View Full Version : heh no longer only RWD's able to pull it off in USA

12-02-2003, 02:24 PM
Sorry if the title is out of wack, but anyway just reading some pages I have links to related to drifting and came across this.


Not into the honda thing most ricers are doing, but hey atleast the car featured doen't look like it has more lights then a christmas tree. That civic and the owner is cool with me in my book.

I know I'm probably going to get flamed or get a "ignorant" comment, but if someone can get a FWD to drift and not be big headed about it, I'm cool with it.

12-02-2003, 02:41 PM
That site is not 56K friendly at all!!

12-02-2003, 02:41 PM
if someone can get a FWD to drift and not be big headed about it, I'm cool with it.

What makes someone big headed? The guy is a main feature on a DRIFT web page. Lets put aside the fact that the entire site is oversaturated with trendiness, the guy is driving a FWD vehicle.

Drifting a FWD vehicle involves nothing more than having tires in the back that dont grip, undersized, etc. So, what is he doing? He's ass-dragging. Does that count? In my opinion, thats just as credible as doing an e-brake slide.

I think I am going to drive my car on ice and say "Hey guys, look how I am drifting" -- fuckin poseurs.

Please, no more stupid posts. :)

12-02-2003, 02:48 PM
may I be the first to say you got :Owned:

12-02-2003, 02:53 PM
dam lol, somehow I knew you were going to post a reply like that Old_S13. Agree that it was dumb of the driver to comment that him and his friend "drifted", I guess its rally style, in the snow and thought he could do the same on regular roads with no extra conditions to break traction.

hmm says that he made second place....but HCI magazine held the event and their magazines 80% of the time are relating to "show cars".


12-02-2003, 03:26 PM
In my OPINION this debate is just a battle of opinions. That's all it is. Everyone is going to have a different view about drifting and what to consider drifting. In Japan where drifting originated at people drift the Civic Hatch, so are we saying we are going to change the meaning of drifting and say that FWD's aren't drifting.

In my opinion it's all just Opinion that's all that I'm saying. I personally do not like FWD cars.

12-02-2003, 04:53 PM
there have been other cars than RWD to have success drifting, even here in the US... millen took his evo out at the first drift event there was over in cali...
evos are AWD, for those who don't realize that.

12-02-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by andrave
there have been other cars than RWD to have success drifting, even here in the US... millen took his evo out at the first drift event there was over in cali...

wasnt even close to the first drift event out here.

12-02-2003, 05:04 PM
Its official! This thread sucks ass

12-02-2003, 05:09 PM
FWD Drifting IMO is consiterd Drifting If you can drift without using the ebrake, I myself can do it in my sentra, its called left foot braking. I can do it from time to time, but its very hard to master it. If this kid could drift without ebrake and beat all FWD cars, im impressed.

12-02-2003, 05:15 PM

The answer is NO. No, what? NO, just NO!!! :)

I read in that new DRIFT magazine, the first issue.. that they had this SAME debate.. and asked a bunch of car enthusiasts, from race teachers to other well knowledgeable folks in the industry.. the reviews were mixed.

Let me be one to say NO. And I say this not because I hate FWD cars, I dont.. I just dislike their concept and would never own one. I think FWD cars are useful, they are not bad machines.. enjoy them, fix them up, do what you want with them.. drive them how you want. But please, dont classify a FWD vehicle as being able to drift, because it cant.

You can use your e-brake, you can use momentum and run thin/slippery tires in the back.. there are numerous ways to attempt to replicate what RWD and AWD cars do, but it is never the same. Personally, I dont even care for AWD cars.. but hey, what can you do. Some of these AWD cars are tricky.

- Mike

12-02-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by knghtryde
In Japan where drifting originated...

Who says drifting originated in Japan? People have been sliding automobiles ever since automobiles were created! Watch Bullit, tell me they dont slide those old Mustangs. Ask my Dad who lived in Greece and Canada, he'll tell you what cars did when driving on ice, whether you wanted them to do it or not. When you get accustomed to driving your car with little to no control on ice, you can adapt that same feeling while driving on dry pavement, wet pavement, etc..

What DID happen is the folks in Japan have found an appreciation for this form of driving. Regardless if its drift or grip, having appreciation for your car and perfecting your skills as a driver is part of the Japanese culture and well, hopefully its spreading over here to the US as well.

Lets just hope Americans can be less superficial and enjoy this sport without playing (or selling) themselves out.

- Mike

12-02-2003, 05:29 PM
When I was six I drifted my power wheels jeep.

12-02-2003, 05:33 PM
OMG me and my friends would fucken but an autoX in the middle of the neighborhood in the power wheels.

12-02-2003, 05:51 PM
Oh boy, old_s13 is going to hate me for this.
I believe you can drift an fwd car.

Take for instance that video clip, I'm sure just about everyone has seen the one I'm talking about, of those two little k-cars.
I think anyone in their right minds would call that drifting.
What separates those guys in the vid from the average fwd "drifter" is that they hold nice continuous slides through several corners. They almost make it look like they are driving rwd cars. I find it entertaining. You probably do not, but what do I care.

Look, I totally agree that the average "joe fwd" just pulls their e-brake, slides a little, and then brags to his buddies that he's a drifta. It's obvious to everyone(who's not retarded) that he's not.
But, continuously sliding a fwd car around consecutive corners IS drifting. Plain and simple.


12-02-2003, 05:55 PM
I guess i'll be the first to say ive seen the vid of this guy "drifting" and its a pretty sad sight. He's going about 5-10 miles per hour, slides the back end around, loses control and hits the dirt on almost every turn. NOTE: he slides the back end, not the whole car.

12-02-2003, 06:07 PM
The drift craze that's been happening lately explains the reasons why they have article on so called fwd drifting....."seriously though!", if there were no drifting craze, you wouldn't probably find a article about some guy trying to drift with a civic...and if there was a article, chances are....it would be in japanese....

12-02-2003, 06:24 PM
I just watched the vid of the guy this thread is about.
It's so lame.
No control. :ghey:


Edit: here's the kid. http://www.steelcitysfinest.com/Video.htm

12-02-2003, 06:25 PM
kyle arai has been drifting his civic at driftsession for years now.

12-02-2003, 06:41 PM
I was just about to bring up Kyle when I read the first post. Kyle is one crazy guy and seriously, his FWD style is awesome. Even the guys from Japan (Signal Auto, Julius, etc...) were visibly impressed with him and with what he's doing w/ a FWD car.

12-02-2003, 06:44 PM
I saw this guy at one of the hyperfest's. At first when i saw there was a civic in the competiton i was like waht the hell is this tool doing here, but as soon as he made his first pass i was totaly shown up by this guy. It was truley amazing to see it. it seemed as if the car was RWD. this is just my 2 cents. I think this battle of "can FWD cars drift or not", i think it is all a matter of opinion and it will always be that way.

12-02-2003, 06:57 PM
yeah, i saw the video of the fwd drift, it was all hyped up

it wasnt a drift

now, i am no drift expert, but i know what it is and what he was doing in that video is not drifting

12-02-2003, 07:57 PM
What an interesting article that was.

One of the many definitions of drift are:
the motion or action of drifting especially spatially and usually under external influence: as a : the lateral motion of an aircraft due to air currents b : an easy moderate more or less steady flow or sweep along a spatial course c : a gradual shift in attitude, opinion, or position d : an aimless course; especially : a foregoing of any attempt at direction or control e : a deviation from a true reproduction, representation, or reading

So it depends on how you interpret. The hardcore RWD/AWD guys would say nay, while those who have the FWD and can somehow manipulate the motion in which or deviate from the intended direction would call would say yea.

It is an opinion, that is, how you wish to perceive. Enjoy your freedom to make those opinions and have the individuality as it were. It will be gone before you know it.

12-02-2003, 08:25 PM
Thats so nasty, and that guy has been doing that for years apparently. I was reading the litle interview thing with him, and he describes the process as ebrake to swing the back out, and gas to bring it straignt, and thats exactly what it looks like, not smooth at all, just jerky movements and little control, but he does keep the car moving, so I guess that should count for something. eh?

12-02-2003, 09:32 PM
whether hes drifting or not, he sucks.

SiDeWaYs S150sx
12-02-2003, 10:01 PM

I've seen some videos of them tearing it up drifting, I didn't realize ppl still thought FR and AWD cars were the only ones that could drift:confused:

12-02-2003, 11:13 PM
check out the promo video of that latest alfa romei, the small 3 door hatch GTV model.. they had some professional hotshoe balling down a race track left foot braking. its FWD but he is hard core sliding it sideways on every curve. first time I saw it I though the damn thing was AWD with RWD bias or something, its hardcore.

12-02-2003, 11:19 PM
hmm cant remember what Japanese magazine it was, but I did translate some of it, (maybe was HyperRev) but it had a article about the difference between Exhibition Drifting and "battle" drifting. Exhibition can be described as when a driver swings out the rear of the car during a turn and hold it as long as possible and keep the "line" of the drift. Battle drift is more time attack orientated, less showing off and more concentation on overtaking your opponent and/or decreasing your E.T.A. from start to finish.

My translation of the article probably isn't precise, but then again I'm still learning how to read Japanese.

I'm thinking that FWD's would be better at power sliding then drifting. But some modifications could make them appear as a RWD drifting if the rear tires had no traction. But then thats just saying that the FWD's can only act like RWD's by modding the car even more to be some what equal on what RWD's can do "naturaly"/stock drivetrain layout.

Um....Old_s13, didn't you say on the honda forum where you roasted most of people on there and stating that you owned an Accord or something like that? trying to remember, claiming your reason on being there was that you owned a honda so you did have a right to be there..........lol, before you gave them a beating and they banned you. lol.

12-03-2003, 12:22 AM
Not to be rude or anything but i dont think FWD are made to drift i mean your pretty much using ebrake as a standard way to get the car to lose balance. Where the RWD cars can do it without the ebrake. Also how the hell can you do a lift off oversteer on a fwd its impossible because you cant keep the car in oversteer in a FWD car. For those who dont know the lift off oversteer drifting technique, it is when you drift a turn and then shift the weight of the car to drift the next turn (kind of like a "S" turn).

12-03-2003, 07:29 AM
#1 : there is NO CAR made to drift. automakers spend mad $$$ designing cars so drivers dont go sliding all over the road. so plz stop saying FWD cars aren't made to drift. DUH. neither are RWD or AWD. why else do they always boast about the superior control of awd in bad weather... it just happens RWD will be more unstable in some situations (depends on driver of course blah blah...)

#2 : handbrake drift is not a noob drift. it is a legitamate technique to break the rear end loose. what makes clutch kicking, weight transfer, off throttle, heavy brake or any of these other techniques more advanced the handbrake? nothing! to write it off just b/c ppl say its a noob technique is like grip driving without using brakes, b/c only noobs use brakes! its retarded. you use every tool u have.

#3 drifting did not originate in japan. drift has been around for almost as long as racing. drifting originated back in the early days of racing when cars were tiny little boxes on four super thin wheels racing around on dirt roads. (think early 1900s people). and back then, a 4 wheel drift probably WAS the fastest way around the curve, b/c of road condition and tire technology (super thin and super hard).

#4 ff cars can drift. and they can drift on all 4 wheels. it won't be as easy or as cheap for them, but if a ff car is set up properly and driven correctly, it can drift. and a ff drifter gets respect in my book... cuz he's driving and drifting despite what every1 else thinks... i.e. he's doing it b/c he loves it; and he's going to get alot of hate from fr nazis.

12-03-2003, 09:46 AM
Very nice 2 cents Aznpoopy, I totaly agree, if they love what their doing and they can fool ppl to think they have a rwd car all power to them. If your a FWD drift and your asked how you made your car RWD IMO i woluld take that as a compliment.

Also has anyone seen the Top Gear Car of the Year vid?

It has Tiff Drifting a Ford Puma, FWD and he is drifting the SHIT! Out of it without the ebrake its freaking crazy, DL it... NOW!

12-03-2003, 10:52 AM
If you have never seen a FWD car "lift off oversteer".
Then you do not watch enough touring car racing.

If you are going fast enough, and you let off the gas, the weight of the car will be shifted regardless of if it is a FWD, RWD or AWD car.
The physics are the same.


12-03-2003, 11:37 AM
aznpoopy> #1 : there is NO CAR made to drift.

I was just going to bring up the Ford Puma video as an example of a FWD car "drifting" or, that other video in Japan where some nuts are sliding those k-cars.. I guess some people call that "drifting."

Its quite obvious I have my own stubborn beliefs, I am stuck in my ways and really like RWD.. whether its FR or MR or RR.. as long as the rears push and the front steer/brake, I am happy.

If people want to drag race with their FF's, which they've BEEN doing.. then fine. There is nothing you can do to STOP people from doing something. If someone wants to run with their hands (drive a fwd car) -- then by all means, do it. For me, I am just not interested in that.. its not my cup of tea.

When you watch the Ford Puma slide, you are watching Tiff, a very experienced race car driver slide the car. Pay attention to the feint, he has to kick out and then pull in to get the back to WHIP out. WOW! That is amazing technique.. and I am not being sarcastic. What does that show? It shows to me that he's a skilled driver, because a true driver can make any car do anything.. it could be a fucking tractor and he'd make it slide. If seeing tractors and bicycles slide is your cup of tea, by all means.. do it.. watch it.. support it.. whatever. Me, I'll continue to watch what I like.

The K-car video.. full e-brake. Sure, they're ripping it up. If I had two k-cars at my dispense, a track, and a friend.. I'de probably do the same.

Just not my cup of tea.. in my opinion, FWD cars do not have those characteristics which should be cherished by "drifters" as people like to call us (yawn). Shit, watch the Best Motoring video of when they drive the Lancer and Evo.. its the most boring race EVER. Each lap consisted of the SAME crap.

In my eyes, FWD is just economy kid shit. Its amazing how all the high dollar cars ALWAYS end up being either RWD or AWD (depending on its purpose). I hate bashing FWD like this, especially since there are quite a few that I actually like.. but when it comes to this type of nonsensical discussion.. I get all fuckin worked up. Torque steer is a bitch, aint it? :)

12-03-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Phoen_x_s14
Um....Old_s13, didn't you say on the honda forum where you roasted most of people on there and stating that you owned an Accord or something like that? trying to remember, claiming your reason on being there was that you owned a honda so you did have a right to be there..........lol, before you gave them a beating and they banned you. lol.

They never banned me really, they just closed the thread.

Me? Own a Honda? Yeah my cousin has a Civic and two uncles have Accords, thats close enough to "owning" for me. :)

12-03-2003, 12:34 PM
where is the link to this vid? someone fork it over before this thread gets locked.

FWD make good commuter and family cars. :p I personally like the new Maxima.....but when the new M35/45 comes out that will be my top choice of sedans.

12-03-2003, 12:50 PM
Very nice point, Tiff can make a car do flipps if he wanted to ;) Tiff is one of my heros.. anyways back on topic.

I say, whatever floats your boat, do it . Im not the biggest fan of AWD also, eh unless its like a S4 or somthing

12-03-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by old_s13
They never banned me really, they just closed the thread.

Me? Own a Honda? Yeah my cousin has a Civic and two uncles have Accords, thats close enough to "owning" for me. :)

Haha, so you were "lying" on that honda forum then, lol. Oh well they deserved it anyway. Especially the Flip guy who wrecked his car for "attempting to drift" his Del Slow.

I myself cant stand most FF's but there are a few exceptions. The Mazda 6 is nice, but haven't seen a fixed up one that wasn't tuned for show yet. As long as their aren't riced out and are not built for show purposes only. Heh, the only time I drive my sisters Accord is when I can't fit people or stuff in my 240sx. Wouldn't mind having one for my beater car, but of course as soon as you upgrade or tune the car in the smallest detail, some ricers always trying to try you. Dam, so annoying like ants in the kitchen. Too many to crush with one stomp.

12-03-2003, 02:05 PM
In response to ZOLTAN, How can you maintain speed in a FWD around those turns? You will lose speed in a FWD due to the fact that their is no power pushing the car foward cause what a fwd is doing is pulling the car straight. So i really think its in impossible for a fwd to keep the rear end out and still "DRIFT" when its beginning to lose speed. Where the RWD can gain speed and allow the car to oversteer as long as you want hence why lift off oversteer is in favor for FRs and AWDs. Plus show me some pics or vids of a FWD doing a Lift off oversteer around two turns and ill be impressed.

12-03-2003, 02:09 PM
Sorry i meant FAINT drifting technique rather than lift off oversteer hehe.
Faint Drift- this is performed by rocking the car towards the opposite direction of a turn and then using the rebound of grip to throw the car into the normal cornering direction. (note: this is heavy rally racing technique used to change vehicle attitudes during cornering)

12-03-2003, 02:43 PM
silviasr20det : first off, please stop explaining drifting techniques to us... we KNOW what these techniques are. second, its 'FEINT' not FAINT. FEINT or what some refer to as a weight transfer or weight shift oversteer. its called 'FEINT' because you fake out a motion to the oppositte direction you want to drift. the fact that you spelled it as FAINT twice makes me wonder if you understand that.

second, zoltan was talking touring car racing... i.e. grip driving at the limit, so you won't have any off throttle drift entries around multiple corners. i personally have seen a type R off throttle too much in a corner, engine brake kick in, and totally spin out. so it is definitely very possible (and a concern) for FF drivers.

as for a feint entry, just throw some sand bags in the trunk of a civic, get it up to speed and whip the steering wheel. its a weight issue, not a drivetrain issue. the reason its hard for a fwd is b/c the back is too light so its hard to get any momentum going. but it is VERY possible. whether it is feasible in drifting competition is beyond me.

what i don't understand is why you would bash a fwd car b/c its harder for him to pull off a drift... if anything the driver is going to need a much better understanding of drift and driving to be able to get the car to perform like that.

12-03-2003, 02:52 PM
WTF are you talking about?
A fwd car has drive wheels just like a rwd car.
Do you think that fwd cars magically pull themselves along.
A fwd cars loses speed the same way a rwd car does.
"How can you maintain speed in a FWD around those turns?"
I don't know, you floor it.:rolleyes:
I'm not going to argue that a rwd car can carry more speed through a whole turn while sliding
But, sliding is sliding no matter if the car is pushing itself or pulling itself.

It's pretty funny that your making motorsports references.
Yet your forgetting that you can set up a fwd car to "oversteer".
Again watch some touring car racing and you might get a jist of what I'm getting at. Or, better yet, since you mentioned rallying, watch some Super 1600 rally footage.
So, if the fwd car has a bit of "oversteer", and the driver is going quickly enough and lets off the throttle, the back end will begin to slide out. Now it's just a matter of holding that momentum cleanly to the next corner. No, it's not exactly like rwd "oversteer", but a loose rear end is a loose rear end.

Sure a rwd car can do larger and longer turns, I agree with that.
But, as noted in several of the previous posts, a talented driver can slide anything. So, stick that great driver in a well prepped ff car on a smaller course(like some of the little "drift" tracks they have in japan) and you have some multi-corner continuous drifting.
Hell, he'll more than likely out "drift" alot of the rwd guys.


12-03-2003, 05:27 PM
As for me spelling FEINT wrong is my bad because i got that from a site that explained different drift techniques i just forgot to correct it (the person who posted it spelled it wrong). Ive seen it in action on one of those best motoring videos so im sure i know what it is. Secondly im not bashing FWDs im just comparing it to a RWD in the same conditions. I wouldnt think that a FWD would be able to drift a turn being sideways in the entry and finishing it all the way through to the end. At the apex it could but i dont think it could from the entry where the RWD drivetrain would come in handy. I know that that a FWD can be set for oversteer to compensate with the understeer so that it can be a more of a neutral balance.

12-03-2003, 11:02 PM
I agree with Mr Zoltan and AznPOOP man, they are right in many ways..

Have you guys ever seen the SAAB demonstration video? PLEASE tell me you've seen that, and those SAABs were NOT RWD, they are FWD.. very impressive driving, fucking incredible stunt driving. If no one has seen it, let me know.. I may share it with a few folk here.

Personally, I am impressed more by drivers and their skill.. not so much the car and its setup. What seems to fuel my anger are the people who generalize and use these words incorrectly. All I hear are trendy bandwagon bastards using words like DRIFT and JDM.

I feel like snapping necks when I hear people saying what a car is DESIGNED for, as if the 240SX has ALWAYS been a "drifters" car. Where were these cocksuckers 6 years back when NO one appreciated the "truck powered 240SX with unstable handling" -- that is what I recall reading in the magazines. My ass, the handling on my 240SX is stable enough to play with M3's and such, so you tell me if thats good or not.

I have a solution: people need to drive their cars, work on their cars, and shut the fuck up. :) :) :)

12-04-2003, 04:28 AM
Well, i just watched the video and i must say....THAT GUY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how the hell did he get featured? Damn, even I would tear that guy up and I'm not that good at all. Kyle arai would rip that guy apart at FWD drifting.

12-04-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Sniper-X
Well, i just watched the video and i must say....THAT GUY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how the hell did he get featured? Damn, even I would tear that guy up and I'm not that good at all. Kyle arai would rip that guy apart at FWD drifting.

im not going to download any vid here, but it was discussed on FA which someone posted it. TERRIBLE!
if its the same one

ive heard quite a bit about Kyle and ive yet to see video. heard great thigns about him! any links to vid clips? thanks!

i was watching Opt. #42 and has a FF (ef civic) drifting...nuts. sooo fast hahaha..and very very good. even keiichi and orido were impressed, he made it to the 'individual' round after the team rounds. :) but of course, Koguchi won the competition (kumakubo #2)

12-04-2003, 10:06 AM
boooooooooooo fwd boooooooooooooooo!!!

12-04-2003, 02:02 PM
Man I think you lost it. FWD cars will never be able to drift like RWD cars. Not as fast and not with nearly as much control.

And also looking at your club, man that thing is crazy. Your rules are crazy and your requirements, my god, good luck finding more than 2 members. Did you acutally sit down and write thouse rules one day.

12-04-2003, 11:01 PM

12-04-2003, 11:40 PM

12-04-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by xLSTONEx
Man I think you lost it. FWD cars will never be able to drift like RWD cars. Not as fast and not with nearly as much control.

And also looking at your club, man that thing is crazy. Your rules are crazy and your requirements, my god, good luck finding more than 2 members. Did you acutally sit down and write thouse rules one day.

Thats the reason the team is named 2nd To None Development, how can you be the best with car's tuned just like everyone else? Thats how I'm weeding out the wannabe's and posers, who actually want to be fast, not look fast. Thats one of the reasons why requirements are high, whats the point of you joining the team if the only thing you have to offer from your car is what everybody else has already on the same car? I don't plan on making this a big team, the lesser the numbers the better. It's not going to be power by number of members, but gaining power by each member skills and his/her car setup. Besides, if one member of my team, could easily defeat/out race half of another team, what does that have to say about the other team?
I don't know about where you live, but in GA, its mostly show car teams or lots of average tuned cars that think they are the fastest just because they have the most members. And thats why me and others, decided its time for a change in the import tuning community in GA, maybe even set a standard or two.

I've been in and around various teams, and it was always something that I didn't like how they did things. Lack of communication between members, members won`t agree with the so called "captain" cuz he`s a azz, too many people who want to lead but have no skills in any leadership role, etc.
No I didn't come up with that in one night, that's been planned and thought through for several months since last year with other co-founders of the team, who left other teams for reasons listed above. If you think the requirements to high, then I wonder what you think is qualifiable as mild? Like I said, the requirements are high to weed out those who aren't going to be for "all go" and to have something maybe different power wise on your car from someone else who is tuning it.

12-05-2003, 12:32 AM
The above post reminds me of being in highschool :p

Trust me man, you'll outgrow this "I have to be the fastest" mind set soon enough.

12-05-2003, 12:53 AM
The main reason people form or join a "team" is to have fun with friends and meet new people with similar interests. Your "Rules" list totally kills the entire concept of the "team". Its funny that not even your own car lives up to your Team standards. What is that saying right there? Sorry to be so blunt, but your trying to be so different that your actually ending up exactly the same.

12-05-2003, 06:53 AM
I agree... i was showing my girlfriend that rules list and laughing my ass off... every member of the "team" has a swap planned for 2004, i'm willing to bet none of you ever get them.

12-05-2003, 08:46 AM
wow... na FR hp requirement... even takumi fujiwara wouldn't be allowed to join.

12-05-2003, 08:56 AM
too funny
wth has rules for a team?

Pink GodziRa is our 'team'

we dont have monthly meets
we dont have rules
we dont have regulations and requirements

its about HAVING FUN and making friensd and hanging out working on cars

too funny

dont take the 'team' thing so serious!

PG [as a 'team'] is and always will be a joke. :D

12-05-2003, 09:00 AM
Wow 220 NA HP, are you for real. You must be retarded. Cuz thats so much power for NA, for a 4 cly. You need to do some seriouse mods to get that. Your team is very retarded, you can go and race the dRiFt kInGz.. Fool.. why dont you make a team with friends that have regular cars.. HP isent everything.. your rules are just strait up dumb... and come on, you guys know you will never swap your engine out, you cant even been in your own team... Your booted out of your own team!!! Ohh I bet you will say "Well im going to have that much power" HAHAH So that means everyone on the board could be in your club, cuz one day they will have that much power... haha wake up



PS. Are you 16?

PSS your a fool

12-05-2003, 10:18 AM
Since when did you have to agree to a fuckin contract to be a part of a team? Second, who the fuck wants to join a team? That shit is SO gay. I have friends who've tried to get me involved when I was 19, back then I thought the whole concept was retarded. Now I am 26 and I STILL think that shit is retarded.

Having your car and making it part of your life with TEAM this TEAM that, its all crapola. Affiliations are ultra wack. I see kids rolling "Team Autobots" -- "yeah thats great..." I think to myself, the transformers was a good CARTOON, its not a fucking reality show you gay asses.

haha man I am not saying this to talk shit, but... well.. yeah actually, I am completely talking shit. Quit being a fag. :) If you want to kick ass on the streets, just kick ass. There should be no reason to have fuckin rules, requirements and other crap. Give me a stock fuckin Miata and I'll kick ass... balls and skill make a good driver, not these lame requirements.

- Mike

12-05-2003, 10:43 AM
Not the Miata!!!!


12-05-2003, 10:51 AM
i didn't know that car clubs were a "team sport"? :p

12-05-2003, 12:41 PM
I always thought clubs were kind of gay anyway. You see thouse stickers on people's car like "Import Xtasy" and your like "wtf?" Also if you have less members in your Team then there is really no fun in it. What do yall talk about at your meetings. Do you have a Team dyno day with 2 people?? Just give it up, you know that team will never exsist and none of your team will get engine swaps, even you. I think your to young to know how to save and spend your money, but when you want to buy it you'll see it will never happen.

Sorry I changed the subject earlier to. I did post my view about the orginal topic, the next paragraph was just what I thought about your club.

Well If I ever get that much HP to be in your club, I'll give you a call.;)

12-05-2003, 01:06 PM
I found this on his website...

With the current addition of two new members of the team I co-founded, I think its going to be a great start. I`ve learned my lesson from being in and around various teams and how they work.......which they don`t work too well. Most times, members won`t agree with the so called "captain" cuz he`s a azz, too many people who want to lead but have no skills in any leadership role, or you got a mix bunch of tuners that wanna be show, go, or try too hard to be both when they don`t have the deep pockets to back it up. Well I plan on changing that, and not only a change but to set a standard to the racing/import tuning communities of Ga, and someday the entire South/Southeast. Most people know I cant stand show car`s anymore but there are a few exceptions. I can understand that the car was initially built for racing, has reached its highest potential and is now retired, only exhibiting at car shows. But if you straight out build a car just for show...meaning you built a car; which was intended, designed, and engineered to move people/objects from once place to another, just to build it but to only show whats it got PARKED!? After all my team members finishes their engine swaps or mine first and after I reach 500-600hp which is pretty easy for a skyline engine, I`m going on a campaign to take the streets, drag strips, highways, and auto tracks back from honda`s who think they run shiet when they haven`teven reach 300hp. Like I said last time, you better be ready when 2TN`D Racing comes into effect, either you keep up with me and my team or be faster then me or my team, or just get dusted and schooled for being the ricer that you are or thinking honda`s are the only thing superior on/off the streets, strip, or track.
<BR> Cuz even the magazines prove it, such as Import Tuner`s Power Pages Magazine. A stock Integra GSR; HP at the flywheel 170-175, WHP is around 140-maybe 145. Spend about a thousand for crap bolt ons, and you only gain maybe 10-12 hp through your rpm band. And if its a civic, haha B18`s ain`t cheap nowadays, thats like what, maybe $2900-3300 for a swap not including cost of labor. So in total, around $4300+ and your still not even hitting past 200hp`s. PATHETIC. Now, for a 240SX, sr20`s are a dime a dozen, heck you thought hondas are kings of engine swaps, you ain`t learn anything yet. a 240sx can use a Silvia SR20 swap, a 180sx CA18 swap, 300ZX/fairlady VG30 swap, Skyline RB series swap, Supra 2JZ-GTE TT, heck even a Camero LS1 swap. And all of these engines are bulletproof from 400HP and up. Doubt your lil honda engine is capable of that. So for example, a 1995 240sx gets a 1998 SR20, thats 220 at the flywheel, around 190 at the wheels. $2800 plus labor, maybe $3400. Simple bolt ons, catback $500 range, adds close to 20HP right there. Then maybe even a boost controller around $300......haha possibilties are endless on that one. So, with the same money you spent on a lousy 1.8 liters and only making 155-160 at the wheels for $4300 plus, you could have made 260+hp at the wheels for a hundred or more for less money. And don`t tell me civics are made for racing. Civics are sold and marketed for the highschool girl who likes to go shopping while bringing her friends along for the ride. Don`t doubt me on that, cuz I`ll show you the commercial Honda put on tv for it. The only real civic made for track racing, NOT DRAG RACING, is the Type R, SiR, and Si. If you don`t believe me, then why did you have to do a engine swap and change out your suspension if you got an EX? No matter what the year. Heh, like I thought.
<BR>Soon there will be....No One Faster, 2TN`D Racing.

.................................................. .....................................

Can LS1s and 2JZ-GTE TT actually fit in 240's? I didn't think so, who knows I could be wrong. But man you got this stuff all messed up. Your 19 man.

12-05-2003, 01:28 PM

time to buy a new car.

Yah, I don't think anyone has swapped in an LS1 from a Camaro into a 240 yet. Those things are huge. Must be thinking about the LT1 from a '96 impala ss...

12-05-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by xLSTONEx
Can LS1s and 2JZ-GTE TT actually fit in 240's? I didn't think so, who knows I could be wrong. But man you got this stuff all messed up. Your 19 man.

i know 2jz can. its been done before

12-05-2003, 02:50 PM
lmao, well, i just saw that video, and that is the SADDEST thign i have ever seen. is it even drifting if the front doesnt slidE? lol he couldnt even keep it on the road:P

12-05-2003, 03:44 PM
There definatley have been been chevy 350's swaped into a 240sx, but I haven't seen the ls1 yet, same displacement, so i'd imagine it would fit with some work.

Edit: Bam!! Chevy 350 for sale right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2445898674&category=6396

12-05-2003, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by old_s13

I have a solution: people need to drive their cars, work on their cars, and shut the fuck up. :) :) :)

Damn Right! I think im gonna create a new club and the requirements are gonna be this: rust has to cover atleast 75% of your car and/or your car must have atleast 5 different body colors. :p

12-05-2003, 04:49 PM
"Soon there will be....No One Faster, 2TN`D Racing."

hehe i love that line, sounds like fuckin Megatron trying to hype up all the bad guys...

"SOON Optimus, you shall pay! The decepticons will unite and WE will stand to rule the WORLD"

In the meantime that gay ass Star-scream is sitting there like a hater trying to plot against Megatron, fuckin cheap fluke. I hate lakees like Starscream, he's a gayass jet... how is he gonna fuck with a GUN -- megatron will bust a cap in his ass, he truly is a gangsta.

- Mike

12-05-2003, 05:11 PM

I can't stop laughing at this picture. HAHAHAHAHAHA

12-05-2003, 07:11 PM
this is the funniest thread since the "In memory of Lil GTR" thread, hahaha.

12-05-2003, 07:16 PM
http://vr4.org/img/npr/random/baddudehijack.jpg http://vr4.org/img/npr/random/baddudehijack.jpg http://vr4.org/img/npr/random/baddudehijack.jpg

We MUST get in as much whoring as possible b4 the thread is locked! The baddest dude in the world can't save this thread now!!!!111

12-05-2003, 08:15 PM
The baddest dude in the world can't save this thread now!!!!111

This is very true, being the baddest dude in the world, I realize that even I can't save this thread.:cool:

12-05-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by po1z5che__
lmao, well, i just saw that video, and that is the SADDEST thign i have ever seen. is it even drifting if the front doesnt slidE? lol he couldnt even keep it on the road:P

yes he sux, but every1 needs to stop hating on him... at least he's out there on the track trying to drift. if he comes out talking shit and saying he's a great drifter, then fine.. flame him... cuz he's obviously not; but otherwise he's actually out there drifting (or trying to), unlike the vast majority of internet drifters... everyone starts somewhere right? in 2 yeras he might be able to throw his ff civ around like nothing else. and his car if anything says to me that he doesnt care at all about looks, which is a plus in my eyes.

12-05-2003, 11:17 PM
That's still not gonna save the tread. And that picture is pretty halrious anubis. I wonder if he is going to say anything else now?

12-05-2003, 11:28 PM
There has got to be a Bad mutha left who can rescue this thread!!!!

12-05-2003, 11:52 PM
yes he sux, but every1 needs to stop hating on him... at least he's out there on the track trying to drift. if he comes out talking shit and saying he's a great drifter, then fine.. flame him... cuz he's obviously not; but otherwise he's actually out there drifting (or trying to), unlike the vast majority of internet drifters... everyone starts somewhere right? in 2 yeras he might be able to throw his ff civ around like nothing else. and his car if anything says to me that he doesnt care at all about looks, which is a plus in my eyes.
yea your right, atleast he tried, but why a civic. theres lots of affordable rwd cars around, that i would take over a civic ANY DAY.

12-05-2003, 11:58 PM
hmm, seems like some people on this forum have nothing better to do but be on the internet all day and post comments, some close minded. So sue me that I don't have time to quote everyone on everything they say in the smallest details. I'm working two jobs, heck I just started my network admin job at SunTrust Securites on Monday, I'm the youngest so far in my department, but yet I'm getting paid like I'm a 35 year old with 8 years of experince. So with all my hardwork to get where I am, thats how I'm going to be paying for my RB25DET clip and some rebuilding of the head. Some of you are on the internet so much just to flame and post comments, when you might as well get certified for something in computers. So keep being close minded and following my every word just to quote it in bold, break it down to the smallest detail, and comment on every thing. I dont have time for that, I'd rather get paid for even putting that much effort.
I didn't even post "JOIN MY TEAM, YEAH WE'RE THE SHIZNIT" but yet some of you are assuming that I did, and flaming just cause you have nothing better to do. I didn't ask you to read it, I just listed if you want to read then its there if you want. I don't remember putting a gun to your hollow head and told you to click my link. I am kicking/smoking cars on the streets, heck doesn't matter if I go up against a Cobra, atleast I'll know where I stand and what gear he beats me at so I can improve my car and skills on that. I never begged any of you to join yet you take it like I did in your posts. Wonder if those who did even have a job, and get parts for their cars instead of hating on those who's working and tuning their cars. Your entitled to your own opinon, but I didn't even bring up my team to this post untill some one asked about it.
And as for my my so called team charter, most of you didn't even bother to read the rest and understand. I guess yall were so set on posting something smart just to get a laugh in you didn't even read that WHP isn't the only thing you can have to pass a requirement. Heck you can even do a drift exhibition in front of me to pass. With you driving, in your own car. You can even challenge any current members in the team to any of their rules, but hey if you beat them by their rules, then that shows to me that you got potential. Instead of complaining bout this and that. The requirements are a challenge, if you can't surpass it, then that filters you out. If you think its out rageous for me to even list that, then stop reading from there. Cause you already just proven that your not even going to try to even meet a sixth of the limits of your car. Besides, why should I just let any car join? Most honda's on the streets are running the same setups. Whats the difference between them performance wise? Hardly any, most of them have similar bolt ons. Yet hardly are pushing past 200 whp. If I let any car in, I'm just like any other team. Heck I might as well let ford pinto's in just because it has a intake. Wow, I'm going to be really beat other teams with that car, for sure. I might as well let all the RWD cars on the road in too, just because their RWD. This isn't suppose to be a team who just hang out and bring their cars. If it was I would have put that in the purpose for creating this team. But you probably just skipped on reading that. I don't plan on "showing off" members cars at some car show, you can join any other team and do that. You can complain and curse all you want about teams, bout if you just sit on the computer all day and not do anything about it, why are you even commenting? Heck go smoke someone in any car, you dislike teams so much go challenge a team by yourself and beat them all. I'm pretty sure those show car teams will offer a "good challenge". You meet up at some Dennys and talk all you want. We'll meet up at a close mechanic friend of mine's shop and do some test and tuning on his dyno or repair/install parts, heck with what he charges me, its basically lesser then $20 for a whole day tuning your car. It's Tiger Racing, off of Buford Highway. His main specialty is turbo charged cars. But you'll probably quote me on that and think I'm some internet poser, so I'll just post the addy to his shop and number on another post.
Also just because I co-founded the team, doesn't mean I have all the say of what goes. If you really had read what was there, the owner and the car doesn't even have to go through any requiremtents, all you would need is a 7 out of 10 vote of the current members. But if you roll up in a car that has more mods and parts added to it on the exterior then what you have done in the engine performance wise, I guess you shouldn't have even waste time by reading the charter. Go ahead and think of us as any team out there, heck I don't even care if you think we're some lame show car team like Team Hybrid or Autocrapbots, E.Gay.C.I., just e-mail me mid next year and I'll even try to get the team to meet you and others halfway to a drag strip/ auto/circuit track/ hell even the longest highway full of turns. E-mail if you want to set it up, I'm definitly up for it and I'm pretty sure the rest of the team is down for it too. Heck if you beat all of us, then much props to you, atleast I stayed true on my words. You could claim you took on a whole team and beat them if you wanted too. All up to you.

oh yeah, this post was written with out much effort, since some of you like to quote on any and everything.