View Full Version : Intercooler Fitting Options?????

12-07-2003, 09:30 AM
I know this may sound like a ricey thread, but i am a semi picky person. I plan on doing my car white, with red, you know my redtop motor and red seats and shiftknob with the rest of the interior black, i also like the euro look of big huge red brake calipers, basically what im trying to say is i want my car to match, ricer or not i do.

What im asking here is there anywhere i can buy intercooler fittings in different colors? I have a Greddy V-series intercooler and as you all know they come with blue fittings and a blue hose, im not worried about getting the hose, those are a dime a dozen, but i dont have a clue on this earth where to find intercooler fittings that would specifically fit my specifc intercooler. I dont want to sacrifice fittment and reliability of them and such but i just want to have a clean matching car, with a clean matching engine bay

sorry for the long ranting post

12-07-2003, 11:53 AM
Hose Techniques (http://www.hosetechniques.com)

the head
12-07-2003, 11:02 PM
turbonetics has orange but that is it for them

12-07-2003, 11:21 PM
You should go here


and get a new carpet kit for $155. The color choices are as follows (you should get red carpet!!!!):



12-08-2003, 04:43 AM
hey mbmbmb23 dont be a smartass just becasue i want a clean matching enginebay, ont he other hand i might just get red carpet, be mad jdm tyte honda type R style......

12-08-2003, 03:33 PM

take it like a man....bitch