View Full Version : Ulcers! (FML)

10-02-2011, 05:00 AM
So im like 90% sure i have a ulcer in my stomach, its been a problem now for about 6 months.
Before, i could eat spicy foods every day, and i did. i LOVE spicy foods but now i guess its time to pay.
So what happens is, if i eat anything even a little spicy.. something like a 99 cent green burrito from del taco, a small bag of hot Cheetos, pretty much anything with any spicy-ness at all. i would wake up at like 3 or 4 am with a horrible excruciating burning/stabbing pain under my top 2 abs so ill pop a few tums and drink some sort of antacid liquid and after about 4-5 hours of dealing with by far the worst, strongest consistent pain i have ever felt in my life it will start to fade and ill be fine the pain is so bad i end up on the floor, it helps to like rub my face or keep my hands moving or something to kind of keep my mind off the pain, its crazy intense.
So i avoid spicy things like the plege now. fine.
But recently its been hurting lightly but consistently for about 2 days now so im kind of worried.
I do have shitty misp county insurance but i haven't gone to the hospital yet, this is motley because when it hurts it hurts too bad for me to move let alone go somewhere and wait for 3 hrs to be seen.:picardfp:

Anyway, i was just wondering if anyone had any experences with this.
I couldent imangine i would ever be able to eat spicy foods again :bash:

10-02-2011, 09:59 AM
Ahhh fuck man... I've been experiencing something like this recently too when I ate something spicy (which is rare for me). Ulcers?!? Fuck this... I thought it was just heartburn or indigestion. Mine hurts in the same spot, but it feels more like a dual ache inside my chest restricting my breathing, like a hand squeezing my esophagus... Ugh... Makes me double over and kinda hyperventilate until I calm down and use meditation breathing techniques...

10-02-2011, 12:15 PM
Doesn't sound like an ulcer.

Things that are important to understand.

is it only with spicy food?

is the pain relieved by eating something or gets worse?

is there any reflux in your throat? like a acidic taste?

is there any heart pain in your chest or is it below your chest cavity in your abdomen?

any other foods set it off like sweets?

finally do you remain upright for at least an hour after eating?

10-02-2011, 12:19 PM
Ahhh fuck man... I've been experiencing something like this recently too when I ate something spicy (which is rare for me). Ulcers?!? Fuck this... I thought it was just heartburn or indigestion. Mine hurts in the same spot, but it feels more like a dual ache inside my chest restricting my breathing, like a hand squeezing my esophagus... Ugh... Makes me double over and kinda hyperventilate until I calm down and use meditation breathing techniques...

this is classic gerd. try a prilosec or a zantac OTC

if it does it for more than 2x a week see a doc.

10-02-2011, 01:01 PM
^^^Oh wow... I just googled gerd... You're pretty smart! Thanks!

I try to stay pretty natural & holistic with my remedies, so I think I'll try some lifestyle changes first to combat it now that I know what I'm dealing with.

10-02-2011, 02:46 PM
if you just "live with it" for years and "deal with it" it will eventually lead to a more serious condition called barretts esophagus which is the for-runner to esophageal cancer. Mostly it is the stressed out professional that eats a crap lunch and pops tums's on a daily basis that we see come in with this.

10-02-2011, 03:10 PM
You guys should really get some blood tests done at your local clinic/hospital.

I had similar symptoms and it turned out to be pancreatitis.

It was due to excessive alcohol consumption. I'm sure smoking a bunch of cigs and eating a bunch of crap while I was drunk didn't help.

My life hasn't been the same. :(

10-02-2011, 07:25 PM
if you just "live with it" for years and "deal with it" it will eventually lead to a more serious condition called barretts esophagus which is the for-runner to esophageal cancer. Mostly it is the stressed out professional that eats a crap lunch and pops tums's on a daily basis that we see come in with this.
I'd say it started about a month ago... I'm not too stressed and I don't take tums, but I do eat crap lunches (and dinners too).

I was thinking of trying the stuff listed in the GERD wiki page and see if it helps:

GERD is largely preventable through changes in lifestyle, which are also used as treatment (see below).
Sleep on the left side, or with your upper body raised.
Relief is often found by raising the head of the bed, raising the upper body with pillows, or sleeping sitting up.
Eat smaller meals.
Eating a big meal causes excess stomach acid production, so attacks can be minimized by eating smaller meals. It is also important to avoid eating shortly before bedtime.
Lose weight.
Gaining even a few pounds increases your risk of heartburn. [20] Exactly why isn't clear, but the leading theory is that more body fat puts more pressure on the stomach, which can cause highly acidic stomach contents to reflux to the lower esophageal sphincter. For the same reason, tight clothing around the abdomen can also increase the risk of heartburn.
Avoid acidic and rich foods.
Though less well supported by evidence,[20] a sufferer may benefit from avoiding foods that trigger their symptoms. These commonly include acidic fruit or juices, fatty foods, coffee, tea, onions, peppermint, chocolate, especially shortly before bedtime.

I already sleep on my left side, but I have been gaining weight and clothes have been getting tighter as a result. I also eat really late and often, right before bed. Basically living like I'm 22 when my old ass is 32. FML. Getting old sucks ass. I don't wanna have to be popping pills to feel normal... =\

Plus, I'm a martial artist, so I KNOW I need to be living healthier than I do. I have no damn excuse to be this unhealthy. I'm really gonna try changing my habits before I move on to the OTC stuff.

10-03-2011, 05:09 PM
Alright, i woke up at 4am this morning and the pain was so intense. so i went to the hospital.
they said it is a pretty serious stomach ulcer.. they prescribed me Nexium and Maalox and gave me a GI cocktail.
i dont drink, i dont smoke, i really never mistreated my stomach exept some spicy food.. ok well alot of spicy foods.. but not anymore..
fuck getting old i guess.. im only 22 though :(

10-03-2011, 05:39 PM
Do you take a lot of motrin?

You guys should really get some blood tests done at your local clinic/hospital.

I had similar symptoms and it turned out to be pancreatitis.

It was due to excessive alcohol consumption. I'm sure smoking a bunch of cigs and eating a bunch of crap while I was drunk didn't help.

My life hasn't been the same. :(

Take care of yourself man, chronic pancreatitis has a pretty high mortality rate.

10-03-2011, 06:27 PM
common symptoms of gerd, spicy food is what causes it. relax on the spicy food.

10-03-2011, 06:58 PM
That and dont skip meals. Eat small meals thru out the day.

10-03-2011, 07:34 PM
Try taking digestive enzymes! I know it's helped me. I've tried a ton of different antacids, prescriptions, procedures, tests, and diets over the years and nothing has helped like taking some digestive enzymes immediately before or after a meal.

Also do your best to avoid foods that trigger a reaction.

Did they do a barium x-ray or CT scan?

10-04-2011, 12:40 AM
OP, you need to go to a doctor to be sure of what it is.

You need a CT scan of the abdomen.

10-04-2011, 02:17 AM
Yeah i got a appointment for that, i have really crappy insurance so idk how it will go. but ill be sure to try to snap some pics to share if there's anything cool to shoot lol.

10-04-2011, 06:31 AM
^ Apply for charity care at your local hospital if you're honestly having trouble keeping up with your medical bill. It's helped me tons.

10-04-2011, 12:39 PM
Check out H. pylori

Helicobacter pylori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicobacter_pylori)

10-04-2011, 04:20 PM
I had H pylori once, you will need to go to a doctor and get some antibiotics to get rid of it, but the symptoms i had were different to what you are experiencing, it seems that you have some really bad acid reflux, take prilosec twice a day for 14 days, drink lots of fluids and stop eating at nites, stop drinking alcohol as well, slow your meat consumption and eat more veggies and fruits that contain antioxidants see how that goes.
Also try to drink natural acid neutralizers like ginger tea, apple cider vinegar

10-04-2011, 04:32 PM
lolz this thread is funny. Im a nurse and the first thing they tell you is never self diagnose (i know its hard cuz you at least want to get a feel for what it might be). Def go see a doctor man.....goo see a MD for this problem before it gets worse. Key words we spread is EARLY DETECTION AND PREVENTION!!!

10-04-2011, 05:14 PM
he went to the hospital...they told him it was an ucler.

10-04-2011, 07:10 PM
Go ahead......have some.

10-04-2011, 07:42 PM
Go ahead......have some.

Haha ur funny...

12-19-2011, 06:46 PM
Mah life sucks without hot sauce.. everything is so bland to me now.
Ive been attack free for like a month now, i took nexium for like a month straight and i ran out and went on a 2 week road trip and just watched what i ate and its been all good since. i also stopped drinking dark soda, i drink sprite alot now, i never got to see the doctor for it, although i did go to ugrent care once like 3 months ago at like 4:30am i thought i was going to die it hurt so bad
thats when i got the nexuim and maloxx prescription..
what a random post