View Full Version : Anyone know about this car or Emotive Force????

11-29-2003, 11:07 AM

In the gallery i found this, and dousan mentioned Emotive Force, but i cant find anything on them, i was wondering if someone had more pictures of this car, and some other info, or a link to let me read on it a little

Thanks Much

11-29-2003, 11:21 AM
before all this shit started, i originally asked where i could get a specific front bumper with my s13 silvia conversion, and thats it, thats the one I want, i have looked all over the damn internet

11-29-2003, 12:00 PM
thats a bomex bumper man....

11-29-2003, 01:52 PM
huge BOMEX label on hood.

11-29-2003, 02:57 PM
I dont think its emotive force, i believe its ENOVATIVE Force. I think the owner is Non Fujita. he has a nice S14 too, but too bad its only a show car

11-29-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by DRFT
I dont think its emotive force, i believe its ENOVATIVE Force. I think the owner is Non Fujita. he has a nice S14 too, but too bad its only a show car

Then you havent seen his demo tapes. that shit hauls ass on the track.

11-29-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by DRFT
I dont think its emotive force, i believe its ENOVATIVE Force. I think the owner is Non Fujita. he has a nice S14 too, but too bad its only a show car

yeah check out on the scene vol 2 dvd shows him drifting it on the track. definately not just a show car. cars been around forever. Non's car on the cover of Super Street back in like 98 or so(?) was why I wanted an S14. first car stateside with the R33 look.

11-29-2003, 06:14 PM
i guess not then heh, iirc, he has a tomei built engine? sr21/22det? and a shit load of stuff on his s14. I've seen the car change alot over the years. but never seen it on track or anything.

11-29-2003, 06:14 PM
non's car is nice but at the same time, looks speak louder than specs.. his car doesnt have the chips and has TONS of aesthetical modifications -- these dont exactly make it a "race car" in my opinion.

Not knocking the car, but if you are going to say something hauls ass.. let it atleast have the scars to prove it. That thing doesnt even have rock chips.

- m

11-29-2003, 11:04 PM
i have some pics of the said car (s13)
well i guess that is the only one i have hosted.

11-30-2003, 03:40 AM
Looks nice but im not really feeling any of the bomex bumpers.

11-30-2003, 05:23 AM
does this help? http://www.enonvativforce.com/

11-30-2003, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by OC240
does this help? http://www.enonvativforce.com/

thank you thank you

11-30-2003, 07:08 AM
still cant find info on this s13, i also wanna see more pics of it

11-30-2003, 01:55 PM
let me try to give you some general info on the car
s13 coupe
bomex aero
custom paint color by Non Fujita
Spraco seats
Stripped interior
stock SR motor
i think its on TE 37 wheels now with large Brembo brakes.

12-01-2003, 02:26 PM
anyone have other pics and bomex model numbers for the kit???

12-01-2003, 07:09 PM
I am not a big fan of that gap in between the hood and lights and grill, but never the less the car is amazing I am sure. I like the look of that bumper a lot. I think I would've thrown the plate on thoe liscense plate mounts though in the middle of the bumper :D ....oh well.

This is the bumper you are looking for......
Front Bumper
AD-026 $410.00
That is taken from theBomex (http://www.bomexaero.com/bomexusa.html) Site.

12-02-2003, 04:39 AM
what about sides and rear, his backend looks slanted to me on the lower rear panel...i think i know what he has on there, i just wanna see more pics of it...