View Full Version : HELP! Weird Ringing Sound at 2kRPM on Redtop SR!

12-05-2003, 10:04 AM
Ok, so I do my first oil change on my SR the other day and everything goes fine. Take out the old oil and filter and put in new stuff (roughly 3.5 quarts of Castrol 10W30 w/ Purolator filter). So with everything in, drain plug tight, oil filter on pretty good, I fire it up only to hear this weird ringing sound. It immediately went away. This got me worried so I let it idle a bit with the fresh oil. Next, I started playing with the throttle a little bit. Seems that the ringing sound (sounds like a loose washer ringing due to vibration of the engine but not sure) would come on right around 2k. Above that you can't hear it, but if you say rev to 3k, you can hear it when the RPM falls through the 2k range. It is also nonexistant at idle or even 1500RPM. Usually right around 2k :confused: . It seems like the sound is coming from the exhaust side of the engine kinda towards the frount but not positive on that. Took it for a spin and it seems smoother and didn't notice any power loss. Any idea what might this be? Hoping it's not engine related (i.e. pinging, bearings letting lose). Thanks.

rps13 SR
12-06-2003, 02:17 AM
it should be a real simple problem.. its probably just a cracked heat shield or a loose bolt or something... just listen while u rev the engine around that rpm... best thing is to have someone with u too listen.. also even better to bring the car up higher.

12-06-2003, 02:15 PM
I had my brother and I both listen, and we can't pinpoint where its coming from. I checked most of the visible bolts/nuts around that area and none seems loose. I will probably take off the heat shield and inspect that and the bolts undeneath. Thanks.

12-06-2003, 03:41 PM
there is a plate keeping the bolts that hold the turbo flange together, and it can get loose ... mine did.

12-06-2003, 05:40 PM
there are four bolts that hold your turbo to your exhaust manifold my car did the same thing yours is doingwith the 2k ringing sound.....check those 4 nuts and make sure they arent loose.....my whole turbo and exhast manifold is off my car because that happened to me everyday so im fixing it.......but thats prolly what it is

12-07-2003, 02:06 AM
Thanks guys. This put a huge weight off my shoulders. I just got the engine swapped and thought it was having problems already. I acutally didn't drive it for a few days cause I thought I might damage something :hammer: .

rps13 SR
12-08-2003, 11:21 AM
if it is what i think it is it should not be a problem... it can be the resonator too... check that.. if not heat shields.. take them off. it can be the exhaust piping under heat shields..

12-08-2003, 03:55 PM
Yeah, once I take off everything, I'm gonna double check all that stuff. BTW how hard/easy is it to tighten those bolts holding the turbo? Do you have to take off the exhaust manifold? Is it safe to run the car for a few days like this w/ the ringing sound? And is this anyway engine related somehow, like pinging or premature bearings failure?


12-11-2003, 01:12 PM