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View Full Version : Need help (electrical) asap

10-06-2011, 12:14 PM
Hi all
quick one
Iv just finished my wiring, im just putting it all back together now, connected the battery and am plugging things in one by one.
lights work (dipped main, interior, rear/brake) whch is promising but when i turn the ign on i get nothing, not click or fuel pumping.
Is this because more stuff needs to be plugged in for this?
I dont want to put everything back together to find i have to take it apart to find a fualt
ANY help much appreciated, im sat in the car as i type this trying to figure it out

10-06-2011, 12:31 PM
car, motor, etc...
What plugs you have plugged in...
We are not sitting in the car with you...

10-06-2011, 12:57 PM

JDM s14 K's

engine loom is all in (maybe a earth not connected but i dont want it to start)

ign barrel, stalks (lights, wipers) ECU (obv), and a couple other misc bits

ALL thick cables/wires are plugged in

Im not getting any power to the turbo timer when i turn ign, maxi fuses all look ok

10-06-2011, 12:58 PM
If this sounds stupid forgive me but is there something like the dials for example that would stop ign if not installed (broken circuit)?

10-06-2011, 03:23 PM
my bad
ign fuse wasnt in :facepalm:
fuel pump is sounding off, it cranks, turbo timer works, climate control works too
im so happy now :)