View Full Version : Initial_E

12-08-2003, 10:59 PM
Im sure none of you have a clue what Im talking about. BAsically, if you've seen Initail D, love drifting and racing.. and want a laugh.. come read my version of Intial D.. Initial E
let me know what you think
Eric H

12-09-2003, 02:38 AM
I think it sucks!:bs:

12-09-2003, 03:00 AM
Sorry dude, I couldn't get past the first couple of sentences...

12-09-2003, 03:08 AM
stopped on page 3, sounded lame already

12-09-2003, 03:10 AM
u got too much time on ur hands...

and since u do..how about going out and washing my car?

R K e 1 C A
12-09-2003, 03:20 PM
I’m illiterate

No Motiv
12-09-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by R K e 1 C A
I’m illiterate

HAHA. yeah your a kinda of.....a......excuse me for saying it...but...uh...nerdy?..i know like most of us here are nerds, at least with our cars, but youve takn it a little tooo far.....get a job

12-09-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by CarreraGT2E
... and want a laugh... :werd: Had to look at it; it was like a train wreck. Stopped after the first sentence of Part I. You must have been faded or something.

12-10-2003, 12:38 PM
u guys just dont know quality :axe:

12-10-2003, 12:57 PM
Dood how old are you, like 14, come on, get a part time job, make sure they dont let you touch a pen, also if your applying dont tell them you are the one kid who wrote Initial ... E.... HAHAHA


12-10-2003, 01:16 PM
:eek2: OMG...i got through the first couple of paragraphs just for shits and giggles, but seriously...my pet Spider Monkey could write a better story then that...

ask a mod to delete this thread..save yourself the embarassment and pretend this whole thing never happened..

:( <--- this is me being sad for you...

please don't ever write another story again..in fact, don't ever write again..no "to do lists", no "phone messages", tell your teachers you need to be excused from any future homework which may require you to write in any form..

and if you don't think you will be able to resist the tempation then break your hands...

that is all.

12-10-2003, 02:01 PM
Damn... you people are harsh.. not that i dont agree.. but damn.

12-10-2003, 02:50 PM
holy mother of God, wife of Joseph, who was not the father of baby Jesus, who was the son of God, not Joseph who was the husband of the sweet mother of baby Jesus!!!!!

Man, reading your story was worse than looking at that picture of the goat-se.cx guy. I need some boiling HCL to pour into my eyes so as that I will never again see your writing and one of those little MIB memory deleter things so I don't remember the lietrary refuse that was your childish attempt at writing a story that didn't suck (at which you failed MISERABLY)

I think I am going to peel the skin off of my body with some catfish skinners so I can roll around in a big pile of salt just to have something else to think about.

BTW, it is "unscathed" not "un-scaved" assclown :D

(lol, just kidding man, it wasn't that bad....... oh wait, yes it was)


12-10-2003, 04:44 PM
Well at least some people are reading it. The fc "non turbo".. if you knew my friend, whos car that is, youd understand. Basically its some joke where he says its not turbo even though he has a big ass turbo. and the hood scoop on his car makes it look like the fc.

Obviously you all have figured out it wasnt ment to be a great work of literature. Its just something to make you laugh. Or in 10 other peoples case wish they never read that... and to the dude who stares at the goat sex page..... your the one who needs the life.

12-10-2003, 05:37 PM
Their is no way in HELL that was trying to be a joke, its to attemped indepth (meaning you tryed hard to make it detailed but it dident work) The story is stupid the writing is stupid, all of it. Seriusly How old are you? My sister is 14 and im sure she would laff hardcore if she read that.

12-10-2003, 10:13 PM
Do you guys watch Initial D... yeah this is a far cry from it, but come on... I was laughing pretty damn hard during Part 2, that might be because that is my FC but its all good. You guys are all pretty mean, he is just a normal college kid who loves cars but had to sell his to pay for school, now he is board as hell and needs something to pass the time. oh and when he gets home, he is buying a 240.hahahah
I think you should all give him a break.
Thats my 2 cents

"FC trucker" and its non turbo!

12-10-2003, 10:14 PM
WAit a minute, I just noticed something,,, Rewind nokeone , you got a pet spider monkie holy shit thats fucking cool. Ill pay to see that monky sit in front of a type writer with alittle press hat on.. ...here Ill say the joke so you guys dont have to "duhh maybe Ill even learn something from him..."

12-11-2003, 09:35 AM

12-11-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by CarreraGT2E
WAit a minute, I just noticed something,,, Rewind nokeone , you got a pet spider monkie holy shit thats fucking cool. Ill pay to see that monky sit in front of a type writer with alittle press hat on.. ...here Ill say the joke so you guys dont have to "duhh maybe Ill even learn something from him..."

lol... i see your comments make about as much sense as your writing.

seriously though i thought your story was funny for the first bit. it kinda dragged on afterwards(much like the south park movie). but it had me laughing on the first page.

12-11-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by CarreraGT2E
WAit a minute, I just noticed something,,, Rewind nokeone , you got a pet spider monkie holy shit thats fucking cool. Ill pay to see that monky sit in front of a type writer with alittle press hat on.. ...here Ill say the joke so you guys dont have to "duhh maybe Ill even learn something from him..."

i actually think that's a VERY funny image..i'm laughin just thinking about it...i'll see what i can do..:)

12-11-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by CarreraGT2E
WAit a minute, I just noticed something,,, Rewind nokeone , you got a pet spider monkie holy shit thats fucking cool. Ill pay to see that monky sit in front of a type writer with alittle press hat on.. ...here Ill say the joke so you guys dont have to "duhh maybe Ill even learn something from him..."

You know what they say...If you sit 100 monkeys infront of typewriters in a room, they will eventually write Shakespear.

I think thats what they say anyway.

Oh, and by the way, writing needs improvement, but aleast you tried. As one of my college english professors told me....Writing is like masturbation. When you are the only one to see it, thats fine, but when others see it, they can easily see that you dont know what you are doing and that you are just screwing yourself over.

Kind of think of it, that teacher was wierd

12-11-2003, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Burmonster
yada yada yada.....

Kind of think of it, that teacher was wierd

i think the phrase you are looking for is:

Come to think of it, that teacher was weird.


12-11-2003, 01:34 PM
lol, whiskey tango foxtrot? when did Zilvia all of a sudden become full of english prof wannabees?


12-11-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by nokeone
i think the phrase you are looking for is:

Come to think of it, that teacher was weird.

