nd post you told the OP you never tried the Synapse BOV but said you heard good things(what you bashed me for.) I say again, synapse is china CRAP! I would personally buy a knock off tial BOV on ebay before i spend all that money for a synapse that has the same reliability as the knock off tial. Just saying
10-24-2011, 01:30 AM
Here is a Synapse wastegate...
Made of such poor material, they literally fall apart.
10-24-2011, 02:35 AM
well, im not going to argue on this topic. ive read in quite a few magazines that the synapse was a decent BOV and worked well when installed correctly. would i try one, maybe...but for now im fairly happy with my HKS as they have relied on a vacuum based BOV since they originated the first super sequential over 12 years ago in japan. would i recommend that the OP get one, eh, not really (hence why i kept saying for him to pick up an HKS...they CAN be loud, but they still function correctly when they are)
10-24-2011, 02:42 AM
my friend runs a synapse on a ka-t running 22lbs and he has never had a problem with it at all! not sure where you get your info from, but i like them and he has been running his for about 2 years.
10-24-2011, 03:18 AM
Well everyone has an opinion and i gave the OP mine. All in all its his car, his money, and his choice. Whichever you choose i wish you good luck. To dorkidori, you would really put the HKS bov under the Synapse in quality??? Im really not trying to argue with you, its just a question. To imarvin, i know people that ran knock off tials and greddy bov 25+ psi without problems but that doesnt happen very often and i wouldnt buy one. I gave the OP a consistently great BOV that would last 10+ years.
10-24-2011, 07:41 AM
i am currently running a synapse synchronic (at 20psi), and im very satisfied
I switched over from a hks ssqv, and have also had a geddy type s and turbo xs h34 in the past on other cars
The synapse and turbo xs are by far my favorite out of the 4 ive owned, its very responsive all delivers everything you need from a bov, which honestly isnt all that complicated. I have a video on youtube which i believe is the only one with a synapse on my s13 sr
SR20DET Synapse Synchronic BOV - YouTube (
10-24-2011, 08:09 AM
Synapse synchronic BOV is a piece of shit. It's held on the flange by two allen keys and uses a tiny rubber o-ring to seal. It leaks like crazy and can't be used vented to the atmosphere without an anti-stall fitting. I had one for 6 months, used to blow off the flange under 15 psi. There have been numerous threads posted about that blow off valve. Do a quick search. They also use shoddy marketing tactics to make their products look superior to tial / hks and other brands.
10-24-2011, 08:17 AM
^ This is true.. to an extent
I am using the hks adaptor flange for my synapse, i had to have the adaptor flange machined to mount properly, which i brought to synapse to have done for free.
Any idiot can fuck up something great, not that you are an idiot, but if your bov was shooting off the flange, then you sir were doing something wrong...
10-24-2011, 08:20 AM
well if you need more feedback then go ahead and buy it and you'll get some feedback of your own.
10-24-2011, 08:29 AM
i had the synapse on my s14. at first i had an issue w/ it because some threads stripped out on the shaft for the plunger my i called them up and had a new one in a day or so. the next one was actually redesigned due to my complaint. talk about awesome customer service. anyway i had the maf fix on it and didn't like the stall out issues so i recirculated it and never looked back. it's instant response and i never once after it was replaces got chatter. i ran 8 psi. i fully support this bov. never ran their waistgate so i can not judge it bit the bov is awesome.
10-24-2011, 01:39 PM
Haha you guys are so funny. Just cause a FEW cases where people dont have problems doesnt change the fact that the company makes knock off crap products. As mewantkouki put it, there are NUMEROUS threads on how this BOV, WASTEGATE, and COMPANY are shit. Why take a chance and spend all that money when you can buy a tial and KNOW for a fact it will perform exactly how you want and NEVER fail? To badbob2121, to say that a TurboXS BOV is your favorite shows me why you support Synapse...hahaha
10-24-2011, 02:37 PM
so much to say about something that you dont own. Have you ever actually owned a turbo xs product either? probably not
And how is the synchronic a knock off, show me what they knocked off please..
why are you getting so worked up about something that you dont own, have never owned, and apparently wont ever own... :facepalm:
10-24-2011, 03:06 PM
United States Patent: 6863260 (
The patent is for the retarded multi stage garbage, not the piston actuator design...porsche used the piston style back in the 70's on the 911 turbo.
two things that have nothing to do with turbo applications
other little tid bits - things like Synapse doesn't use nitronic 60 because they have a better design...BULLSHIT their crap is cast/made in CHINA...and you can't get nitronic 60 in lets make up excuses!
the guy also mentions in his video that his larger 50mm wastegate is for the 'real racer needing to control high boost levels' - ugh, larger wategates are for controling LOW boost levels.
HAHAHA and do i really have to post the hundreds of ebay pages on TurboXS to prove that their company makes crap products??? For someone to stand by a company like TurboXS, you should be the last person to tell someone where to spend their money.
Are we REALLY having a debate whether TurboXS and Synapse are knock off fake crap companies??? Do 1 search on either company and tell me you stand by their crap products.
10-24-2011, 04:07 PM
what ever makes you sleep better at night, man.
10-24-2011, 04:31 PM
what ever makes you sleep better at night, man.
If your gonna join this discussion, atleast have something to say. :)
10-24-2011, 04:46 PM
Haven't installed it on my s14 yet but I was using it on my s13. No leaks and very responsive but it does work alot better when recirculated. I like it because its quieter(especially when recirculated). So if you want something load its probably not the choice for you
10-24-2011, 05:39 PM
In one of their older videos, Synapse claimed that compressor surge is the turbo "spinning backwards". As a result, I am unable to believe anything they say.
Their bashing of Tial bov's was comical too, as they had the tial setup incorrectly in order to make it appear sub par.
What I'm getting at is spend your money elsewhere.
10-24-2011, 05:47 PM
i liked my turbo xs bov that came on my car but i got a new intercooler and piping. but now have a ssq i love it. its the bov kids have wet dreams over. actually just had mine relocated to my intercooler elbow down on the passenger side inside the bumper
10-24-2011, 06:34 PM
In one of their older videos, Synapse claimed that compressor surge is the turbo "spinning backwards". As a result, I am unable to believe anything they say.
Their bashing of Tial bov's was comical too, as they had the tial setup incorrectly in order to make it appear sub par.
What I'm getting at is spend your money elsewhere.
That is what compressor surge is.
10-24-2011, 06:38 PM
nCj6Spwl1CU (
also, funny who its by
10-24-2011, 06:48 PM
If your gonna join this discussion, atleast have something to say. :)
yeah. I dont even run a BOV on my greddy t88 because thats how i fucking roll.
my opinion is worth as much as yours , we have both never owned the unit in question. but i have known people who have nothing but good experiences with them
so wsup?
10-24-2011, 07:27 PM
ive had a turboxs for about a year anddd it was eh started to leak after about a year so i got the synapse and its a lot quiter and muuuuuch more responsive just because its being recirculated.. i havnt had any problems with the synapse at all.. i dont really see how you can say something is crap if you havnt owned it.. but in the end its pretty quiet so its probably not for you
10-25-2011, 04:00 AM
Hahaha OMG the things that come out of peoples mouths sometimes just blows my mind. I have a question, have any of you had this turbo on your car? Would you really need to put this on your car to say that it is crap? I havent nor will i ever put synapse on my car, they are crap!
10-25-2011, 09:09 AM
comparing a bov to a turbo is irrelevant...
if your only argument is.
1. that you dont like their marketing approach
2. "claim" they have low quality manufacturing (still no proof provided besides your own words)
3. and that you read on other forums that they are garbage.. are naive
every member that has contributed to this thread with actual first hand experience with the product has had nothing bad to say about the blow off valve, only the people whom have never owned it have negative opinions... but the obvious apparently means nothing to you
10-25-2011, 09:24 AM
i used a synapse bov on my s13 SR with no issues and it performed well for over 2 years. i know alot of cars that run it, even a time attack car and it goes up against the best (tial) and it works real well.
10-25-2011, 09:33 AM
i got the newer 2 port bov on my 72' rx2 havent had any issue with it...its been on the car for over a year now. its super resonsive even at real low boost.
10-25-2011, 01:22 PM
comparing a bov to a turbo is irrelevant...
if your only argument is.
1. that you dont like their marketing approach
2. "claim" they have low quality manufacturing (still no proof provided besides your own words)
3. and that you read on other forums that they are garbage.. are naive
every member that has contributed to this thread with actual first hand experience with the product has had nothing bad to say about the blow off valve, only the people whom have never owned it have negative opinions... but the obvious apparently means nothing to you
HAHAHA wow i am done with this thread. OMG....I wasnt comparing a turbo to a BOV, i was stating that i dont have to try a product to know that it is crap. I think my 5 yr. old daughter could have seen the point i was making there.Lol
1. If their "marketing approach" is a lie and not real world example why would you believe it???
2. Do your own research...Synapse stuff is made in china of low quality material.
3. ???? Isnt that how everyone is supposed to do research on a product before they buy it???
10-25-2011, 01:37 PM
why do you start the majority of your posts with "HAHAHA"?....
your making assumptions and still haven't provided any actual proof... suprise me please
everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT how you argue and display evidence of your opinion is what smells like shit ..
10-25-2011, 07:46 PM
I always start with HAHAHA cause i laugh everytime i hear your response. Tial has a proven track record, good quality and a LIFETIME guarantee. Anyone who has to use smear videos to say the competition isnt as good is just retarded. Synapse products are made in China(Fact.) China has poor manufacturing standards(Fact.) Just look at Tial has no leaking, no compressor surge, no problems, oh and LIFETIME WARRANTY. what else do you want in a BOV? I think i pretty well proved my point. To the guy who supports TurboXS...WOW OMG you shoudnt be in this discussion let alone next to a
10-25-2011, 11:12 PM
talon, i hate to tell you, but almost all products on the market today for cars (and most everything else) are produced in china, taiwan, korea or india. even major japanese brands have their products built there, or at least have their factories that produce all the parts and minor assembly there. dont try and start an arguement with "if its made in china, its crap"...guess what, its all made in china now buddy.
10-26-2011, 01:59 AM
Straight from the TialSport website.
TiAL® Sport Inc. USA takes pride in establishing its company reputation by designing the highest quality engineered products for today's performance turbo charging systems market. The production of TiAL® Products super alloy based 46mm™ wastegate was the inception of the company's ability to design, manufacture and deliver to the market a high performance and high quality product at a market competitive price. We are proud to bring to you our USA made, high-performance automotive products. Our main goal is to design, engineer, and manufacture the best possible products.At TiAL® Sport we believe there is no room for compromise. We only create innovative designs and produce and deliver the highest level of product integrity. TiAL® Sport is looking forward to meeting and exceeding your high performance engine boosting systems needs.
Everything is made in China??? :duh:
10-26-2011, 02:08 AM
You would blow the sales rep at TiAL wouldnt you.:jerkit:
10-26-2011, 02:36 AM
You would blow the sales rep at TiAL wouldnt you.:jerkit:
I see your level of intelligence. Im done. OP, make your decision based on what you have read here or do your own research.
10-27-2011, 07:28 AM
I've personally used the Synapse wastegate and I hated it. Like someone mentioned before it began to fall apart. It just started to seperate & shake from the housing. I will not be using anything from them again.
I'm currently running a Greddy type-rz and I'm unhappy with it. Started to leak after 6months of use... I'll be giving the Tial a shot here soon. I've never had a problem with their wastegates in the past, so hopefully their bov's are the same.
10-27-2011, 08:49 PM
I see your level of intelligence. Im done. OP, make your decision based on what you have read here or do your own research.
I hope you're not done, as I'm here to correct you
Synapse products are actually designed in the USA by the same person/company that actually designs heart valves for the medical field. They do make legitimate products that are crucially important.
The issue with their car parts, is that while they are produced overseas (like any other major part out there) they were also copied there, so there are tons of knockoffs available in place of their real product.
Synapse stands by their product, and will replace any broken items so being they are real deal units, and not reproductions.
So instead of running your mouth like a typical Internet know it all, why not research the company and understand them. I personally have had the same POS greddy Type S on my car(s) since 2003 and it's probably worse than the ebay knock off of it...however I know QUITE a few people who have Synapse BOV and WG on their car, all of whom bought them from legit suppliers, all of who have had NOTHING but good things to say about them.
So while you may have an opinion on them, I'm here to correct your false assumption. Those who know the company know why his products are designed as they are, and understand his philosophy
10-27-2011, 08:51 PM
Straight from the TialSport website.
Everything is made in China??? :duh:
I'm by far a bigger Honeywell/Garrett/Tial/ fanboy than you, and even I know some of their stuff is made in China/Taiwan/Asia. Get used to it, it's how it works.
I respect your opinion, regardless of it being unfounded.
10-27-2011, 09:54 PM
i love it when you tell someone the truth and they deny it like the holocaust didnt exist lol
10-27-2011, 11:03 PM
served up a healthy serving of stfu for him.
10-27-2011, 11:25 PM
I didn't read this thread. If I were ever to run a bov it would be a Tial.
10-28-2011, 07:18 AM
I hope you're not done, as I'm here to correct you
thank you cody :Ownedd:
I didn't read this thread
...then why would you even post then? :mepoke:
10-28-2011, 09:50 AM
Synapse bov sucks
Informal fallacy, Denying the Antecedent:
If the bov is good -> buy it
Synapse is not good
.: don't buy it
Counter example:
If it's a cat -> then it's a feline
It's not a cat
.: It's not a feline.
Reasoning: It can be a lion.
05-23-2012, 10:40 PM
In one of their older videos, Synapse claimed that compressor surge is the turbo "spinning backwards". As a result, I am unable to believe anything they say.
The turbo never spins backwards, but the flow of air at the compressor "reverses," sorry for not having a script.
For the guys that have used the product, thanks for the feedback over the years, you know how it works and it produces results, that's all that matters. Not every company and product is perfect, but we make an effort and I hope the product revisions show that we're committed to improving the technology. For you early adopters that took a shot on the product, you should know that you have made a dent in getting a technology on the map developed in America, by Americans.
United States Patent: 6863260 (
The patent is for the retarded multi stage garbage, not the piston actuator design
Synapse Engineering, Dayco Products LLC, technology, patent, automotive market, sychronic actuators ( automotivemarketsychronicactuators.htm)
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