View Full Version : PA mostly stock 240 parts

10-02-2011, 04:07 PM
hello these parts are from an 89 manual sohc 240sx brown interior manual willing to ship most items

complete steering column w/key/wheel/all switches 100
passenger side door power windows with panel 50
rear center light reflector that says 240sx 20
hvac boxes 30
dash 30
cluster 30
cluster shroud 30
hood latch/cable 20
throttle cable 20
left rear hatch window 30
weatherstripping 30
exterior trim peices 30
headliner for sunroff car 20
lower valance under taillights 30
seatbelts 30
powersteering pump 30
wipermotor 20
gas pedal 10
long fuel door cable 10
wiper arms 10
hatch latch 10
new valve cover gasket felpro 20
new timing cover gasket 10
new timing tensioner 30
center consol 20
shift boot 5

these parts are from a 91 240 hatch

ac compressor 30
egr 20
stock cat 50
front/rear stock spring/struts assembled not blown 100
passenger side mirror 30
auto drive shaft 40
torque convertor 20
auto trans lines 20
flex plate 10
stock wheels ok tires 100
auto transmission works great 100
steering wheel with cc buttons 30

also have an aftermarket fiberglass bodykit style front bumper for an 88-92 240
has no cracks in perfect cond send me your email if you want a pic

10-22-2011, 04:05 PM
still have the cluster? and is that 30 shipped

10-22-2011, 05:58 PM
yes i still have it. 40 shipped

10-22-2011, 06:37 PM
do all the gauges work correctly, and could you post a pic? thanks

10-22-2011, 07:56 PM
whats your email i'll send you a pic

11-01-2011, 12:57 PM
Do you have an s13 coupe hood hinge for the passengers side?

11-01-2011, 05:08 PM
nope sorry