View Full Version : warrant for arrest (speeding ticket)

10-17-2011, 11:23 AM
no this isnt for me...just asking for a friend...and i figured its best to just ask here in this section than anywhere else since this is socal related only (law wise)

so a friend of mine forgot about a speeding ticket/courtdate... and now has a warrant for there arrest

this person needs to renew there ID to get a job, but has been told that if they go to the DMV they will be held there and taken by cops...

im guessing going to court and paying said fees would be the best thing to do, but what would be the best way of getting it done? lawyer up?

any help is appreciated, i will answer all questions possible...

10-17-2011, 11:42 AM
pm sent....

10-17-2011, 11:52 AM
Wow how bad was the ticket? I'm just asking cause here ifyou miss a payment they just suspend your license until you pay your balance. Best of luck to your friend

10-17-2011, 12:09 PM
what happened was his father got sick at the around the same time, so this was the least of the worries with medical issues happening at home...i figure if he can provide proof of the matching timeline of the medical issues the father was having...it would help with leniency in the case...i believe its been a yr or so since it was issue...but the only reason he found out about it was because his dad was trying to renew there insurance, and the insurance company told them that he had a warrant for there arrest...

obviously traffic ticket isnt wat you think about when theres medical issues at home...

10-17-2011, 12:16 PM
"Your friend" huh?

I got your I.P. address bro. I'm turning you in right now.

Lol jk.

But seriously, the most logical thing to do in this case would be to either pony up the cash and go to court, or lawyer up.

Shitty, shitty situation.. I'm really sorry for your friend.

10-17-2011, 12:34 PM
usually if you walk in with cash, you walk out cleared.

10-17-2011, 12:44 PM
no this isnt for me...just asking for a friend...and i figured its best to just ask here in this section than anywhere else since this is socal related only (law wise)

so a friend of mine forgot about a speeding ticket/courtdate... and now has a warrant for there arrest

this person needs to renew there ID to get a job, but has been told that if they go to the DMV they will be held there and taken by cops...

im guessing going to court and paying said fees would be the best thing to do, but what would be the best way of getting it done? lawyer up?

any help is appreciated, i will answer all questions possible...

How long has the ticket been outstanding ? if its a serious matter like reckless/exhibition/dui might be a needing a lawyer ?

I'd talk with someone in the legal profession regarding this matter and not risk it, tell your friend good luck.

10-17-2011, 01:50 PM

Walk into court. Bring any proof of situation. Tell Judge case. Tell him you have no money and would like to see if you can work it off on weekends. Walk out of court. Go renew ID. Go get job so I don't have to pay for your ass. lol
True Story

10-17-2011, 01:52 PM
Xpl hit that right on the head.

10-17-2011, 02:13 PM
In norcal, I had a warrant for my arrest for speed/court date I turned my self in and since my fine was under 3000 dollars they book and release you and make you promise to appear in court.

My boy had the same thing but he got booked in downtown, sent to county for three freaking days, LOL. He had state ref, reckless driving, speeding. After he did his time they removed the state ref ticket.

10-17-2011, 02:20 PM
This has happen to me also.. had a failure to appear for a speeding ticket overdue by one week. I went in to the courthouse the ticket was due paid the bail amount and everything was cleared. (warrant/citation)

ticket went from $281 to $700 and some change lol but yea just pay the bail amount and it'll be a-ok!

Chances are you wont be able to see the judge also the same day so you'll have to pay full amount.

10-17-2011, 02:36 PM
I paid the bail amount online and was good to go.

10-17-2011, 03:18 PM
He's talking about if you go to the DMV!!!! not the courthouse!!!!

No! No one will arrest you if you go to the DMV to get an I.D. they have enough things to worry about and its not in their jurisdiction to do that kind of stuff.

10-17-2011, 03:55 PM
Yer talking about two different things. The Court issues a "Bench Warrant"...which like a mini warrant. This is a warrant where they will not seek you out and arrest you...But if you are pulled over with a bench warrant they MAY take you in and MAY impound yer car. Up to the officer and the type of original violation.
They WILL suspend yer license which, Im pretty sure, means the DMV will not issue you a license. They will issue you an ID which should be fine for him to get a job...but they will prolly ask why he has no license.

With a violation that old, expect some nice added fee's and charges when he does go
into pay up...but hey!...check this out maybe 50% off?
State Offers 50% Off Traffic Tickets | NBC San Diego (http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/50-Off-Delinquent-Traffic-Tickets-131550188.html)

10-17-2011, 05:20 PM
I was once arrested for driving in the nude. I got the shaft and had to pay a big fine. Not sure if this helps any. Good luck.

10-17-2011, 07:24 PM
I was once arrested for driving in the nude. I got the shaft and had to pay a big fine. Not sure if this helps any. Good luck.

Pics or it didn't happen. Will you be drifting naked the 23rd?

10-17-2011, 08:18 PM
Its just a bench warrent, its not a big deal just go to court and settle the fine and hes good to go. Nothing to make a big deal about just pay the ticket lol

10-17-2011, 11:45 PM
its def not me...lol...

but it was a speeding ticket...40 in a school zone...and its been a yr...like i said there were medical situations with his dad that he attended too...so id assume bringing some sort of meical records plus the father would help right?

10-17-2011, 11:58 PM
Making this clear if he goes to the DMV they will not hold or arrest him?

10-18-2011, 12:43 AM
I had a warrant for my arrest for a FTA in court years ago. I walked into court, paid my fees, all was well.

10-20-2011, 11:05 AM
I had two warrants for my arrest a I just said, "Fuck it!" Took the papers to the court, talked to the judge and he gave me three options. Either I go to jail, payment plan, or community service.

10-20-2011, 09:12 PM
Dont bother we all said enough... just go to jail F it!
You will not listen anyways... Nobody duz...

LB 180SX
10-21-2011, 09:09 PM
going to the dmv is useless untill the ticket is paid off, all there gonna tell u , is pay off your ticket, then bring us the proof and we'll re-issue your liscense..
I got a speeding ticket about 3yrs ago and for riding solo in the carpool (i know stupid me) anyways..I didnt pay them off, got some extra fees added, got a letter sent to me saying dmv was suspending my liscense in 30 days..ignored that too. kept driving like that cus I had to , and didnt have money at the time. when i finally did I went to court, to see a judge, he told me, pay the full amount, payment plan, or community service..but cant do traffic school since its past due. My advice to anyone is go on payment plans if you cant pay it, that way at least u keep you liscense for the time being and pay only what u can

10-23-2011, 11:32 AM
Call up the ticket clinic. I've used them several times for speeding tickets, cell phone tickets, etc. Not sure if they can do anything but I'd try them first. If they take the case, all my previous tickets/cases cost me $200 each. If they can't do anything, google traffic defenders. He is a traffic lawyer I used a few years back. He isn't cheap but he is good. I got pulled over a few years back speeding in a construction zone, no insurance, driving on a suspended license, registration out of date and tinted windows. When it was all over I got a zero point infraction on my license. He was able to get me to take driving school and the driving on a suspended license turned into driving without a valid license, as if I forgot my wallet at home. Paid him $2000 and around $400 in court fees but it would have been way worse if I didn't call him. PM me if you have any questions.

Oh yeah, whatever you do, don't ignore anything. It won't go away and will continue to bone you for years and years. I've had my license suspended 8 times over. Not one DUI. Not one accident. Almost all excessive speeding, wreckless driving, etc. The last suspension was back in 2002 and I'm still dealing with issues with the DMV. I only recently discover that past infractions are not automatically removed from your driving record. They stay there until you request for them to be removed. So your insurance company can see all the things you've ever done if you don't request for them to be removed.

10-23-2011, 03:52 PM
i was in the same scenerio. I actually have my court monday. In the beg of the year i got a speeding ticket and missed my court date. then reschedule twice and missed those two as i totally forgot being in school and working. so i got a letter saying i had a suspended license so i called the lasuperior court number and told them i just forgot and tehy told me i cant have a trial date. however they gave me an assessment court date i think its called?

Anyways thats what im going to now tomorrow and thats where i get to plead guilty or not guilty and if i would like a trial date then i ask there as well.

just call up and tell them the situation. im thinking they would do the same thing for your friend as they did for me?

10-24-2011, 02:14 AM
i have a question.
How do you find out the due date for the fix it ticket?
i have trouble contacting the court in LA. i'm trying to figure out where and who i should send the fix it ticket amount to.

10-24-2011, 02:33 AM
yeah dude its a bench warrant. i had the same thing happen to me a couple years ago. His license is suspended and if he gets pulled over they'll impound his car. They CAN take him in, but they wont. Just go to the dmv and pay the fine and you're good.

i have a question.
How do you find out the due date for the fix it ticket?
i have trouble contacting the court in LA. i'm trying to figure out where and who i should send the fix it ticket amount to.

The date is on the ticket itself. They'll mail you a notice too. Typically court dates are like 2 months from the time of the infraction.

10-24-2011, 07:02 AM
Call up the ticket clinic. I've used them several times for speeding tickets, cell phone tickets, etc. Not sure if they can do anything but I'd try them first. If they take the case, all my previous tickets/cases cost me $200 each. If they can't do anything, google traffic defenders. He is a traffic lawyer I used a few years back. He isn't cheap but he is good. I got pulled over a few years back speeding in a construction zone, no insurance, driving on a suspended license, registration out of date and tinted windows. When it was all over I got a zero point infraction on my license. He was able to get me to take driving school and the driving on a suspended license turned into driving without a valid license, as if I forgot my wallet at home. Paid him $2000 and around $400 in court fees but it would have been way worse if I didn't call him. PM me if you have any questions.

You do realize that hiring a "traffic lawyer" is essentially paying someone a couple hundred to do the same thing that you yourself could have done right? All of those things that were granted to you (traffic school, turning over the suspended license count to a driving with a valid) could have been done by yourself. Those "traffic lawyers" most of the times dont really do shit in your favor except go to court for you.

I should know because I was a former court employee and saw a lot of defendants fall for this.

10-25-2011, 01:54 PM
You do realize that hiring a "traffic lawyer" is essentially paying someone a couple hundred to do the same thing that you yourself could have done right? All of those things that were granted to you (traffic school, turning over the suspended license count to a driving with a valid) could have been done by yourself. Those "traffic lawyers" most of the times dont really do shit in your favor except go to court for you.

I should know because I was a former court employee and saw a lot of defendants fall for this.

You are correct on the part that the lawyers do things I could do. But your average person doesn't know about asking for an engineering survey, or what case laws to quote, or that the district attorney doesn't have to provide much information/documents to win the case but if you request the information/documents and they don't provide it you win by default based on case law. The reason I use them now, even though I could easily defend myself, is that if I go to court I'm not working. I make more than $200 a day so if I go to the arraignment and then my hearing another day I've lost way more than the $200 the lawyers over at the Ticket Clinic cost. So for me it's more cost effective. Now if someone was unemployed or made less than $200 a day and knew enough to defend themselves I'd say do it yourself.