View Full Version : What is the lowest you will take?

09-28-2011, 01:58 PM
Are you familiar with this phrase? Maybe your familiar with seeing this every time you sell something in the for sell section.

Or maybe you are one of the idiots who thinks this is how bartering or bargaining works. Well it is NOT.

In case you still do not get it. The person selling the items wants to get the most out of there part they are selling.

You want to pay the least. You are supposed to meet in the middle, not at the bottom or the top. That is not fair.

What if every time you tried buying something the seller asked you what is the most your willing to pay?

I know I can not be the only one who is sick and tired of all this pussy footing broke ass low balling, with out any class or etiquette. Yes that is a word so look it up idiots.

I know I can not be the only one who is tired of this stupid mentality. I also am not going to just accept that 240 owners are the cheapest of the cheap.

09-28-2011, 02:02 PM
It's dumb but i get it.

Haggling works just like you said, the problem is with 90% of 240 members, when you start to haggle, you put a lowprice out there.
personally ill pay more, but if i can get it for a lowball price, I don't know the person personally, and they are willing to take it, fuck yes ill ask. I am not gonna pay more than i have to.

however heres where they fuck up on the other side of the spectrum, when you come with a low price. people for some reason get pissed the fuck off and annoyed.
rather than just come back with a higher price.

so rather than making people mad with a lowball, i can see why people ask this.

theres too many people who dont put a price, who just say OBO, in that case, this question is justified.

09-28-2011, 02:11 PM
WELL OBO MEANS or best offer, so if your selling it for 50, and someone offers you 40, but then another guy offers you 50, you tell the other guy he might offer you 55 or 60, the best offer wins, so if you wanted something and obo is in the title, shoot for the bottom of the barrell and say what is the lowest you will take?

that is the first and only thing people say. then when I respond with what is the highest youll pay, they get but hurt and dont reply.

What is the lowest you will take is the lazy ass way of making an offer, it just means, that you dont want to man up and make an offer because you think it will be too high, and you will lose money, but you would rather cheat the guy out of his money. This is where the etiquette comes in. Just make an offer of what you think is fair. And if the guy wants more, he will ask for it, and you dont have to look like a dick.

When I post things for sale, I post them at a fair price, like below what I would pay for it, because I know people on zilvia tend to be the cheapest of the cheap. So when I am already selling something for less then I want to , and some prick hits me up with , what is the lowest you will take? As if they expect me to say, shoot, give me %$ and a high five and it is yours!

09-28-2011, 02:29 PM
Whats the point of this thread?

09-28-2011, 02:31 PM
Or when somebody ask what's the lowest you will go on something thats &5 -_- broke ass 240 kids. Smh

09-28-2011, 02:33 PM
Yea. That bugs the shit out of me too... But it works on some sellers none the less... Like rev said, I would just reply with a higher price. Haha.

09-28-2011, 02:34 PM
Be a man!


09-28-2011, 02:44 PM
I absolutely hated being trying to bargain at point of sale. You've agreed to the said price BEFORE heading over to pick it up. I've sold countless bumpers and crap and I HATE when fucktards pull this shit.

"Can you do 75?" or "All I've got is a 100..."

I will be a straight up dick if you pull this shit. 75 is not 120. I had a guy try that for a xenon lip I had a ways back come from San Diego try and pull that. "Sorry, but you just wasted a solid amount of gas." Dickhead *Snip*.

09-28-2011, 02:47 PM
I would rather get a choice to give my lowest amount rather than to get a low ball offer that is insulting. I have done the what's the lowest you'll take method and it worked out pretty well since, everyone walked away happy..not sure what the complaining is about, it's just straight to the point and if you're serious to sell, that person is serious to buy.

drift freaq
09-28-2011, 02:49 PM
Ok here is part of the problem. True haggling has to take place in person after actually checking the item out. Now some people online try to justify their lowballing with the whole you have pics deal.
Thing is this on certain items pics don't show shit. On other items pics don't show everything. Do you buy a car solely based on pics? If you do you are doing yourself a big disservice.
The biggest thing about haggling though is knowing when you can and cannot haggle. Gauging the seller is an important part of this. This is lost on most forum people these days and its obvious. First thing you want to do is look at who this person is what they sell stuff for and if they are open to offers.

A for instance would be me selling my engine mounts. Its my product, its brand new. Unless I am having a particular sale my price is fixed at what I have to sell it for to make it worth my time.
Realizing those points the buyer should realize that no Dave cannot drop his price he is already selling it for a reasonable price and he has to make it worth doing it.
At that one realizes pay up or go home. Though I actually have had a few times when people have tried to get me to sell them cheaper or free shipping because they don't stop to think about me the seller and take these points into account before opening their mouths.

Its called common sense and the ability to dicker wisely. Some people you know you can dicker with others you just know by the situation or talking to them that the price they are asking is pretty much it.

If they decide down the road to sell something for cheaper then that is their perogative it does not mean they will always sell it cheaper and it does not mean you can lowball them.

Again this is gauging the seller. The term what is the lowest you will take is not gauging the seller its the lowballers lazy attempt because they are not smart or skilled enough to take other factors into account.

Oh and when I go out to buy something and want to haggle I make an offer, If the person likes it they take it. If they don't they counter with another number at which point I might come up from my number if what they have is good and I want it. If I decide its not worth more? I walk away, you have to be able to walk away. Not every deal is to be had. Plus if you can actually walk away after your offer depending on the person you might actually get it.

I rarely have ever used the whats the lowest you will take query. If I do its usually after some dickering has ensued and it seems there is a stalemate. Starting off a negotiation with it is pretty much not being willing to play by the rules of haggling.

Oh and like Sooshi said trying to knock down the price at the point of sale after an agreed price has already been arrived at is just scum bag worthy.

You agree to a price you stick to it.

09-28-2011, 02:51 PM
Just post a higher amount so even if they lowball you, it will fall high

09-28-2011, 02:52 PM
I like the "Well, I had to drive over here to pick it up, so what is the lowest you will take" phrase.

09-28-2011, 03:04 PM
Usually when I put something up for sale, I have a set price in my head of how much I want. For example, lets take item A. Lets say I want 200 out of it. In the thread, I'll post up a price of $225. Why? Cuz I know someone will lowball and offer $200. If I put the amount I want, which is $200, someone will most likely offer $175. Therefore, the buyer thinks they got a deal, and I get the amount I wanted!

09-28-2011, 03:25 PM
I like the "Well, I had to drive over here to pick it up, so what is the lowest you will take" phrase.

Yup. I had multiple people ask me if I could drive the part out to them and when I said I couldnt, they asked me to cover their gas by taking it off the price. Really??!

09-28-2011, 03:59 PM
"What's the lowest you'll take" is a legit question depending on how old the thread is IMO..... If the price listed is the lowest you would take simply reply with the price listed is the lowest I'll take. Said person might have the item up for a while and might be willing to sell for cheaper than listed. Some buyers might not want to make an offer out of fear of being labeled a lowballer.

Now if you're meeting someone locally and they pull the "I only have this much" or "I had to drive far" BS then I can see where there might be a problem.

09-28-2011, 04:00 PM
I usually cut my losses with the stuff I'm trying to sell so I try to sell it for a reasonable price whether or not its brand new or used...

drift freaq
09-28-2011, 04:12 PM
Yup. I had multiple people ask me if I could drive the part out to them and when I said I couldnt, they asked me to cover their gas by taking it off the price. Really??!

Ditto to this. Its some fucked up shit.

drift freaq
09-28-2011, 04:18 PM
"What's the lowest you'll take" is a legit question depending on how old the thread is IMO..... If the price listed is the lowest you would take simply reply with the price listed is the lowest I'll take. Said person might have the item up for a while and might be willing to sell for cheaper than listed. Some buyers might not want to make an offer out of fear of being labeled a lowballer..

Now again like I said before this is not the way to start out a negotiation. If the buyer does not have the balls to step up the plate and make a proper offer he should not be playing the game.

The key to dickering is you have to start somewhere. You want them to respect you in your purchasing? Or do you want them to think your some cheap ass.
They will respect you making a reasonable offer and if they don't like it countering or saying no thanks.

I do not think less of person who looks at what I am selling goes out gauges actual pricing and makes an offer based off that research.
I do think less of people that just offer up a stupidly low price or wimp out with the whats the lowest you will take statement.

Man up grow some balls or don't play.

I usually cut my losses with the stuff I'm trying to sell so I try to sell it for a reasonable price whether or not its brand new or used...

I usually sell most of stuff for a fair market value which is what one considers a reasonable price. I would not have the kind of trader rating I do if that was not true.

Why should I lowball myself for the sake of the current cheap ass generation. This is a group of people that could not haggle fairly if their life depended on it.
All they do is make statements like whats the lowest you will go. Or straight up 3/10's the actual value offers without even taking stuff into account.

Its interesting you post what you write above with no trader rating and 74 posts. I don't think you speak from much experience here. Yup that is my opinion don't like it? I don't care I am calling it as it appears.

09-28-2011, 04:25 PM
I do think that is a valid question; the negotiation has to have a starting point.

For me I dont want to lose out on a purchase becuase I didnt offer enough, but at the same time for the sake of negotiation, ill ask if they can will accept 10% less.

drift freaq
09-28-2011, 04:37 PM
I do think that is a valid question; the negotiation has to have a starting point.

For me I dont want to lose out on a purchase becuase I didnt offer enough, but at the same time for the sake of negotiation, ill ask if they can will accept 10% less.

Its not a starting point though. Its pretty much an end run around the whole process. You are basically asking the seller to low ball themselves by asking it.

A starting point like I said before is some kind of reasonable offer.
For instance Joe has a car for sale for 1k . You come and look at it, you see if it is worth the 1k he is asking. You then look at him, if it has a problem that might cost you you say hey I am going to have to fix this, it will most likely cost me this much to do it. Can you take $700 at that point Joe either sits there and goes well I really would like to get 1k I am firm or he says well I could do $850. Maybe you are happy with that so you say ok deal or maybe you say hmmm that's still a little higher than I want to pay. I will give $775. At that point you stand a good chance of possibly still closing the deal because you have effectively met him half way between the two numbers. That is how it works.

Now perhaps if you see Joe is desperate you can offer a lower price and he might just take it. This is where reading your seller comes into to play. All of this is why dealing in person works.

Honestly if you are going to offer a low price P.M. the person and say hey would you take this? If they say no no harm no foul.

If you come into their thread and say whats the lowest you will take or I will offer you 1/10 the value its just weak sauce period and you are being a chump. (not you the theoretical person so don't get insulted). LOL

Oh and there really is nothing more to be said on the subject as both sides have stated their cases and opinions.
As much as I would love to see some of you learn from it? I am somewhat jaded in thinking that will be the case.

I have nothing more to say here.

09-28-2011, 04:40 PM
I do think that is a valid question; the negotiation has to have a starting point.

I'm going to go buy some gas. Rather than pay the normal, set rate, I'm going to offer the clerk inside 2.00/gallon, 1.39 dollars cheaper than listed price.

Am I doing it right?

09-28-2011, 04:55 PM
That was taken out of context

I actually dont pay for gas so i wouldn't know( perk at my job)
but if I did I would actually offer 2.96 if i stink to my 10% rule. I wouldnt ask for 40%.

So YES you did it wrong.

09-28-2011, 04:57 PM
Man up grow some balls or don't play.
Yup that is my opinion don't like it? I don't care I am calling it as it appears.

^lol someone doesn't fuck around.... What constitutes a "reasonable" offer anyway?

Too many variables to have a set answer and opinions vary.

I'm going to go buy some gas. Rather than pay the normal, set rate, I'm going to offer the clerk inside 2.00/gallon, 1.39 dollars cheaper than listed price.

Am I doing it right?
Obviously you can't barter with a gas station.... private selling/buying is different.

I don't usually get ridiculously low offers when I sell stuff... but when I do I just ignore the person and move on with my life.

09-28-2011, 05:01 PM
That was taken out of context

I actually dont pay for gas so i wouldn't know( perk at my job)
but if I did I would actually offer 2.96 if i stink to my 10% rule. I wouldnt ask for 40%.

So YES you did it wrong.

According to the empirical Zilvian data, I wouldn't be. Have you seen how fucking low these motherfuckers take that shit?!?!

09-28-2011, 05:06 PM
zilvia is kinda like pawn stars but with out a real expert

09-28-2011, 05:23 PM
It's a retarded question because the seller is always freerolling himself out of money if he answers honestly. Let's say I have an item for sale for $100 but I'm willing to let it go for $75. You see the item and you're willing to pay $85. If you ask the seller and he honestly answers $75, are you gonna offer him the $85 you were willing to pay? Obviously not. This is why no halfway intelligent seller would answer this question honestly, so quit asking it.

I think too many people are just missing the point of haggling TBH. Haggling is done to get both sides of the transaction satisifed. EG both sides FEEL they got reasonable value. Whether or not both sides actually do get equal value is a totally different story. Sometimes the seller gets the better of the deal, sometimes the buyer. Thats part of the game. If you don't wanna play games then pay the price the seller is asking and get it over with.

And you'd be surprised at where you can haggle. Did you know lots of people haggle at Best Buy? I didn't even know people did that shit till like last year. I always assumed corporate sets the price, but nope.

09-28-2011, 05:41 PM
I would rather get a choice to give my lowest amount rather than to get a low ball offer that is insulting. I have done the what's the lowest you'll take method and it worked out pretty well since, everyone walked away happy..not sure what the complaining is about, it's just straight to the point and if you're serious to sell, that person is serious to buy. this is exactly my view on it. id rather ask that, then offer them something they will take as an insult. because then they probably wont reply, and you will have no other chance to get it.

also, if u REALLY tell the person the absolute lowest ull take, you're doing it wrong.

Ok here is part of the problem. True haggling has to take place in person after actually checking the item out. Now some people online try to justify their lowballing with the whole you have pics deal.
Thing is this on certain items pics don't show shit. On other items pics don't show everything. Do you buy a car solely based on pics? If you do you are doing yourself a big disservice.
The biggest thing about haggling though is knowing when you can and cannot haggle. Gauging the seller is an important part of this. This is lost on most forum people these days and its obvious. First thing you want to do is look at who this person is what they sell stuff for and if they are open to offers.

A for instance would be me selling my engine mounts. Its my product, its brand new. Unless I am having a particular sale my price is fixed at what I have to sell it for to make it worth my time.
Realizing those points the buyer should realize that no Dave cannot drop his price he is already selling it for a reasonable price and he has to make it worth doing it.
At that one realizes pay up or go home. Though I actually have had a few times when people have tried to get me to sell them cheaper or free shipping because they don't stop to think about me the seller and take these points into account before opening their mouths.

Its called common sense and the ability to dicker wisely. Some people you know you can dicker with others you just know by the situation or talking to them that the price they are asking is pretty much it.

If they decide down the road to sell something for cheaper then that is their perogative it does not mean they will always sell it cheaper and it does not mean you can lowball them.

Again this is gauging the seller. The term what is the lowest you will take is not gauging the seller its the lowballers lazy attempt because they are not smart or skilled enough to take other factors into account.

Oh and when I go out to buy something and want to haggle I make an offer, If the person likes it they take it. If they don't they counter with another number at which point I might come up from my number if what they have is good and I want it. If I decide its not worth more? I walk away, you have to be able to walk away. Not every deal is to be had. Plus if you can actually walk away after your offer depending on the person you might actually get it.

I rarely have ever used the whats the lowest you will take query. If I do its usually after some dickering has ensued and it seems there is a stalemate. Starting off a negotiation with it is pretty much not being willing to play by the rules of haggling.

Oh and like Sooshi said trying to knock down the price at the point of sale after an agreed price has already been arrived at is just scum bag worthy.

You agree to a price you stick to it.

while i agree with some of what u say, i don't wholeheartedly agree with it all. for example, ive looked at MULTIPLE cars (this was only in the past month when i was still lookin for one) where they look great in the pics. but based off of what i saw in person, they weren't even recent pictures.

me and this one dude i was talking to in LA came to a price we were both ok with. i told him it was the price i would pay ($6k)IF THE CAR IS EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED. he said "oh it is! theres absolutely nothing wrong with this car!" so i had him get it "smogged" cuz it had headers.

after taking up wheels and an exhaust up there in a small car (thats what the deal was so i could buy it for cheaper than his posted price of 8k), we get there, and this car was a TOTAL POS. looked NOTHING like the pictures. the paint was peeling and faded. dents everywhere. it was smokin like a fuckin chimney too. he said it was from the cams, but i know it was a fuckin blown head gasket. then we look at the coolant, and its some nasty ass muddy shit. almost NOTHING on this car was as described.

as it was, i wasnt even willing to give him 3k for his pos. so i just drove back home. he wasted over 5 hours of my time, and an entire tank of gas. he however, wasted 200 on the illegal smog. but he had it coming to him.
now i know you shouldnt come to a price before you look at a car, but given it was in LA, and im in SD, it was a little more necessary. ill admit that was my amateur mistake. but he shouldn't describe something as perfection, if i can shit out a better looking car.

also happened up at a shop in vista. this guy said this car was FLAWLESS. 10/10 interior and exterior! i go to look at it, and its got fucking dents all over the roof, and qrtr panels. faded paint. the rad core support was welded on the frame, and quite frankily, a 10 yr old could pick up a welder and given proper instructions, could weld better than the welds on this thing. and the entire interior wasnt even in-fucking-tact.

/end rant

back on topic. ill honestly use the "whats the lowest you will take" every so often. i obviously dont use it right away. u have to get a feel for how bad this person wants to sell their shit. in the end, you want to benefit yourself the most. if theyre stupid enough to sell something for way less than its worth, theyre either in a hurry to sell it, or just plain stupid and easy.

i dont expect people to tell me the ACTUAL lowest amount they would take. i just want a number so i know where i can bid around. this way i dont end up insulting the person and low balling them, and i dont end up overpaying for something i coulda gotten for WAY cheaper. i generally wont start the real haggling until its in person. also better in person, as you can actually see any flaws with the item, which would constitute a lower price.

09-28-2011, 05:52 PM
I usually sell most of stuff for a fair market value which is what one considers a reasonable price. I would not have the kind of trader rating I do if that was not true.

Why should I lowball myself for the sake of the current cheap ass generation. This is a group of people that could not haggle fairly if their life depended on it.
All they do is make statements like whats the lowest you will go. Or straight up 3/10's the actual value offers without even taking stuff into account.

Its interesting you post what you write above with no trader rating and 74 posts. I don't think you speak from much experience here. Yup that is my opinion don't like it? I don't care I am calling it as it appears.

I haven't sold anything through this account. I've forgotten the password and email to my old account that I made years ago :naw:
I don't think the amount of posts is relevant to how much experience I have but ok. I forgot this is zilvia and posts mean everything
...just stating my opinion as well

I have at least broke even a couple of times which I don't expect to always do. The only way I see myself making profit is if I sell something I get for free or whatever

09-28-2011, 06:08 PM
At least to me, the question of "what is the lowest you will take" is a valid question. Specially if the part/car is very far from me. I don't want to waste the buyers time and myself if they won't even budge on the price or they're lower it less than 5%. It really depends on the item too if its rare or in great condition. Another great point is also the people your dealing with. I have had many people that asked me what my lowest is, I tell them what it is, then they come down and lowball the snot out of me. I tell them to GTFO. I'm a pretty honest seller and buyer, if I'm willing to tell you what my lowest is, that it. Same as if I was the buyer, I wouldn't offer less if he already told me his lowest. I guess it just boils down to common sense and common courtesy.

09-28-2011, 06:38 PM
When I get questions like this in PM I send one-word replies like "artichoke" and "platypus". I think it adequately conveys what I think of their offer.

09-28-2011, 06:45 PM
I know I can not be the only one who is sick and tired of all this pussy footing broke ass low balling, with out any class or etiquette. Yes that is a word so look it up idiots.

virtual assistant (http://globolstaff.com)

09-28-2011, 10:38 PM
The key is to ask more than what you want. Example: You want $5000 for your car, ask $5600. You might come out with more than you expect if you are a good seller, but if you sell it at $5000 it looks like the buyer is getting a good deal. When in reality, its exactly what you wanted out of it. If you have bad negotiation skills then to bad, so sad.

09-29-2011, 12:56 AM
reminds me of this guy

"Hey there. I was wondering if you would let it go for 250 shipped? I picked up a brand new dc for 275 shipped and was hoping not to have to spend more than that for a hotshot. Let me know if you are willing to do that. I know that they are uncommon but the obx is pretty much a perfect copy and super cheap. Let me know!


09-29-2011, 01:16 AM
I am going through this right now, haha.
selling it for $1200, and get offer of $950 and asking me to meet in half. and I have to pay the toll fee.

fuckinga, for real?

I guess the definition of "FIRM" has changed.

09-29-2011, 01:26 AM
I am going through this right now, haha.
selling it for $1200, and get offer of $950 and asking me to meet in half. and I have to pay the toll fee.

fuckinga, for real?

I guess the definition of "FIRM" has changed.

you should tell him to go and not show up lee lol

09-29-2011, 01:46 AM
What this all comes down to is worth.

If you are okay with the term "what is the lowest you will take" that means you do not understand the worth of an item to you, or to the person selling the item. Ideally you would hope the guy selling it , would offer to give it away to you for next to nothing.

The selling situation works like this....

Or Best Offer means the best offer gets the item, under or over asking price. If something is desirable, and rare ,people might even turn it into a bidding war.

Also, if you see this in the title of a sell ad, it means that the lowest they will take will not be the best offer.

Back to the worth topic. Your offer for an item you are interested to buy should reflect what you can afford and what it is worth to you.

If you have 100 dollars and someone is selling some work wheels for $1000, just because you have 100 dollars, doesnt mean you can offer them 100 dollars because you know that the wheels are worth more than 100.

Also, if you see that someone has posted something for a fair price, but have already lowered their price multiple times, without a buy that doesnt mean that you should go in for the kill and try to rip them off. And that is what a large majority of people on zilvia do.

And for the person that doesnt get what this thread is for, it is for the people who have some form of reading comprehension, but do not understand how to bargain or buy items in the marketplace. Because we do not have something like this to discuss these issues with people on this forum.

Maybe some people just do not know what they are doing is rude and disrespectful.

09-29-2011, 09:18 AM
Anyone who uses that "whats your lowest" phrase is an idiot. And then when they defend the phrase by saying "i would rather say that then offend the seller with my offer"

If you KNOW your offer will offend a seller you're a lowballer shit head.

When buying an item, do a little research and make the seller a fair offer and guess what will happen. They might sell you a fucking item every now and then!

09-29-2011, 10:12 AM
I think they use it because they're scared to make a lowball.

I'd rather just put my lowball out there, and have a seller say, "Fuck you, no."

Than make them think about how low they'd sell it.

I say, "The lowest I want to go is my asking price."

I'm also tired of people telling me they want to buy something, and they'll have the money in x weeks.

I just delete those PMs and take them with a grain of salt.

09-29-2011, 01:22 PM
I picked up a motor just the other day we both agreed on a price of 800 I drove three hours had 800 cash and the guy says that will be 875. Point is the sellers try to pull the same shit oppose to buyers who lowball when they agreed on a price. I guess he figured since I drove out that far and wasted my gas that I wouldn't mind paying an extra 75 bucks. I gave him 815 because I really did need that motor

09-29-2011, 01:42 PM
eh, that is not as common.

09-29-2011, 01:44 PM
I sold some wheels to a guy who lives about an hour and a half away from me, he said he wanted to pick them up , but wanted me to meet him half way, so to be nice and to make the sell I DROVE 45 MINS, JUST FOR THE GUY TO SAY HE ONLY HAS 3/4 OF THE AGREED SELLING PRICE.

09-29-2011, 01:49 PM
At that point I would be like "I need x amount for gas and go f*** yourself"

09-29-2011, 02:20 PM
My rules when I sale/buy items on zilvia.

When price is FIRM I ignore all text/PM, and will hang up on people who counter offer.
When price is OBO, depending how long I have had it up, the lowest I ever go is 20% off asking.
If I get the typical, "what the lowest you will take", I just respond with my original price.

If they say FIRM, I respect that, and thats that.
If they say OBO, depending on how desperate they sound, location, & duration the items been up for sale, I will take 1%-20% off price.

I have recieved great deals by just simply being respectful. I shoot my offer, if I can't afford there counter offer I thank them for there time. Sometimes, the seller will ask me how much I have to spend, and they take my price.

09-29-2011, 03:51 PM
sounds like you have your head on straight colpoly....now if only the rest of zilvia can grow a brain.

09-29-2011, 03:55 PM
If I get asked that, I usually respond with "what is the most you are willing to pay?"

09-29-2011, 03:57 PM
My rules when I sale/buy items on zilvia.

When price is FIRM I ignore all text/PM, and will hang up on people who counter offer.
When price is OBO, depending how long I have had it up, the lowest I ever go is 20% off asking.
If I get the typical, "what the lowest you will take", I just respond with my original price.

If they say FIRM, I respect that, and thats that.
If they say OBO, depending on how desperate they sound, location, & duration the items been up for sale, I will take 1%-20% off price.

I have recieved great deals by just simply being respectful. I shoot my offer, if I can't afford there counter offer I thank them for there time. Sometimes, the seller will ask me how much I have to spend, and they take my price.

I wish you would buy parts from me.... I hate it when I agree on a price and people show up and they're bitchin' out like " Oh hey I'm missing x amount suddenly. " I've even had some guy text me at one saying hes gonna be there at two and show up at six only cause he was hitting up junkyards on the way and by the time he got to my house I've been waiting all day and he didn't have enough money and had the audacity to ask me to take whatever he had left. Shitheads I swear... :rl:

09-29-2011, 03:59 PM
i NEVER send people to my house.

09-29-2011, 04:01 PM

drift freaq
09-29-2011, 04:15 PM
while i agree with some of what u say, i don't wholeheartedly agree with it all. for example, ive looked at MULTIPLE cars (this was only in the past month when i was still lookin for one) where they look great in the pics. but based off of what i saw in person, they weren't even recent pictures.

me and this one dude i was talking to in LA came to a price we were both ok with. i told him it was the price i would pay ($6k)IF THE CAR IS EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED. he said "oh it is! theres absolutely nothing wrong with this car!" so i had him get it "smogged" cuz it had headers.

after taking up wheels and an exhaust up there in a small car (thats what the deal was so i could buy it for cheaper than his posted price of 8k), we get there, and this car was a TOTAL POS. looked NOTHING like the pictures. the paint was peeling and faded. dents everywhere. it was smokin like a fuckin chimney too. he said it was from the cams, but i know it was a fuckin blown head gasket. then we look at the coolant, and its some nasty ass muddy shit. almost NOTHING on this car was as described.

as it was, i wasnt even willing to give him 3k for his pos. so i just drove back home. he wasted over 5 hours of my time, and an entire tank of gas. he however, wasted 200 on the illegal smog. but he had it coming to him.
now i know you shouldnt come to a price before you look at a car, but given it was in LA, and im in SD, it was a little more necessary. ill admit that was my amateur mistake. but he shouldn't describe something as perfection, if i can shit out a better looking car.

also happened up at a shop in vista. this guy said this car was FLAWLESS. 10/10 interior and exterior! i go to look at it, and its got fucking dents all over the roof, and qrtr panels. faded paint. the rad core support was welded on the frame, and quite frankily, a 10 yr old could pick up a welder and given proper instructions, could weld better than the welds on this thing. and the entire interior wasnt even in-fucking-tact.


If you had read my posts completely, I specifically pointed out the fact that one should not buy a car based on pics and without looking it over in person. Never and I say never agree to a price on a car till you have seen it in person.

The other parts of my post were related to online used parts sales.

09-29-2011, 04:24 PM
So you tell them to get bent sucking dicks.

End thread.

09-29-2011, 04:40 PM
It makes me feel like a superior human being when I sell items for cheaper than my original asking price.

"Aye, peasant, I take pity at sight of thy poor lowly self, and I shall let you have this Nissan motor chariot part for 10$ less, for I am so kind and just."

09-29-2011, 05:14 PM
I thought of this thread, when I actually paid for what the guy was asking for, because it was a reasonable price, not once did I think, hmmm maybe I can lowball him.

09-29-2011, 07:36 PM
I like when you go to meet up to sell the item and the person asks you if you can sell it for less then the agreed price...

Good times...

09-29-2011, 08:01 PM
If its a good deal, well try to get a better deal, no harm in that. i call it my 50/75 rule. part must be half of original price to consider purchasing it. then if the price is 75% from the 50% then its a really good deal. Although, it wont work if the part is rare or hard to come by yes, it might be stupid to some. If i dont get the deal i want, i simply dont buy it; many parts in cerculation to wait, im a firm believer of waiting... i want it but dont need it, so i can afford to wait... but thats just me.. BTW who brags about paying too much? lol

09-29-2011, 08:11 PM
at the end of the day, if you think you got a good deal then you did.

if you think you sold it for a good price, then you did good. If you complain, then kick your self not the internet.

09-30-2011, 02:32 AM
Yup. I had multiple people ask me if I could drive the part out to them and when I said I couldnt, they asked me to cover their gas by taking it off the price. Really??!

When selling online/craigslist or forum, I never like the ideal of meeting up or deliver without any deposit.

The chances are that if you're selling an item and having to meet up, it is most likely that the buyer will decline to buy for any reason. Thus, you are giving up the upper hand and the advantage, and the buyer will most likely lowball you. This will put you in a bind and you are forced to sell at a price you don't want to sell for it had already wasted your time and gas. You're left being the underdog in the bargaining situation.

When you sell, you must have the leverage but this means that you have the responsibility to phrase your descriptions accurately so that you don't waste people's time. If your descriptions are accurate, and you are honest, you will have leverage. Since the buyer comes to you, and your item is Legit, you can decline any lowballs and the buyer must drive back home, waste gas, and does not the part he or she wants/needs.

If you're honest and truly know the value and conditions of the item, you as a buyer and seller can come out with a good deal.

If for instance, a set of S13 SE wheels with tires is for sale online for $120 obo with bald tires. You as a buyer can be honest and tell the seller what your intentions are: "Hey BRO, I need these wheels but I must buy new tires, so if you could do $80 that would be great, I'd have to pay for new tires, dismount and mounting and all that junk, since these tires have metal sticking out of them."

The seller would most likely say, "Whatever, they are yours." Or counter with "How about $100" since even at the junk yards aluminum wheels are like $25 or so and you gotta find them. These aren't the best but they are OEM and still good structually. Steel wheels and hubcaps would cost you the same any way. These are SE's.

So if you're intelligent and convey reasonable and logical arguement, then both sides can win.

If you're stupid like most people are and don't know or appreciate or research what things worth, then you will insult people and you are a pest.

I hate cheap people, but hate stupid ones more. You know who you are.

"Hey Bro, how about $50 and my ziptied pignose bumper for your TypeX/Aero bumper? and can you meet me 1/2 way from LA to Nebraska nice try but FAIL. lol :boink:

09-30-2011, 02:33 PM
It makes me feel like a superior human being when I sell items for cheaper than my original asking price.

"Aye, peasant, I take pity at sight of thy poor lowly self, and I shall let you have this Nissan motor chariot part for 10$ less, for I am so kind and just."

I am making that my sig later tonight, cracked me up.

09-30-2011, 04:37 PM
the usual $6K + built 240 for sale in the classifieds
"Yo trade you my cressida, its got cut springs, boso pipes, welded diff bald tires.. fair trade man how about it?"

I sold my origin bodykit and the dude spent $20 bucks of the price i let it go on his gas =\

09-30-2011, 04:44 PM
selling a car on ebay is hit or miss.. Ive sold my benz 2 times for a nice amount, first guy said he had one when he was stationed and europe and was gonna get it (auction is over he already won), he flaked and never heard from him again.. 2nd time some dude from florida wanted to fly out here and pick it up and give me a check from his bank that was in his name, that he wanted to sign over to me.. i told him just cash it and bring me cash and he gave me bullshit about not wanting to carry that cash with him.

09-30-2011, 05:08 PM
That's why every time I sell things, I often mention "if you find a cheaper one, then get that cheaper one"...... :)

10-01-2011, 01:27 PM
We shouldnt have to make our sell ads idiot proof.

10-01-2011, 08:38 PM
I hate it when people are all "yo, you want $125? I can get it from Larrys Nissan for $115"

Then why the FUCK are you wasting my time?

This may have already been covered

10-02-2011, 03:44 PM
If somebody asks me the lowest I'll take, I'm going to tell them a number significantly higher than the lowest I will actually take. And I end up selling that that price more often than I would expect.

Buyers, don't be lazy. Make an offer and go from there.

Sellers, add ~15% to your "firm" price, and drop that "obo" nonsense. This is the internet, obo is implied. You'll either make more money, or you can lower down to the firm price.

EDIT: Anybody who tells me "your price is too high." gets an automatic "Sorry item is sold, thanks for your interest"

10-02-2011, 05:11 PM
the typical pristine s14 240sx for 5g in classifieds
"your asking too much, should be no more than 2g it is stock no mods"

10-05-2011, 10:31 PM
yeah and a stock 86 corolla should be 650$$$$ , lol

10-05-2011, 11:30 PM
another good one is when people say "ay man I got 750 CAAAASH!!" cash? really! shit I thought you were paying me in peanuts

10-05-2011, 11:45 PM
A stock S14 should never be more than like $3000. Unless it's a kouki.

10-06-2011, 07:22 AM
I only buy things when i know i can sell it for more just incase i dont need it anymore.

Why dont you just ask whats the best you can do...

10-06-2011, 12:18 PM
i once got "all i got is like 110.. will you take 110 for the s14 lip, the strut tower bars and the radio bracket?"

HA. no. you can take the lip. so i shelled out his wallet and only got $108. broke ass mufuckas.

10-06-2011, 01:59 PM
This all day every day.
basic negotiations

seller asks a high price
stupid buyer pays that price and gets ripped off
smart buyer offers a low price, in order to get a good deal
stupid seller agrees, happy to have a sale
smart seller counters, but still hopes the final price is above normal
smart buyer counters, but still hopes the final price is below normal
if the price goes out of either party's range, there is no deal, and you move on.

if the buyer stated in public what his lowest price is, he could never hope to get the best possible price, and that's not smart

10-06-2011, 02:24 PM
I have no problem with a lowball OFFER.

Someone can offer any $amount they like, I'll either say yes or no.

What I resent is when someone asks "what is your best price?"

Why negotiate against myself? Either give me a $amount or fuck off.

BIG difference between lowballing and asking idiotic questions.

10-19-2011, 09:32 PM
just had one today.

dillhole came over after we agreed on the price of $700
he gives me the classic "i had to put gas in the tank" so he only has $670
i take the $670 and say "you can have the title when you bring me $30"
done deal.

10-19-2011, 09:35 PM
just had one today.

dillhole came over after we agreed on the price of $700
he gives me the classic "i had to put gas in the tank" so he only has $670
i take the $670 and say "you can have the title when you bring me $30"
done deal.

waht u sell?

10-19-2011, 09:51 PM
Rx7 FC


10-19-2011, 11:37 PM
just had one today.

dillhole came over after we agreed on the price of $700
he gives me the classic "i had to put gas in the tank" so he only has $670
i take the $670 and say "you can have the title when you bring me $30"
done deal.

Like a boss!!!!

10-20-2011, 02:52 AM
I've got 10 wheels and tires for sale right now, stock 4 lugs, winter, all season, and two falken azenis.... all mint. Some guy offers me $140 for everything... but some girl offers $100 for two.

Now honnestly, I need to get rid of them, but is anyone in a hurry to buy them? no. I keep telling locals to come to my house and pay what you think is fair. Lazy buyers.

I have no problem with a lowball OFFER.

I do when its public.
All it takes is one loudmouth to set the tone for what your stuff is worth. Its worth as much as someone wants to pay. Any offer should be PM'd to the thread creator, not made public.

I personally like seeing retards pay 8x the price for something to be 'jdm tight', and the seller has the right to make some money sometimes.

A stock S14 should never be more than like $3000. Unless it's a kouki.

That completely depends on location. Much the same as real-estate. I paid $5k for possibly the cleanest s13 chassis in the universe, simply because here in Canada, 90% of s13's are rusted somewhere. Mine is not.

10-20-2011, 08:20 PM
I was trying to sell my pignose bumper with turn signals and plate holder on craigslist for a measly 20 dollars. This guy had the nerve to ask me if that's the lowest I could go. I mean really? The way I feel is that if you have to haggle over 20 dollars than you really shouldn't be spending your money now should you? Not to mention this guy was texting me using slang words and bad grammar. I don't care if you have cash in hand I won't sell to people like this. People like that just end up being bad business.

10-20-2011, 08:46 PM
I'm buying something later on today. Someone here on zilvia.

I'm going to mind F the S out of his H.

I'm going to lowball, then try to pay in check or money order.

Hopefully i can find a wheelchair before then...

Better yet ask them if they accept EBT :p

03-02-2012, 05:47 PM
Sorry to revive this but I got a new standard response from Felicia Bang of 9K Racing:

Buyer: Will you take (most insulting lowball price) shipped?

Me: No. I would rather burn the item and videotape it.

03-02-2012, 05:58 PM
My favorite line is after i decline someones offer and they get mad and say, "Dude (xxx part) go for (low ball amount) ALL DAY". LOL, yes because some internet lowballer wants it for his amount, it means i must sell it to them for that amount. And from my own stereotypical mindset about car people, I believe honda people must be the worst to deal with, just look at craigslist ads if you do not believe me.

03-02-2012, 10:34 PM
i almost bought a jeep today. he wanted $1500 but after a look over, i determined that i would be comfortable offering $1300. but then i drove it and gassed it, then i said nvm i dont wanna die.

03-03-2012, 05:57 AM
What I resent is when someone asks "what is your best price?"

True that, trueeee that!

Another thing i hate is "Make an Offer" then you make a low ball offer, as you would cause it can go 2 ways, and generally your going to run into Option 2.

1. Person really has no idea so they want you to tell them the value, which is really rare cause the person would instantly know a low ball is comming.
2. Person really knows the price but hopes your offer will be higher than there asking price.

Today i sold my S13 SR20DE Auto for $3800 i was asking $4000 for it, my ad even said im willing to sell but bring cash and dont waste my time.. Some guy came brought the money showed 3800 and i said take it away!!

03-03-2012, 01:49 PM
Some guy came brought the money showed 3800 and i said take it away!!

money talks, man.