View Full Version : Iphone 4S - Siri Voice Control

10-04-2011, 12:55 PM
So the new Iphone 4S has just been reveled, is basically the same phone, with the exceptions of its faster (x7 faster, Apple claims), better camera/video (1080p), and their new voice control - Siri.

Here are some examples Siri is capable of:
"Who are you?" Siri says "I am a humble personal assistant."

"How many days are there until Christmas?" Siri says: 82 days. Also, 2 months 21 days, 11 weeks 5 days, 58 weekdays, and .22 years.

"Search Wikipedia for Neil Armstrong." Suddenly, the world's greatest American is up on screen, looking like a man's man in his space suit.

Siri not only remembers, Siri knows.

Scott's creating a reminder "Remind me to call my wife when I leave work." Siri asks to confirm and makes the reminder. Siri already knew who his wife is and set up a geofence around work.

"What time is it in Paris?" Siri responds: "The time in Paris, France is 8:16pm." Siri also brings up a live clock.

"Do I need a raincoat today?" Siri responds "It sure looks like rain today."

At first I thought that Siri is pretty neat, but the more I read about it I keep thinking of HAL from 2001 Space Odysse



Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' keynote liveblog! -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2011/10/04/apples-lets-talk-iphone-keynote-liveblog/)

10-04-2011, 12:58 PM

someone needs to edit this to say apple and steve jobs

10-04-2011, 01:21 PM
i wish these was something like this for computers

ME-"Computer open up zilvia.net"

Computer- 'BOOM BIZZLE here you go"

ME- "AWW geez thankz"

Computer- " Shut the F up"

drift freaq
10-04-2011, 01:22 PM
You forgot to add its got a dual antenna setup for better reception as well as its HSPA+. IOS5 has a lot of the features it needed now added.
It is also running a dual core chip. Has much better Camera and Camera features.
I will say this I am an Android user but unlike other Android users I do not bag on Apple or IOS fact is IOS does work and work well. This new Iphone is a decent upgrade and offering till Apple finally rolls a LTE device.

I will also say anyone crying about it not being LTE LOL. LTE is barely rolled out on most of the carriers with Verizon only having it in major cities. It was not a bad choice to not roll a LTE phone at this time.

Anyways the game continues and I am sure the Android I hate Apple fanboys will have something disparaging to say.

i wish these was something like this for computers

ME-"Computer open up zilvia.net"

Computer- 'BOOM BIZZLE here you go"

ME- "AWW geez thankz"

Computer- " Shut the F up"

Actually I can set my Mac up to do that now. It has speech recognition. Its just a matter of doing the Apple scripts. LOL

10-04-2011, 01:34 PM
You forgot to add its got a dual antenna setup for better reception as well as its HSPA+. IOS5 has a lot of the features it needed now added.
It is also running a dual core chip. Has much better Camera and Camera features.

I was trying to keep this thread more focused on the voice recognition. I think there is a iphone thread and didnt want to become to much alike lol

10-04-2011, 01:58 PM
I think Siri was probably the best thing that was announced today. I'm impressed.

drift freaq
10-04-2011, 02:02 PM
I think Siri was probably the best thing that was announced today. I'm impressed.

ya Siri is definitely sick.

10-04-2011, 02:05 PM
wish iPhone 5 came out.... too bad I have to settle with 4S.
can't wait till next one.. my 1st Gen iPhone is about to give up on me

10-04-2011, 02:09 PM
ya Siri is definitely sick.

Wish there was an Android equivalent. :snoop:

drift freaq
10-04-2011, 02:29 PM
Wish there was an Android equivalent. :snoop:

lol you mean like on the HTC sensation? I don't think its nearly as advanced but it is there.

10-04-2011, 02:45 PM
There's plenty of built in voice commands for Android at the platform level, regardless of handset.

None of it consolidates all of them into a "concierge-like" AI though.

drift freaq
10-04-2011, 02:49 PM
There's plenty of built in voice commands for Android at the platform level, regardless of handset.

None of it consolidates all of them into a "concierge-like" AI though.

ya I was kind of hinting at that. LOL

10-04-2011, 02:51 PM
This sounds cool. But i think it would only be cool for a couple days. I can't imagine someone walking around talking to their phone and having it talk back. Just seems kinda weird. Props to apple for designing it and making it though but it definitely isn't something i would use.

10-04-2011, 02:52 PM
I didn't pay attention to any of the apple news. They say 7x faster, but is that comparing the original iphone to the 4s or what?

Is siri going to be in the ios5? Or it is something that only the 4s can do?

10-04-2011, 03:02 PM
I can't wait until Sprint confirms this....

Radio Shack Inventory System Reveals Sprint iPhone 5 (http://www.gottabemobile.com/2011/10/01/radio-shack-inventory-system-reveals-sprint-iphone-5/)

drift freaq
10-04-2011, 08:30 PM
I can't wait until Sprint confirms this....

Radio Shack Inventory System Reveals Sprint iPhone 5 (http://www.gottabemobile.com/2011/10/01/radio-shack-inventory-system-reveals-sprint-iphone-5/)

Its been revealed but its called the Iphone 4S. The 5 will not be out till sometime next year. Most likely either July or next September.

10-04-2011, 10:17 PM
Siri is cool and kinda creepy too ha I'm sure I would like it for about a week and get tired of it tho.

10-04-2011, 10:32 PM
Is siri going to be in the ios5? Or it is something that only the 4s can do?

From what I gathered from the revealing, it can only be used on 4S.

10-04-2011, 10:52 PM
sounds like Android's voice controls plus wolfram alpha. oh boy

10-04-2011, 11:02 PM
duuuuude i'll put the phone in my car like the car is kit

drift freaq
10-05-2011, 12:13 AM
From what I gathered from the revealing, it can only be used on 4S.

Actually your favorite Iphone hackers are already working on making it work on other IOS devices, they are just not sure if there is some hardware specific stuff. They have some of it already working.

10-05-2011, 01:39 AM
I feel that Apple is offering a lot of things nobody asked for, and not enough things that ppl want (hence the overall disappointment)

I'm only concerned with the better camera, the rest of the stuff doesn't matter to me.
Thus far I don't feel the 'voice recognition' in the Iphone4 (i.e. the google search app) is all that great.

The processor is just fine, why does it need a processor that's seven times faster?
1080p is quite over-kill for such a small screen.
Seems like Apple is just trying to keep up with the Andriod's hardware, but then again Apple buyers aren't usually so concerned with hardware.

Wish they would address a better battery, more storage space (for more prons), camera with the option of higher film speed, more accurate touchscreen keypad, compatibility with FLAC & additional video codecs, higher audio quality / more powerful amp, 4G network support, etc.

I'll hold on to my iphone 4 for another year.

10-05-2011, 07:31 AM
i think i might hold on to my 3gs for another year... i fucking hate the iPhone 4 form, and this was a disappointment of epic proportions (for me). i just can't stand holding the 4, with the square bottom and more glass to break. i don't know what to do - i'm bored as crap with my phone as it is, and i've had it since the day it was released. i'd do the unthinkable and see what ATT has as far as android phones, but i'm on a family plan where data is unlimited, and it's cheap. ugh, maybe i can just pretend like it doesn't exist.

10-05-2011, 09:13 AM
so whats the slimmer, rounded edge one coming out that all the leaks showed?

there were even like, mass production cases made

10-05-2011, 10:45 AM
i think i might hold on to my 3gs for another year... i fucking hate the iPhone 4 form, and this was a disappointment of epic proportions (for me). i just can't stand holding the 4, with the square bottom and more glass to break. i don't know what to do - i'm bored as crap with my phone as it is, and i've had it since the day it was released. i'd do the unthinkable and see what ATT has as far as android phones, but i'm on a family plan where data is unlimited, and it's cheap. ugh, maybe i can just pretend like it doesn't exist.

This post pretty much sums up my feeling on the matter. The iPhone 4S is a solid device, however the lackluster design and small screen are deal breakers for me. Think I will hold onto my 3GS until the redesign comes out next year.

Siri is definitely an innovative feature and I am excited to see what the competition will come up in response.'

drift freaq
10-05-2011, 11:34 AM
Well personally I am not sure I want to stay tied to Android any longer which means I would have to make a carrier decision as well. I am just not sure I want another 2 year contract with a company who's parent company is pretty ready to just sell off the company part in parcel, if they do not get the deal they want.
The Phone looks good enough for me for now seeing as I need a new phone and I am a Mac person.
Regardless of what people think Apple had to put a dual core processor in, which increased speeds.
You may not care about Siri but it truly creates a hands free situation as well.
As far as the Camera goes its pretty damn good already and fuck people this is a phone. LOL
You want a Camera go use your DLSR. LOL
Oh and until you have the phone in your hands and the reviewers have it as well some of you may be selling it short.
As for form factor the form factor will change with the 5 which will be a LTE phone.
This phone came out because of two things. Apple needed to bring a new product out and LTE is not quite ready for prime time and Apple saw that.
I love it when the Apple haters are all like its not bleeding edge blah blah blah. Well it does have some bleeding edge stuff but unlike some of the other handset makers at least Apple is bringing out a product that works.
God I am so sick of all these so called great bleeding edge Android handsets,that have great specs on everything. But just have problems right left and center straight out of the box.

Give me a product that works and does the job.

10-05-2011, 11:37 AM
I feel that Apple is offering a lot of things nobody asked for, and not enough things that ppl want (hence the overall disappointment)

that is apple and jobs modus operandi. who the hell thought, hey, i really need an ipod or ipad right about now. its all about presenting people (idiot consumers) with what they think they need.

hopefully siri can bump apples handset market share a little higher, android still rules that arena with an iron fist

drift freaq
10-05-2011, 12:04 PM
that is apple and jobs modus operandi. who the hell thought, hey, i really need an ipod or ipad right about now. its all about presenting people (idiot consumers) with what they think they need.

hopefully siri can bump apples handset market share a little higher, android still rules that arena with an iron fist

Actually only when you combine all handset makers numbers. On a company by company basis Apple sells more handsets for one company than anyone else. Samsung is the closest handset seller to Apple.

Yes like I said when you combine all Android handset makers together it makes Apples numbers look less but that is a skewed analysis.

Oh and their are a lot of improvements in this phone you guys seem to be selling short. I know we all wanted to see a larger screen blah blah but Apple put in a dual core processor were there once was a single core. They now offer it up to 64GB and the internal app memory is at 1GB which is not shabby.

It also has a bigger aperture at F/2.4 on the Camera. It also has the dual antenna and is HSPA+

Oh and the big thing here is now IOS5 is out and usually when a Smartphone maker upgrades software it usually requires better hardware( read faster). This Phone addresses that issue as well. Its got enough stuff under the hood to hold things off till LTE is sorted and the Iphone 5 which will be a LTE phone is released.

Sorry like I said earlier this is a product that works and will do its job properly. It has significant improvements over the previous model. For you to dismiss it as nothing new and consumers as just idiots? Leads me to believe you have really not looked into the details but just read the blurbs.

Oh and if anyone is wondering I am just stating this stuff it seems a lot of people in the thread have not checked the details.

To sum it up, is it a decent upgrade? Yes, do you need to upgrade if you have an Iphone 4 possibly not. Is it worth the purchase for anyone else say a 3GS user or non Iphone user? Sure if you want a product that works and does not have bleeding edge bugs like most the hot Android devices coming out right now. LOL

10-05-2011, 12:19 PM
siri is going to be that feature thats cool for a month then you slowly forget about it or rarely use it.

ask an android user, its cool for a while but dam i dont want to be talking to my phone in public kind of deal

i just dont like how they push the camera as "omgz this will replace DSLR's", fuck yeah right apple it is nicer but no way replaces those nice lenses

dual core, ehh i seen dual core on some of these android phones and its a small upgrade in feel but 2x performance and 7x in gaming... the gaming is the only space i think many people will really feel the difference, especially in intense games

battery is not bad, yeah they figured out how to get the most in video mode but in talk time many android devices can exceed it (bionic does 10.8hrs in 3g mode vs apples 8hrs)... but then you can argue battery size so battery tech should just be left alone

I think many consumers would liked it to be 4 inches, 3.5 is getting kinda small now that these larger phones out there make it much more appealing to go big (typing, browsing, gaming, video watching)

lets see how google responds next week with the new nexus

drift freaq
10-05-2011, 12:33 PM
I siri is going to be that feature thats cool for a month then you slowly forget about it or rarely use it.

ask an android user, its cool for a while but dam i dont want to be talking to my phone in public kind of deal

i just dont like how they push the camera as "omgz this will replace DSLR's", fuck yeah right apple it is nicer but no way replaces those nice lenses

dual core, ehh i seen dual core on some of these android phones and its a small upgrade in feel but 2x performance and 7x in gaming... the gaming is the only space i think many people will really feel the difference, especially in intense games

battery is not bad, yeah they figured out how to get the most in video mode but in talk time many android devices can exceed it (bionic does 10.8hrs in 3g mode vs apples 8hrs)... but then you can argue battery size so battery tech should just be left alone

I think many consumers would liked it to be 4 inches, 3.5 is getting kinda small now that these larger phones out there make it much more appealing to go big (typing, browsing, gaming, video watching)

lets see how google responds next week with the new nexus

I do see these assements as valid. I have personally yet to see an Android device that was any better in real life on the battery. Most all the Smartphones suck up the battery period. LOL
I think you could be right about the 4 inch screen size though.

I just read a compare between the Galaxy SII and the HTC Sensation XE which are like two of the hottest Androids out. They favored the HTC over the Samsung for build quality. The Samsung has the lead in the Screen. Though they seemed to feel that all 3 phones were neck and neck.

We will have to see about the Nexus Prime but the last Nexus was not exactly a fire starter like the original Nexus.

I would hazard to say here that the Iphone 4S will be great hold over through the holiday season and into next year. I expect they will announce an LTE Iphone 5 with a release date of July. Just like they this last July with the latest Macbook Airs which were a significant upgrade from the previous Octobers Macbook Air.

LOL being a Apple computer user for as long as I have I can spot there cycle changes and upgrade timing pretty well. I was not surprised that this release was an Iphone 4S and not the 5.

I also think in the end maybe Android users so just stop the senseless bashing. It does seem that every Android user I come across, is so quick to try and tell me their phone is better than a Iphone. The minute I even mention the Iphone or say I am considering that are ya but Android is better.

its kinda like the kid in the school yard trying to say his dad is better than the other kids dad. LOL

Android is good, they borrow from IOS and IOS borrows from them. Competition is good as it keeps these guys innovating but shear my phone is better than your phone is like ...... envy. LOL.

Room for both. Stop the damn kid stuff.

10-05-2011, 12:37 PM
Actually only when you combine all handset makers numbers. On a company by company basis Apple sells more handsets for one company than anyone else. Samsung is the closest handset seller to Apple.

Yes like I said when you combine all Android handset makers together it makes Apples numbers look less but that is a skewed analysis.

It's actually not a skewed analysis. Apple is a vertically integrated company producing it's own software and hardware.

Android is an open platform, which is currently not vertically integrated. Android/Google does not currently produce it's own hardware.

Based on your reasoning, we should wait till the Motorola purchase is complete, and revisit the comparison. Put the Android/Moto vertical up agaisnt the Apple vertical.

Even then, it wouldn't be fair because Android is free to license. *shrug*

So when you really look at it, the current method of comparison actually makes perfect sense. As a software platform Android is king. As a single handset producer Apple is king.

In the end, who really gives a flying fuck as long as there's innovation.

10-05-2011, 02:57 PM
Sorry like I said earlier this is a product that works and will do its job properly. It has significant improvements over the previous model. For you to dismiss it as nothing new and consumers as just idiots? Leads me to believe you have really not looked into the details but just read the blurbs.

wasnt referring to this specific release, but their business model in general

It's actually not a skewed analysis. Apple is a vertically integrated company producing it's own software and hardware.

Android is an open platform, which is currently not vertically integrated. Android/Google does not currently produce it's own hardware.

Based on your reasoning, we should wait till the Motorola purchase is complete, and revisit the comparison. Put the Android/Moto vertical up agaisnt the Apple vertical.

Even then, it wouldn't be fair because Android is free to license. *shrug*

So when you really look at it, the current method of comparison actually makes perfect sense. As a software platform Android is king. As a single handset producer Apple is king.

In the end, who really gives a flying fuck as long as there's innovation.


10-05-2011, 10:32 PM
yeah i agree htc hardware and software IS THE BEST for android... I always had the best results vs all the other manufactures.

hopefully motorola gets better because their software ui sure makes their phones suck now

lg is coming up and may over come samsung, just had the wrong guys running their mobile division last year

samsung is pushing the envelop in performance and screen... and if this new video image keep has anything to say... it may stop a lot of the design lawsuits apple has been pushing with their whole curved phone/screen\

here is a comparison of the old to new nexus

its funny because it made sense that apple was going to do a "3GS" upgrade from the iphone 4, i think apple should atleast open up to one more vendor for making their devices... you know have some different designs than just their one size fits all. getting kinda old to me but then again it makes it stupid simple for consumers.

i think both android and apple users are defensive of what they have, its kinda like the old days when you had mac vs pc getting big in the late 90's


10-06-2011, 12:39 AM
iPhone owners are not defensive, andriod users are. There is a thread in this forum that is called "die apple die"
there isnt a "iPhone guys lets hate on andriod" thread.

10-06-2011, 01:40 AM
cant wait for siri, it just seems so convenient for driving, just being able to talk to your phone isstead having to stare at screen, and the new camera look good too 8mp

10-06-2011, 09:11 AM
yeah i agree htc hardware and software IS THE BEST for android... I always had the best results vs all the other manufactures.

hopefully motorola gets better because their software ui sure makes their phones suck now

lg is coming up and may over come samsung, just had the wrong guys running their mobile division last year

LG is no where near Samsung in terms of build quality, software, or sales volumes.

HTC is Samsung's closest competitor.

Even if you look beyond Android, Samsung is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest in terms of in house software production (BADA), build quality (SGS2), sales volume (SGS2), and global partnerships (WP7).

10-06-2011, 11:25 AM
I don't know why people want a bigger screen. To me, the screen size is perfect. Every device I've seen with a larger screen is just too big to comfortably fit in the pocket. I don't want to carry around a tablet in my pocket.

The upgrades are are a nice boost in feature set. I think it makes sense for Apple to make these smaller changes as a sort of 'mid-cycle update', with big updates every other year.

As for Siri, I don't know if I'd use it. The 3GS introduced a more limited voice control, but I've never used it. I have the google app that allows me to search by voice, and I only occasionally use that. The nice thing about the interface is that you can do things so quickly through the screen that voice control offers little benefit unless you are driving. Back in the day of having to scroll through menus via endless button pressing, voice control would have been a nice feature. But today? I don't know how much benefit it adds.

I think Apple's business plan of having a single model works very well for them. All the buzz and media attention focuses on that one model. It's almost iconic. Show just about anyone a picture of an iphone, and they'll recognize it. Can you say the same for Android devices? To me they're all a bit anonymous. If you showed me pictures of the 5 most popular Android phones, I wouldn't be able to name one of them.

drift freaq
10-06-2011, 11:42 AM
iPhone owners are not defensive, andriod users are. There is a thread in this forum that is called "die apple die"
there isnt a "iPhone guys lets hate on andriod" thread.

I would agree with this to certain extent.

LG is no where near Samsung in terms of build quality, software, or sales volumes.

HTC is Samsung's closest competitor.

Even if you look beyond Android, Samsung is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest in terms of in house software production (BADA), build quality (SGS2), sales volume (SGS2), and global partnerships (WP7).

This is definitely true outside of Apple in the Hardware build and sales numbers, Samsung is the above the rest Android.

I don't know why people want a bigger screen. To me, the screen size is perfect. Every device I've seen with a larger screen is just too big to comfortably fit in the pocket. I don't want to carry around a tablet in my pocket.

The upgrades are are a nice boost in feature set. I think it makes sense for Apple to make these smaller changes as a sort of 'mid-cycle update', with big updates every other year.

As for Siri, I don't know if I'd use it. The 3GS introduced a more limited voice control, but I've never used it. I have the google app that allows me to search by voice, and I only occasionally use that. The nice thing about the interface is that you can do things so quickly through the screen that voice control offers little benefit unless you are driving. Back in the day of having to scroll through menus via endless button pressing, voice control would have been a nice feature. But today? I don't know how much benefit it adds.

I think Apple's business plan of having a single model works very well for them. All the buzz and media attention focuses on that one model. It's almost iconic. Show just about anyone a picture of an iphone, and they'll recognize it. Can you say the same for Android devices? To me they're all a bit anonymous. If you showed me pictures of the 5 most popular Android phones, I wouldn't be able to name one of them.

Perhaps a slightly larger screen, I am in the camp of give me something around 3.7-4. 4.3-4.5 is just fricken huge. LOL

I could not agree more with the rest of your statement. Its pretty much on the money and exactly how they were most likely thinking at Apple.

Oh and for someone saying they needed another model, with the announcement of this new version the 3GS is now free and the Iphone4GB is $100. So in that sense They have 3 products priced competitively.

Starting at free with contract, $100 and $199(16GB)

10-06-2011, 11:59 AM
Give me a product that works and does the job.

This is my issue with android right now. I have been an avid android user for quite some time now, and I love the fact that my Android is so "universal". I can do almost anything with it, and customize it to the high heavens.

I recently bought my wife the Iphone4 because she wanted something more streamlined. After playing with that for a while I have decided to go with Apple on my next phone. Apple does lock you down in some areas, but their phones are so much more reliable.

10-07-2011, 08:58 AM
so whats the slimmer, rounded edge one coming out that all the leaks showed?

there were even like, mass production cases made

no but,..seriously....lol


10-07-2011, 09:21 AM
You know how those chinese manufacturers operate right? They take "leaked specs" and run with it trying to be the first to market with all of their cheap ass accessories.

Or, the specs were leaked by apple on purpose to throw everyone off.

Either way, mission accomplished. Tons of buzz and free marketing for a new product launch.

P.S. The last option is that, they WERE going to produce the iPhone5 with the slimmer design but scrapped it at some point. Or it's just not ready yet.

10-07-2011, 09:48 AM
Damn I had just convinced my dad to just go with an Evo and now he's considering an Iphone and can't make up his mind again...i just wanna get his birthday present out of the way lol.

10-07-2011, 10:07 AM
If you wait for the next best thing, you'll be waiting forever.

10-07-2011, 12:11 PM
you going to be picking up a bunch of these again daniel? my contract isn't up yet :|

10-07-2011, 12:33 PM
Nope, not this year. I'm working exclusively with new Android hardware now. No more Symbian, MeeGo, Bada, Blackberry/QNX, or iOS.

10-07-2011, 02:26 PM
I work at AT&T, I deal with too much of this shit on the daily