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10-11-2011, 01:09 PM
Citizen Superhero 'Phoenix Jones' Arrested in Seattle - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/citizen-superhero-phoenix-jones-arrested-seattle-144616684.html)

As a kid, I often wondered: If i had superpowers, would I be a hero or a villian? Well, I guess I know now. I wanna fight this guy for no good reason... lol


Edit: Crap.

10-11-2011, 04:31 PM
his costume kinda looks like spawn's. all he needs is the big red cape lol

10-11-2011, 04:38 PM
I agree, there is a Spawn resemblence. I think his costume needs military style combat boots and possibly gloves. His outfit looks aight until you get down to his ankles and you see his run over sneakers and rolled down tube socks... :-/

I read this and can't help but think that somebody needs to make sure this guy is up to date on all his meds...:loco:

Anybody ever seen a movie called "Special" with Micheal Rappaport?

do it sideways
10-11-2011, 04:53 PM
ha ha i have actually spotted him late at night in seattle a while back, there is a group of them thet patrol the area. its actually kind cool lol like everyone knows em around here.

10-11-2011, 05:46 PM
If more people had the mentallity of protecting shit and stopping people from doing wrong the world would be a better place. Those of you that have had anything stolen from you, jumped, randomy beaten up, been harassed, or have grown up in a bad neigborhood probably feel the same way I do. Glad someone is willing to do something to get the bad element out and keep them out. One day one of these "freaks" might save your lil sister or other family member from a bad situation. Wonder what you'll think about them then?

10-11-2011, 06:12 PM
That movie looks hilarious.

10-11-2011, 06:23 PM
Cool. A grown man in a costume running around telling on people...Why doesn't he just try to become a police officer?

Video of the fiasco: http://vimeo.com/30307440

Doesn't look like too much dancing.

10-11-2011, 06:56 PM
That movie looks hilarious.
Oh, it is. Saw it on Netflix a few weeks ago. Kind of a dark, sad comedy. I still recommend it though.

ha ha i have actually spotted him late at night in seattle a while back, there is a group of them thet patrol the area. its actually kind cool lol like everyone knows em around here.
Anybody ever try to start shit with him just because he's supposed to be a costumed hero? I mean, straight up take-the-bitchass-mace-can-away-from-you-and-go-old-school-raw-streetfighter-style-and-beat-that-ass-on-the-corner?

Cool. A grown man in a costume running around telling on people...Why doesn't he just try to become a police officer?

Video of the fiasco: Phoenix Jones Stops Assault on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/30307440)

Doesn't look like too much dancing.
Dammit, I was just about to post that video! It is pretty rediculous for him to be doing that in costume, but I still kinda like it... in an insane sorta way.

At first when I read they confused dancing with fighting, I thought maybe Capoeira? But no, that was definitely a drunken street fight.

If more people had the mentallity of protecting shit and stopping people from doing wrong the world would be a better place. Those of you that have had anything stolen from you, jumped, randomy beaten up, been harassed, or have grown up in a bad neigborhood probably feel the same way I do. Glad someone is willing to do something to get the bad element out and keep them out. One day one of these "freaks" might save your lil sister or other family member from a bad situation. Wonder what you'll think about them then?
No one is saying that they shouldn't stand up for whats right and defend the streets. But there are less laughable ways to do it. Ever heard of the Guardian Angels?
Similar goals but 150% less psycho. Phoenix and his group will never be taken seriously. But I hope they keep it up for the lolz...

10-11-2011, 07:05 PM
those guys look like they would get eatin alive in the bad parts of town.
they look sweet...

10-11-2011, 07:07 PM
Oprah is a real life superhero

10-11-2011, 07:15 PM
those guys look like they would get eatin alive in the bad parts of town.
they look sweet...
Yeah, because they're citizens. Not fucking commandos... lol

But they travel in groups and are supported/recognized nationally by both law organizations and the communities that they patrol.

Put Phoenix in that same bad part of town with his can of mace & rape whistle and what do you think is gonna happen?

10-11-2011, 07:26 PM
Oh, it is. Saw it on Netflix a few weeks ago. Kind of a dark, sad comedy. I still recommend it though.

Anybody ever try to start shit with him just because he's supposed to be a costumed hero? I mean, straight up take-the-bitchass-mace-can-away-from-you-and-go-old-school-raw-streetfighter-style-and-beat-that-ass-on-the-corner?

Dammit, I was just about to post that video! It is pretty rediculous for him to be doing that in costume, but I still kinda like it... in an insane sorta way.

At first when I read they confused dancing with fighting, I thought maybe Capoeira? But no, that was definitely a drunken street fight.

No one is saying that they shouldn't stand up for whats right and defend the streets. But there are less laughable ways to do it. Ever heard of the Guardian Angels?
Similar goals but 150% less psycho. Phoenix and his group will never be taken seriously. But I hope they keep it up for the lolz...

they look like boy scouts with too much time on their hands.

10-11-2011, 07:34 PM
^^^Maybe so, but as an organization, they've being doing since 1979 what Phoenix just started this year. They're in 144 cities around the world and they produce results. They're legit.

Guardian Angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardian_Angels)

Now would you prefer people you KNOW from your community helping to defend it or some anonymous Saturday morning cartoon?

10-11-2011, 08:22 PM
Now would you prefer people you KNOW from your community helping to defend it or some anonymous Saturday morning cartoon?
Option 2 is way more entertaining.

10-11-2011, 08:46 PM
It's kinda screwed up because in that youtube video one of the cosplayers admits to doing it because "It's hella fun." It's all fun till he gets involved in some serious altercation and gets his ass beat down or worse, his actions cause even more harm to others. Hate to be him when he gets his dose of reality.

10-11-2011, 09:02 PM
Mace is gay.. I was hoping for more Charles Bronson Deathwish action.

anti tyler
10-11-2011, 09:28 PM

this is the type of thing I think of when I read the "neighborhood watch" signs!

10-12-2011, 09:24 AM
the more I see those guys the harder I laugh and think of the rape whistle and wooden gun from "The Other Guys"

10-12-2011, 10:19 AM
Cool. A grown man in a costume running around telling on people...Why doesn't he just try to become a police officer?

Video of the fiasco: Phoenix Jones Stops Assault on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/30307440)

Doesn't look like too much dancing.


What happens when someone pulls a gun on this dude and his fat juggalo sidekick?

10-12-2011, 10:29 AM
It's kinda screwed up because in that youtube video one of the cosplayers admits to doing it because "It's hella fun." It's all fun till he gets involved in some serious altercation and gets his ass beat down or worse, his actions cause even more harm to others. Hate to be him when he gets his dose of reality.
Exactly! These masked vigilantees are entertaining & fun to watch run around wondering when (not if) they'll get their ass kicked, but I would really be surprised if the communities that they are in feel any real sense of security because of them or just look at them like oddities. I don't know. I would just consider them a joke. At least organizations like the Guardian Angels are easy to identify by their basic uniform (like the police) and they are your friends in the community taking a stand without hiding behind masks.

Might as well have McGruff the Crime Dog out there breaking up drunken club brawls...

McGruff go sooo hard...


What happens when someone pulls a gun on this dude and his fat juggalo sidekick?
I read an article that said Phoenix has had a gun pulled on him, been stabbed and had his nose broken all while patrolling in his costume, but so far he has escaped death.... luckily.

Mace is gay..
Thank you. I just shake my head at all the ppl who keep saying he's got pepper spray. That shit is mace. The same shit your parents give your sister when she gets off work late & has to walk in the dark to her car. I promise you: that chick would NOT have been able to chase him around like that (or even SEE, for that matter) if she had been pepper sprayed in the face. That shit is serious.

Mace vs Pepper Spray:

10-12-2011, 09:04 PM


10-13-2011, 11:30 AM
^^^Forgot about that movie! Too bad we only got to see him do one herioc feat, but a sequel would cheapen it...

10-13-2011, 11:55 AM
more like


10-13-2011, 12:09 PM
kickass lol