View Full Version : Homework Help!!..pls look...

11-28-2003, 08:22 PM
hi..everyone...i am doing a report for skool on mechanics...i jus want anyone to post a story or an incident where a mechanic has ripped u off or done something unacceptable..thanks...pls leave ur names too...but if u dont want to..jus put anonymous...thanks alot...i appreciate ur help
...o yea..also...i jus wanna kno if there is a difference if u bring ur car to a asian mechanic or a hispanic or white mechanic...any differences?...are the white people usually the bosses and the workers are either hispanic or asian? any input will be useful...thanks for ur time

11-28-2003, 08:28 PM
Not to insult you, but I hope your report will not have the same spelling as in your post.

Anyhow I notice that a lot of places in general will have Mexican/Hispanic Workers. Also the big commercial chains seem to give crappy service. Maybe they spent too much money on the commercials or something.