View Full Version : have you ever been in a life or death situation?

10-11-2011, 12:13 AM
Last year, a friend and I were on our way home from a BBQ when I asked him to stop at the Valero down the street from my house so I could buy a soda. Theres 5 liquor stores within a half mile from where we were, i dont know why I chose Valero, I NEVER go there.

Anyway, around 8:30 pm we pull up to the gas station and the parking lot was empty except for a Honda Accord parked right in front of the entrance with the driver door open and engine running. Seeing the unguarded vehicle, I turn to my friend and say "jackass is trying to get his car stolen" and continue into the store. I walk in, glance to my right and see this huge guy leaning over the counter, pointing his gun at the clerk with his right hand and stuffing cash into his backpack with his left. At this point, he hasnt noticed me so I slowly back out until I hear "DONT FUCKING MOVE". Fuck. He saw me.

I look up and see him pointing a .38 S&W revolver at my forehead. All I could think was "look at the cylinder, see if its loaded" sure enough, it was loaded. he walks over to me and takes my wallet out of my rear left pocket, takes the $30 out of it and throws it on the ground and orders me to stand about 15 feet behind him. As he turns around to empty the rest of the cash register in his bag, I remember I had this in my back right pocket:
I slowly reach for my knife and pick out a spot on the back of his neck and then, the self questioning starts.

what if he hears me and turns around and shoots before i can get close?
what if he kills the clerk?
Justin is right outside, is he gonna kill all witnesses?
what if he wasnt going to hurt anyone, but does because of me?

I put my knife away and step back. Luckily, he got his money and left but I immediately start criticizing myself. the car parked at the front door of a dark gas station adjacent to a freeway should've been a huge red flag.
I got lucky. Next time, I wont think twice.

anybody else got any close calls?

10-11-2011, 12:26 AM
He had you stand behind him? Moron...


10-11-2011, 12:26 AM
Won't think twice about what?

IMO I think you took the wiser option by not taking action. If you had missed a critical point he probably could've easily overpowered you (being that he was huge), get aggravated, and shot you. BTW I love that M21 SF, I had a M16SF myself and it really is built for that kind of situation.

My life-or-death situations have all been in a car. Whether it was an idiot driving the wrong way on a road playing chicken, or people miscalculating in the rain.

10-11-2011, 12:39 AM
i meant, if there is a next time, i wont be so lucky. i could choose to comply with demands and remain neutral and still end up getting shot. shit happens all the time.
and yeah, the M21 is a solid knife. but Norwalk Sheriffs didnt like me carrying it so i EDC an Izula hanging from a Maxpeditions omega D-clip now.

10-11-2011, 12:54 AM
Your lucky he didnt blow your fucking head off in the first place.

Fuck trying to stab that fool, tell him to get his money and step the fuck back. Then look out the window and get his plates as he leaves and call the fucking cops.

If YOU had a gun also, thats a diff story.
I personally dont think I have it in me to stab a motherfucker. But I dont carry a knife so....

10-11-2011, 01:33 AM
well he was robbing for cash, i wouldnt do anything.. If it was a situation is actually going to inflict paint on someone while holding a gun (or like rape) , then thats where it might be worth taking action. But I guess you gotta play it right, wait for him to provide you an opening/catch him slipping and than make your move.

Its easy for people here on the internet sitting at their computer to say "Yeah dude id bust a move"... when in person it's different.

Sorry I never had any type of life threatening situations, though I have a female friend who was robbed by gun point at an ATM.. You kinda lose hope in this society.

10-11-2011, 04:43 AM
The problem is that you had hope at one point.

10-11-2011, 10:49 AM
I got robbed at gunpoint, no i was not going to judo smack him, gave him my wallet and lived. He jabbed his gun in my stomach so cant do much. OP dont be stupid, you did the right thing. That knife probably would do shit unless you stabbed him in the brain or something. He's probably full of drugs and would kick your ass. If you had a gun, shoot his knees out. Dont critisize yourself like that, are you batman or something? Be happy you're alive and only lost 30 bucks, i lost 100, all my cards, had to go to DMV, sucked.

10-11-2011, 11:23 AM
I got robbed by 2 guys at gunpoint in brooklyn by redhook back in 2006 - thought it was a knife at first (thats how dark that block was), because he had it low, so i was skipping back to avoid them, until i reached a more lit area and the fucker raised it up to my head and i see that it was a gun. I was lucky he didnt just shoot me when i tried to run. I was also thinking all these scenarios to counter them, but thought it was too risky with 2 guys. They stole my new itouch and my wallet with $50 plus credit cards/IDs. That was the first and last time i would walk around with headphones on the streets. A lot of these robberies are due to drug addicts or gang initiations, so you need to think about how irrational these animals will get if they think you are trying something funny..

10-11-2011, 11:45 AM
OP, you did the right thing. You never know if the guy was on drugs or just PCP or whatever. He would have never felt the knife…he would have been pissed, possibly shooting you, the guy behind the counter, and maybe your buddy outside.
A good friend of mine just exercised his rights under Castle Law here in St. Louis. A thief broke into him home, grabbed a handful of property, and waved a gun at him. My friend never wanted to use his gun…even after the thief shot off a round at him. When he started coming down the hallway at my friend he squeezed off two rounds into the guy from his XD40. My friend still feels guilt for doing it but it was later determined the thief was on drugs and most likely stealing for his habit. Castle Law really doesn’t stop/scare people from breaking into your home and stealing from you. We have had about 4 justified Castle Law killings in the past 3 weeks here in the STL.

10-11-2011, 02:05 PM
it sucks being totally at the mercy of some dirt bag, thats why i got pissed off at myself. i know i did the right thing, but theres a part of me thats irritated that i let him decide if i live or die.

10-11-2011, 02:05 PM
Trucker ran me off the freeway hitting 75mph into the dirt and I almost hit metal rails but lose control and somehow jumped back on the freeway....traffic stopped Behind me I think trucker fell asleep or something And I believe he still crashed into someone else... Not sure...I drove to the mall didn't really think about the accident until later that day I thought to myself holy shit I'm lucky

10-11-2011, 02:19 PM
I've been an inch away from death...
I know most of the people here hate long paragraph stories but to sum it up:
Ive been skimmed by a pistol in the forehead and it left a pernament scar. if i didnt turn my head i would NOT be here typing this post. I can post pictures for those skeptics but it just looks like a regular scar.

10-11-2011, 03:29 PM
Been robbed when I used to work at Walgreens. I wasn't scared at all. Probably cause the dude had a luger he probably got from his grandpas closet. Even the cops asked me how I stayed so calm. The lady I was working with, was so frightened she couldn't even open the register, so I had to open it for him. He never pointed the gun in my face so that was cool.

Edit..There was a moment where he wasn't looking, and I could've been a hero, but I decided it wasn't worth $50ish dollars in the drawer.

10-11-2011, 04:55 PM
......I almost drowned...twice, scary shit :(

10-11-2011, 04:57 PM
Learn to swim bruh^

Now that I actually think about it, I have had numerous life or death situations. Including suicide attempts. Kinda crazy that Im still here when I really think about what I have been through.

10-11-2011, 05:20 PM
Suicide attempts? as in you have dealt with them or you have attempted?

10-11-2011, 05:33 PM
LOL well since we are talking about our own life and death experiences, what do you think?

But, just for example of one situation, My mom and dad were in a car accident when my mom was pregnant, it was so violent that I shifted positions in the womb and ended up stuck up against her ribs. End result was comlications with the birth. So i had life or death scenarios before i was even born lol.

10-11-2011, 05:41 PM
No stab, run knife across throat....gets shit done.

Had a gun put in my mouth and front teeth knocked out.......later i returned the favor and then some......
Joys of growing up In Southeast D.C. .....

However, I think you did the right thing in your situation, Given the fact that you hesitated. Its not bad that you Hesitated, the proof of that is that you are still alive. De-stress, analyze and then move forward with life. Learn from your experiences.

anti tyler
10-11-2011, 09:25 PM
Only real close call's I've had are entering the interstate getting pinned between a 18 wheeler and a dump truck. neither of them paying attention. luckily I floored it in my stock single slammer! and made it out alive.


off the coast of africa, getting fired upon by a pirate vessel. don't know if you can call it near death, but I'm one of the gun techs so I was outside firing back on them. it's just a good thing that they aren't really well trained & we have more powerful guns lol.

10-11-2011, 10:51 PM
riding my gsxr through a small town at night coming home from the drag strip 45 miles away, I caught a red light. 3 homies in a big truck sreechin' tires stop beside me, 1 hops out with a gun pointed at me, other putting on a helmet. guy numero 2 said " you want the bike or your life?" First time dealing with a presumably loaded gun, I camly and scaredly jumped off it with no hesitation.. had my phone in my back back and called the cops and they caught the guy at a gas station putting gas in it 3 miles down the road,(i was planning on stopping there anyway!) cops got all three... was back on my way 30 mins later.. was like wtf the rest of the night

10-11-2011, 11:19 PM
Only real close call's I've had are entering the interstate getting pinned between a 18 wheeler and a dump truck. neither of them paying attention. luckily I floored it in my stock single slammer! and made it out alive.


off the coast of africa, getting fired upon by a pirate vessel. don't know if you can call it near death, but I'm one of the gun techs so I was outside firing back on them. it's just a good thing that they aren't really well trained & we have more powerful guns lol.

The last story sounds kinda fun....

10-11-2011, 11:21 PM
Closest thing for me was back when i was like 12 or 13 or something playing pop warner football. We were having practice and there was a drive by. It was a pretty shitty neighborhood. They weren't shooting at us, but as you all know those fools dont give a shit. We all hit the deck as soon we heard shots, but one of my coaches didnt get down fast enough and got popped in the shoulder. Having bullets flying over your head as you lay on the ground praying you dont get hit is a surreal experience....

The crazy thing was that my mom was pulling into the parking lot to pick me up when it happened and she told me she saw the car as the windows rolled down and the guns came out....she said it felt like it was happening in slow motion and her heart stopped...said it was one of the scariest moments of her life too. FYI, she didnt let me out of her sight for weeks after that. lol

Growing up in southeast SD/Skyline....

10-11-2011, 11:53 PM
......I almost drowned...twice, scary shit :(

Learn to swim bruh^


but yeah as for me.... not really life and death, but my gf, step daughter, my daughter and me all at once could of died in a T-bone car cash in a busy intersection by the west covina mall. gf lagged it at the green light, that saved us from a suburban going 50+mph and us at a slow roll in a B13 :faint:

10-12-2011, 12:06 AM

i ate a donut out of the box and my aunt walks in 5 minutes later to grab one and it just so happens that i took the last glazed. she flips the fuck out, i sneak out the door with my life.

10-12-2011, 12:54 AM
i was mugged in front of my own house cause my friend wanted to put zipties on his license plate T_T all i see was a car dropping off 2 guys they walked by, next thing you know i hear the sliding click of the handgun and iw as like aww fuck, and luckily i stash my money in two pockets, one with small bills and other with 20's and w.e big bills i may have. then one guy is holding the gun and one pats us down, i gave him my small bills and surprisingly i guess he thought it was gay so he didnt pat me down that hard lol but he too my phone that was in my hand. That was it.

And crazy party's that my friends hosted in the OC.
fucking asian gangstas always trying get at girls that dont wanna get with them.

either then that my most recent one was when i went canyoning at gmr, and took a turn too close and my tail whipped out as the force pushed me out. got a dent on my car but not bad, rear valances will cover that lol

10-12-2011, 01:17 AM
almost had a car fall on me.
also had a car roll off the ramps and barely skimmed my ear once. luckily it was an suv.
a few situations like wakebhr mentioned not going to get into that.

almost died as a baby because of some allergy to formula and i was throwing up so badly that it was coming out of my nose apparently.

10-12-2011, 01:32 AM
riding my gsxr through a small town at night coming home from the drag strip 45 miles away, I caught a red light. 3 homies in a big truck sreechin' tires stop beside me, 1 hops out with a gun pointed at me, other putting on a helmet. guy numero 2 said " you want the bike or your life?" First time dealing with a presumably loaded gun, I camly and scaredly jumped off it with no hesitation.. had my phone in my back back and called the cops and they caught the guy at a gas station putting gas in it 3 miles down the road,(i was planning on stopping there anyway!) cops got all three... was back on my way 30 mins later.. was like wtf the rest of the night

So you basically got free gas?

10-12-2011, 02:59 AM
I had a friend pull a gun on me once because he thought i stole something out of his car when we were on our way to his house. I was playing GTA in his room and he pulls his gun out and asks if i have seen it, Im like yeah of course i seen it.
Then he sits next to me and points it and me and makes me empty my pockets.
I thought he was joking.

Meth is all bad

He later apologized and told me he was high, but that was the last time we hung out.
coincidentally also the last time I was ever in a z32.

I will add some more as the thread continues.

10-12-2011, 05:30 PM
And crazy party's that my friends hosted in the OC.
fucking asian gangstas always trying get at girls that dont wanna get with them.

how is this a life or death situation? did the asian gangstas do something to you when you rejected them or something?

word sux
10-12-2011, 06:25 PM
rolled a car into a lake

water was comming in fast and had to elbow my way through the window and get out before it sunk, still have the scars

10-14-2011, 01:27 AM
not me, but i just saw it. drivin down the 5 and some dude on an R6 was haulin ass in the car pool lane and there was this huge slab of card board layin about 60 yards infront of him and a semi drove by and kicked it up almost sweeping him off his bike. it turned just enough for him to duck under it

drift freaq
10-14-2011, 02:04 AM
hmm life or death. That would constitute having a gun put to your head. If so been there. I did roll a car at 75mph but I would not say that was life or death even though I could have died.
Life or death means you are faced with a choice. Somehow rolling the car was not a choice merely an action. LOL Though I do admit it landed on the roof and people were quite surprised when I climbed out and was making jokes ten minutes later.

10-14-2011, 02:09 AM
I was going on the 60 west at like midnight sitting shotgun, dad driving, sisters in the back seat, we were in the carpool lane. all of a sudden my dad said " OH SHIT" and a mazda mpv swerved sparks everywhere from the slowlane all the way across to the carpool lane smashing into the center divider about 20 feet in front of us spun around.. family of 6 inside that I could see their faces... dad swerved and barely missed the car.. miracle... turns out 4 cars crashed into the mpv after we swerved... from what i was told all the people in the car died...

10-14-2011, 09:40 AM
i feel pretty lame compared to all these,...but ive flatlined from an asthma attack in 5th grade.

scariest part about it is probably the NOTHING i remember.
it was like 'cant fuckin breathe call 911' ..*snap*.. naked in a hospital bed, on a ventilator.

u hear all these stories of peoples visions of life and afterlife with near death experiences,. and i had nothing

10-14-2011, 10:13 AM
Years ago this noob pointed a gun to my head, playing around like he's cool. "Oh, I have a gun, I'm soo gangsta." Week or two later he accidentily shot a friend in the ass while flashing the gun like he was big and bad.