View Full Version : New Blink 182 Album- Neighborhoods

09-28-2011, 01:49 AM
got the album asap today with the additional 3 songs! first impression: first and second songs were a little too much angels and airwaves-ish for me. i did like AVA, but when i buy a blink 182 cd, thats who i expect to be listening to.
ESPECIALLY the second song. the intro sounded like an AvA song played backwards.... not really sure what the deal with that was.

once i hit song 3 though, it started to come together and sounded more like i was expecting. i wouldn't say its an AMAZING album, or even great. but it IS good, and i think it was worth the 14$ i paid for it.

and im sure ill grow to love it more the more i listen to it.

anyone else go buy the new album yet? and what's your opinion(s)?

09-28-2011, 07:43 AM
ive been a blink fan for years. ill most likely be picking a copy up soon

09-28-2011, 07:48 AM
I thought this album was awful, really disapointing as i've loved blink for a LONG time

09-28-2011, 08:05 AM
as someone who listened to dude ranch in sophmore year of hs on a god damn cd walkman, I enjoyed it. It's not like their old stuff but that's fine, I was happy it wasn't a jerk off travis barker fest (raynor was better). it has some filler tracks though but what blink album doesn't :D

09-28-2011, 08:33 AM
as someone who listened to dude ranch in sophmore year of hs on a god damn cd walkman, I enjoyed it. It's not like their old stuff but that's fine, I was happy it wasn't a jerk off travis barker fest (raynor was better). it has some filler tracks though but what blink album doesn't :D

Discman, bro

so what's the most blink 182 sounding track on this thing? let's get some youtube action. Dude Ranch and Enema were always in my car. everything after that, eh.

09-28-2011, 09:58 AM
loved dis shit.
as for the new album, too EMO, they need to go back to making a bunch of masturbation jokes.

09-28-2011, 10:09 AM
loved dis shit.
as for the new album, too EMO, they need to go back to making a bunch of masturbation jokes.


msg lgnth

09-28-2011, 01:35 PM
Discman, bro

so what's the most blink 182 sounding track on this thing? let's get some youtube action. Dude Ranch and Enema were always in my car. everything after that, eh.

this one

but its been released as a single before the album came out. still think its my fav song on the album tho.